It's official
Let's see if it works again today...
1+0+1+0+0+8 = 10!
or 10+10+8 = 28
One year short of Lori's age... 29, of course!
Lori, hopefully your birthday will be as nice as your Birthday Eve. It did occur to me yesterday that I never followed through on your great suggestion to share one experience I would love for us to share in the upcoming year. I'll think big. Before year's end, I would love us to revisit the 13th floor of Manzanita Hall - together!.
Having wished Lori a happy birthday eve and a happy birthday, we are going to depart from birthdays for the rest of today, so that we may turn briefly toward Halloween, football, and whatever you might have up your sleeve.
Hopefully many of you have kept your eyes open over the past week, in search of your favorite Halloween trick, treat, novelty item, baking item, decoration, or whatever else you might have run across. Provided you did, we can have a fun day sharing our Highlowaha Halloween Favorites. I for one am excited to see what you've discovered.
Here's my item to get us going...

I found this at Michael's Crafts. I couldn't get the image any bigger, so if you are having a hard time discerning what is pictured, they are Halloween party favors. Though Martha Stewart sells all the supplies necessary in a "kit," there is no kit necessary. The party favors are simply balls made out of paper mache and filled with small Halloween treats. Cute, homemade, and inexpensive. What else could you ask for?
Let me back up. Using water balloon-sized balloons, fill with air and tie not. Paper mache the balloons using orange tissue paper and a paper mache' solution. Paper mache' solution is simply flour and water... don't let anyone try to tell you there's some super secret expensive ingredient. Note: Be sure to leave a small hole where treats will be inserted. Once dry, pop the inner balloon and remove. Fill with fun treats (i.e. bugs, gummy worms, eye ball chocolates, or spider rings). Cover hole with remaining orange tissue paper and solution. Using black tissue paper, cut out bats, cats, or Jack-o-Lanterns faces. Apply using the same paper mache' solution.
Matthew, Jack (that'll be messy) and I will make these for their classmates and teachers. If we weren't making them for our preschool friends, I would most certainly make them for friends, colleagues at work, for neighbors, or for other swim moms who keep me company at the pool. They're easy, cheap, and notable. I'm practical, so I also like the fact that you throw the paper mache' ball away when you're done and there's no chatchka to clutter your home.
Now to something for which we actually need a secret ingredient. Super Bowl Throw Down. Competing next are Maureen and Katie. The ingredients we are choosing between this week are...
Nutmeg or Candy Corn
Place your vote.
Now it's your turn. Tell me about the best Halloween item you've seen this Halloween season and why it caught your eye. If you know the price, even better. The Martha Stewart kit, by the way, is $12.99 -(less 40% if you have your weekly Michael's coupon). Take the time to share and have your name entered in a drawing to receive a Halloween treat in the mail.
Signing off until tomorrow...
hmmmm...this is a hard one. i think ill go with nutmeg!
i dont like halloween so ill let others play for the treat!
I can't pick just one favorite thing that I've seen over the past few weeks ... this "fall" time of year is my favorite time of year, so just about anything halloween-y, thanksgiving-y, and/or fall-y makes me smile! Michaels does have some fantastic holiday related scrap book "stuff" though!
I'm going to vote for nutmeg ... although I enjoy both.
WOW considering I hate both choices I will go with nutmeg! Who picks the choices? I need to have a talk with them LOL. Anyway this is a hard week for me so I may not be around all that much to post. I am still re-decorating and making Veterans Day wreaths with the scouts.
Have a very Happy Birthday Lori!!! Enjoy your day:)
I vote for candy corn.
My favorite Halloween thing I've seen is so simple and cute! You take one of those really small mini pumpkins (3" or so) and cut the top off and carve a quarter sized hole in it. Remove the seeds with a small spoon. Then you stick a taper candle into the hole and have an adorable candle holder to decorate your table!
I vote for nutmeg!
I knew there was a reason I liked you so much! 29....sounds good! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! =P Thanks to one and all for the birthday wishes! We have half a day of school today and then we are off for a week! Nice birthday present huh? A whole week off!
I have so been wanting to stop by ASU/Manzy and take pictures of the 13th funny is that! We may just accomplish your wish this year! That would be a blast...maybe T Shay would join us! Off to work..have a good one HLA!
Oh vote is nutmag!
I have been eyeing these ghosts on a stick for the yard since last Halloween. They're not cheap at $59.00 for 3 (on sale now for $34)and of course I wanted 2 sets. I thought about making them myself but decided that it would be one of those projects I would never finish, so... This year I bought them.
I wanted to set them up in my yard in a circle around my tree but once I got them there I didn't like it. And, I was doing it after work one night so I was trying to hurry so we could get to dinner and homework. So, they're standing guard right now. Who knows. They may move around. Drew and JB want to put masks and hats on them. We'll see.
I plan on taking a photo of them this weekend and posting it on our blog but until then, maybe this link will work:
I will go with candy corn.
Hershey's now has candy corn kisses and they are really good.
I love the fall and I decorate my home as soon as school starts. I have a hallowen tablecloth on my kitchen table with ghosts candleholders to match. It was just one of those coincidences. I bought the candleholders at AC MOORE for $1.00 each. As soon as hallowwen is over, the tablecloth comes off and my thanksgiving tablecloth goes on. Everything around the house stays until it is time to decorate for christmas.
Happy Birthday Lori!!!! Enjoy your day.
I will go with candy corn.
Hershey's now has candy corn kisses and they are really good.
I love the fall and I decorate my home as soon as school starts. I have a hallowen tablecloth on my kitchen table with ghosts candleholders to match. It was just one of those coincidences. I bought the candleholders at AC MOORE for $1.00 each. As soon as hallowwen is over, the tablecloth comes off and my thanksgiving tablecloth goes on. Everything around the house stays until it is time to decorate for christmas.
Happy Birthday Lori!!!! Enjoy your day.
Claudia, I am sorry I don't know how it came through twice.
So far... Nutmeg 4 votes; candy corn, 2 votes.
Thanks for sharing your Halloween ideas. I'm taking notes.
candy corn is my fave
1:00 and still nutmeg is winning - 4 votes to 3 votes.
Hmmm... Candy Corn or Nutmeg? I've been mulling this over this morning. I'm going to vote nutmeg.
Ohh- nutmeg - did you know that you can get high off of nutmeg? Kinda like you can get drunk off of vanilla. I had that discussion last week with one of the Struble Suds regulars. Too funny.
Anyhow - this isn't a Halloween item per se, but it is something that I did this year for my boys. AT the boys' preschool, they cannot give any food item for a Halloween treat. Also in Matthew's class he can't give play dough because of one boy's severe allergy. So, knowing this early, I planned their Halloween treat bags at the start of the school year - each kid will get a box of crayons. Back to school time - crayons are anywhere from $.01 to $.22 give or take. So I bought 40 boxes. Then I found a place on-line that had 12 Halloween coloring books for $3.00/dozen. A big savings when you can't buy the usual treats.
Sorry that this isn't a cool decoration, but I thought it might be helpful to someone else out there.
PS- I now have some beautiful Halloween towels in my kitchen. A special delivery was made yesterday. The boys in my house were so excited.
And. Happy Birthday Lori
I vote for candy corn!
I just got back from shopping with dd and we went to Archivers and Michael's... above everything else... I didn't see any decorations or things that were "must haves" for Halloween. I guess too, since the kids are older... we don't care about decorating up and creating spooky chachkis... it's more 'stuff' to have and to clean and put away.
I love orange paper though... bought that and black paper for more cardmaking!!!
Almost forgot!!!!!
This morning when I featured my paper mache' treat balls, I forgot to share my additional creative brainstorm.
Instead of using orange tissue paper to paper mache, how about using white and turning them into spooky blood shot eyeballs.
Nutmeg is still winning, but the day is still young.
Candy corn
Due to Peggy and Cassie getting out to vote, the count is now Nutmeg 6, Candy Corn 5. Only one vote is separating the two.
At the risk of getting political... this is feeling like the McCain/Obama race.
I can't believe it's this late and this is my first time checking in today! Really quickly before running off to get some other things done:
1. I vote nutmeg.
2. Paper mache'? CKB, you should know me well enough that the thought alone gives me nightmares!! :) However, I love this idea and will for sure be using it for my staff!
3. Happy Birthday, Lori!!!
Hey HLA! I just got back from work and had lunch with a bunch of co-workers for my birthday and guess what they got me? I am now the proud owner of a Garmin GPS system! I can't wait to play with it and name it! I'll let you know what I decide on! Thanks again for all the birthday wishes!
I vote nutmeg and my favorite Halloween must haves for all those with little ones are these awesome "Croc-like" shoes that have the holes shaped like a jack o' lantern. They are $5 at WalMart and oh so won't believe.
CKB I'm sending a picture your way.
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