
"Elections," you ask? Of all the words I could choose to represent today - the sixth day of highlowaha's celebration of Fall Fest - why would I pick elections? There are, after all, other viable words beginning with the letter "E" from which I could choose. We could celebrate the wonders of Mother Earth; revel in Exercising in the great outdoors; reminisce about beautiful fall Engagements, since Richard and I have our anniversary on November 13; acknowledge the recent Autumnal Equinox; share funny Halloween Epitahs; or even spend one more day dwelling on one of my favorites... Espresso.
As tired of political ads, yard signs, newspaper editorials, and news coverage as we might be, November Elections are an American tradition. No... an American privilege... and this important privilege, so closely associated with the fall season, warrants our recognition.
My parents taught me well and cautioned me about the dangers of talking politics, so I will tread lightly. I suspect, however, that there is some common ground. Regardless of political affiliation, I I can't imagine that each of us doesn't have a few "choice words" we would like to share after so many days of political campaigning.
That's exactly what I am counting on...
Today, in recognition of Fall Fest - our celebration of things we love about fall - we are going to play a round of Mad Libs. The story we are completing comes from a book of Mad Libs titled, "Mad Libs for President." All you'll need to play are a few "choice words." Here is how it will go...
I will post the first type of word for which we are searching (ie. noun, adverb, adjective, etc...). A reader will reply by posting his/her choice of word. Then I will post the second type of word for which we are searching. A second reader will post his/her choice. We will do that until all 20 words are identified. Then I will plug them into the paragraph and post the final story.
How 'bout it? A little comic relief at an otherwise tense time in our nation's history?
The title of our story is... "Voting Made Easy as One, Two, Three."
Our Mad Lib title is especially appropriate, because there are two other things on which we need to vote today.
- First, what will the score be of this weekend's Packer game? Place your vote and, if your final score comes closest, you will win a gold patch for your Patchwork Denim. Also, don't forget to cheer on Maureen and Katie who had the difficult task of incorporating Nutmeg into their recipes.
- Second. Next week we have a fun week ahead of us. In preparation, I need a list of 5 random items that cost $5.00 or less. Cast your vote.
Signing off until... later, when I post the final story.
A small carry-over from yesterday. Peggy, BKRoots Apple told him to steal someone else's prize. He chose yours. That means you get to pick another apple.
Here's my best account of what is left:
Good luck Katie and Maureen!
Who are the packers even playing? AHHH the colts- my team!!! so im going to say the score will be:
colts 21 packers 14
An adjective for you...OLD!
Colts 24 Packers 17
I'm hoping my entry will go over with the Strubles as well as it went over with my building...good luck, Maureen!
Cassie P, like you, I needed to see who the Packers were playing ... so I went to nfl.com ... and wasn't the featured story on their loop of stories, one on the GB / Indy game!
My vote: Colts: 30 Packers: 17
Objects for $5 and under ...
- a small, postage paid, box arriving to someone in a slightly larger box (provided that whatever ends up being mailed in the small box weighs very little
- fun packages/tablets of paper in different sizes at Michaels
- a pumpkin
- a bag of chocolate chips (**cough or a batch of cookies cough**)
- a bag of candy for someone's home or office to be shared
... i'm fresh out of ideas this morning.
Indianapolis 34
Green Bay 13
Go COLTS!!!!!!!
$5 and under:
(if you use a 50% Michael's coupon it would be $10 and under...just sayin')
But here's a list:
-2 pairs of flip flops from Old Navy
-a thing of chap stick (perfect for fall chapped lips)
-great fall shade of finger nail polish
-a package of mechanical pencils
I gotta run I'm off to College Station to visit Texas A& M today so I have to get an early start.
Hey Everyone!
Don't forget to buzz over to www.readingraynbow.blogspot.com for the first discussion of The Secret Life of Bees!
Richard, thank you for picking my name out of the RAK box and Lori, thank you for the wonderful compliment. You both made me smile.
Colts 34 Packers 15...
5 items:
ice cream cone
sharpie marker
nail polish
cup of coffee
pack of crayons
Katie I stressed so much over what would be a good choice for nutmeg, and yet something that can be mailed. If I do lose it may be "healthier" for me LOL.... All in the name of FUN! Good luck Katie! Have a great day.
Next word we need... A verb ending in "ing."
The age I will forever be #29... I have 15 years of experience!!
$5 or under
gift card
footlong at subway
case of soda
fall scented candle
5 items at the $1 bin Michael's or Target
Actually... I have to leave the house for a little while, so here are the next few words we need...
Verb ending in "ing."
Plural noun
See you in a little bit.
plural noun: snakes
my guess for the game is Indy wins 24-21
Verb ending in ing... dripping
Score of the game
Colts to win 24-13
5 things under $5:
decorative cocktail napkins
Gardening gloves
Fun notepads for making lists
kitchen towels
oops. Peggy already picked changing. How about Apple as a noun.
plural noun; pumpkins
$5 and under
five halloween decorations at the dollar store
$1.00 scented candles at walmart
decorative (halloween) vinyl tablecloth $3.50
We still need an adverb. Someone send me an adverb quickly and I'll post some of the next words for which we are searching.
One, two, three, go....
Another quick thought... if you're rusty...
An adverb tells how something is done. It modifies a verb and often times will end in "ly." ... Kind of like "quickly."
Thanks for picking another number. You are the lucky winner of an Apple Patch for your patchwork denim.
Do you, by the way, already have a designated Patchwork denim item?
O.k. I'm waiting for an adverb and while I am waiting I am conducting all kinds of HLA business...
A few points of follow up from yesterday...
Heather... you had the golden apple. Which of the prizes won would you also like to have?
I hope that these are fine
Thank you, Layne! I will take the first on your list... "Fiercely."
Now on the next set of five words for which we are looking:
Verb ending in "ing"
Poor Packers - no one thinks they're going to win. Just to be different I'll say 17-14 Packers.
Noun- Imagination
Noun - Movers
Noun- Goggles
Verb - Jump
Can any parent guess what my children are watching?
$5 items - McDonald's happy meal, Coppola cup of wine (it's a plastic cup of wine to go), a Leinie's Octoberfest Beer, a Spongebob look and find book, and 4 songs from itunes.
noun - firetruck
Ok... home from work... and I'm lost here today...
How do I catch up...
Yes Claudia, I have a denim jacket that I am adhering patches to. I've earned an Apple patch??
If you need words:
Earthling (for a noun)
helping (for a verb)
Ok. We are moving right along. I randomly selected a couple of Cristine's words, the word Brian offered up, and a word offered up by Peggy.
We need 11 more words... Here are the next 5. Let's try to get them covered by 4:00 CST.
Part of the Body
Letter of the Alphabet.
Peggy, if you are still lost...
We are playing Mad Libs. You did a great job of contributing a word already. Maybe you'll send another word to fill one of the five categories listed above (it's helpful if we go in order).
Next... Feel free to brainstorm five items under $5.00 that I use for next week's blog activity. More on that on Monday.
Next... what's your Colt/Packer prediction?
Finally... yes, you won an apple patch and I am thrilled to hear you already have your Patchwork Denim selected. You, after all, are right up there with people who have earned quite a few.
Phew, hopefully you feel updated and less confused. That's the thing about Free For All Fridays... there's always a bunch going on.
Ooh! I want to do the body part...
the pinky toe
Very nice, Cheryl. That leaves...
Letter of the alphabet
and now we'll add another...
This group generally supports my beloved Packers but not this week huh. I see how it is. Packers 27 Other Team 14. Verb- curling...as in the act of sliding that big rock on the ice.
Looks like you need two nouns, a letter of the alphabet and another noun: football, leaf, letter- B, and store.
And Colts 31- Packers 24
I'm a die hard Packer fan since 1968...currently living in Northern Illinois... I never give my thoughts on the game... I just hope they win... cuz I don't figure out the stats... leave that up to my son...
Thanks Clauda! I was trying to figure out how many words you need each time you post... I got the mad lib thing :0) fun....
so if you are looking for a noun?
Ok... Home stretch and then I will post the whole story.
To finish the Mad Lib, we need:
Type of Food
Let's try to get these submitted by 5:00 CST.
Well I just got done trying a fun apple recipe offered up in yesterdays comments...only I stumbled a few times! HAHA if only those of you out there that love to cook, bake, or "make" food like this could have seen me (the non-baker, non-cooker, use-the-microwave-all the time-er) doing this simple activity, you would have died laughing! SO, enter me, into the kitchen to actually "make" something.
First, I tried to use my mom's (who is an amazing cook, loves to cook, and has always tried to get me to cook) melon-baller or w/e that thing is. apples dont ball well, or at least i couldnt get them to. so i just cut the apples into cubes and stuck toothpicks into them.
next, melting chocolate. who knew that would be so difficult for me?! OH NO...melting chocolate is an art! first, i didnt put it in long enough. then, i tried again, and put it back in too long. got me some BURNT chocolate. it got all powdery and hard. awesome! round 2...melted the chocolate! success. so i get my 7 and 9 year old brothers into the kitchen to have some fun with them for once. hooked one up with some fall colored sprinkles, and the other helping me dip the apples in chocolate. URRRR, wrong. the chocolate wouldnt stay on the apples. it just kind of slid off. SOOO mom says try to add some milk. OH NO! bad idea, very bad idea. made it hard. put it back in the microwave to re-melt, and it just cooked the chocolate. UGH!
for covering fruit: melt 1 cup of chips with 1T of shortening.
OHHHHH! that would have been handy had i done that in the beginning.
so, round three works out much better and we start covering the apples in chocolate, then putting sprinkles on them. not only did we cover the apples, but our hands too!!! it was great fun. even tho it did not go the way i had planned, we got us some chocolate/sprinkles covered mini apples!!! after a half hour in the fridge, my brothers sure enjoyed our snack!
Thanks to whoever posted that fun recipe yesterday. :-D
type of food: cheese!
noun: dog
What a GREAT story, Cassie! Thanks for sharing AND for testing out Nicole's recipe.
My experience probably would have been a lot like yours. Cheryl has requested that I make her a batch, so maybe - just maybe- I'll try.
Now give me a noun or something. We close to the end.
That's hilarious Cassie!
Thank you so much for sharing that and I'm sure that would have totally been me!!! I like that you improvised and did the slices. Just make it simple. I like it!
All we need is one NOUN.
noun - Michael's
also, sue and katie ... like mother like daughter ... i received $2.10 from each of you today ... THANK YOU!
Cassie, sorry you had such trouble with the apples. The key to getting the chocolate to stick is to pat the apples dry first. it is hard to use a melon baller but it works if you push down really hard all the way and then turn it. Hope they tasted good!
Julie... Michael's would constitute a proper noun, so instead I will use the craft store.
YAY! I wanna hear the final story!
Nicole, its ok that it didnt work out correctly, I still liked it, and they are still yummy! I took some to the kids that I babysit tonight (boy age 2 and girl age 4) and they both ate the chocolate off but didnt eat the apple! HAHA. my brothers ate the apples though...
Consider it a cliff hanger. The story will show up in tomorrow's post.
Good night...
CKB...sorry I didn't respond sooner. Mike and I took our trip to A & M today .
I'll use my golden apple to have a RAK done.
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