Today is Wednesday, two days before National Talk Like a Pirate Day, and... the day of the week when we whack the side of our head in order to solve a problem or to improve an idea. We need everyone whacking today's idea or... risk having to walk the plank!
But first, some party planning.
As of right now only two saucy wenches will earn a patch for hosting five or more people - Mad Ethel Bonney and Mad Ethel Rackham. Who else? Anybody, anybody?
Whether you're hosting a whole house of landlubbers, pirates or just a few lads or lasses, there are simple things we can do to make National Talk Like a Pirate Day extra special.
GRUB: We're serving up fish 'n chips and gold (chicken) nuggets. To drink the lads and lasses will have Sharks Blood (red punch ice cubes placed in a cup with sprite poured on top). The older dogs will go down ye hatch with Rum Runners. Bottoms Up! Dessert will be pirate cupcakes - chocolate with white frosting, red bandannas and black patches (made with mini oreos, I think).
DECORATIONS: Old maps will be turned into place mats, though I did consider using brown paper bags to make treasure maps with a big "X" marks the spot. Fish netting, shells, and a Halloween skeleton will help add to the atmosphere. Place cards at each seat, sporting their fun new pirate names are a must.
SIGNS: Poster board and paper bags will be turned into fun signs, allowing me to transform my home into the hull of a pirate ship. And of a course we will hoist the Jolly Roger.
GAMES: Pirate Bingo is the main event at our house, but not before the wee lads go digging for treasure. A small treasure hunt will lead them to chest filled with doubloons and other treats.
COSTUMES: No one gets passed me door without first putting on a red sash, a bandanna, and a eye patch. A gold earring, knickers, and a peg leg are optional.
Party planning underway. Settin' sail and movin' on...
Flogging the side of your head... We have nine great prizes for Friday night's Virtual Pirate Bingo and we're only playing three rounds of Bingo. That leaves 6 prizes to be had. One of the six will claimed by one of the eight people who were spirited enough to talk in pirate-ese yesterday. Still... that leaves five more treasures to be awarded.
That there is what we'll be flogging... How best do we give away the five remaining prizes?
Here's what Cap'n von Oech had to say...
Hear the Knock of Opportunity: A leading business school did a study that showed that its graduates did well at first, but in ten years, they were overtaken by a more streetwise, pragmatic group. The reason according to the professor who ran the study: "We taught them how to solve problems, not recognize opportunities." Where do you hear opportunity knocking? How can you answer it?
It's true. It's not everyday that we have great prizes to give away. Aghast! This is no problem. It's an opportunity. How can I use these prizes to promote the purpose and goals of highlowaha? For instance...
How can we use the 5 additional prizes as an opportunity to...
- Raise the maximum amount of money for the family we are sponsoring this holiday season?
- Recognize loyal readers?
- Get to know lurkers?
- Reach our goal of 9,153 readers by September 30 (we need 2,138 more in the next 12 days).
- Recruit a new reader?
- Spread the Spirit of 218 (The lost day symbolizing our commitment to make time for things we might not otherwise do... without that gentle push from highlowaha).
Here's a quick thought to get us started.
Did you know Talk Like A Pirate Day was "invented" in 1995 by two guys from Corvallis, Oregon? Oregon... a place from which only 22 views of highlowaha have ever been recorded. And, notta one of those views came from the town of Corvallis. Surely, native Corvallian's can appreciate our celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day and of our Virtual Pirate Bingo game. Can we award one of our nine prizes to the person who brings us a reader from Corvillian, Oregon?
May I remind you... it was a stunt like this that brought us Kelly from Montana! And, for that we are forever grateful to Tera... and, of course, Kelly herself.
- Virtual Bingo: Remember, I need Virtual Bingo cards by this Friday at 3:00. I've already started receiving some. Below is a picture of yet another prize donated for Friday's Virtual Bingo Party. This was the prize titled, Rainy Day in a Box. AS you can see, it is chock full of treats that any child would love to have. That's great, as I expect there will be kids playing along with us on Friday night (or... have it sent to a child you know, as a Random Act of Kindness).

- Paint the Town Red: We have all but one of our Regional Directors for Paint the Town Red. The only region still playing hard to get is MAAHLA(to figure out which region you are in, see the post from 9/13 titled, Paint the Town Red). States included in the this region include: South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and North Dakota. I suppose it's too much to think that Julie A. Cole might volunteer to be our Regional Director. I know these states are not our most populated, but surely we can find one lone reader who would be willing to step up to the leadership plate. Just one. Does anybody know anybody we can tap into? Yesterday's comment section includes all the names and email addresses of our Regional Directors. I will work on getting them listed in a central location.
Fair winds. Dirty Charity Flint signing off until tomorrow...
I put the ask in with Katie O in Iowa but I think this is the week that she and her hubby are lucky enough to be enjoying the Ryder cup in Kentucky. I'll let you know when and I get a response.
Corvallis, Oregeon huh?
I'll ponder my whack on my drive to work and get back with my ideas.
Well, I can try to work my magic today, since I lived in southern Oregon for 9 of my 21 years... though I cannot think of anyone that I know from Oregon, I do know a LOT of other people from there and can put calls/e-mails in to them.
Do I have to get them to post today or before pirate bingo?!
Cassie P. That's right!! I forgot about that connection. I'd love it if they posted today. That way we still have one day left to excite them about Pirate Bingo.
Alright, I'm workin on it...I have a couple e-mails out, but I cannot call yet since it is only 7:30am there!!
I have a few emails out too...we'll see what we can do!
Argh! Okay, crew, Mad Ethel Bonney here with news that me job as powder monkey is turning into training for first mate. The sun is hanging at the 11 o'clock hour in the sky and I'm just tuning into today's treasure hunt. This new positions ain't doin' nothing for me blogging! argh! but it pays me treasure so I can't be complainin'.
I'll be lucky to be getting the bingo cards done and the decks swabbed before the other pirates sail in on Friday. The wee Bonney lads were asked to stand in for the ring bearers that were hung up 3 days before this Saturday's wedding. Someone needs to walk a plank! New spiffy attire must be found for them. Cross ye fingers they will be suited up tonight. So, Dirty Charity, your ship will be much more festive than ours but we'll be a-playin' for that Rainy Day Out box!
That thar MAAHLA area is land-locked, is it not? Me knows no pirates there. Good luck with ye'r searching.
Now, if ye'll be excusing me, these old treasure maps must be put in the right barrels before we set sail for the new office next week.
Fair winds, me mateys!
Does the party of 5 include me or not? If so I will have 5 people if not I need to find someone else.....
Claudia, I sent you a box yesterday... its coming 2 days priority so you get it before Friday.
I will hold on to the "Rainy Day in a Box" until its time to mail it to the winner.
Claudia -
I won't be able to play Bingo on Friday, as you know, but Treye is going to play for me. Cards will be coming via email ASAP!
Maureen... of course you count as person #5. That makes three patch earnin' pirates.
Tera... I'm bummed you won't be playing with us, but thanks for figuring out a way to play along with us.
Also... we should be expecting a new reader - Emily - to check in with us today. If she posts... let's give her a big highlowaha welcome!
She just moved to Texas from... of all places... Oregon!
The planets are aligning!
Ahoy mates! I live in the wonderful city of Corvallis, Oregon. Kycoltsgirl from Moms Corner or Heather on this board had me post here because I live in Corvallis .
Anyway, I am not sure what else I should say about the town besides the fact that the roads around the front of the university are being torn up to make them wider, but thankfully, school doesn't start for another 2 weeks so it's ok. Also, GO BEAVS!
What's worse...I didn't even know that this was Talk like a Pirate day or that it was founded in Corvallis. Whoops! But thanks everyone!
Welcome to HLA! This is a great blog with lots of wonderful, creative ideas. I hope that you stick around for a while to see what it's all about!
Thanks Shayna and welcome to our fun little community!!!
Welcome to HLA, Shayna! We all hope you'll stick around and contribute to our community!
Shiver me timbers! What a luminous day to get a new reader. :)
That Heather is a good Captain! Back to work before me gets flogged!
Shayna! Welcome!!!!!
Wait. Don't go yet.
Send me an email with your mailing address. You're official right of passage into the highlowaha community comes when you receive your first Random Acts of Kindness package.
Ask Kelly from Montana. She was our last great find!
My email address is
Oh, and Talk Like a Pirate Day is on Friday. That means you still have time to celebrate. Maybe by next year at this time you'll be coordinating the town's annual celebration.... with the help of our highlowaha friends, of course!
Half (or more) way through the day and still in search of additional ideas for giving away the 5 remaining prizes.
If we vote that Heather should get one for bringing us Shayna, then that still leaves four.
Think about it this evening and send your thoughts before bed tonight.
Otherwise... it might be off to the RAK box.
Welcome Shayna- even though I am a new comer myself. I was the first to post from Montana about a month ago and have been reading everyday since. They do send great prizes too!
Hey guys...I just wanted to say that I haven't posted anything for a couple of weeks--I participated in half of the decathalon and then school started and I couldn't be very faithful, but I've continued to lurk here and there! Even though I'm not able to host a "Talk Like a Pirate Party," I have to say that a year ago this week my friends and I actually had "A Little Pirate Fun" party in honor of a friend of ours who accidentally stabbed himself in the leg (and nearly hit an artery)! We though it appropriate to make fun of him in this most festive way! Alas, I peaked too soon! Oh well...I've had fun reading all the ideas this week. Hope you guys all have fun!
Hi! I met Claudia today and "Yes" I did move from the Pacific NW area of Portland, Oregon! I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon which is about an hour and a half from Corvallis. Corvallis is a small college town and we have many friends who are die hard Beavers Fans (OSU Football)! We are now living in the wonderful world of Texas and we are making it a fun adventure for our family. Great Blog site! Cheers!
Welcome to Emily, too! Yay for two new readers in one day!
If we are trying to raise money for our family how about a silent auction on these items.
Thanks so much for welcoming me here! I will definitely be checking this place out!
Okay here's my whack as late as it may be:
-A prize to the reader whose BINGO party contributes the largest # of coke points
-A prize to the reader whose BINGO party best encapsulates the HLA spirit (shown via a snapshot)
-A prize to save for our next fundraiser
-A prize to the reader who offers the most creative idea for our next fundraiser and agrees to organize the event.
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