Ahoy there matey and welcome to Highlowaha's week long celebration of pirates. Friday marks the thirteenth anniversary of National Talk Like a Pirate Day and we have lots of prepping to do.
We're going to spend part of the week looking at all the fun ways we can celebrate with our friends, our kids, our neighbors, our colleagues, our workout partners, and anyone else with whom we might come in in contact on Friday. This is a holiday far too much fun to pass over without any recognition on the part of a readership as fun as Highlowaha.
But, we're fun and busy. That's why each day this week, we'll look at a different thing we can do/plan for the big day. Plan a little bit each day and maybe, just maybe you can pull off a little bit of fun. Wait until the very end and the chances are slim to none. Plan along side of me. I plan to host a few neighborhood kids for an early pirate dinner and activity on Friday night, so we can plot and plan together.
Did I say Friday night? That's right. We will host a pirate party in anticipation of... not just Virtual Bingo, but... Virtual PIRATE Bingo!!!!! It is my hope that you might also consider hosting a small pirate party at your house (5 or more earns you a patch for your Patch Work denim) in conjunction with Highlowaha's Virtual Pirate Bingo party.
Virtual Pirate Bingo...
Here's EVERYTHING you need to know:
Prior to Play:
- Pirate Bingo will take place this Friday night, beginning at 8:00 (CST).
- We will play three rounds.
- A Patchwork Patch will be awarded to anyone who hosts 5 people or more.
- You will create your own Bingo card by putting letters B-I-N-G-O on a sheet of paper and listing 5 numbers under each letter (except "N" which has the free spot).
- Number choices are as follows: B = 1-15; I= 16- 30; N = 31-45; G = 45-60; O = 61-75
- Cards must be emailed or mailed to me by Friday at 3:00 CST.
- This is a fundraiser for our Helping Hand family, so one card will cost $3.00 and 3 cards for $5.00.
- My preference is to have all money and all cards in hand by Friday.
- My mailing address is: Claudia K. Beeny, 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, TX, 76051
- If you take 10 minutes and do it TODAY, I will most certainly have everything by Friday.
- Pass today's post along to everyone you know!
Rules of Play
- Log onto www.highlowaha.com at 8:00 CST. Read the short welcome to our party and then go to the section labeled "comments."
- Every 30 seconds a different ball will be posted.
- The first person to post "Bingo" (and whose card can be verified as the winning card) will be declared the winner.
- I will verify winners based on the cards I have received by 3:00 on Friday. I have already received two cards.
- The winner will get to select which of the six prizes he/she wants.
- Repeat process until we get a second winner.
- Now the fun begins... Pirates plunder and so do we on National Talk Like a Pirate Day!
- The second winner then has the choice... choose a different prize or steal the prize from winner #1.
- If winner #2 steals winner #1's prize, then winner #1 may select something new from the table of prizes.
- A prize may be stolen three times, before it is off limits.
- Repeat process again until we get a third winner.
- Winner #3 may also either... steal the prizes from Winner #2 or Winner #1.
- Same rules apply...
- Once all three rounds have been played, remaining prizes will be awarded... in some fun way. TBD.
Post Play
- Celebrate and pat yourself on the back, knowing you did a good thing!
- Winners, make sure Claudia has your mailing address so prizes can be shipped out on Monday. Prizes will be coming from our generous donors from around the country.
Prizes... or "booty" as pirates would call it...
We don't mess around at highlowaha. The booty for which we are competing is good! Check it out.

A Spooktacular Party in a Box
Cake pan, cookie cutters, sprinkles, plates, and napkins

A Night at the Movies
Featuring... Popcorn, candy, and $10.00 gift card to Blockbuster!

A Card for All Seasons
12 Pack of Handmade Cards by Peggy at PRDesigns
Valued at $25.00
Think Inside the Box!
The Ultimate Craft Box, including 16 Edgers, 16 Hole Punchers, and 6 Corner Cutters
His and Hers... or All Yours
Target Gift Cards - $20.00 each
Trick and Treat, Smell My Feet, Give You Something Good To Eat!
There are still three items for which I do not have pictures. They are:
Spa In a Box - Lotions and potions to pamper yourself
Rainy Day Activity Box - This treat will have your kids doing a Rain Dance!
Limited Edition (only second printed) Highlowaha t-shirt, ordered to your specifications
National Cream Filled Donut Day: All the gift cards went out early last week, so if you passed a name along, I mailed a card. AZLori... I didn't mail your suggested person hers until Saturday. It will get their after the fact, but it will get there! I hope your celebration was as good as ours. We went to Krispy Kreme and got these great looking donuts.
Project Paint Your Town Red: If you haven't read Saturday's post, please make time to read it some time this week. Highlowaha is working with long-time reader, Heather, to support her long-time friend, Julie. Julie has been diagnosed with a fatal disease. We, the readers of highlowaha, are saving Coke Reward Codes to give Julie and Julie's mother. The Coke Reward Codes will allow Julie's mother to purchase items for Julie that exorbitant medical bills would make otherwise impossible. We are still looking for Regional Directors to help organize this effort for four "regions" in the country. The regions are SWAHLA; GLAHLA; MAAHLA; PAHLA. Don't be intimidated by the acronyms. One look back at Saturday's post (9/13-Paint the Town Red) and it will all make sense.
Jim's b-day was this weekend so I went to Dunkin Donuts and picked up donuts for him to take to work along with their Box 'o Joe. I ofcourse had to pick up a box of donuts and munchkins for the house as well! Nothing better than a sugar rush to start your day off! Happy Monday all!
Claudia I purchased everything for the "rainy day in a box" over the weekend. I am putting it together and sending you a picture in email. My kids hate that they cant keep it. I guess that is a good sign.
Perfect, Maureen. Thanks.
Everybody... if easier you can post your BINGO cards here in the comment section. I will print them off.
Your other options... mail to 4012 Harvestwood Court, Grapevine, TX 76051
email to cbeeny@lslog.com
Make yours today!
oh, dr. b! haha. family weekend still misses you.
so i have to babysit until 8:30p EST and it takes me a half hour to drive home. So it looks like as long as i leave there right at 8:30, i will get home JUST in time. so i am totally in, because those prizes are worth it, plus its for a good cause! HELLO people! lol
and since classes are cancelled due to the kentuckiana area being under a state of emergency from the hurricane winds we got yesterday, i have time to make my card right now!
Yeah, Cassie. And... maybe you could have your brothers and mom play along. Remember... 3 cards are $5.00 and one is $3.00.
You are right... the prizes are worth it!
Arghh- I forgot it was National Creme filled donut day this weekend. We didn't leave the house until after dinner for an ice cream treat.
The boys and I made our bingo cards this weekend so I will get those over to you this week.
I wish you could post pictures in the comment section... I will post a photo of the limited edition Ray T-shirt at Taste of USA... www.tasteofusa.blogspot.com for everyone to see.
I'm off to swab the decks! I mean work.
We'll be having a Pirate Bingo party here at Hillside. Right now, it will be in my apartment, but if it gets big enough we'll move it over to the TV Lounge! They're getting their cards to me by Wednesday and then I'll pass them along to you!
I am working on my basket almost finished. Since we did not have power for most of the day yesterday need to go out today and finish my basket. Should have to you later today.
Claudia do you have a fax machine? I have my cards printed and ready to mail but faxing is easier if its a possibility!!!!
my cards are in the mail now! YAY!
I don't think I understand how this Bingo will work. How are we supposed to play our cards if we are mailing them to you?
I would like to clarify that you listed Montana twice in your regional layout for coke reward points. I think it shoudl be in the region with Arizona, washington, idaho, etc. so if you wnat to remove it form teh mid-atlantic region. And do we send codes to our region leader then?
Not sure I will be available for the pirate bingo this Friday- need to check and get back to you.
Lots of good information and questions.
Let's see... where to start?...
Cheryl, I will post a picture of the t-shirt tomorrow for everyone to see and drool over.
Maureen and others... unfortunately, I do not have a fax. But... feel free to email the letter/number combinations if that is easier. Since the cards will ideally follow with money (and I still don't have an easier way to receive money), snail mail is inevitable. We'll get there eventually. Highlowaha needs a business manager!
Finally... how will you play your card if you send it to me? Good question. I neglected to mention that you will either want to photocopy a copy, print-off two copies, or jot down your letter/number combinations the good old fashioned way.
If you have already sent yours to me via mail, and didn't make note of your card, have no fear... I will email you your information in time for Friday night.
I love all the questions and points of clarification! Let us know who you are hosting and how you will be celebrating. Inquiring minds want to know and it will help us get in the pirate spirit.
Fair winds Mate!
yes you email the codes to your regional director.
Oops... Kelly I forgot to address your point about Coke Reward Points and Regional Directors (though I see Heather jumped in to save the day).
Yes, you will email codes to your Regional Director. Once I get all the Regional Directors in place, I will post email addresses. I want to wait so I can do them all at once.
You are correct about Montana being listed twice (we're just so happy to finally have representation). You do belong in the IAHLA region, for which we already have a Regional Director assigned.
You border North Dakota and South Dakota, don't you? Who do you know in one of the MAAHLA region (Dakotas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, and Nebraska)? We need a MAAHLA Regional Director!
As for Pir
What I meant to say, before accidentally hitting "publish comment," was...
We hope you can give us 30 - 40 minutes of your Friday night. Consider it a pre-party party. Grab some friends, play bingo... HELP A GREAT CAUSE - and then head out for the other fun.
Remember, 5 or more people earns you a Patch work Patch!
With so much football in the air- Countdown to the Superbowl and HLA fantasy football- I feel the need to share a bit of what I'm currently working on for my class this afternoon (yes, it's true, I procrastinate)! As part of the history of higher education from 1866-1917, I have learned that first inter-collegiate football game took place in 1869 between Rutgers and Princeton! Random fact of the day!
Really, just an excuse to post on HLA instead of writing this paper.
National Talk Like A Pirate Day is a great day, aarrrrr!
Graduation Stoles
My bingo cards are (3 of them):
My $5 is on its way.
Card 1
B: 7, 9, 5, 11, 12
I: 18, 17, 16, 19, 28
N: 44, 31, FREE, 33, 45
G: 49, 60, 55, 54, 46
O: 66, 70, 72, 71, 69
Card 2
B: 1, 4, 2, 11, 15
I: 18, 27, 16, 28, 29
N: 44, 31, FREE, 34, 40
G: 49, 60, 55, 54, 46
O: 66, 70, 73, 74, 69
Card 3
B: 11, 14, 5, 10, 2
I: 22, 27, 19, 18, 21
N: 45, 33, FREE, 38, 40
G: 49, 60, 55, 53, 47
O: 67, 75, 71, 74, 69
FYI I just printed BINGO cards online with a website that makes them for you. The web address is www.dltk-cards.com on the left side you will see BINGO cards if you click on it you can choose what kind you want. You need 5X5 with numbers. They even have themes and pictures for the free spaces. If you keep doing it you will get different numbers each time. You can print yourself a set and Claudia one. It was soo easy.
Thanks for the tip, Maureen. Here I thought I was being so clever and turns out there is a web site that does it for you. I shouldn't be surprised.
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