Today is Free For All Friday, but first an important spotlight on the person responsible for sewing the Back to School Table Cloth I showcased on Monday (8/25). The same tablecloth, I might add, that I am giving away to a lucky Highlowaha reader on Monday. Want a crack at winning it? Check out Monday's (8/25) post to find out how.

I love excellence. I love meeting people who are excellent at what they do... whatever that is. Julie sent me a video yesterday of a grocery store bagger who made it his business to be an EXCELLENT grocery bagger. He thoughtfully placed inspiring quotes in customers' bags each day that he was scheduled to work. Eventually customers caught on and sought to check out only in his aisle, even if it meant waiting longer than necessary. Eventually, employees in other departments were motivated to improve the quality of their service, ultimately transforming the grocery store. That is the power of excellence.
Christi Cooper is that kind of excellent. Christi is the woman who volunteered to teach me how to sew while working on a Back To School tablecloth for me and for one lucky Highlowaha reader. Cassie mentioned Christi was a hard worker, but in no way did I imagine the M*E*T*I*C*U*L*O*U*S work that Christi produced. Mind you, I am no seamstress. But, I know excellence when I see it and I think you'll agree. The craftsmanship is beautiful!
The other most notable thing about Christi? She is the epitome of humble. She is excellent, not because of the attention it will get her, but because excellence is who she is at her core.
Here's the good news... Christi has a small collection of things she is willing to make in her free time -albeit limited with three children. So, if you're organized, like our fellow reader Sue, and you've already started your Christmas shopping, consider ordering something custom made by Christi. Two items she makes frequently for friends and as baby shower gifts are pictured below.
The first are baby blocks made of fabric and the second picture is obviously a shirt with a handmade applique. If you would like to inquire about any of the items, please feel free to contact Christi at
Now for Free For All Friday...
So, whadda ya wanna talk about? Today I have absolutely ZERO agenda items.
Newcomers... need a gift idea, hosting a party, looking for ideas about how to organize? Pose your question here, today on Free For All Friday. The impressive and collective creativity of our readership will weigh in.
T.G.I.F. Signing off until tomorrow...
OK. I'll just throw one out there...
My Mom's big 40th bday is next April. I know, you are saying- WOW thats even farther away than Christmas. However, I am super excited about it. I have designated myself (unknown to everyone else really) as the planner of my mom's 40th bday party. But, I want a head start; because I am a college student in nursing school! And I am graduating next May. So the sooner I can get things planning the better. OK. So I am not going to tell you anything about my Mom. I want ideas. THEME ideas.
What kind of theme should I go with for my mom's 40th birthday party April, 2009?!
Cassie if you are lurking...we'll miss you around here!
Have you seen KMart ads on tv lately? They have their own little blue light special.... a light bulb mascot as well!
I was reading RealSimple magazine lately and they have a solutions page of Aha moments! A submission of double-duty household items where there is an original purpose, an AHA! use and the reward.
One of the cool things I got for my 40th birthday was a large charicature poster of myself (dh had it created)... everyone who came to my surprise party got to view it and then signed it with a special memory they had with me!
And something fun I did for my husband was... I was able to sneak into his office the night before and put funny 8-1/2 x11 pictures of him everywhere... Jeff's 40 today (he got off the elevator, there was a picture) across from his office a picture, in the mens/women's restrooms a picture ... and then I decorated his office with black over the hill stuff. There was no way he could take it down before anyone saw it, and everybody loved the goofy picture when he was 12!
Sorry - no theme ideas - but if you need anything that says Matt is 40 I've got that covered
One thing thuogh- I a photo grouping for Matt's 40th which was displayed at the party. I used a bunch of pictures from the years (baby to recent). I put them on wood sticks and placed them in vases at various heights. There were 4 vases on the table with 6 pictures in each vase. It was a fun and inexpensive way of having photos for everyone to see easily.
PS- Claudia with the first game of football season next week - have you announced the secret ingredient for week one?
For a theme either pick a movie or play she is fond of or just see what was happening in 1968. You could run with that one. Or even something from the mid 80's when she was a teen. I am 2 yrs older than your mom and I dont remember the 60's of course but I loved the 80's. You could do a centerpiece for each table that is either a different show, song, actor/actress, etc. I like the 80's theme. If you need any help email me direct and I will help you with ideas. Planning my daughters Sweet 16 had opened up a whole new passion for me....
IMPORTANT NOTE: Good thinking Cristine. It is going to take some warming up to get me in the full swing of things for Countdown to the Superbowl.
Here goes our first vote for secret ingredient. This is Richard v. Brian. Vote either...
Garlic powder or bacon (bacon bits acceptable).
keep ideas rolling for Cassie P.
I was thinking the same a Breakfast Club theme or some other fun 80s theme since that was when she was in high school.
Two quick things...
Cassie P.- whatever you do, don't do the Over the Hill thing. Since I've hit the delete button three times now, I'll just stop there.
I'll think about more themes for you.
Second- I vote for Bacon.
Cassie P... I dont advise "Over The Hill" because there is still so many other milestones you can use that for. I love the 80's because it brings back a lot of good memories. Even people that hated their teen years loved the 80's.... Thats it I decided you MUST do the 80's LOL. You can even tell people to dress the part. It would be so much fun... Until ;the Boy George Look-alike shows up ha ha...
Ooohhh another good theme you could do...
"Welcome to the 40s" and go with
1940s theme...that would be fun too!
Okay, this is super last minute because I'm doing it tonight, but that's just the way my mind works sometimes.
As some of you know, I'm a hall director in a residence hall and have a staff of 9 RAs. Well, today marks the end of the first week of classes and the first full week of having residents in our building. I decided about 5 minutes ago that I want to have a pizza and game party for my staff tonight to celebrate all their hard work...and really, to just have some fun together!
So, I've got the pizza and game thing under control, but here's what I need help with...a small gift for them (remember, there are 9 of them so anything times 9 really adds up as far as money goes.) I thought about getting each of them a bucket from Target and starting the whole "drop" in your bucket concept among the staff. (a drop is basically a nice note placed in their individual buckets) But, I'm really open to anything- any ideas?
I got my replacement CD and it works! The little bit I've been able to listen to is greatness. (Darn reading homework and soccer practice!) Can't wait to listen to the whole thing.
Pondering your last minute party gift idea.
Thanks for the CD! You rock!
I'm so glad it works! I tested it in my car before sending it, so I figured it would work this time. My computer is old and so the cds it burns don't always work- it's moody like that!
I'm actually listening to the CD's a great one! Once you've listened to the whole thing you'll have to let me know which is your favorite!
I don't know if my vote should count - but I have to say BACON. Hello- everything is better with Bacon.
Oooohhh, Katie. This is exactly the kind of thing I love to brainstorm. Recognition on a shoe string.
Let's see... If I was a hard working RA who just made it through opening and the first week of class, what I want?
Down time. Games and pizza are perfect. Hmmm... so a small treat everyone can take away?
The first thing that came to mind was a Magazine Draw. So you would buy 9 new magazines, ranging in topics, and each RA would close their eyes and draw one from a grab bag. Then after games they could go back to their rooms, relax, and read their new magazines. Then I remembered that the magazine I bought yesterday was $3.00+. So scratch that.
Drops in the bucket are fun. I assume you would have them write one another notes tonight. The thing is the idea is less likely to persist if people take their buckets back to their rooms. But if they are in the central RA office, then will they be getting treats as you intended.
That made me think maybe you could give them the gift of time. Could you create a grab bag of gift certificates made by you...for them? Examples could be... Good for 2 hours of duty coverage; Good for one editing of class paper; Good for 1 one-on-one swap. Instead we'll go for ice cream. My treat; Good for one custom made CD of your favorite music; Good for one duty swap, no questions asked. etc...
Snacks are always a fun gift... especially for starving college students. Could you make Chex Mix or give the each a bag of microwave popcorn with a note that says, "For all you do, this Coke's for you."
O.k. I could ramble on with nonsense all afternoon. I'll stop.
Cassie P.... I'm still milling over your mother's birthday idea. I love what has brainstormed already.
If you are wanting to host a fun theme party, then I think it would be great fun to do a throw back to the 80's, as suggested by Maureen. That lends itself to ALL KINDS of creativity. Cristine's idea of photographs could be incorporated as well.
I'm a small gathering kinda girl, so my ideal party would be small and intimate. Maybe close friends at a favorite restaurant or a coffee and cake gathering at my local favorite coffee house (which, since my husband's purchase of a professional espresso machine - could be my house)!
There are probably great "vinatge 80's" websites (hard as that is for me to believe) where you could get some great ideas for decorations, invitations, etc....
Ooh, or maybe you could have a game show theme where questions about your mom are the focus of the evening. I'm thinking Jeopardy-like.
Then of course there's Noah's Ark with forty days and forty nights. Could everything about the night come in twos?
I should stop.
Katie- I'm so out of touch. Glow sticks and bubbles from the dollar store probably wouldn't work. Thank goodness you have Claudia with her Generator Brain!
Cassie P.- as for the 40th birthday party, I searched the internet a little bit and I liked the "40 & Fabulous" saying. 40 is the new 20! So they say. I think that could totally lend to a Hollywood type theme. Red Carpet. Or, could it lend itself to just a classic beautiful them with lots of colorful flowers.
Go back and look at some of the table decorations that were featured with Nan's church. (Dine by Design 4/14).I thought she listed all the tables but I couldn't find them.
Feeling less than creative today. Need more input. What does your mom like?
Found the list: it's on May 3rd. Titled Super Saturday...Stop, Go, Serendipity. It's just the list of topics. Like Flip Flop Paradise... I hear Jimmy Buffett music and see everything beachy. Or, The Cat's Meow and your mom at 40 is "The Cat's Meow".
Cats was a big show in 80's wasn't it?
Deal or No Deal- your mom can play for the Million Dollars and all her friends can have the "cases" (or envelopes).
You're not out of touch. We had glow stick day as one of our themese during training week where we all wore glow sticks!!!
PS- I vote bacon.
I gave all four of my RAs a coupon to get off of active duty "one hour early", good at any point during the semester with 48 hours advance notice.
But, yes, the coupon idea is one of my personal favorites.
Katie- I am just a lurker since being asked to post from Montana about two weeks ago but since I supervise student staff for our family housing community I thought maybe I could throw some ideas your way.
Since your staff spent the week making sure all the other students were taken care of, maybe you could have some grad bag items for some school supplies, or toiletries that they could use (toothpaste, soap)- sort of like you are taking care of them.
Not sure if you have a fund for these types of things but going along with the coupon idea suggested earlier with duty night coverage- getting some discounted movie tickets, or ice cream bars, or maybe even having a sign posted on their door showing your appreciation for the work they do.
Good luck!
And Claudia- thank you for the treat- I love it!
Kelly... so glad you're out there and that you are even contributing ideas. That is the beauty and power of this community. Hopefully you'll let us help you sometime.
Glad you enjoyed the treat. I appreciate you playing along with us.
Okay Claudia.......Because you "played" the friend card - I will take a football weekend. Can't remember the date, so let me know. And, of course, you will have to remind me of the rules, etc.
You sure you wouldn't rather have a kidney....hehehehe.
While I'm thinking about "playing along with us..." There are two of you out there for which I waiting final word.
Lori are you in for Countdown to the Super Bowl or are you too scarred from your last post office experience? Let me know ASAP, as I need to finalize the roster.
Susan. Does no morning post mean rejection? Let me know. Yes or No... inquiring minds want to know.
Okay, I thought I was going crazy. Claudia, Lori posted on your post last night:
azlori said...
Ok...I'll bite! I'll Take Dec 7th.
If you get more takers later who really want to join in they can have my day!
August 28, 2008 11:52 PM
Were you and Susan typing at the same time???
THANK YOU to all of your for your great ideas! Though I may not have used them today, I wrote them all down for future reference for recognition throughout the year- so THANKS!
One in particular, free night of duty (aka I cover their duty shift for them) is going to be their birthday present for each of them! I remember as an RA thinking it would have been great if my HD would have sat duty for us a time or two and definitely want to do it for my staff!
Here's what I ended up going with after a wonderful trip to Target-
1. A bag of popcorn
2. A bottle of coke
3. For the girls, nail polish
4. For the boys, crossword/ word find/ sudoku books
I'm going with the tag line " Pop your feet up and take a rest on me..."
Now I'm off to ribbon it all together, get to baking some pizzas and cleaning this apartment of mine!
Thanks again for ALL your ideas!
PS- Claudia, I think Lori said yes to the challenge late last might want to check the post from yesterday.
Claudia - The post right above yours is from me (Susan) It says anonymous because I can't remember my Google password - oops.
So it's final.
Lori vs. Heather on November 30
Susan vs. Cheryl on December 7
That's it. The Countdown to the Super Bowl is officially on!
I asked for Dec 7th....we have a soccer tournament in Vegas the week of Thanksgiving and I doubt I'd have enough time to get an entry ready AND get to the post office to compete on Nov. 30th.
Oops. My bad, Lori. Let me re-announce that.
Susan vs. Heather on November 30
Lori vs. Cheryl on December 7
I'll be honored to play against you as I've heard all about you from Claudia.
Welcome to HLA!
Heather - Don't believe anything she says about me. I'm much much crazier than she would ever admit.
O.K.. Claudia......I am on my way to your house before midnight tonight to enter the Tablecloth contest and submit my paragraphs and teachers!!! That'll get me there before the deadline, so check your postbox in the a.m.!!!! Happy Free for all Friday!! Love, NAN
Nan... great t to see you made it under the wire. Check back on Monday to see if you are the lucky winner.
I hope people come back over to read this..I may repost on the main post once it is up but:
If you are looking for a way to get your pictures printed from last year for Claudia's system I have a great way.
Today only you can go to and enter the coupon code GETFIFTY and you will get 50 4x6 prints for an even $5!!!!!
That is a steal and a great way to get most of your prints in one fell swoop!
Heather... Thanks for the heads up. Do you think we're the only two crazy people up and reading this at this hour of the morning?
i do.
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