School is cool!
Three days into the new school year and I'm loving life. Girls, school supplies, and all-you-can-eat-lunch lines. What more could you ask for?
Did someone say... "A giveaway?"
O.k., o.k. I know Claudia throws a bone your way every once in a while and if I'm going to get you to take me seriously about helping spread good ideas, then maybe I need to, "see the light" and offer up a prize too. I can do that.
But I have more than a prize. Check me out. Where ever you see me, you'll find the letters "H" "L" and "A" cleverly hidden . The letters might be hidden somewhere on me or somewhere in the surrounding picture... or BOTH. Wanna an idea of how many to look for this time around? There's a number next to my boot. That's the number of HLAs for which you should looking.
What? You still want a prize. Darn, you're a tough crowd. Alright. Here's what we'll do. I'm picturing a particular school supply in my head. You have to guess what it is... SPECIFICALLY. For instance, instead of guessing "pencil," you would guess "Dixon #2 pencil."
Here's how it'll go. We'll play hot or cold. You post your best guess and I'll reply either "hot" or "cold". Back and forth we'll go until someone guesses.
How's that for fun? Let Claudia try and top THAT today.
A school supply?
Mead 5 star, 1-subject spiral notebook?
Do I have to wait to make a guess until after you hot/cold Julie?
Pink Pearl eraser
OH MAN, julie i bet you guessed it with pink pearl eraser...
ill go with:
sharpie markers
BIC round stic black ink pens
OK, im up too early. HEATHER you guessed it with pink pearl eraser. im not sure why my mind thought heather but typed julie still. OH and i found all 5 HLA's today! woohoo!!!
Mead notebook, cold
Pink Pearl Eraser = cold
Sharpie Markers = warm
We'll stop with that,making one guess per post.
fresh box of crayola crayons!
Crayola crayons = colder
Crayola Markers
Crayola Markers = warmer
10 Count Crayola Classic Broad Line Markers
Mr. Sketch Scented Markers
Crayola Erasable Markers.
Crayola Markers 8 count Classic Colors. Non-Toxic of course. :)
Where are the comments on Claudia's post?
I know we love Ray but come on people...we've got important business to attend to like Making your Mark and lending a helping hand.
Between classes right now and I'm checking in. Wouldn't you know, we already have a winner.
10 Count Broad Line Markers = warm
Mr. Sketch Scented Markers = Hot. Blazing Hot! You got it, AZLori. A set of them is on its way to you.
This has been fun. I'll do one more round. If you guess as fast the next time around, I let one of you get a third round going.
O.k. I have an item in my bulb.
By the way... good thinking Heather. If nobody comments on Claudia's post today, she'll know something fishy is up.
Do me a favor and make a comment. We don't want her feeling left out.
Besides, much as a I hate to say it... she's onto something with those three fun events she wrote about.
In fact... if you all don't get hopping, I might have to snag one of those Super Bowl spots.
Round #2 Guess #1:
post-it notes
Post-it notes = cold, but not freezing
hmmmm....i'll have to ponder
OMG! Post It Notes Art! I love it! check it out at:
Ray, is it a 3M Flip Chart Pad?
a 5-subject sprial notebook
Flip Chart pad = cold
5 subject spiral notebook = a degree warmer, but still cold.
Construction paper....?
Construction paper = cold
how about post it flags ....
How about Elmer's Glue?
Just got back from the lunch room.
Post it Flags = cold
Elmer's Glue = cold
Ray, is it a 3 ring binder?
Three ring binder = warmer
a pack of Sparco Legal Pads?
Starting to feel stumped. Wirebound notebook?
trapper keeper?
A two pocket folder!?
Legal pads = colder than spiral bound notebook
Wire bound notebook = warmer than legal pad, but still cool
Trapper Keeper = cold
Two pocket folder = colder
me = stumped!
is paper involved?
Paper = warmer than glue or some of the other things mentioned so far.
How about a Planner Pad?
Colored pencils?
Planner pad = cold
colored pencils = colder
Put it this way... a donut is warmer than colored pencils.
Well, this certainly hasn't gone as fast as the markers!
What about a clip board.
Thanks...I'm feeling very encouraged :)
How about scissors? There aren't very many school supplies left!
Clipboard = cold
Scissors = cold
You know me well enough to know that even my seemingly snide comments can be cryptic. Go back and review.
A lunch box.
scratch that last one. brown paper bags.
Lunch box = cold
brown paper bags = cold
oh, phewie!
Someone else guess. :)
spiral bound index cards
erasable pens, colored pencils, and/or a calculator
glue pens
Spiral index cards = cold
Pens and calculator = cold
Glue Pens = cold
Let me ROUND out my clues by sharing with you that they are paper thin.
Nice guess, but still cold.
Roll of tape
roll of tape = warmer
scotch tape
hole protectors?
Hole reinforcements...
scotch tape = tepid
Hole protectors and reinforcements = Ding, ding, ding!
Good job AZLori and Katie. Gosh, Lori... you started and ended the day strong. Now if only I could get you to sign up for Countdown to the Super Bowl! You're on a roll. Sure you won't reconsider?
Heather said hole protectors, not me! Nice work Heather and Lori!
If I do countdown to the superbowl it means I have to go to the post office again! I do not enjoy the long lines there...I have been there more in the last 2 months with the peanut and shell game and the decathalon than I have been in the last 5 years total...maybe even longer...I'll think about it...
Lori... consider it an opportunity to befriend the postal workers. That's what I do. I also like to "eye-drop" on the packages other people are sending.
It's fun to imagine what's inside and to whom they are being mailed.
Going once,
Going twice...
Hi Everyone :)
I'm heading out the door to work at about 6:15 am EST tomorrow (Friday) ... and then heading out of town for the long weekend, and then when I get back, I need to set up my internet at my new apt (currently I'm in an extended stay hotel). So, I'm going to miss this community for a few days. Please know that I'll be thinking of you often and Tera, Treye, Katie, and or CKB, if anything huge surfaces, PLEASE call me ... b/c I still want to be active if at all possible!
Have a great week or so!
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