So many scarves, so little time
Sorry I'm running late, I was trying to choose which of the 12 Halloween scarves I should sport today. ...Or, maybe I should change my scarf/neckerchief on the hour.
Truth of the matter... there's no sense in trying to post a blog about creativity on a day like today. Today personifies creativity. Today, everywhere you turn creativity will be rearing its head. Creative costumes, creative decorations, creative baked treats, creative Halloween festival games, creative Jack-o-Lanterns, creative, creative, creative. I can't compete.
Instead, I'll move over and, in the spirit of Free For All Friday, let you report on the creativity you're encountering.
Thanks to Cristine, I have the first example of the day. Check out her the costume of her son's preschool teacher. She's a Hoover vacuum! Best of all... she achieved it with nothing more than a HOT GLUE GUN. There's hope for me yet!
One more thing... Get out and Vote! Check out the slide show below and vote for your favorite carved pumpkin. The winner receives a fun Halloween accessory, sure to make your next Halloween sweet!
Signing off until tomorrow...
I am voting for pumpkin #4!!!
I am off to psych nursing clinical and then we are taking a field trip to the prison...HAHA should be interesting on Halloween!! I will let you know if anything spooky happens!
HAHAHA ... Cassie P ... the prison on Halloween! Too bad it isn't a full moon tonight too!
I'm also casting a vote for #4!!
Ohh ... and just for kicks ... I didn't get a costume for halloween ... but I did find a shirt at Walmart that is black with a "yellowish-white-glow-in-the-dark" picture of a rib cage from a skeleton. Since I'm a therapist, I thought that was rather entertaining. Myself and another therapist bought matching shirts! AND, I usually wear my hear up or curled, so I decided to leave it down and straighten it today. Since I normally wear lavender scrubs on a daily basis, no one is going to recognize me today!
#2 for the pumpkin carving contest.
I vote for #2.
I tried roasting pumpkin seeds for the 1st time in my life last night and burned them to a crisp. I followed the recipe exactly. Any hints?
I vote #3. Now if #4 were a Dallas Cowboy star it would have my vote! Happy Halloween HLA!
I bet I know who carved #4...I do NOT like the Steelers.
However, I do like all of the pumpkins...well done, all...even 4...but my favorite is 2.
No fun halloween news here. Treye and I may go over to a friends house tonight to "celebrate" but we have no desire to dress up. I think we're going to buy brown shirts and write "poop" on them. We're going to be party poopers.
Happy Halloween!
I'm leaving work early today to get my mummies wrapped up and I may even add some decorations that I bought at WalMart last night for half price.
I'm voting for #5 because I know who designed it and it's his birthday!
I don't know what I'm doing after I drop the boys off at their dads. I may try and go vote. That's scary. Then I'll have to decide.
Pumpkin Seeds- ever since my neighbor in Park City made me roast our seeds, my boys ask every year!
Did you let the seeds dry over night? I use a little olive oil, a little salt and a little seasoning. Spread them out on a pan, middle rack and bake for about 15 minutes. Stir and put back in but you do have to watch them. I tried to make the sweet the year before last and they just turned out rubbery.
Am I allowed to vote?
If I am, I vote #2.
Happy Halloween Everyone! I just got through opening all the candy bags and filling the bowls to set by the door this evening. Now - the "trick" for me to stay out of the "treats" for the rest of the day.
I vote for pumpkin #2.
The costumes are finished, the house is decorated, the candy is ready to hand out, its a perfect Halloween day and here I am with a sinus infection hating life LOL....
Enjoy your day everyone......
My "lo" for the day is.... after 18.5 yrs of motherhood today is my last Halloween that I take my kids trick or treating, Melissa is 11 and barely wants to go now. She likes the parties better. I miss my babies!!!!!
Am I a real "Debbie Downer" or what???? Sorry:(
My vote #2 ~
It's boo-tiful today in Northern Illinois.... almost 68 and sunny... that is un-usual... nobody has to wear snow pants under their costumes!! Old joke... hee-hee
Candy is ready, dd is bringing a friend home from school and they're having a sleep over... still trick-or-treating at 13!
DS has hockey practice in between the haunting time! I'm relaxing now... it was a busy week at the googly eye doctors!
I love Target, so don't take this post the wrong way...BUT...
How in the world is a girl supposed to work 12 minutes out when they have their CHRISTMAS socks out and Halloween is not even over yet! Boo.
I guess I'll save the "Trick or Treat, smell my feet" idea for next year when I hopefully won't procrastinate as badly.
Katie, Walmart still has them!!!
Did you check back in the actual sock section of the store or just in the seasonal?
I looked through the entire store at Target...I'm off to Wal-Mart!!!
my vote is number 3
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