Decathlete Standings listed below, under announcements.
Day #3
Lunch with Yin and Yang
While we won't whack anything today, I think I've figured out a way we can invite von Oech to participate in our olympic fun. But first... an overview.

Today's competition will loosely relate to the Chinese concept of yin and yang. Samantha Austin's book, China: Secret of the Dragon explains that while both yin and yang are opposites, they are energies that complement and rely upon each other, constantly in motion and flux. Yin is associated with the night, darkness, the moon and women, whereas yang is associated with day, lightness, the sun and men.
Our friend von Oech discusses an idea loosely related to yin and yang. He advocates for the idea of "cross-fertilization. He suggests that some of the best ideas come from cutting across disciplinary boundaries and looking into other fields. Author, von Oech challenges readers to consider what advances could be made if, for instance, a bull fighter and a gardener brainstormed over lunch.
I wonder the same thing. What new innovation would await us if seemingly opposite people sat down to lunch and brainstormed? Having said all of that, here is today's challenge....
In consultation with your lunch mates - Ying and Yang - innovate the next best craft supply to hit stores before Christmas. Our judges will vote on which innovation they would most likely purchase. Innovations must include a product name and description.
Today's Unsportsmen-like Trivia Question of the Day:
While winning his fourth gold medal of the 2008 Olympics, the commentator mentioned that Michael Phelp's mother did what as her job?
Make Your Mark: Imagine my excitement when I arrived at my mailbox this afternoon and found an envelope filled with FOUR favorite teacher stories from Maureen. Then Cheryl showed up at my doorstep with the fifth story of my day. I think that gives us a total of 10 stories. Only 90 more to go and ten days to go. That means an average of nine a day. Have you written your story yet? See below.
Patchwork: Earn a Make Your Mark patch for your jeans by gathering five Make Your Mark stories from friends, colleagues, or neighbors and mail them to me (along with $5.00 per story, to cover makers, postage, and mailing envelope). Mail stories to me at Claudia K. Beeny, 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, Texas, 76051.
Click on: When logging on today you might have noticed the three new links on the top right hand side of our blog. Hopefully the links will allow you to easily access information about our highlowaha book club (Reading Raynbows), our Christmas service project (Helping Hands), and our trip to Philly (Taste of USA).
Decathlete Standings: For the purposes of our decathlon, the LOWER the score the HIGHER your standings! Names are listed in ascending order from first place to last. Remember, this is the first of TEN events. Anything is still possible.
Julie 6.0
Jamie 6.3
Stacie 7.0
AZLori 7.0
Kat 7.7
Tera 8.0
Cassie 8.0
Mike 9.3
Cheryl 11.3
Ashlee 11.7
EKnox 11.7
BKRoot 12.3
Creighton 12.3
Cristine 13.3
cspgrad 14.0
peggy 14.3
Cassie P. 14.3
Heather 14.7
Britcole 14.7
Melanie 14.7
Matt 15.3
As Prize #1, Julie wins the first of 10 Asian patches, meaning "prosperity,"
Signing off until tomorrow...
O.k. so the first announcement of the day is from me...
As it turns out, it will be too difficult to announce winners the next night AND then again the following morning. The judges are from all over town and gathering responses is more cumbersome than anticipated.
So, we will post winners two morning's later. For example, the winner of today's event will be announced on Friday morning.
MP's Mom was a teacher and is now a school administrator.
Correct-o, Heather! Very good.
Michael's mom is an middle school pricipal. I'm sure with school begining she will go back to a mountain of work...His record setting gold medals will help to lessen the pain of that awaiting load! Go USA!
seek time over talent!
Can you possible send me your email address...I have some QUESTIONS for you...or shoot me an email at
What’s the most difficult part of any project? For me, it’s cutting out that one item or many items in a precise and detailed style. Well, your worries are over! No project is too small! No project is too big!
What do you need to cut? A die cut for your card or invitation project? How about cutting out cardboard or foam core board for shapes decorations for a party or presentations? Or it could be fabric for your child’s Halloween costume or your next beautiful quilt. What about tile or glass for mosaic tables or stained glass projects? I saw these amazing wood cutouts to decorate a kid’s room. I didn’t have a large saw and router to cut those items out. Well, your worries about cutting out any project are over.
Welcome to the Easy Cutter!
The Easy Cutter is simple to use. It’s lightweight and you simply hold it like you would hold your pen. You just set the dial for paper, fabric, tile, wood, glass or 20 other items. But wait! Say you want a scalloped edge or zigzag or even beveled edge. Set the second dial to the edge type you want and that’s it! Start cutting.
There are endless numbers of applications you can utilize with the Easy Cutter. Throw away those old scissors that hurt your hands! Throw away those X-Acto blades that go dull after two cuts! Throw away the box cutters, saws and routers! The Easy Cutter is all you will ever need to cut any piece of paper, fabric, tile, glass, wood- simply anything!
The special laser in Easy Cutter is specially designed to never wear out. And here’s the best part! The designers of the Easy Cutter of programmed the laser to recognize if it comes in contact with human skin and stop cutting! Never cut yourself again! Safe enough for children to use!
Your projects will come out perfect every time! At only $18.00, they’re so affordable that you’ll want to purchase one for every member of your family or office. So, don’t delay. The Easy Cutter is waiting at store near you!
Happy Cutting with Easy Cutter!
I'm going to echo Matt on this one...I'm going to need some TIME because my TALENT is lacking when it comes to product development...I'll have to check back later.
check out my blog to get more info and a picture of my product flyer
Remembering the scaffolding
Ok Today's new product line is the handy dandy Extendo Stapling Rod. Are you one of those people that love puting up Christmas lights but are afraid of Heights? Or maybe your worried about falling through your roof. Worry no more. Now you have the Extendo Rod Stappler. With the ability to extend up to 50ft. The patented Hook to hold your string of lights with a Stapling mechanism makes hanging Christmas lights Fast and Easy.
Introducing "Write-On!" the newest creation in crafting.
How many times do you want to put words or letters on your craft project (scrapbook pages, door decs, etc.) and you either have to print them from a computer, cut and glue them on...or you have to write them by hand.
The "Write-On!" allows you to write on any thing you want. Just simply type in the what you want it to say, place the "Write-On!" excactly where you want the words and press print! The rest is history!
Coming soon to a store near you!
Oh! The Baking Gods are on my side!! I just got an email notification that my secret ingredient will be in this week!
Can I get an AMEN!
Thank you, Tera!!! craft idea:
Insta-Stick Scanner
Do you love incorporating digital art into your craft product, but you aren't all that handy with a computer or scanner? Does working with a computer program sometimes make your head spin? Well, try the new Insta-Stick Scanner!
It's a new product that allows you to scan any object and make labels, stickers, page border, or anything that you could imagine! Simply select a size of scanning wheel (from .5 inch to 2 inches, with a total capacity of scanning from 5 inches to 10 inches in length, respectively), attach to scanning handle, roll the wheel over the item to scan, press 1 button and, voila, your wheel will send the data to the printing dock and print as many copies of the label as you want!
Scan anything: a photo, a newspaper clipping, hand writing...even your child's fingerprints! This innovation will save you hours of time on those intricate crafting projects. Designing a page border? Just draw a small section, print repeat on our printing dock and you can have yards of YOUR design! No complicated computer programs to navigate. It's versatile, it's cheap, it's personal!
Starter kit: Just $89.99 and includes
-2 wheels (.5" x 5" and 1" x 7 "), -2 rolls of .5" tape
-2 rolls of 1" tape-
-PLUS a sample roll of scalloped metallic tape!
-2 colored ink cartridges
-Also...scanning handle, and...
-printing dock, which saves up to 99 designs for future use.
-USB port, in case you want to save the designs to an external port.
Act now...these are flying out of stores!
Try our other products as well: such as pre-cut stickers, curvy edged tape, multi-colored background, or even our sharp, black tape! We've got something for EVERY project!
My invention is the "Sew Easy"!
Sew Easy is the newest trend for all of your crafting needs. Do you hate getting out your whole sewing machine and thread it just to sew a small hem? Would you like to add a stitched detail to a scrapbook page? It is a small machine (shaped a bit like a stapler)that can meet any of your sewing needs! Just load your thread cartridges into the Sew Easy, turn the dial to the stitch pattern of your choice, and get sewing! A gentle squeeze can fix a shirt or embellish a card. There is no limit to the creative things you could do with the Sew Easy! Try two different colored thread cartridges for a fresh look! And the best part? The needles in the Sew Easy are completely covered so that even the youngest crafter can use it! Try it now and say goodbye to old fashioned sewing machines forever!
Picture this….
You are part of the American public that suddenly finds their arms have become much to short to read the fine print much less thread a needle. You buy all those crazy sit on the end of your nose glasses so you can see to read and to do your beloved pastime of sewing. Sewing has always been the craft in your life that brought you back to ground level and keeps you centered. You live sewing project to sewing project and in between you keep a section of your thoughts on that stack of material on your sewing table. Now with glasses getting lost every five minutes how in the world will you ever manage to tread the machine to start on today’s favorite project (Crib quilts for the local orphans)?
TB Franks’ now has the solution. MaGoo Eyes! The world first sewing machine with built in magnifying glasses. Need to thread your needle? No problem! Just slide the tread arm magnifying glass down and instantly you can see the needle and even the presser foot. Can’t see how your tread in lying down? No problem! Just slide the Free Arm magnifying glass over and now you can see as you stitch! Genius we know!
Now what if you have a machine you already love and that you are not willing to trade? No problem! We have a solution for this too! TB Franks’ has all the magnifying glass arms to retrofit your loyal machine. Just come see us at one of our fine locations and our precision trained staff can help you with all your sewing needs!
Remember if you can’t see it TB Franks’ MaGoo eyes can help!
Hey, all... check out my blog. I've posted a new question that I need your help with.
Well, I think I am going to have to drop out of the competition...
I just got back yesterday from california (as I mentioned before). And I come home, plug in my computer, and it is broken! Awesome...or NOT! So I am currently using my mother's computer...not so convienent. Not only this, but I am going out of town again this weekend; to an unknown location. My parents are taking my on a surprise trip to my 21st birthday. That's three days I will probably not have access to a computer, nor time to post. So that said, I have decided just not to stress out too much about this, and enjoy the last week and a half of my summer. Sorry I cannot contribute! But one less person you all have to beat!
Since I can't figure out how to create my blog in a link from other blog comment spaces, here is my product description.
And, THANK YOU shell!! I got my Olympic Mouth guard, my wrist sweat bands (dd who is 13 wondered what the heck those were) the Stars (for all the Gold medals I have potential in being a WINNER) the sports stickers... and the Gift certificates to get Sweet Tea at Mickey D's....You've been sweet and mysterious... my next guess is Kat...but with the clues and all the c and K names, I'm confused!
Here is my must have product:
Incredible tiny micro-baubles that you gently press into your palm, forehead or suboccipital, to stimulate brain activity, articulation and creative drive . These minute minuscules of atmospheric molecules are almost naked to the eye, but will give you strength in productivity, in positive reenforcement factors, and work their magic to encourage you in all areas that you have minimal cranial creativity. Only $19.95 plus s & h, and applicable taxes and only if your last name ends with y!
A tiny division of the Artfuldodger Co - All rights reserved - Innovative New Product Division - Fake!
The Stickie Mickie
Just call it Mickie... Stickie Mickie. The machine that creates any sticker or label you can imagine with virtually no extra effort on the user's part.
-Hook Mickie up to your desktop or laptop just like you do with your printer.
-Print your image or label, any shape or size (smaller than the standard sheet of paper), and it is produced exactly as you see on your computer screen... except on sticker paper.
-There is no cutting out involved. Mickie does it all for you.
-Print your image, peel the paper from the back of your sticker, and go crazy.
No more time wasted by cutting out individual, unique shapes of different sizes. The Stickie Mickie detects the settings of your image from the computer and automatically produces a sticker the exact shape and size that you created on the computer.
ok, I get ahead of myself...make that:
My parents are taking *ME on a surprise trip *FOR my 21st birthday
Cassie P.
will you email me at
OK...mine would not be an item but rather a service....Git-R-Done! Ever start a craft project but just couldn't get it finished? Load it up and bring it on over to your local Git-R_Done and we will Git-R-Done!
(This need stems from my ability to start many projects but finish very few!)
Introducing the DIYer (Do it yourself-er):
Ever see that amazing item in the store that you can't live without, only to find out it's WAY out of your price range. You know, that gorgeous necklace that will go great with your little black dress or that shelf that would be perfect in your living room. Well, have no fear, now it can be yours thanks to our state of the art computer design program ~ The DIYer.
Our easy to install software allows you to download an image of that must have item. Then, with one click of a button The DIYer provides you with detailed and easy step by step instructions on how to make it yourself. It will even creat a printable material list to make your shopping and project that much easier.
Special features include: over 10,000 stores with complete inventory in our browser for simple click and drag options. Plus, our budget calculator that will readjust your directions to help you stay in your budget.
Never be without that special item again, thanks to the all new DIYer.
I know it's over 13 hours late .... but here's today's post.
My friend Erin was the mastermind behind today's creative innovation.
The Suck-n- Dump!
Have you ever wanted to combine the worst part of crafting and the best part of going to the bank? Do I have a product for you! May I introduce the Suck-n-Dump! Everybody knows the worst part of crafting, anything, is clean up time. AND everyone also knows the best part of going to the bank is watching ANYTHING get sucked up those tubes in the drive through. This easy to install vacuum system will suck your paper, glitter, fabric, foam, scrap pieces from your table and deposit it immediately into your trash can. And kids will love it too! You’ve just made clean up time fun! How could clean up be any more fun than when seeing your unused scrap pieces being sucked up and thrown away without even walking over to a trash can. So this holiday season, every crafter you know needs the Suck-n-Dump! You can find the Suck-n-Dump in any fine craft store near you. Pick one up today for the low low price of $39.95
P.S. I like my chocolate chip cookies crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Erin likes her chocolate chip cookies in the middle of cup cakes.
P.P.S. Dr. B will be getting something delicious from me soon!
Hope I'm not too late for today's event... again, trying to do this without having read anyone else's, in an effort to avoid copying an idea already presented.
Ever wish you could line your shelves and drawers with those gorgeous scraps of leftover wallpaper, beautiful gift wrap, fancy scrapbooking paper, or the Sunday comics? Would you like to cut time and steps from decoupage and scrapbook projects, plus avoid the mess of glue and the inconvenience of tape dots that may or may not hold up over time? Want to permanently wrap an unsightly, but perfectly sized box with decorative paper that won't wear down or tear off with repeated use? Wish you could make your own bumper stickers or window decals?
DOUBLE-SIDED CONTACT PAPER(TM) is the answer to these projects and many more! It's specially designed so that it won't stick to itself, and it's easy to apply to any kind of paper, as well as other items like pressed flowers and leaves. DOUBLE-SIDED CONTACT PAPER(TM) applies without wrinkles or bubbles, can be cut to fit to any shape and size you need, and is available in Permanent or Repositionable varieties at a very affordable price. You can find DOUBLE-SIDED CONTACT PAPER(TM)at department stores, craft stores, and other fine retailers near you.
The Great Grommet Guru is the next best craft item that you can't live without.
The Great Grommet Guru is the answer to those hours of endlessly trying to get part A to line up with part B and stay that way while you hammer the grommet into your chosen fabric only to find that it has shifted out of place and your project is now ruined.
With the Great Grommet Guru you just slide a tube of grommets into the opening, place the bullseye over your grommet mark, click the button and Voila...instant grommet with no hassle.
Can also be used to "bedazzle" with jeweled grommets...get yours today only $19.95!
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