By th` way, I`ve already started me plunderin` an` I`ve stolen th` shirt from Dirty Charity Flint an` I be puttin` `t up fer silent auction. Th` biddin` starts at $5.00. `Tis fer a worthy cause so ye better dig deep or ye`ll be dealin` wi` me.
Th' silent auction be open from now until 7:45 p.m. CST. Th' winner be announced at 8:00 p.m. CST, before Bingo begins.
Now th' booty hunt t' get ye all warmed up. Search me picture fer th' hidden "HLA"s. Thar`s a clue as t' how many ye can find...t' boot!
Reckon, Bingo, Booty, Bucks. Gotta love `t.
Remember, biddin' starts at $5.00.
Alright, I'll start at $5!
Just to stir the pot, I bid $7 for the shirt. Also, I would like to mention Sunday is another big battle for the "Super Bowl". These snacks will be set outside, during the Struble Suds tailgate party (night game at 7 central, tailgate starts between 4-5). Cristine will be taking more photos, and comments will be posted quicker this time. Go Packers beat the Cowgirls. Struble Suds hotline during football sunday 630-CLD-BEER (yes it is real). www.strublesuds.com
Go Cowboys! Go Cowboys! Go Cowboys! It's not really an insult to call them the Cowgirls since we all KNOW women are stronger/smarter than men!
$8 for the shirt!
$9 fer t' shirt.
I'll make it $10 you bunch of scurvy dogs.....arrgh.
Damn that wench is fast.....$12
Me heard Dirty Charity Flint complainin' that none of you pirates is checkin' in on her post 'tis day.
Get to it or ye blow me cover! Arrrrrrr!!
In honor 'o me bucko usin' th' word wench, I gunna kick up th' bid to $15. Long live th' Packers and all me bucko who want them to beat the Cow-wenches Sunday.
Jus kiddin', me raise the biddin t' $16!
I am sorry to say that something has come up and I will not be able to make Bingo tonight. Sorry.
What ever you need to bid for the shirt do it. Happy Birthday.
Thanks, Mom, but that doesn't make the competition very fair...I'll stay within the pre-planned 'budget' I had in my head all along to keep things fair. That way, if I end up getting it, you can give it to me for my bday present and if not, we can stick with the orignial plan!
Get in th' swashbuckler spirit! Plunder th' booty!
Ya lily livered swabbie!
$30.00....$35.00 if I can get the Dallas Cowboy Sars on the sleeves....
I will go for $45.00
This is Maureen
there is something wrong with the site...it won't let us post as our usernames....
just checking the site
Ahoy maytees me name shows again...
hi mom!!
arghhhh!!!! me feel all pirate like!!
$50.00 since I'm not able to play bingo...
Check out the time of the last post.. Iam the last winner.
opps. i thought it was until 8:00
We could always split the final cost and have it become like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants except ours would be the Traveling shirt....It could go cross country with stories fron Az to NY and back again until we wear it out! Just a thought!
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