Cheryl, Drew, and J.B. at last night's HLA party

Remnants from Peggy's HLA Party
Good morning, everyone. If you were an early bird, you noticed that I slept in this morning. All our partying last night wore me out. As it turns out, I couldn't turn off the olympics. I was afraid I would miss something. I was glad I got to see China enter the stadium and yes, the lighting of the torch was really something.
Part of last night's fun was the announcement that beginning Monday, highlowaha readers will compete in our very own decathlon. Today I thought I would talk a little more about the rules of play.
Announcements at the end...
Highlowaha Decathlon Overview
In the spirit of the true decathlon - an event combining ten track and field events - highlowaha readers will compete in ten events. Unlike our decathlon teammates in China, we will not compete in our events over a two day period. Instead, our ten events will be spread out over ten days, excluding Saturdays and Sundays.
While our Beijing counterparts are competing in a menu of events designed to test an individual's speed, strength, skill, endurance, and perserverance... our decathalon will test an individual's creativity in a variety of areas, including skills such as creative use of words, "craftiness," and problem solving.
As is the case with decathletes, you do not have to be amazing in any event to be a champion of the 10 events. Instead, you must range from adequate in your weak events to good or better in other skills. It is in fact true, that because decathletes must do well reasonably well in all ten events, he/she has little opportunity to perfect any one event. Such is the case with you. The champion will have the highest AGGREGATE score. You have probably surmised by this point that a decathlete must participate in all ten events. If for some reason, time is limited on a particular day, it is still better to make a fast and feeble attempt, than to make no attempt at all. You might not win that day's event, but you will be registered as competing and you can make up for it another day in another event.
Here's my pledge to you. I know we are all busy, so I have tried to come up with a menu of events that range in difficulty and time required to complete. Events range from 10 minutes to longer, depending upon how involved you chose to get. Only one event will require a commitment of time on your part, but I will give you plenty of notice to complete the event should you be interested. The events will, however, require some endurance and perseverance on your part. The decathlon winner is traditionally given the title of "World's Best Athlete" and, we too, want the title, "Highlowaha Decathlon Champion" to really mean something.
Besides, highlowaha decathletes will be competing for a GOLD medal package from me, complete with your very own, authentically purchased Olympic PATCH from China (thanks to Alden). Actually our gold, silver, and bronze medalists will receive Olympic patches from China (for you patchwork jeans), but only for the gold medalist will it be accompanied by a package that is good as GOLD! ...One other small departure from the Beijing Olympics, where medals are only given at the end of the ten events. In our decathlon, a winner of each event will be named (and receive a prize), but still ONLY THE PERSON WITH THE GREATEST AGGREGATE SCORE WILL BE NAMED HIGHLOWAHA DECATHLON CHAMPION. My point. Jump in and participate!
Entries for a particular day's event will have to be submitted no later than 10:00 p.m. (CST). I have arranged for three Olympic judges to review daily entries, but because their schedules are also busy, winners will not be announced until the following evening (and then again the next morning). For example... the winner from Monday's event will be announced Tuesday evening and then again on Wednesday morning.
If you have questions, feel free to post them at any point this weekend.
Now Announcements:
- With 22 entries in last night's fortune cookie contest, we have our winner. Congratulations Heather! You are the lucky recipient of the P.F. Chang's $40.00 gift certificate and free appetizer.
- I have one more gift card for a free appetizer (lettuce wraps) at P.F. Chang's. It will go to the first person who can recall the answer to this question, based on information provided during last night's coverage. Because China does not have an alphabet, and the order of countries is usually determined by first letter in the alphabet, how did China determine the order in which countries would enter the stadium?
- Cheryl inquired as to how you might acquire the number patches for your jeans. There is a Girl Scout Store not far from where I live, so I will purchase them on your behalf and then send them to you. Make a post letting me know you want a set to give me some idea of the number I will need to order.
- Speaking of number patches... I happen to have an extra set in my hot little hands. Lets award those to the first person who can tell me the designer responsible for the outfits worn by USA athletes.
- Ray's taunting me. He tacked this to my door yesterday with a note that says something about having "Fun in the sun", and that he would be heading north for some cooler air. Do any of you know anything about this? Where in the world is Ray?
Get some rest and get those creative juices flowing. I'll meet you back here on Monday and we'll let the games begin.
Woohoo...I NEVER win anything.
I won't put in for the second gift card but I want those patches...the US team wore outfits designed by Ralph Lauren.
and for all you design folks out there Project Runway competed to design another outfit for the US team to wear and came up with some pretty neat ideas.
P.S. Of course I was waiting on pins and needles for your entry...I'm super excited for the decathalon...I can't wait to take home the GOLD!!!!
To determine the order in which the countries appeared, it was by the number of strokes it took them to write their country name in Chinese, not alphabetical.
Ralph Lauren... was that the JCPenney line?
I loved all the details in the commentary last night, such as the giant scroll is actually one of the world's largest LCD screens. The countries entered according to the number of strokes in the Chinese symbol that represents that country's name. But skip me on the prize and donate it to a random poster today - it can be my RAK for the day. :-)
Claudia, I want patches.
Can't wait to compete in the Decathlon! How fun!
I'm so excited for this event!
I missed those facts during the opening ceremonies last night ... thank you for asking them Dr. B and for answering them Heather, Peggy and Melanie :)
WOW! This community continues to amaze me with how active and excited you all are, and how much you can feed off of positive energy from each other!
I loved reading along last night as everyone was enjoying our dinner party! Being an iconic lightbulb, I had some difficulty eating Chinese. But I know that some of my extended family, scattered throughout the country, played vital roles in illuminating either the Chinese restaurant that made you your food, or in lighting up your living rooms and family rooms while you ate. So I'd like to think I was a vital guest at last night's dinner!
Cheryl, close2it, Peggy, Maureen, and highlowaha - THANK YOU for visiting me yesterday and sharing your thoughts on Randy Pausch's THE LAST LECTURE.
Julie and Melanie - Please don't be lurkers to your own book club!
Everyone else - please come share your thoughs with us!
I know its late but Ralph Lauren and the funny thing is my Grandmother was a seamstress for Ralph Lauren for many years and I thought she would have been happy to know that. Anyway I hope to God my laptop doesnt fail me next week. I will be away and I guess my timing stinks. I cant believe that Im struggling between "The Sweetest Place On Earth" and "The "Funnest" Place On Earth."
As for the numbers patches they are iron -ons but from experience they dont stay on well after laundering so after you iron them tack them with a few stitches. Otherwise you will have to replace them.
WooHoo Peggy, you must have been 2 seconds ahead of me on the post!
Wow...didn't China SET THE BAR HIGH for future Olympic Opening Ceremonies? The torch lighting was pretty spectacular and I also loved the globe presentation! Glad it wasn't me having to "fly"!
I am dying to participate in the decathlon, but don't think it will be an option for me because I have to take Lucian back up to Baltimore for a couple of days (just some follow-up visits) right in the middle of the action. Argh! I hate bad timing. I know I could be a strong competitor!
Oh, well, it will be fun to read along.
Unless your one mention of hot babes did it I think all our Olympic action bumped us up 14 spots!!!
That's hilarious!
Well, we are a bunch of hot babes to be sure! Steamy Hot, Creative Babes! And guys, too!
And beyond just being hot- we're smart and creative and feed of the positive community that is being built here.
Do I dare say, Heather, that you better be ready to settle for the silver in our highlowaha decathlon? :)
ugh! I need an edit button to correct my typos! If spelling and grammar are involved in our decathlon I'm going down!!!!
Of course, everyone is great at something.
Me and my kids are ready to open a can of creative whoop a$$ on the Highlowaha Decathalon!
way to go, Ashlee! Nice insert!
Oooohhh Cheryl and Creighton, It's on.
My #1 Strength is Competition and it is coming out...let's get ready to RUMBLE!!!!
Dearest Shell,
We got a package in the mail today and WOW WE all love it. Even Kevin can't help but to like all the summer fun in today's package!
OH, and with all the 100 degree days we have been having perfect timing.
Heather, Cheryl and Creighton, Whatever! We'll see where the gold ends up.
Has Claudia or my brother never told you people that Beenys never lose?
It's not in our DNA!
Oh boy some of you really are full of yourselves HA HA! May the best man or woman win. Here at HLA we are technically all WINNERS right Claudia???
Im off to Lancaster and Hershey!!! I will miss everyone!!:(
Pay attention to the details...I almost forgot!
I love the excitement and energy surrounding the start of our decathlon. Stacie... though you might not be able to be the Decathlon Champion, consider participating in an event or two. There is one in particular I know you will love.
Now rest up readers... tomorrow is the start of something big.
We'll need plenty of cheerleaders out there, so all you lurkers... either jump in the game or get ready to support your favorite HLA reader!
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