It's been a while, I know. I've had a busy summer. After flying Claudia's coop, I camped out at Cassie's for a while. She bought me the cool purple boots I'm wearing. Check 'em out. Go ahead, say it... You like 'em... you love 'em... you want a pair of 'em. Too bad. They're mine. The closest you'll get is a pair of purple cowboy boot cookies. That's provided you can get Cassie (or Stacie) to bake you some.
Cassie showed me a great time with her three kids, swimming at the pool everyday. Much as I loved hanging out in Euless, it was time to go.
You can't keep a good idea down. I had Olympics to see and people to meet. So, while you all were enjoying your Virtual Dinner Party, I was enjoying the real thing. Since opening night it's been one party after another... rubbing elbows with Michael Phelps; rooting on Nastia and Shawn; leading the cheering section for Misty May and Ms. Six Feet of Sunshine; trying to keep pace with all the track athletes; and last night watching the diving (did you see me, Alden, and Amy on the Jumbo-tron?).
Anyway, the Olympics end any day now. Kids around the country are returning to school and I have to be back in the states by then. I love the smell of crayons and new school supplies really boost my wattage! After that it's off to Pennsylvania. Rumor has it you all are meeting up in Philly the weekend of September 5. Maybe I'll pop in for a visit.
Oh, I almost forgot. Today I bought a t-shirt while shopping the Beijing markets. I figure I'll make Claudia proud and give it to one of the lucky readers smart enough to send Claudia a postcard for her Random Act of Kindness (RAK) box. She'll like that. In fact, if she was here, she would probably say, "Don't forget to remind readers to send in a postcard with their home mailing address." I'll appease her. If you've moved or you've never sent Claudia a postcard with your mailing address, take a second and send her one. First of all, you could win a prize. Second of all, maybe just maybe, she'll shut up! Her mailing address is 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, TX, 76051.
As for the lucky winner... Sue Kolkmeier! It'll be on it's way to you just as soon as I get back from China.
Gotta go. Claudia will be posting any time now and I don't want to take a chance she'll spot me.
Ray you look so HOT in those boots. You would do Claudia's sister proud!!!!
Ray! Have you seen Alden & Amy? Sounds like you are having a great time. Wow! Rubbing elbows with Michael Phelps? Be Safe Ray!
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