Thursday, September 18, 2008

Begad! It's the 18th!

It's me goal to start a new Highlowaha ritual - even in the midst of settin' sail for National Talk Like a Pirate Day,  which is TOMORROW!!!

As many of our longstanding readers know, the number 18 is special to the highlowaha community.  The 18th, according to highlowaha legend, represents the date of our first post.  I say, "legend" because we later learned that the first post wasn't actually until the the 19th of February... not the 18th.  This little factoid compliments of Cheryl - Mad Ethel Bonney. 

No worries.  When presented with such Bilge(!), the highlowaha community rallied and determined that, rather than sweating recovery of the "lost day," we would embrace it as a symbol of what highlowaha stands for.  So today #218 (February 18) carries special meaning.  It means living a life where, no matter how busy you feel or how long your list of things to do is, we make time the little things - the things that make this world a nicer, more civil, and more joyous place to live.

Living the spirit of 218 will mean different things to different readers.  To me it might mean saying "yes" instead of "no" when one of my sons asks if I will help him paint.  It might mean sending a care package or writing a note to someone who I know is down in the dumps.  It might mean walking to the local park on a beautiful day, instead of rigidly following what's on my calendar.  It could mean attending a lecture when I didn't plan to... or reading an article that I might typically write-off as unimportant.  For you it will mean something totally different.

In some ways, highlowaha is embodies #218.  The blog itself is named "highlowaha," because of the simple Beeny ritual of sharing our high, low, and aha each night over dinner.  No matter how busy or bad our day is, we always come back to the safety of the dinner table where together where we settle into this comforting ritual.  

It's also about the writing of this almost-daily-blog.  My writing this blog started as a lark.  I was bored, on maternity leave, and curious to see if I could meet the challenge of posting a new idea each day for one year.  In the beginning making my posts took 15 - 20 minutes.  Seven months later our community has grown and we are busy!  We're earning patches; raising money; reading books; helping those in need; doing random acts of kindness; baking, baking, and more baking; tracking down readers in all corners of the map; painting the town red; and competing in Olympics.  Not to mention giving birth to blog mascot, Ray Wattson!

What used to take me 15-20 minutes now takes 50-75... what with all the announcements and record keeping that must happen.  But, I love it.  Highlowaha is my guilty pleasure.  It's one of those things I make time for, in spite of the fast paced life I live.  It's a small time-out that makes my world a nicer, more civil, and yes... more joyous place. 

The number 18 is additionally special to me, because it is the date of my mother and father's birthdays.  My mother's birthday is August 18 and my dad's is July 18.  Anyone who knows me, and knows my parents, can see glimpses of them in my daily posts.  From my dad I probably get his self-deprecating humor and love for writing (though not his mastery of the English language... and the usage of lay, lain, lie, etc...).  From my mother I get my creativity, my sense of occasion, and of course the life tip that serves as this blogs inspiration.  ...Foster your creativity by never using the same idea twice.

What a long prologue to today's simple post...

On the 18th of every month, no matter what theme week we might be in the middle of, we will stop to reflect on our highs, lows, and ahas.  You can share your high, low, aha since you posted a month ago, since last week, or since you woke up.  Your choice.  The point really is to live the Spirit of 218.  Stop... make time for friends and... make time to reflect on all that's going on in your life.

I'll start.
  • High: The weather in Texas has been beautiful for the past four days and I LOVE sunny weather.
  • Low:  My husband has been out of town for most of the week and I miss him.
  • Aha: I learned a new organizational tip yesterday.  To better manage the paper in your life, try this...  Read whatever the paper is.  If you can't deal with it right then (which of course is the ultimate goal) then write the expiration date in the top right hand corner.  If, for instance, it is a birthday party invitation and the party is on September 27, then you might use October 1 as the expiration date.  Then, when talking on the phone or watching t.v., simply file through your stack of papers and discard any with an "expiration" date that is passed.  This tip allows you to more efficiently manage the stack of papers that can invariably overtake our counter(s).
Maybe we can add this to the mix.  Cheryl and I bantered back and forth about whether highlowaha readers would value/wear a t-shirt bearing the numbers 218 on front.  It would serve as a visible way to communicate the spirit of highlowaha and to celebrate the values behind the numbers.  Vote with your hands.  If you like the idea of the t-shirt then post your high, low, and aha today and your name will go in a drawing for the inaugural shirt! 

Signing off until tomorrow... when we are in full pirate swing and making final preparations for Virtual Pirate Bingo!


maureen said...

High.....The sunrise was absolutely gorgeous
Low.... I have a box of papers to file today
AhA...Claudia dedicates much more time to posts than I thought

Its way to early for these to be the HLA's of my day but I figured I could get something posted before the chaos......

Anonymous said...

High: I have been dealing with a long time battle with my apt. complex and the electric company because we were charged about $50 for electric from an apartment we didn't move in to (long story). Yesterday I called to make my monthly payment and the new apartment manager must have finally worked things out because they had place a $150 credit on my account. I don't know why they credited so much (perhaps because this has gone on for the past two months) but I was happy to hear I owed $150 less than I thought I did.

Low: I have had a very cranky toddler the past few days and last night she fought sleep to the bitter end not going to bed until 2 hours past her normal bedtime.

Aha: Even without electricity in Louisville everyone is finding a way to be on the internet.

Katie said...

High: Day number one of my new waking up ritual and things are going well. I already had a cup of coffee, ate some breakfast, made cinnamonn rolls for the housekeeping staff (it's housekeeping appreciation week), and now I'm on to start my reading assignment for class this afternoon!

Low: Still bummed over sleeping through a staff meeting yesterday.

Aha: Coffee may become a regular part of my day with this new waking up routine. I've never really been into coffee before, but was immediately the first thing on my mind this morning!

Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge said... kids went back to school today after 3 days of being off due to power outages. kitchen is a disaster.

Aha...I learn something new everyday here at HLA from all you wonderful people! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

HIGH: having the week off from classes because of the crazy wind storm here in southern IN and louisville! (and my power has been back on since right after the storm was over).

LOW: Not being the first one to have a person from corvalis post yesterday (URGH HEATHER!) I tried really hard too!

AHA: I need to get the oil changed in my car ASAP! So that's what I am headin out to do!!

Anonymous said...

Let me re-write my HLA;

High: Getting an email from the wife of one of the founders of ITLAPD saying she'd visit our blog community!!!

Low: Going to get Lily out of bed this morning to discover she got sick last night at some point...uggg. She was fine this morning though with no fever or anything.

Aha: Learning that something is worse than finding my above Low:
Dropping Lily off at daycare (after a quick shower to clean up) to find that a little boy at daycare had just gotten sick all over the toys and the poor workers were having to clean up after someone else's sick child. YUCK!

Cheryl Houston said...

High- finding all the appropriate clothing for boys to be in wedding on Saturday.

Low- dragging two boys to the mall to find above mentioned clothes and being the mom from hell!

Aha- my boys really are sweet kids and there's nothing a good night sleep can't fix. :)

High- We're going to make a 218 shirt!!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Well..they visited but couldn't figure out how to post a comment so they sent it to my email and asked that I post:

On behalf o' the entire Talk Like A Pirate Day team - Cap'n Slappy, Ol'
Chumbucket (both in Philadelphia for The Day), Mad Sally (battening the hatches in St. Croix) and meself, the humble Webwench, a mighty thanks fer helpin' to spread the word - and the word is "Arrrrrrr!"

Webwench to the Pirate Guys

Peggy said...

Mad Jenny Cash here...

High: beautiful day, blue skys, I'm getting cleaning done, went for a walk, making a few cards.

Low: ongoing soul searching to figure out some goals, what I can contribute outside the home, work, job, what can I be?? getting out of my rut

Aha: went to bubba's (DS) highschool open parent night last night, he's a, wow, wow! He's teachers 'seemed' enthusiastic and great...home ec, health, advanced math, Chinese, Chemistry & Speech... glad I'm not in high school!

Meg said...

High - My BU roommate is engaged and I was asked to be a bridesmaid!!

Low- My apartment in South Carolina was robbed of all of its belongings and I am still cleaning.

Aha - I love pirate bingo and I loved doing it during parents weekend at BU with BAC!

Anonymous said...


Me high: Going to Erie today to visit family and friends...and getting to stay until Monday night (when I get to see my godfather who I haven't seen in about 10 years!!).

Me low: Gas is REALLY expensive and I've got a huge tank that needs filled up.

Me a-ha: People change.

Anonymous said...

High--Waking up to a beautiful Fall day here in Montana

Low- having my 14 month old throw up as we are walking into daycare- pleasant!

Aha-realizing the little things each day and not always wishign for tomorrow to come so fast!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Nice touch, Tera...

"Me high, me low, and me aha." I give you a gold sticker for integrating this week's theme into your post for the day.

Nice work.

You too, Mad Jenny Cash!

Ashlee said...

High...I was able to get out of bed on time for my 7 a.m. meeting!

Low...that I had to have a meeting at 7 a.m.!

Aha...deciding that swinging by the coffee shop for a quick pick me up with a student that was down was a fabulous investment! Why do I get so focused on my schedule sometimes?

Anonymous said...

High - Knowing my son is going to fully recover from his concussion.

Low - Me having a headache for the third day in a row.

Aha - Discovering if I use hot rollers on the top of my hair, it won't look so flat and icky. (I guess that's a vain Aha, huh)

Claudia - did you get any emails from me this week?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Extra! Extra!

The mail lady just came. Today I received Bingo cards and money from the following people...

Sue K.
Cassie P.
Amy B., and
Maureen (to whom I must say... THANK YOU for your generosity!!)

Add that to the cards I have received electronically from:

Treye and Tera
Mom and Dad

All things considered I'd say we have the beginnings of a real party going on here! Remember, it's not too late to get your cards in. I must receive them by tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., via post, email, or hand delivery. Money may be mailed after the fact.

To date we have raised $65.00. Nice going. I expect more will roll in tomorrow.

Remember, the prizes are GREAT. Highlowaha newcomers and lurkers are welcome!!!!!

Chaotic Kristi said...

HIGH weather has made it possible...even pleasant... to finish creating my sidewalk & flower beds!
LOW I am outta money & still have 1/2 a month to go
AHA as long as I have friends and love, I have all I need

Anonymous said...

High: I will get to sleep Saturday AND Sunday this weekend - the first time in probably 2 months.

Low: Working somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 hours this week.

Aha: Its amazing how fresh air alone can help when you're stressed.

Julie said...

Hi HLAers!

I'm sorry I've been hiding and lurking this week ... but I couldn't help but post my HLA (of today)

HIGH - Good walk outside today

LOW - Waking up before my alarm went off and not being able to go back to sleep

AHA - Sticking up for what you know is right can earn you respect from the most unlikely people

Heather - what's your email address?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Highs: Getting the good news from my husbands CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia DR. that the numbers went back to normal (It is laying dormant for now and hopefully for months and years to come!!!! Also my son getting accepted into the fall Driver's Ed program in school.

Lows: Having to think about what to make for dinner each and every night.

Ahas: hsving 2 boys that are always making me laugh, because if they don't i'll probably cry.

Katie said...

End of the day HLA:
High- Feeling very productive today and being able to check everything off my to do list...including a very cool trip to the college I think I'm trying to do my practicum at next semester...yay Mary Baldwin!

Low- The pile of laundry staring at me from across the room

Aha- Old habits die hard. There is a late night breakfast here on campus, but every time I write it out or type it out in an email I always add a k to the front of night....because that's how we always did it at BU...makes me look like an idiot now...haha.

Shayna said...

Late into this, but

High: Knowing that I have a husband that would do anything to help me out.

Low: Had to clean the house

Aha: When the weather gets colder, my arthritis gets worse