Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Decathlon Standings and Announcements at the end...

A moment of recognition for a fun and important fact. Today is HALF WAY through the year of posts for Highlowaha. That means for all the fun we've had, we still have that much ahead of us! Good news, I know. Now onto today's Olympic events.

Day #8


Today we pay tribute to the Javelin - the art of throwing a spear-like instrument with the intent of having it land point down... and in a particular location. Our Javelin Throw will be virtual. We too will take a pass at having our "spear" land point down and in a particular location.

Today we will test how creative and resourceful you are. Creative because you must develop a sales pitch, compelling enough to recruit a new visitor to our highlowaha community. Resourceful because the new visitor must come from a particular state in the country. It is the ONE state for which - half way through the year - we have NEVER had a single visitor.

When you're done rolling your eyes, focus on this bit of reason. We are ALL somehow connected to a group larger and more expansive than accessed in an average day. You are bound to people in other states whether it be by a professional association, a national soccer league, the National Parent Teacher Association, an organizational like Girl Scouts or Cub Scouts, a web-site, an alumni association, or a religious network.

This event, late in the decathlon, will undoubtedly build suspense... as it is the only "all or nothing" event in the series. You will earn an ideal 1 point for successfully having a resident of the state make a comment on today's post. If you are unable to have a resident of the state post a comment, 10 points (the total number of decathletes still standing) will be added to your score. IN ADDITION, you must send me an email telling me from which city in the state your resident will be posting.

How will I know? My trusty Googleanalytics program tracks daily the locations from where our highlowaha readers are coming. As residents of this state post on your behalf, I can cross reference Googleanalytics for their locations. Or, I can rely on what I know is a strong sense of ethics shared by our extraordinary readership and know you wouldn't compromise your integrity for something meant to be fun.

I'll warm your brains up this morning by letting you unscramble the letters to determine which state will be today's object of attention.


The Unsportsmen-like Trivia Question of the Day:
What was notable about the kite strings shown in the special interest story covered by Mary Carillo? Also, anybody want to take a guess at what was said to Nastia by the man presenting her with the silver medal for her bar routine? I'm dying to know.
  • Decathlon Standings: Congratulations to HEATHER, our winner of Monday's event - Name That Tune. Standings as of last night.
Cheryl: 23.4
Stacie: 25.1
Cassie: 27.3
Heather: 32.5
Brian: 37.4
Kat: 39.7
Peggy: 39.8
Julie: 40.8
Tera: 42.3
AZLori: 44.3
  • Make Your Mark: Knock, knock, who's there? No one!
  • Olympic Correspondents: Don't forget to check out Amy and Alden's daily Olympic post. If you've been following their travels, you know how much fun they are having and what a knack they have for sharing their experience with us.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo I'm making my move!
If we get more than one person to come on here will that help us in anyway?

Anonymous said...

First let me explain a possible disconnect in content. I tried to post on Helping Hand...but got lost in encription. Please see below. Also I must cheer my daughter....GO CASSIE!!!!! Bring home the gold.

The "Spirit of HLAHA". Ok lets take it up a notch. Claudia the challenge for all is to get in the local newspaper extolling the power of Bloggs. THINK BIG. See below:

- lets do more than one city
- lets have at least a notable mention on main blog daily
- lets post all family's needs so no matter where you are you can contribute. AND YOU CAN contribute to multiple families
-need to get in local newpaper

Julie said...

Heather - I'm making my move too ... best of luck!

Peggy said...


Young lady, you have done your Country proud... on behalf of the OIC, Congratulations on a job well done...

Montana... Yikes!

maureen said...

Mary Carillo was talking about kite flying. In China and other countries they have kite battles and the kite strings are covered in glass and glue and she said it was hardcore kite flying. She compared China to US kite flying as Hockey to Rollerball. She likes kites with octopi....

FYI the glass was meant to cut the strings of other kites but also has killed bicyclists and other kite flyers. It has been outlawed in some other countries.

maureen said...

Claudia I mailed my 4 "teacher stories" to you and with only 9 I was wondering if you received them... I am trying to get my friends involved but haven't gotten any letters back..... Keep me posted

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Maureen.... The good news... Yes. I received your four stories. The bad news... you represent almost half the total collected stories to date!!!!!

maureen said...

If I could get my 18 yr old son to write a story and my 2 girls to HANDWRITE as story there is NO reason you shouldn't succeed with this challenge!!!!! My challenge was harder LOL!

Anonymous said...

Alright, I guess I got nailed with the javelin. This post is for Cheryl O'Pry - my name is Jeff and I live and work in beautiful Helena, Montana. Good luck!

Cheryl Houston said...

Jeff from Helena, MT is my HERO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping Shana from Big Sky reads her email today and doesn't think I'm completely bonkers!

Cheryl Houston said...

Oh Heather!

Last night after I shut my computer down and was getting ready to go to bed I hear your card singing, Celebrate, Good times, come on!

Okay- the boys were with Andy. I'm alone in the house. When I make my way to the kitchen where the card is I say to myself, "This is where she gets killed in the horror movie." LOL

The card had fallen over and open. Scared the bejeebeez out of me.

Anonymous said...

It was just me sending warm wishes your way!

I have to tell you that it took everything I had not to add the line to my song to read:

"You'll be falling in love with former members of the marching band"

I guess I'm glad I didn't put it in since I won.

Congrats on getting a poster from MT!!!

Cheryl Houston said...

Too funny, Heather. On both accounts. I wonder how many former marching band members we do have on the site???

Anyone else in the marching band?

Congrats on your win for Name That Tune! I'm so relieved I got my post done this morning. I can finally feel my blood pressure going down. :)

Kat said...

I'm working on my Montana person, and we will see what happens!

Anonymous said...

COME ON HEATHER, where's your montana person?! you're almost on top!


Anonymous said...

I really need a cheering section around here, if anyone's looking to root for someone! Unless I remain super consistent over the next few days AND can get my bake-off treat overnighted today (I've been on two out-of-town trips over the past four days), I'm going to have a hard time pulling off a victory with all my tough competitors out there.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

In my attempt to remain neutral, I will not cheer for any ONE person. However... Go:

Peggy, and
last but definitely not least Julie!

I am so impressed with your stick-to-itiveness! You've been at this for 8 days now. The end is in sight!

Katie said...

On a quick lunch break during a FUN move-in day for our residents, I just want to say:

Go, Cheryl, Go!

Anonymous said...

Don't fret Peggy!
I live in Polson, Montana!
Plus I know the answer to the kite string question. Mary Carillo was doing a story about kite fighting, and the string of some of the kites are covered with glass. That way when they are up in the air, the glass will cut other flyers strings and make their kite fly away.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand this at all! How did you decide to call on campus at Missoula, MT? And why the Residence Life Office? I hope I did this random...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think I was supposed to say I was cheering for Cassie??? I don't know...This is random

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Claudia, the author of this blog and many of her readers also work in Resident life. It seemed a good place to start my search for someone in MT.
Thanks again you saved the day!
Come back tomorrow and cheer for me some more!

Anonymous said...

This post is for Heather. My name is Stephanie and I live in Billings, Montana. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say no copy cats!

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! I got one.
When this is all over i'd love to hear everyone's stories of how they got their person to visit.

Oh and CKB can you verify that our person shows up on Google Analytics so that we know if we need to keep working on someone or if we are good to go.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were supposed to post our person's city BEFORE they actually post?? I'm so confused. At this point, I'll be lucky to get someone at all, but letting them state the city and not having to do it myself would help a lot.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Stacie and others... the purpose of YOU stating the city is to assure the person you said you contacted, is in fact the person who posts.

Focus on finding your person and then follow up with an email letting me know who it was and where they are posting from.

Anonymous said...

I'm from montana and this is for heather

Anonymous said...

Colter is from Lakeside Montana! That is in Kalispell!


Anonymous said...

Oh and Heather I promise 100% Colter is in Montana!

Anonymous said...

But, you can never trust those GRIZZLIES!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm back online...and from my apartment. Whew...finally :)

I'm on a mission to find someone to post for me!

Hope everyone enjoying "National Radio Day"!

Anonymous said...

Dr. B -

You cheered for everyone competing in the deacthalon but me :(

Can I get a cheerleader since the host of the blog is showing me NO love?!

Anonymous said...

I am also contacting Dr. Ron Wilde, my organic chemistry professor from college. He now works at a school in Helena, but I don't know where he lives, so can't be sure he'll be posting from Helena!

Cheryl Houston said...

Come On Peanut, Tera!!!

You can find someone from Montana to post!! Concentrate! Think!

You can do it!

Anonymous said...

I feel the love...finally :)

I knew I could count on you, Cheryl.

I've got the website out lots of Montanans? Montanites? What are they?

Cheryl Houston said...

You learned nothing from Taste of USA! tsk! :)


Anonymous said...

You just BUSTED me...big time ;)

Cheryl Houston said...

Focus Tera. You have 6 hours left.

Anonymous said... me.

Anonymous said...

Greetings- My name is Kelly and I am from Missoula and this is for Tera-

Cheryl Houston said...

I feel like I'm at a track meet and now that we've crossed to finish line we can go back and cheer for the others on our team!

But, we're all on the same team so come on everyone!

Anonymous said...

I know Cheryl,
I was going to share my trick with Tera but she pulled it out on her own.

Anonymous said...

Unless I'm sorely mistaken, I think I'm the only person who has posted the names of my Montana contacts and their cities BEFORE they have actually posted. Now I just have to hope they post. Will I get extra credit for following the rules (at least as I understood them), CKB?

Heather, could you throw me a bone over here? Sounds like you know a lot of people in Montana and might be sharing contact info with my competitors. Call me paranoid, but I'm beginning to think I might have a bullseye on my back over here.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Welcome to Hilary's world, Stacie. It's one way of knowing you are considered a real contender... a force to be reckoned with.

Cheryl Houston said...

The rules say:
1. You will earn an ideal 1 point for successfully having a resident of the state make a comment on today's post.
2. IN ADDITION, you must send me an email telling me from which city in the state your resident will be posting.

When I was corresponding with Jeff, I CC'ed Claudia on the conversation.

I think it's more to make sure you don't just have anyone post from any old place.

Come on, Stacie! You can do it! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

So I obviously misunderstood the rules. Thanks for clarifying, Cheryl. And thanks for throwing some love my way, too!

Cheryl Houston said...

Now that you understand, get busy girl. Businesses will be closing soon!

Anonymous said...

Look, the calling random businesses thing occurred to me a LONG time ago! But I'd prefer to wait 'til I don't have a choice before I go that route. Seems like a shortcut that takes away half the fun, at least for me.

malcolm723 said...

Hey this is Malcolm from Whitefish, Montana! This is a hey from Lori R. !

jess in mt said...

posting for Heather - live in Missoula Montana.

Anonymous said...

Whew....thank you, Kelly!

Heather, I just now saw your "call me" post. I emailed Res Life staffs at two different schools in MT. I figured they could benefit from this site so that is the road I went down.

I'm cheering for all of you, epsecially if you don't have a MT poster yet. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Well, I am chiming in for Kat from the Middle of Nowhere Montana.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I know no one in Montana which meant having to make a rather awkward sales pitch and get people on here...amazingly I've not had three posters since I cast a wide net.
Good luck, I'm rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm officially out of the competition, folks. I'm incredibly bummed about it, but there was NO WAY I could pay the gozillion dollars they wanted to overnight my baked goods to CKB!! I had intended to make it over the weekend and then have my hub ship it on Monday, but we had to leave unexpectedly on Friday because of some urgent family stuff, and then I was out of town M & T, so I didn't get to make it 'til today. So sorry I couldn't finish the whole thing. But I guess I've at least got the consolation of being able to eat all of my would-be entry?

Anonymous said...

Stacie...want me to hand deliver a pack of Nestle toll house cookies as suggested by CKB earlier to keep you in the game?

I'll do it.

Kat said...

Heather- It was nice running into you today! Maybe I will "see" you there again sometime.

Anonymous said...

Heather, thanks so much for the offer, but I'm ok. You know me... I wouldn't feel right about the fact that I didn't actually do the baking, and beyond that, I was planning to throw my card in with my baked goods package, so that wasn't postmarked in time either. So I've lost on two counts in terms of staying in the game. Fun while it lasted, that's for sure. If we hadn't had to do so much traveling, and L hadn't been such a handful today, I'd have been fine, but no such luck. Maybe next time (assuming Claudia has more games like this one up her sleeve)! And if there is another multi-day competition like this one, I'd like to vote for at least one freebie day, or dropping the lowest score or something. The worst part is that I think the bake-off could have been the one thing I had a shot at winning!

Brian K. Root said...

Well, I've got absolutely nothing today...

Cheryl Houston said...

But Brian it doesn't knock you out today, you just get more points. Are you going to stay in?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Brian... Cheryl is right. You are not knocked out. You will just have more points added to your total score than some other decathletes. We still have a few scores hanging out there AND Friday's event will offer opportunity to gain back points.

Don't give up now. You're way too close to the end.

What about putting a plea out ON the posts. Maybe a Montana reader is out there and would get a friend to post on your behalf.

Montana are you out there? Brian needs your help. Call a friend and have them post on his behalf. He is so close!


Anonymous said...

This is a message for Cheryl....

John D. Sullivan here. I am sending this message from my home in Nowhere, MT. It's actually Cut Bank, MT; but what's the difference? Just imagine Refugio with less to do; Woodsboro perhaps... Hope this helps.