Join me in Las Vegas as we "cash in" on my
Also, Happy Birthday to
A quick recap. Today - October 7 - I turn 43 (4+3 = 7) and, as Heather briefly mentioned it is my first year in our new lucky home 4012 (4+0+1+2 = 7). With all these 7's working in my favor, a trip to Las Vegas was a little irresistible
So here we go... Now Boarding for Las Vegas. Today we'll do a little gambling. Here's how it will go....
Three games, at three times throughout the day.
- 10:00 a.m.: Craps. In order to get in you have to do two things.... BY 10:00 a.m. (1)let me know you want to be at the table by typing in your name and saying, "I'm in," and (2) ante up by throwing in 1 of your favorite candy bar. At 10:07, I will roll the die once for each person at the table. If we have a lucky winner, all candy bars get sent to him/her. If not... the house wins and they come to me at 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, Texas, 76051. Winners also receive a Las Vegas patch for their Patchwork Denim.
- 2:00 p.m. : Black Jack, otherwise known as 21. Again, to get in on the fun you have to have made a post by 2:00 saying two things. First, say "I'm in." Second, ante up by throwing in $2.10. At 2:1o p.m. I will deal each player their first card. Once the first card has been dealt I will go back and deal the second card. The person coming closest (without going over) to 21 will win. If the house wins the money it will be donated to our Helping Hand family. If a lucky player wins, you get the pot. Winners also receive a Las Vegas patch for their Patchwork Denim.
- 5:00: Slots. You know the drill. Get in on the fun by doing two things. First, let me know you want to play by saying, "I'm in." Second. Ante up one sheet of stickers for each time you want me to pull the lever on your behalf (i.e. three sheets of stickers = three pulls). Maximum of five pulls. Get three in a row and be the lucky recipient of a new sticker collection. Winners also receive a Las Vegas patch for their Patchwork Denim.
- THANK YOU!: Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to make my post and I noticed Ray had come to visit, with birthday cake and balloons in hand! Truly a thoughtful - the most thoughtful - gesture. Thank you, everyone. It will have me smiling all day long.
- Thank You, again: I am a lucky, lucky person. Yesterday I received a fun birthday card from Julie (made of wood!), a beautiful package of cards from Peggy, and a thoughtful card from Amy. The day before I received a fun treat from Cristine, which I will open tonight at dinner. I must also say, that a few weeks ago I received an extremely thoughtful treat from Maureen. Maureen sent me a biography of Abraham Lincoln, in support of an item on my Bucket List (read a biography of each president). A side note on that... Richard informed me I wouldn't make it through all the presidents, by the time, I die unless I read more than one a year.
- It's a Gamble: Don't forget. Today is the day we are playing a Prank on the United States Post Office. Head to the post office and mail something naked (meaning not in a box or mailing envelope) to send T. Shay at 5600 Ostrom Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (whose 40th birthday is today). Then make a post telling us whether or not your were successful and what the experience was like. My item was inspired by an empty barrel of pretzels. I filled it with Monkeys linked together, reading "Hope your birthday was a Barrel of Fun." In addition, I filled the barrel with leafy twigs and a banana.
- Blog-a-thon: The ultimate birthday gift would be 70 (or even 7) new participants for our blog-a-thon.
I'm cashin' out...
Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday!
If I can say "I'm in" for each of the three "Las Vegas" events now, and not have to be at my computer at 10, 2, and 5, then "I"M IN!" If that's the case, my candy bar is a twix, I've got $2.10 next to my computer for 21, and I've got 3 sheets of stickers that I'm throwing in. If I can't, I guess I'll have to eat my twix, and spend the $2.10 on mailing someone my 3 sheets of stickers!
Post Office Update:
I feel like my trips to the post office should be made into a sitcom! CKB's wooden birthday card was a 5x7 piece of wood found in the crafts section of Walmart (no Target in my small town) that I painted, addressed as a post card, and sent. The woman behind the counter at the post office had to go ask her manager if she could indeed mail it!!
This was also the same trip where I learned, the hard way, that you can't mail alcohol! Apparently I should have shown up to the post office with a pre-packaged box (since, as my sister "kindly" reminded me ... that's why stores sell shipping boxes, etc). But, in much the same fashion as I attempted to mail a cake to CKB during the olympics by just walking into the post office, I walked into the post office last week with a bag.
In this bag were items going to 7 people - two cards that were ready to go, a packaged box which successfully got to Sue, another packaged box which successfully got to Katie.
4 down, 3 to go
Insert wooden card for CKB
5 down, 2 to go
I needed to mail a fun wall hanging to a friend. I just pulled it out of my bag, and the poor woman behind the counter kindly talked me through getting a padded envelope.
6 down, 1 to go
My entry for the Countdown to the Superbowl was a drink. My friend Lisa "concocted" this drink this past summer ... an orange bruise. Cristine did a fabulous job explaining it yesterday. Needless to say, I wanted to just have them purchase their dark pop / soda of choice (not knowing if they prefer coke or pepsi / regular or diet...) not to mention the fact that shipping pop would cost an arm and a leg. I figured I could send them the needed vanilla, orange vodka, and straws (thanks for the suggestion, Cheryl!). Much to my disappointment, I scribbled a little note to them, while standing in the post office, once the woman behind the counter told me I wasn't allowed to mail the vodka! Needless to say, I now have a bottle of my own!
With that being said, I can't wait to see the looks / comments I get today when I go the the post office. I've got a t-shirt that rolled into a long roll (like you can buy at some stores / book stores) ... its addressed right on the front of the shirt, and on the back I wrote "I traveled / all the way from / Bradford, PA! / HAPPY BIRTHDAY! / www.highlowaha.com
WOW that's long! Thanks for reading!
We've chosen our 2nd book!
Please check out the Reading Raynbow site for more info!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR.B!!!!!!! Hope its great!
AH! I have class during all three of the game times! DARN, since we all know I love las vegas!!! LOL I would love to snag one of the patches. I dont even have any yet, and the vegas one sounds so fun!!!! Well, maybe next time, I guess.
I hope your birthday brings you as much happiness as you've brought me over the last five years!!!
As far as the games; I'm in on all counts.
And...I'll be mailing something funny to T.Shay today.
I'm in if I do not have to be by my computer at those times. My candy bar is milky way bar.
Happy Birthday. Sorry I am swamped right now will tell you about my rak when I get home this evening.
I'm in... I've got Reeses Pieces.
Happy Birthday Claudia! Hope it's the best one yet!
As for the mailing, I am going to have to opt out after the expensive snack challenge mailing the other day. By the way, I am very excited about winning! I'm glad nobody got food poisoning. ;-)
I was going to mail a pumpkin so if anyone wants to try that I would be curious to see how it goes.
Happy Birthday Claudia!
I just mailed a plastic banana. The woman at the counter looked at me, laughed, then said, "Hey I'm willing to try anything." Let's hope it arrives in T. Shay's mailbox.
Happy Birthday Claudia!!!
I love all of your posts... they made me laugh... good thing I wasn't drinking my Chi Tea (or something might have snorted onto my computer screen)!
I would love to particpate in today's Viva Las Vegas... but, I'm a lucky gal... I got a temp job last week, working as a receptionist at a very busy Ophthamology office... so the daytime stuff is out for me (for a little while), except Mondays and every other friday!
I'm a simple gal... I mailed T. Shay a special creative greetings!! in a see clear envelope with confetti ... I'm not quite thinking outside the bun yet.... but I'm working hard on it!
Have a good day everyone at HLA!
Happy Happy Birthday Claudia!! Hope the day is as special as you are.
Also, please note, I will continuing our "tradition" of late mailings. hehehe.
Lots of Long-Distance Hugs, Susan
I am also in as long as I don't have to log in during the day....My favorite candy bar is snickers with almonds, 2.10 is ready and I'll go with 3 sheets of stickers...
Happy Birthday!
I'm in. My ante is a snickers bar. I haven't completed my RAK yet and I'm going to the post office at lunch time. Nothing to report yet.
Happy Birthday, Claudia! Hope you have a great day!
I'm in. Snickers bar for me, too!
I'm in for all three- I shoudl be around for those times but in case I'm not- I will throw in my TWIX, $2.10 and three sheets of stickers.
Happy birthday to everyone in the past week and today!
Mission Accomplished!
I just got back from the post office, after mailing my Barrel of Fun. As soon as Troy, my post office attendant, saw me walk through the door he said, "Oh, gosh. What do we have here."
$7.20 and without a hitch, he took my barrel filled with monkeys, branches, and a banana and off it went.
Note to all of you... remember... if your package is heavy, you have the option of mailing parcel post. It takes longer, but is cheaper. Go that route.
Still cooking up my random act for today.
Thanks for all well wishes and fun stories so far. Amy, I am laughing that we both mailed bananas!
Nicole's pumpkin idea is a great one. I'm curious. If no one does it, I might have to try it later next week.
See you in a little bit for our first run at the tables.
OH! Amy, have you received anything in the mail from me?
CRAPS. Here we go. People at the table playing are:
Julie = Twix
Heather =
Sue = Milk Way
B.K.Root = Reeses Pieces
AZLori = Snickers with Almonds
Cheryl = Snickers
CSPGrad = Snickers
Kelly = Twix
Note to self. Snickers is the HLA candy bar of choice.
Julie = 6
Heather = 5
Sue = Snake eyes
B.K. Root = 9
AZ Lori = 7777777777777!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheryl = 5
CSPgrad = 9
Kelly = 6
I know nothing about probability, but what are the chances we would actually have a winner! Congratulations, Lori.
Black Jack begins at 2:00. If you haven't already indicated you would like to play, make a post saying, "I'm in." Players have to ante up $2.10. Winner(s) takes all. If the house wins, money will be donated to Helping Hand.
Thanks for playing everyone!
Congrats Lori!
I'm in. I've got $2.10 somewhere.
Mailing address for Lori's candy bars is:
645 South Dodge Street
Gilbert, AZ 85233
I'm in for 2:00!!
Happy Birthday Claudia.
Sorry that this is short but I'm on multiple school trips today- and the boys are 2 & 4 what is it going to be like in a couple of years.
FYI shipping info- if you print your labels and send items via www.usps.com it's a little cheaper. Plus you can have it picked up at your house (which is good for me - post office and the boys not a good combo).
I hope that you like your present - I saw it in a Chicago Trib article.
Have a very happy birthday!
I'm in for the 2 oclock contest... I'm feelin' lucky.
Cristine- it will be PERFECT when they are 6 & 8. :) I'm mean, not all the time but they start responding to threats better.
Okay. I took my whistle with the attached card to the post office.
In Julie spirit, here goes:
ME: I want to mail this just like this.
PostLady to PostMan: Can she mail this like this?
PostMan to PostLady: the machine will tear it up. Put it in (inaudible).
PostLady: How fast do you want it to get there? (She's fumbling around with envelopes).
ME: Slow boat to Cali. I don't want it in anything.
PostMAN: It probably won't get there.
Me: I'll take my chances.
PostLady: (Laughs) That'll be $1.34.
PostMAN: (shaking his head)
Me: Thank you.
Claudia, I'm emailing you a photo because if we were taking bets I would bet it's not going to make it.
Okay. I decided to not put Claudia on the spot of posting my picture. I posted it at:
God how times flies! I can still remember the teen years. Though they werent too long ago LOL!
May you always be as blessed with friends as wonderful as you.
Love always,
Okay...here goes our first round of Black Jack. This post will include the first round of cards and a subsequent post will be the second round followed with totals and our winner.
Julie = Queen of clubs
Heather= King of clubs
Sue = 9 of hearts
B.K. Root = 4 of hearts
AZ Lori = 3 of hearts
Cheryl = 2 of spades
CSPgrad = 8 of spades
Kelly = 7 of diamonds
House = 3 of clubs
Second round of blackjack:
Julie = 10 of dimaonds
Heather= 9 of diamonds
Sue = Q of spades
B.K. Root = 7 of clubs
AZ Lori = 4 of clubs
Cheryl = J of spades
CSPgrad = 6 of diamonds
Kelly = K of spades
House = J of hearts
Julie = 20
Heather= 19
Sue = 19
B.K. Root = 11
AZ Lori = 7
Cheryl = 12
CSPgrad = 14
Kelly = 17
House = 13
And the winner is Julie with a 20!!!!!!!
Congratulations Julie you win the pot!
i was never cut out for gambling... haha
I think there must be some type of message in that round of black jack! My total was 12. My birthday is on the 12th. I'm pretty sure the man of my dream's birthday is on the 12th! The 12th of October is coming up. gasp!
Well Lori got a 7 for the second time today...I think she should go play the lottery.
I'm in for 5:00, too! 3 sheets of stickers thrown in for me!
I'll do five sheets of stickers.
Cheryl - Thank you for the amazingly decorated package. Who knew the words cluck cluck on a package would make my day! I laughed so hard when I opened it. I owe you an official thank you note.
Amy- YAY! When I saw that chicken, I knew it had to be in your possession!
I'm in for 5:00...3 sticker pages.
Final game... Slots!
People playing...
Julie -
4, 2, 5
5, 5, 4
4, 3, 1
3, 1, 2
3, 2, 5
2, 1, 2
5, 1, 3
3, 4, 1
6, 2, 4
6, 6, 1
6, 4, 2
B.K. Root
6, 5, 4
5, 2, 1
3, 3, 5
5, 5, 6
6, 5, 4
5, 2, 1
5, 2, 4
5, 3, 1
6, 4, 3
6, 6, 5
6, 5, 4
5, 3, 2
3, 1, 3
2, 3, 6
5, 1, 2
The house wins!
Thanks for playing everyone. I had a great day, thanks to all of you.
Now maybe you can go take in a show or renew your vows at Elvis's Chapel of Love.
Okay. If you're bored, copy and paste the link below and go vote for the cutie-pie-yorkie Beverly. The link takes you to Karyn's blog and then click on the "Sand, Surf, Pup" and vote.
Hi Claudia. HAPPY 43rd BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope that you had a great day. Sorry i missed going to LAS VEGAS with you. It sounded like fun. I hope that you did well there. Like Maureen said how time flies!
ok...wow...I agree with Heather....2 7's on the 7th...it must be my lucky day! I know it is cuz I hit the jackpot with my friend who was born on the 7th! My RAK for your birthday is completed...I am now First Aid and CPR certified in your honor! Happy Birthday once again!
i'm glad i didn't win at slots... i was not planning to play those, because I have super super bad luck with slots
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