Today is Friday. But, not just any run-of-the-mill-Friday. Today Cheryl and I leave on an evening flight to Philadelphia, where finally we get to top off our Taste of USA Contest. For those of you new to our site... Taste of USA is a ten-week highlowaha contest that ran from May to July. The challenge was to show your state pride, while having the largest number of people create the most compelling argument for why we should visit your state. Philadelphia won and we are thrilled to be visiting. Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches are in our near future.

Our dream would be to have all of you with us, but since that isn't possible, we've come up with a way to bring some of the experience to you. Check in early tomorrow to find out how you can get in on a piece of the fun.
Today is a free for all, meaning... you the readers get to talk about whatever you want. Let us help you brainstorm a theme, a gift idea, a decorating dilemma. You name it. In the spirit of "free for all-ing," I thought I would cap off our celebration of the cupcake with a hodge podege of final cupcake thoughts. Here we go in no particular order:
Target: Right now. This very minute. Target has a line of bath products in their dollar bins (lotion, foot rubs, etc...) that have cute cupcake logos on top. The packaging is great and the lotion flavors sound yummy. Could be a fun party favor for your cupcake picnic. They also have matching note pads. I got one of those for each of the woman coming to my cupcake picnic (this morning at 8:45 a.m.).
Websites: Should you think we are the only group of people who could talk about cupcakes for a week straight... WRONG. There are, in fact, a couple of websites devoted exclusively to this topic. One in particular is, Cupcakes Take the Cake. All cupcakes, all the time. Check it out. It's fun, fun, fun. You realize, of course, this means you can have a cupcake picnic in any state at any time. Just check their site for the best shops around.
Hello Cupcake: One night Richard and I were in Barnes and Noble killing time before a movie. I spotted the book, Hello Cupcake, and got so wrapped up in it, we nearly missed the movie. The pages of this book literally turn simple cupcakes into art. One of the things that resonated with me is the recipes do not look completely unattainable (and that's coming
from me... the woman who actually posted a picture of her horrible looking cupcake cake). I immediately wrote away to the authors and asked if they would send me a copy to give away on my blog. Kudos to them. They said, "yes." So, today I will away a copy of this book. I might add, the authors also have a website and a blog. They run a contest each month, allowing readers to enter their cupcakes into a Hello Cupcake contest. I'm toying with the idea of how highlowaha can plug into their fun. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Still thinking about how to give away the coveted book. I'll figure it out before I sign off for the day.
Notecards: Aaahhh, Peggy. I love Peggy and her beautiful notecards. We have been scheming. Right after National Ice cream Month, I commissioned Peggy to make me a series of cupcake notecards. She did and they are in my hot little hand, as I write. It's hard, but I am planning to part with them today. Last week I encouraged everyone to take advantage of Amnesty Day (the day you could simply post your address and I would write it on a postcard and put it in the Random Act of Kindness Box for you). Many of you took me up on it. You should be smiling right now, as I have decided to draw a name from the box to determine the recipient of the notecards. And the winner is... Sandy from Gainesville, Florida. Congratulations, Sandy. How about using one to invite another friend to a cupcake picnic?
Pillars: If you've spent any time around me whatsoever, you know one of my mottos is "Packaging is everything." That's why I love these pillars. These pillars elevate (literally) the simple cupcake and showcase them in a way a paper plate or birthday napkin can't. I love the possibilities of these pillars. Imagine one sitting on the desk of a colleague with a fun note or card. For less than $5.00, including the cupcake, you could give a friend or colleague a meaningful birthday treat. So much better than spending $10.00 on something less thoughtful just so you're not empty handed. I have a set of four pillars that I also intend to give away today. Back to the RAK box. Frustrated you don't have an address in there? It's not too late... just write your address (name not even necessary) on a postcard. Put a .27 cent stamp on it and mail to 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, Texas 76051. We're never far from the next drawing, so don't waste time. And the next lucky winner is... Crystal M. from Georgia!
Wedding Cupcakes: Thank you, Tera for passing along this picture from her recent wedding. ... Another great example of the beauty of a cupcake.

Oh, now for the book. How shall I give it away? Cupcake recipe? Tell me about your cupcake picnic? First post of the day? Last post of the day? Gosh the possibilities are endless. How about using the word "cupcake" as a framework for sharing the highs, lows, and ahas of your week. Submit one and your name will go in a drawing for the book... to occur from the hotel in Philly at 11:00 p.m. As for me...
- Celebrating cupcakes and my creative friend Amy (high)
- Unusually cool weather for September, on Thursday morning (high)
- Philadelphia here I come! (high)
- Chicago... the place where my husband had to be on business most of the week (low)
- Absence of any physical activity... all week! (low)
- Keeping mentally and physically fit takes effort (aha)
- Everything takes longer than one expects! (aha)
Signing off until tomorrow...
C-catching up with an old friend (high)
U-unbelievably busy at work (low)
P-People headed to Philly without me (low)
C-creating new ideas (high)
A-Activity MUST be in my near future (aha)
K-Kentucky is a world away (aha)
E-Eating better MUST be in my near future (aha)
C-curling up with a great book (high)
U-unexpected college bill (low)
P-philly will not see me (low)
C-cleaning the house all day (low)
A- attendance award Krysten got (high)
K-keeping within WW points works! (aha)
E-everything is possible (aha)
C-Claudia and Cheryl and the HLA gang coming to Philly for a "taste" (high)
U-Unwanted storm coming (low)
P-Patting myself on the back when credit is due (aha)
C-Creativity is thriving (high)
A-Activity creates positive energy especially when shared (aha)
K-Knowledge of my presence in the world (aha)
E-Eager to share my passion (aha)
C- Coming home after a busy weekend (high)
U- Unusually cool weather (high)
P- Pillows do not make good dog toys (low)
C- Children are never predictable (aha)
A- Apples are attracting fruit flies in my kitchen (low)
K- Knit sweaters are going to feel good soon (aha)
E- Entertaining friends (high)
C- Claudia- I have found the coolest friend! (high)
U- Utah - I miss my old friends (low) but glad I’m not in the snow (high)
P- PA ALL THE WAY! (high)
C- Creativity is sparked when surrounded by other creative people (aha)
A- Autumn is just right around the corner and fun is to be had (high)
K- eping up with two boys is tough work. Go to bed on time. (aha)
E- Enough hours in the day, to few (low)
Oh forget it! These typos are killing me! LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're going to Philly today! :)
C - Clapping hands with grandchildren - H
U - Under the water working out - H
P - Picking up Ricky from Swim Practice and drilling him on activity at school- H
C - Children observing - H
A - Airplanes - flying on one today for weekend fun in Tenn. Claudia on one today, Rick on one yesterday. Kevin on one today. They are a wonder. H
K - Kisses - H
E - Enjoying living. H, L, AHA
C-Cupcake picnic with BFF while hub watches Lucian tomorrow, with plans to have one with Nicole next week! (high)
U-Upcoming Lamaze Conference in Louisville (high)
P-Poop, poop, and more poop... it's been a very poopy week at my house (low)
C-Cleaning is a necessary evil (aha)
A-Aging tree in the front yard lost a huge branch (low)
K-Keeping up with friends is a way to renew my spirit (aha)
E-Eating surprise cookies my hub made for me last night (high)
C-caring friends who leave me voicemails as pick-me-ups (high)
U-underclassmen make me laugh (high)
P-people want to do their best, but sometimes just don't know how to make that happen (aha)
C-cockroaches invading my apartment (MAJOR low)
A-about to hit the road for Jersey/Philly! (high)
K-keep trying to get my cd burner to work and it won't....uh oh! (low)
E-everyday is a new day (aha)
FFAF?: what's another word for Boutique or Store? Go!
shop, shoppe, emporium, outlet
C - car got washed this AM by the people who did my oil change (high)
U - uber hot outside this week (low)
P - we come (high)
C - caught up in the rain today (low)
A - air conditioning...I should have gotten an apartment with it (aha)
K - keeping in touch with all of my Erie buddies (high)
E - eating lunch with Megan today (high)
I like shop. It conjures up feelings of smallness, like a boutique.
I'll keep thinking.
C-Coming home to a messy house (low)
U-Upset that I didn't win the Hey Cupcake shirt (low)
P-Packing my baby through the rain today (low)
C-Checking out highlowaha everyday (high & aha because I always come away with a new idea)
A-Anticipating cupcake picnic with Stacie next week (high)
K-Keeping my fingers crossed that I might win a prize this week (high)
E-Experiencing the birth of my friend's 8th baby last Sunday (high)
Peggy... where are you?!?! Today your note cards are being given away!
C- Can I really get out of the house for Bunco tonight??
U- Umbrellas, never have one when I need it, we had 3 inches of rain yesterday
P- Potty training - yeah! William hasn't had an accident in a week, way to go little man!
C- Class - yesterday the boys meet their preschool teachers, yeah two boys in school at the same time.
A- Anticipation - tomorrow we're doing our first real family portrait by the riverwalk, let's hope that they boys don't act crazy
K - Knowledge- the boys are learning about gravity by rolling balls down the stairs - soon they'll be learning about "time out" yikes..
E- Exhausting - I worked out for 90 minutes today, needed it after I ate ice cream yesterday
Good luck this weekend on your trip. Only 3 days until Super Bowl Competition - battle BACON. GO PACKERS!
Cristine... We're excited for Monday's Throw Down. Hopefully Brian and Richard are ready to go.
I sent a banner (folded up) with all the brackets on it. Maybe you will be kind enough to hang in Struble Suds.
I'm here!!!!
C - Creative Greetings! my faux card company (high)
U - undies, I tend to get them in a bundle (low)
P - post office no lines at the automated machine!! (high)
C - Cooper my furry walking buddy (high)
A - attempt to pick up clutter around the house (low)
K - knowledge, I learn something new every day (aha)
E*** - Exciting mail day (HIGH)
(*** check my next comment)
**** Yay me!!!! ****
I got something in the mail today!!! My bronze medal!!! Wowzer!!!!
go to my blog to see pictures!!
Peggy.... I'm glad you got the package, but I am SHOCKED it took this long. I had to have sent that at least two weeks ago.
Your patch and olympic pin will be mailed as soon as I return from Philly.
C - creative moment last night dealing with the cupcake theme! (H and A)
U - unpacking my apt is taking forever! (L)
P - philly, pa means a road trip with my bestest and treye! (H)
C - completed two weeks at my new job (L and A)
A - actually getting outside a bit this week! (H)
K - keeping in touch with a few key friends (H and A)
E - enormous amounts of junk food into my body this week (H, L, and A)
C- concert tonight (high)
U- umbrellas and rain today (low)
P-psych patients arent as scary as i thought (aha)
C-calling my best friend last night (high)
A- autumn is coming soon, followed by winter (low)
K-knowing that it is now the weekend (high)
E-everyone going to philly, but not me (low)
C- concert tonight (high)
U- umbrellas and rain today (low)
P-psych patients arent as scary as i thought (aha)
C-calling my best friend last night (high)
A- autumn is coming soon, followed by winter (low)
K-knowing that it is now the weekend (high)
E-everyone going to philly, but not me (low)
i definitely did not push the post button twice, but somehow there are two posts from me- sorry! you can enter me in the contest twice if you would like tho!! ;-) happy weekend all! and have fun philly-goers!!!
c- completed another week of work - high
u- unexpected response for the basket items. - high
p - people that are going to philly and I am not - low
c-caring for my grand dog - high
a - actually having a weekend where I do not have to be anywhere - high
k - kids missing my daughter katie - low
e - excepting the unexpected - high
C-Caring for my newborn (high)
U-Understanding people can take work sometimes (aha)
P-Pain in my shoulder and head that doesn't want to go away (low)
C-Community makes everything better (aha)
A-Accomplishing household tasks didn't happen (low)
K-Kindness of others (high)
E-Entire block of time
Sorry, I left off the last part:
E-Entire block of time to ourselves, in-laws are babsitting tomorrow night! (high)
A-Able to be
K-Kind to
All Highs and Aha's! Nothing Low about it!
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