More announcements at the end!
So here was my challenge... develop a week's worth of posts based on topics provided to me by our Taste of USA participants.

Here was their challenge... develop potential blog topics using two random items, drawn from a paper bag. Then... perfect the idea using a Whack on the Side of the Head from von Oech
After mulling over the four topics provided me, I have found some sort of loose connection between them. I don't want to give it all away on Day #1, so I'll generally introduce the first of four topics and later in the week we'll see how they fit together.
Play along at home. What kind of topic might you have come up with given today's items? Let me know in today's post. Maybe, just maybe, I'll add it to my list.
First up, Amy and Kristen.

A deck of cards and a bison vertebrae
Their idea... develop decks of cards using things far more interesting than hearts, spades, clubs, diamonds, and Aces and Kings. Instead, Amy and Kristen proposed decks of cards that pictured friends, along with reasons each friend is special. Or how about presenting a deck of cards to a bride-to-be, sharing tips for a successful marriage? Going to grad school? Create a deck of cards bearing ideas of things you can do on a budget. Have a friend going on vacation? How about some "Go-Fish" cards, each bearing a different suggestion of something to do while on vacation.
von Oech challenged participants to "Listen to Your Dreams," leading to additionally creative ideas on the parts of Amy and Kristen. The card said...
Greek philosopher Heraclitus: "To those who are awake, there is one ordered universe, whereas in sleep each man turns away from this world to one of his own." Your dreams can help resolve conflicts, refresh thinking, inspire solutions, and suggest new approaches. Example: chemist August Kekule's dream of six circling snakes inspired his discovery of the benzene molecule ring. How can you relate a recent dream to a current problem?
Though neither of them could remember a recent dream, both Amy and Kristen were inspired to develop a deck of cards shaped like thought bubbles and revealing dream definitions on the faces.
That's what they came up with. How about you? How might you use a deck of cards and part of a bison vertebrae to develop a creative topic for a future highlowaha post?
Or... based on a recent dream... what suggestion might you have for a creative deck of cards?
Tune in tomorrow to see what Group #2 came up with.
- Patchwork Gold Star: Congratulations to Cheryl AND Matt who won this week's gold stars for coming closest to guessing the final Packer score. Cheryl guessed 24-21, while Matt guessed 24-17. Matt PROMISED to sew his gold star to his "Packer Pants,"so we will expect to see it featured in next week's photograph. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the post from August 7, 2008 (Patchwork) to learn more about how you can get in on the Patchwork fun.
- Countdown to the Super Bowl: Next up, Stacie and Tera on Sunday, September 21. Don't forget to tune in on Friday when we vote for the next secret ingredient. Last time, bacon. Next round... only you can decide.
- National Cream Filled Donut Day: This Sunday, September 14 is National Cream-Filled Donut Day. We have nine great National Cream Filled Donut Day cards thanks to our decathletes. I have designs on four of them, but I am looking for the names of five other people to whom we can send the cards AND a $5.00 gift card to Krispy Kreme Donuts. I'm pulling five names from the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) box. If I pull your name, send me the name of a friend or family member who you would like to receive the treat. I'm waiting to hear from: Layne, Erica, Sue K., Peggy, and Cheryl. Please send me an email with the name and the address of one person you would like to receive the donut treat. Added bonus if it goes to a person who might actually enjoy the highlowaha community.
- Packages: Yesterday I mailed six packages to various winners of Cupcakes Make the World Go Round Week. I mailed them parcel post, however, so it'll be six days or so before they hit your mailbox.
Signing off until tomorrow...
We had so much fun participating in this part of Saturday's activities ... I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with :)
I know I said yesterday that I'd post later in the day on my thoughts from the weekend, but then I got home and got wrapped up in other things ... so here's my thoughts:
I found it incredibly inspiring for there to be 9 people in one room with the purpose of coming together as a community and helping to further one person's quest. It allowed me to have some much needed Tera/Julie time and at the same time spend some quality time with Treye :) It gave me the chance to spend some more time with cspgradstudent ... who I met thanks to Tera and Treye's wedding. It also gave me the chance to meet CKB in person, as well as Cheryl, Kristen, Nicole, and Amy (and Heidi for a little bit of time). I really feel as though it re-energized my ability to "think outside the box" when looking at different situations. I can't wait to see what's to come next!!!
P.S. - The Bison vertebra came from me ... my sister worked in Yellowstone as a park ranger for 2 years and brought me a few back. No worries - she had cleaned them.
Yay! Packers! You should have heard the boys in my house ... screaming at the tv like old times and the heart attack Pack!
Having trouble thinking outside the bun... I mean box. I love to brain storm and bounce off ideas with others and that banter is a great way to come up with ideas. Silly and serious!!
Cooper (my trusty walking doggie) is not in the mood to talk with me today!
Can you believe it's 47 out!!!
Happy Day all!
I shut technology off at 9:00 so I thought for sure Cassie was going to win. Then when I got in the elevator this morning my coworker told me the score! YAY! My jeans can't wait!
Congrats Richard.
I'll think on the cards and bison vertebrae and come back.
Hey Everyone! Click over to Reading RAYnbow for an update today.
Yay for Cheryl getting another patch!
As for the deck of cards, I had a dream about HLA last night, so what about a HLA deck of cards? When you need a creative pick-me-up you take out a card. Some examples might be:
-Mail a letter today.
-Lend a helping hand and volunteer to do service today.
-Take one and give one
-Be a bag lady today
Congrats to Richard as well.
PS- an update on something Philly related: Funsies and I will be having a decoupage party later this week to decoupage her cupcake pillars and my frame for the basket!
Very nice, Katie. So that would be you and NICOLE... NOT Kristen. What did I tell you about the problem we would have if I mentally reversed their names?!?!?!
Decoupaged cupcake holders? No THAT'S creative!
Not sure this is so creative but here's my thought process:
Deck of cards = games that can be played alone, with a friend or with a group. Fun and entertainment.
Vertebrae = our spine is made up of many vertebrae whose job is to protect the spinal cord that allows us to move our bodies. Essential part of our bodies.
Our quality of life depends on a balance of fun and entertainment along with daily responsibilities that protect said quality of life.
Whack it with a dream. I sometimes have dreams of ex-boyfriends stealing my belongings, real or fictional. Do I feel like that person stole an essential part of my life and time when we were together? Either way, what’s done is done and you can’t change the past. Learn from it and improve the next relationship.
What I get from all that is that we must live our lives to the fullest balancing fun with responsibility. Life should be time for fun with our friends and family along with a responsibility of taking care of our friends and family. And though relationships may have not worked out, they are an important part of our lives and they took part in shaping us into who we are today.
So, when the bills are paid and the dishes are done whip out a deck of cards and play Crazy 8’s, Spades enjoying time with others. And if you’re by yourself there’s always Solitaire to entertain you.
Don’t take life for granted.
And one lastly, if you're a lurker join in the fun and help us build our community. We can't welcome you if you don't let us know you're there. We don't bite. Well, not hard at least. :)
Ditto to the invitation Cheryl just extended to our lurkers. We wait with anticipation at the chance of meeting you.
Whenever you're ready, we are here. Today feels like a good day.
CKB- yes, I also feared the mental name reversal...I still remember the days of FFG. They seem not that long ago.
Maybe I should take a whack at using today's items to develop a blog topic - since, after all, I have extended an invitation to you...
You might have noticed, I titled today's entry, "Back-Hand." "Back" symbolizing the vertebrae and "hand" symbolizing the deck of cards.
We'll stay with the tennis theme, especially in light of Federer winning his fifth straight U.S. Open and Serena Williams winning her third.
Tennis, often referred to as the game of love, can teach us a few things about life...and maybe even inspire our creativity. The ball moves back and forth over the net. Back and forth, in a nice little rhythm...that is until the ball hits the net and abruptly stops. Life is kind of that way. We get in a nice little rhythm and then suddenly something abruptly changes and things as we knew them suddenly stop. Sometimes the victor, sometimes not, we must pick ourselves up and rally all over again.
Or maybe it's the 15-30-40-Game. Could those be life stages? Those things we are intent on at 15, 30, or 40 we later come to realize are part of the game called life. And, in the end, it was really only LOVE that mattered?
Who knows.
Post Michaels' trip update:
-Michael's currently has a lot of their summer stickers on clearance. I got a lot of stickers for 50 cents each.
-They have some cute scrapbooking paper on clearance for 15 cents. I picked some up in the hopes of beginning to make my own cards.
-The rotary cutter and board come together in a pack for $19.99
Also, if interested, give me your email address and I can forward along to you a 20% off your entire purchase coupon to Michaels that is good through the 13th (this Saturday).
This is your Michael's update brought to you by a Michael's addict.
Hello everyone
Thanks for checking in on the Super Bowl Battle. I've updated the Struble Suds blog - with comments about last night's kick-off event. We all had a great time and the PACKERS WON!!!
If you want to see a picture of Matt's Packer pants - check out the hall of foam on
We're all looking forward to Battle #2.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was in the same boat as Julie, and my life was a little hectic. I don't really have much to say except I'm really excited to be posting!
It was awesome to meet everyone in Philly! I had no clue what I was getting myself into, and I'm glad I took the risk. My only regret is that I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to get more patches then Cheryl! ;)
Once again, it was great meeting everyone last weekend, and I'll see you tomorrow!
PS... I love exclamation points!
More! Patches! Than! Me!
Me! Too!
Claudia could you please send your email address. The only problem is that here in New York we do not have any krispy kreme donut stores. There used to be one near where I live but they closed and it became a bank of america. Believe me any more banks here on Long Island we do not need. Also watch for the Rosie and Jenny I am going to tell them all about HLA.
Thank you Claudia.
My t-shirt arrived yesterday from the olympics. thank you so much. We have a casual day on Friday plan on wearing it and making the Social Studies teachers jealous.
thank you again.
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