Today, October 9, it just so happens is the birthday of Richard's ex-wife. I won't even go into the coincidence of us having birthdays two days a part. Could we really have something in common? Yikes, if we do... I don't want to know about it. I've tried and tried over the years to make a friend whose birthday is October 9, but so far... nothing. Do any of you know someone whose birthday is October 9? If so, bring them to me and I will start a friendship. Promise. You can even tell them I'm a frequent package sender. It's the missing piece of the puzzle. If I can just lock in a friend for October 9, I can rest easy knowing the week is covered - minus the ex.
Until then, I've figured it out. We'll celebrate AZLori's birthday today - a day early. It was Lori who yesterday had the genius idea that perhaps a new birthday tradition could be a formal celebration of the last day of someone's current age, before ringing in their new year. Loved ones could recall a quality, an experience, an achievement, or something else they especially appreciated about the person from the current year... before moving on to the next. In my mind, this is like a Birthday Eve. Lori also suggested loved ones could use "Birthday Eve" to wish for an experience with the birthday boy or girl the following year. It could be something as simple as, "I wish next year we can have a cupcake picnic." Or how about, "I wish next year we have could learn at least one new thing about one another."; "share a new hobby."; or "play hookie from our responsibilities one day."
I just love it. Peggy, I see a greeting card line. We could start a movement. Rather than focusing, exclusively on the birthday boy or girl's year ahead... new year, new presents, new you.... we can use Birthday Eve to sufficiently pay tribute to this year's contributions and achievements.
It is true that most of you have come to know Lori as a committed and creative member of the Highlowaha community. She is always up for an adventure - even if it means making a trip to the post office - and is frequently responsible for some of our most winning ideas. What you might not know is she is the mother of three boys (and therefore often serves as my parenting mentor) and ranks right up there with some of the most loyal, thoughtful, and generous people I am privaledged to know.
Chances are you don't know that Lori and I went to college together at Arizona State. We celebrated a handful of birthdays while in college - one of us always working to out-do or out-smart the other. Here's one of my prouder moments...

I literally filled Lori's entire residence hall room with pink and purple balloons (if it wasn't obvious before that I was full of hot air, it ought to be now). It took me all day and the help of many of the 75 residents living on our floor, but I did it. What's funny is, that in pulling this picture out of my scrap book, I ran across the caption below the picture. It read, "Your clue is somewhere in one of these..." It's vaguely coming back to me now.... Rolled up on a scroll of paper was a clue for Lori, revealing where her present was hidden. Thing of it is... I can't remember what the present was. Lori... do you have any idea?
So, yes today maybe you will join me in wishing Lori a "Happy Birthday Eve," but also maybe you will use it to share your "Birthday Most..." It could be the most outrageous birthday stunt you've ever pulled, your most fun outing, the most memorable gift given or received, most extravagant, most meaningful, most funny, most sentimental, most, most, most.... You get the idea.
It seems fitting, as Lori is one of my oldest and most cherished friends.
Signing off until tomorrow...
CKB ... the plants do align every once in awhile. I have a friend whose birthday is today! She loves creativity ... and her tag line when working on her residence hall staff in college was "teamwork makes a dream work!"
I'm sending her something today and will try and get her to make a post today ... her name is Kelly.
Last year, my friend's boyfriend flew across the country to surprise her in Yellowstone for her birthday! They're now engaged and planning a Jan '09 wedding!
Happy Birthday Eve Lori!!!
My most everything birthday was my 21st i just celebrated a couple months ago...it was the most fun, most surprising, most sentimental, most meaningful, most EVERYTHING! it was the best!
Wow! You have done it again Claudia! Thank you so much for the great memories! I'd have to say my birthdays spent at ASU with you were the best! I can't believe you still have those pictures! I do remember the birthday gift....it was a amethyst necklace. I am still loving the color purple all these years later! I'm off to work...field trip to a farm with about 100 kindergarteners! Whoo hoo! Thanks for coming through once again and making my day special! This is the best birthday eve ever! Thanks Cassie for your wishes also!
I have the most horrible memory.
My birthday is in August and in high school that meant that my birthday was spent on the marching practice field.
My senior year, the week of my birhtday and band practice collided with our annual beach vacation. Luckily it was close enough for me to drive back and forth.
I was late for practice the morning of my birthday and as ran in the band hall and grabbed my horn I saw balloons and a cake in the office. When I finally got on the field Mr. Lawson stopped practice and the band sang happy birthday to me.
That's one I can remember. :)
Happy Birthday Eve AZLori!!!
Happy Birthday Eve, Lori!!!
I have a birthday memory that I love, but that wasn't on my birthday.
My senior year of high school, I wanted to make my best friend's birthday memorable. Her birthday was in April 3 weeks before our graduation. I knew we were going away to 2 different colleges, and so I not only wanted to celebrate her birthday, but to celebrate our friendship.
So, her birthday was spent doing all our favorite things! For lunch we went to our favorite Wendy's in town and ate at "our" table. Yes, we had a table and still to this day when we meet up together at home over breaks, we eat at that table. It held a lot of memories for us. Next, we went to our favorite park in town where we used to go swing on the swings to talk about life. Not sure what was so traumatic for us back in those days as 17 year olds, but I'm sure it was a big deal.
For the evening, I had gotten us really good seats to the Cincinnati Reds vs. Cleveland Indians game. My favorite player was on the Reds' team and hers on the Indians'. It was perfect spending the night in great seats watching our two favorite players.
Finally, that evening ended with a firework show which was part of the game package for the evening (one of the reasons I picked that game) and then us going to our favorite ice cream parlor and eating ice cream. I will always remember that April day/night as one of my favorites in Northern Kentucky. I guess I would categorize it as the most sentimental to me.
Happy Birthday Eve Lori!!!!
Julie... I will gladly welcome Kelly into my network of birthday buddies. Maybe we can start by having her log on.
As for my "most" birthday. I will go with "most elaborate." Like Cassie P., it was my 21st. I could spend the rest of the day typing and never share every detail. Instead I will give you a macro peek at what the day entailed.
Let me start by saying, in the end what I will remember most about the day is the sheer number of people who came together to make it special.
First thing... the phone rang. My boss at Yogurt Oasis and his wife (more like surrogate parents to me) announced their new baby girl was just born (Janelle). We arrange that I will go visit the hospital after class. What a start to the day.
Walk out my residence hall door and see a xeroxed flier right outside my door. It was a picture of me with words printed above and below the picture. It said, "If you see this girl today, wish her a happy 21st Birthday." Cute, right? I thought so. Then I realized they were plastered ALL over ASU's campus. Every classroom I entered that day, every kiosk, every walkway, every where I turned!
Breakfast with two good friends - one of which also had a October 7 birthday (though not T. Shay).
Came back and had a massive number of packages and flower arrangements waiting for me in the lobby. My parents, sisters, friends, everyone and anyone I knew sent me something on that day. I gathered as much as I could at one time to take up to my room.
Get up to my room and put the key in the door. Darn it all, it didn't work. Tried again. Then I decided I would return to the lobby for another key and another arm load of "stash."
Back upstairs. Still the new key won't work. Keep jimmying with the lock and FINALLY I open the door. A large group of my friends and residents were inside and yelled, "Surprise." The room was decorated with a banner, balloons, and party hats
More presents, cake, laughter. Boy do I feel special?
Lori reminds me I have to get dressed to visit Scott, Linda, and new baby Janelle at the hospital. Pick out an outfit... though I am wondering why the recommendation that I look "dressy."
Vince, manager of Yogurt Oasis, and good friend, was in my room and says he'll drive me to the hospital, since he wants to see her too.
Realize more than half way there, we're not going to the hospital. Where are we going?
To the airport! My, at the time, California boyfriend arranged for me to fly to California for dinner!
Fly to San Diego, eat dinner on the beach, walk the pier.
Early, early flight home the next morning. Go to class. Return to room to more well wishers and lots of presents still to open.
What an amazing act of orchestration the whole day was.
AS I said, I am giving you the quick and dirty version. There were so many great details along the way.
MOST elaborate, it was!
Thank you Claudia for the "Inspire" mug! It was such an unexpected surprise to find it in my mailbox this afternoon! I love coffee mugs! I will use it often and think of HLA and all that I have learned here. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and creativity!
As for my "most" birthday...
The birthday after my husband and I got married, he surprised me by sending me flowers to work after having sent me flowers the day before as well for Valentine's Day. Then when I went to my car that evening, there was a gift inside. I wondered how on earth he did that since he worked 2 hours away. When I got home, he had stayed home from work that day and baked me a cake (his first and only) and made me vegetarian lasagna! Then the next day, he said the store where we had registered for our wedding had called and we had a gift we needed to pick up. I was suspicious but went along. When we got to the department store, the bedroom furniture we had been looking at for months was decorated with balloons and a banner that said Happy Birthday! I was so surprised.
Wow, Nicole! What a great story. Your husband sounds like a keeper!
I am finally getting things in the mail for the Las Vegas night. Who do I send the stickers to? Sorry do not remember
Hey so, my friend Theresa who lives in Ft. Worth is celebrating her birthday today. Would you like me to put her in contact with you? She has a blog too!
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