For those just tuning in, two questions. First, where have you been? Second, do you have a glue gun? If the answer to question #2 is, "No," then go directly to yesterday's post. Do not pass "go.". Do not collect $200.00. Immediately log off, head straight for Michael's craft store (or something like it) and purchase yourself a hot glue gun. You'll be a better equipped and I'll sleep better.
In honor of my Eighteenth Annual Random Acts of Kindness party, scheduled for this Saturday at 6:00, we are spending the week celebrating the art of packaging. As noted yesterday, if you're in town and want to drop by, feel free. The more the merrier. Have no idea what I am talking about? Check out the pictures below and read more about the idea on the post dated 2/20/08 (the pictures below, by the way, are from Amy's party hosted last weekend).

Yesterday we explored items such as foam shapes, the essential glue gun, hole punches, HLA labels (love it) initiating ideas to spark our innovative packaging, and above all... Tera's suggestion that a little bit of "F"un should be included in each package we make.
Today we move on to letters K-O. As always, feel free to share some of your favorite products, beginning with the corresponding letters. As for my top packaging picks of the day... here they are:
- K: Krinkle: This is the point in the week when things really get fun. We've revealed enough packaging products that we can begin mixing and matching to get the full effect of how, when these items are used in concert, we can improve the presentations of our packages... exponentially! Krinkle is one example of this. Cellophane, combined with foam cut outs, combined with krinkle can work wonders. Incidentally, there are two kinds of Krinkle (sometimes called Shred). There is matte, paper-like form of Krinkle and then there is the shimmery, more metallic-like version. I like the matte, paper version if I am wrapping in brown paper (it feels more earthy) and the more metallic-like krinkle for just about everything else. More on that below, as krinkle will be today's featured item.
- L: Labels: If time was not an issue I would always cut out a fun shape on which to write the address of the person receiving my package. It doesn't take that much longer, but it makes the package seem more fun from the outset. Take a look at AZLori and Peggy's packages to hit the mail later today. Another source of fun labels can be images from old wrapping paper. At the end of the holiday season, I love to cut shapes out of the paper in anticipation of using them as gift tags/labels the next year (I store them with my wrapping paper).
- M: Michael's, Magazines and Mod Podge: If I've said it once, I've said it a million times... you should NEVER have to pay full price for a craft supply. Michael's typically issues a weekly coupon for a 40% discount on the item of your choice (sometimes 50%). Hobby Lobby and Joann Fabrics does it too. The only "M"-related thing I might like more than that is the combination of Magazines and Mod Podge. Come to think of it... I like it, but CSPgrad has perfected it as an art. I will let her share some of the ways she uses Mod Podge and magazines. Take it away, Katie.
- N: Notecards: Unless you're Peggy, who can whip up a great looking card in a snap, good notecards are hard to find, but boy can they make a difference when sending a package. You can have a great looking package, but if you cap it off with a note scribbled on a post-it note, you have undermined your good work up to that point. Target carries a block of notecards and matching envelopes. They aren't great looking, but with a sticker or a fun hole punch in the top, the notecard can finish the package off nicely. For those of you into fashion, not crafts... think of it this way. It would be as though you were sporting a beautiful, well coordinated new outfit, but on your feet were old, scuffed, and dull shoes. Notecards are like the "toe" of dressing nicely from "head to toe."
- O: O Shaped Paper: Speaking of paper and Target... they also sell round pieces of paper that I use for either quick notes or mailing labels (when I don't have time to cut a shape). They are different enough that they keep you package feeling special. Look how easy!
Today's Featured Item: Krinkle.
The item... fun Halloween socks, per one of your Friday suggestions
Pre krinkle and post krinkle
(though I must admit... the pictures are not doing the post pictures justice!)
That's it for today. Tomorrow, letters P-T.
Signing off until tomorrow...
This is the point in the week where I feel I must make a confession:
Hello, I'm Heather and I am not a creative person.
No really, I'm not. Well perhaps I should qualify...when creative means "crafty" or "artsy" I am not a creative person. I am more of the I can figure out a way to make it work kind of creative. As such I am SO not the packaging expert and feel quite certain that most of the "packages" I send out would make Claudia cringe. I feel like a duck out of water this week. I tend to try to "recreate" things I've seen done that have impressed me but typically fail miserably in the art of execution. Even when armed with all the supplies and standing at one of Claudia's RAK parties I still struggle to create a package that is "up to standard". I can appreciate the beauty of a well constructed package but doing it myself is a struggle that hopefully one day I will overcome to deliver an awesome package.
Until then, keep the suggestions coming to help someone as creatively devoid as myself figure this whole creative/crafty thing out.
Heather... I've seen some of the packages you've put together, so excuse me if I don't agree with your assessment.
NONETHELESS... hopefully this week you are discovering that it doesn't take "crafty." It just takes a couple of simple items to turn the most basic of packages into something a little more notable.
If this week ends and packaging seems harder, I will have failed.
I think the difference between a die hard crafty person and a non creative once in a while package designer is
*** A*T*T*I*T*U*D*E **
Anything and everything is awesome if you take the time, step back, add your personality and give of yourself!!!
A crafty person could buy the coolest paper and the bestest ribbon, but if they don't have 'heart' when they give the gift... it means nothing!!!
K - knots... isn't it fun to tie a ribbon so tight the receiver can't get it off the package and they need to scramble and find a scissors?
L - lace ... my mom is a thrift shopper and finds me cheap lace and I've wrapped packages with 3" wide lace... or I cut it apart (sometimes it has intricate designs) and use them on card fronts
M - metal tags... found at the Office Supply store, look adorable hanging off a package with a to and from stamped on them... get rid of the ugly plain white, find a 1" punch and punch a circle glue on and instant matching tag!
N - notes... if you ever have a hard time figuring out the right words to say... do a google search for: Quotes.. you may be there a long time finding the perfect saying...but you made the effort to find just the right words.
O - odds and ends ... when you find a packaging treasure... make sure you put it in a special container with all your supplies, then you can pull it out together and not wonder... Dang, now where did I put that cool ribbon!!!
Mod podge and magazines, huh? I think I can cover that.
I am off to a meeting right now, but will make a post about it when I return!
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
First of all as for hot glue guns... I always buy one when I go to a craft store. They are relatively cheap and I am always worried something will happen to mine... What's a girl to do without a craft gun....
Heather..... everyone in the world can be crafty. You are just your own worst critic. All you need is the right supplies. Having a daughter you should become a GS leader one day. That will make you not only crafty but you will learn to "use your resources wisely" and "make the world a better place".(That is part of the GS Law) There are priceless paintings in the art museums that I wouldn't hang in my closet. I would definitely think that knowing what I know of you online you are much more worthy of decorating things than you think you are LOL!!
k- kraft paper can be decorated with just about anything. Try using rubber stamps and coloring them in with colored pencils.
L-Lace ribbon makes such elegant bows! You can even get some odd pieces at craft stores.
M-metallic stickers or metallic contact paper can be cut in all shapes and letters
N-notes... I love the new post it shapes
O-odd little trinkets to dangle off of ribbon strings
OK Claudia this one is for you.... Tomorrow is Melissa's 11th birthday. I bought her some awesome clothes that she will die when she sees. I was going to buy a tote bag and put everything in it and give it to her ( for the price of paper I can get her a cute tote). Do you have any really cute ideas ?
This can go out to anyone willing to give some ideas!
Sorry to spring this on you but it seems as good a time as any.....
K- kisses. put on some lipstick and seal it with a kiss.
L- Love. After you kiss it, hug it and tell it you love it. Or maybe you could add some colorful fall leaves.
M- memories. Add a story or an old photo. Use that as your label on the box.
N- Needles. You'll need a needle to use the embroidery floss on the felt or fabric. (A stretch, I know)
O- Ocean... would a package with the ocean on it with fish and shark and whales, etc be fun?
I'm really stretching to try to get each letter here. Typically, if I'm going to send a special package, I just draw on it. AND- it's something easy that even you, Heather! could do. My latest thing is to draw circle after circle. Small tiny circles. Then I take my markers and color some of them in. I leave some of the open. I add hearts to some or the persons initials. OR- just write the same word all over the package. A word like CLUCK! Especially when you're mailing a rubber chicken.
HAPPY 11th BIRTHDAY MELISSA ROSE!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your day!!
To make things easier, I have posted a blog post today about my experiences with mod podge! Check it out at
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks to all those who believe in my packaging skills but I do have to say it is a stretch into an area that I am uncomfortable...never do I finish a package and thing "ah this looks great". And I try to buy the great stuff but it just never pulls together in just the right way.
Maureen...I don't know if I'd be allowed to be a Girl Scout leader; I got kicked out of the scouts when I was 8 or 9 for cussing at the troop leader after selling cookies a few hours too early. (My poor Mom...and yes I am raising my reincarnate in Lily...I can't wait until she can talk ;P )
Now for my attempt at the letters:
K- Kids! Maybe this is just me, but I love sending fun packages to kids! A simple pack of stickers seems like the world to a 4 year old girl. Receiving those stickers in a package decorated just for them...even better!
L- I'm repeating, Love! Any package is a great package if it was put together and sent with love!
M- Maps. You can do neat things with maps. I once sent a package while I was in Australia. I cut Australia out of a map, and I cut the state of Kentucky out of a map, and drew an arrow between the two that said "Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder!"
N- No pre-conceived notions! I feel like if I set myself up with hopes of an amazing package, I never feel like I've done well enough. However, if I just go at it without preconceived notions of how it will turn out or what it will look like, then in the end, I'm a happy camper!
O- Odds and Ends. I feel like when someone includes odds and ends that remind them of me in their package, I feel extra special. It can be as simple as a reese's peanut butter cup (I have a small obsession with peanut butter). Just to know that some odd object made them think of me is awesome! So, I love doing that for others, hoping they feel the same way!
First off Cheryl sent me a package and I have to say the drawing around my name and address were impressive. I thought it was a stamp. It was with the bubbles as mentioned earlier.
Heather, I would never have thrown a girl out of scout for cussing. For that fact I would have never been able to be a leader either LOL. Anyway all moms wish a child on their child just like themselves so I guess you got that out of the way. You guys can be in my troop anytime........
Layne..... Thanks from Melissa Rose and I will talk to you tomorrow......
MOD PODGE... HAHA if only you posted this a day eaerlier dr. b!! samantha and i had to make a phone call to none other than cspgrad for her direction in a project of those classy frames for the fw committee!!! HA...only a day off! WIERD!
I will let you know how the mod podging goes tmrw! :-D
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