Before we get started...
Another look at our
(and another note of gratitude to the nine people whose donations made it possible)
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give You Something Good to Eat

Rainy Day in a Box
Filled with treats that will have your kids wishing for rain
His and her Target Gift Cards
Total Value $40.00

Have a Spooktacular Halloween
with these party items, including a cake tin, cookie cutters, sprinkles, plates, and napkins

12 Handmade Greeting Cards
to help you stay in touch year round

Movie Night In A Box
Including Snacks and a $10.00 Blockbuster Card
Arts and Crafts Box, including Scissors, Edgers, and Hole Punches
Not Pictured, but very cool...
This box features bath soaps, lotions, chocolate, and 2 books to read while relaxing
Just what the Dr. ordered!
Welcome to Highlowaha's Second Virtual Party. Tonight, featuring... Pirate Bingo.
Thank you for joining us and for helping Highlowaha raise money to support the family we adopted this holiday season. We are a blog that helps community by being creative and exemplifying what it means to "be in community." That's what I love about who we are and what we do each day.
I won't dilly dally. We'll commence with the evening of fun. First an overview, then some reminders about the rules of play. Overview...
Announce Silent Auction Winner
Round #1
prize selection
Round #2
prize plundering
Round #3
prize plundering
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not clear your card after Round #3.
We will use your card from Round #3 to play a Blackout Round
Heather Selects Prize
Congratulations for being the first and only to find a reader from
Corvallis, Oregon - home of the guys responsible for creating
National Talk Like a Pirate Day
Prize Awarded
reader from Tuesday spirited enough to speak in Pirate-ese
Blackout Round
Prize awarded to winner
Final Prize Awarded
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Box
Bid you a goodnight and sign off until tomorrow
Click on the "comments" section (located in blue at the bottom of this post).
Round #1
- Wait for first Bingo Ball to be announced. A new number will be announced every 30 seconds.
- The first person to to successfully achieve BINGO (a complete line across, down, or horizontally) must immediately post the word, "BINGO" along with the number of the winning card (if you bought more than one) and your winning numbers.
- I will cross reference with my copy of your card
- Once verified, the winner will select a prize from the terrific "table of prizes."
- Repeat Bingo rules from Round #1
- Winner from Round #2 will have the choice to either steal the prize from Round #1 winner OR to select a prize from the "table of prizes." Once a prize is stolen three times, it is out of play and remains with whomever got his/her hands on it last.
Round #3.
- Repeat rules from Round #2.
- DO NOT clear card after Round #3, as we will award another prize to the first person who gets a Bingo Blackout (every number on the card is covered).
Here we go...
And the winner of the
Silent Auction is...

Congratulations on being he proud owner of only the second
Highlowaha shirt ever printed!
It's time to click on the blue word "comments"
1, 2, 3... go!
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Here we go!
First one...
N 34
I 19
O 67
B 10
N 37
N 39
G 54
I 20
N 42
B 8
O 72
I 26
O 66
G 50
G 57
I 24
N 31
G 55
O 62
N 45
Zach says "Bingo" argh!
Treye's Card #3
Krysten, we are reviewing cards. Tell me your numbers. Toni is here at my house playing.
If need be. We will spin until either you or Toni get the next number on your WINNING card.
I'm a little amused that we could pick our numbers any way we wanted, and 4 people all needed the same number.
OMG that was the most nerve-wracking game of BINGO ive ever played. im literally sweating right now- i got home from babysitting at 9:01 and was 4 numbers behind when i started!
lets go ME in round 2 and 3!!!
Toni, Treye, Krysten, and Mike...
Pay attention. The first one of you four to get the next number ON YOUR WINNING card will win.
The number was I 25.
Krysten and Mike... let's try again.
Gotcha matey
O 65
Neither of you have it on your winning card
how are y'all refreshing your screen?
what happened to the first person to post Krysten cleared her card
We had I25
B 11
The Knox's win Round 1.
What present do you want?
While Mike is deciding, everyone clear you cards!
On a PC, you can press F5. I don't know about on a Mac (not sure which you have!).
Zach picks the his and her target cards :)
I try that but it brings me back to HLA main page
im really upset i thought the rule was the first to post was the winner and i posted first...can you please explain the rules so we can be sure... thanks :)
Alright. The Target cards it is.
Round #2. Is everyone ready?
O 73
Alright. The Target cards it is.
Round #2. Is everyone ready?
O 73
What if you go to the view pull down menu in your browser and click on refresh? Does it do it then, too?
If we go that route, the five people (16 cards) sitting in my kitchen will have an unfair advantage.
Thanks for being flexible and rolling with the punches as we figure this out.
G 49
N 41
I 26
G 54
i understand that but i thought the rules were first to post...not first to yell...thanks anywayy:) !!
N 35
G 56
thanks... can't refresh... oh well, I'll be a minute behind :0)
O 67
B 9
N 44
N 31
I 25
I 20
B 8
N 38
B 5
B 6
B 12
BINGO (#3)
B 11
Heather and Toni
Heather won.
Clear your cards as she decides what gift she wants. Will she go for the Target cards?
Wait. What about me?
Heather says the question is...
Should I steal the Target cards from bosses son?
Did Nicole get in on the previous number?
What about Nicole?
yea, what about nicole, she posted bingo before B11
Sorry, Zach. Heather and Bal want your Target cards.
Pick another gift.
Never mind.
Sorry, Nicole. We didn't see it.
Nicole... what gift do you want?
You better get this figured out before you have a mutiny on your hands!
Settle down or it's the plank for the lot of you!
Thanks for looking out for me mateys! I'll take the Target cards, please.
We're preparin' our swords for a fight... but if she takes the cards, our second choice is ye movie box. Argh!
HAHA this is comical!
So Zach... pick another gift.
Alright, Mike has movie in a box and Nicole has the His and Her Target cards.
Round #3
The pirates here pick the movie pack!
O 62
I 22
I 26
O 64
I 27
Bunco Says where are you people???
P.S. Wendy walked the plank!
N 43
I 23
G 53
O 61
B 14
I 20
N 35
B 5
O 63
N 44
G 58
I 16
I 28
G 57
Tera's card #1
I's: 23,26,27,16,28
Treye got Bingo! Anybody else on the number I 28?
ARGH my bingo cards stink!
So close on that one!
Treye... since you and Tera are married, I am going to let you pick a prize on behalf of the two of you.
I'm going with the RRRrts & Crafts box
Everyone else...
Remember... don't trash your cards yet. We still have blackout.
Also there are a few more prizes.
O.k. Treye has the craft box.
Nicole has Target cards
Mike has Movie in a Box
and maureen has nothing=(
don't say nothing! it's something for a Friday night being together for HLA!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
let's get this blackout started before the kiddos take over the ship!
Mutiny at Cheryl's house!
Before Blackout, Heather gets to pick the gift of her choice for tracking down a resident of Corvallis, Oregon.
She wants the Spooktacular Halloween Box.
That leaves:
Trick or Treat
12 Pack of Holiday Cards
Spa in a Box
Rainy Day in a Box
Some Dirty Pirate left us a batch of yummy brownies and a true treasure it tis!
did g 57 count?
G 47
N 34
Yes, G 57 counts
O 65
G 60
1 21
G 54
B 2
G 56
N 31
N 42
I 24
I 23
Oops.. I 24 was already called.
G 59
B 9
G 51
N 33
N 33
B 6
B 8
I 29
B 7
I 25
G 50
G 55
G 52
N 45
G 49
I 17
N 32
I 30
G 48
B 11
N 38
O 68
O 73
G 46
O 66
O 74
O 70
O 67
B 3
O 72
B 13
I 19
B 10
Justice prevails, Krysten.
Which of the remaining gifts do you want?
It is
Rainy Day in a Box
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet
Spa in a Box
12 Pack of Handmade cards
spa in a box please!! :))) of my moms five guests won it!!! we're sharing a computer!! Thanks!! My brothers girlfriends actually won!! :00
the crew is getting restless, where's our fearless captain?
Spa in a box is gone.
I just randomly drew the name of a one of the spirited readers who posted in Pirate Talk on Tuesday. As promised, one of you has earned a prize.
And the winner is...
Treye, do you want to pick for her? Items left are...
12 Pack of Gift Cards
Trick or Treat Smell My Feet or
The Rainy Day in a Box
?! what happened?
ok, there we go!
so who won??
my brothers girlfriend wants to know if she's getting spa in a box or she has to pick a new prize...were all
you got the spa in a box
12 pack of gift cards, please!
Krysten...She is getting spa in a box. Now, we're drawing for the other prizes.
Next up. The Random Acts of Kindness Box...
ohhh...we get it now...hahah
pick me pick me---hahah!!!
Receiving the Random Acts of Kindness package is...
Debbie Femi from Louisville, Kentucky.
Quick consultation with Cheryl, before we give away the last prize.
Have I missed something? I feel like I should not still have one extra prize left over.
well i'll take it if it would help!!
Ok, I'll make an executive decision. Bunco women... are you still out there?
can these sleepy pirates go to bed?
In light of the Bunco women being gone... here's what we'll do...
If you DID NOT receive a bingo gift tonight, send me a number between 1 and 25. The person who comes closest, without going over, will win the last prize.
Yes... Sleep Knox Pirates. Go to sleep. You're already leaving with some loot.
Sweet dreams.
Night night everyone! Thanks for the fun and the loot!
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