Today you'll get to meet Nan and maybe you'll agree.

First. The original reason I intended to talk about Nan is because of her creative use of the Christmas cards she acquires during the holiday season. I've seen all kinds of things done with Christmas cards including... lining mantels, covering archways; filling trees, wreaths, and all sorts of contraptions designed for the display of cards. The conundrum with Christmas cards is, once the card has been read and the holiday is over, what is one supposed to do with the thoughtful gestures from family and friends? Simply throwing them away seems heartless... even crass, but keeping them seems so impractical. Me? I read them, cross reference their address with what's in my address book to assure I'm still up to date, maybe display the card for a few days or a week, and then get rid of them. That,coming from someone who hates clutter and is constantly looking for what can be disposed of next.
The idea I'm about to share makes me feel so much better about Christmas cards. It might one day be featured on the blog I am desperately trying to get Nan to start. She would be a natural for blogging and could fill whole screens with creative ideas that make you go hmmmmm... why didn't I think of that? So one day when Nan makes it big, you can say you met her here first, at highlowaha.com. What makes her idea so good?... SIMPLICITY! No extra time, no extra money, no craft supplies required... just a simple, but great idea.
Ok, here it is... Nan takes all the Christmas cards she receives in a season - and I do believe, based on how many people she knows and her social calendar, that it must be well over one hundred - and places them in a basket near her family's dinner table. Each week after Christmas, while eating dinner together, one member of her family draws a Christmas card or two from the basket and reveals the card-givers name(s). Nan's family will either say a simple prayer for that family or use it as a chance to do things such as place a phone call to their home, send a card saying hello, or simply talk over dinner about what makes that family special.
Great idea, huh? All I can think is.... hey, I want a card in that basket. I want my family to be "featured" in someone else's home over dinner one night. The idea is so simple and yet so meaningful. It takes a Christmas card (many of which people like Peggy and Chaotic put significant time into making) and gives the card a longer and more meaningful life. It takes the spirit of Christmas (to spread kindness and good will) and extends it through the entire year. I will adopt this idea beginning Christmas 2008. The beauty of it... no preparation or supplies required. No skill necessary... just a basket and the sheer will to make it happen.
Second. Just like Santa, Nan can frequently be found in her magical workshop making treats to share with others. One of her specialties? The cutest luggage tags you've ever seen. Everything about them is cute. The free-handed fonts she uses, the pictures/icons she draws on them, color choice... I love everything about them. Each of my sons has been the fortunate recipient of one of Nan's luggage tags, since moving into the neighborhood last fall. I'm already scrolling through my list of gift recipients to decide who I will purchase a set for this holiday season... teachers, baby sitter, barrista at Starbucks? I'm not sure who yet, but rest assured, someone will find these in their Christmas stocking.
Fortunately for us, Nan has generously offered to make a set of four luggage tags that I can give away on today's blog. Win the set (to be personalized as requested by you) by answering this question... If SNANta Claus was to hop on her sled today and take a vacation anywhere in the Continental U.S., to where would she go? Guess it right and you're the winner. More than one correct guesser and I'll draw one of your names from my Santa hat.

Third. Nan has the best looking elves. Yesterday they joined my boys in making Snowmen Sundaes (the perfect way to celebrate National Ice Cream Month AND Christmas in July, ALL at once). Two scoops of vanilla ice cream, sitting in a large drift of snow, made of whipped cream; coconut snowflakes; a corn cob pipe; a button nose; and two eyes made out of coal (a.k.a chocolate chips). Truth... I filled bowls with all sorts of treats and let the
kids "build" their own snowmen. We played Christmas music and talked about what we thought Santa would bring. Still, the whole thing - beginning to end - only lasted about 20 minutes. Another good reason not to delay. These ideas we have, but never quite get around to implementing?... They never take as long, or are as hard, as we envision.
That it. That's my pitch for voting Nan for Santa Claus. I hope you'll agree.
Signing off until tomorrow...
SNANTA CLAUS would go on vacation to the carribean islands.
As for the christmas cards i would make a wreath out of them after christmas and hang it from the inside of my front door the faces the living room. I leave it up until little christmas.
My guess is San Francisco, CA.
I also keep my cards in a basket and save them until the following Christmas. Looking at the cards puts me in the holiday spirit and always brings a smile to my face!
Yellowstone National Park.
I tend to keep cards - be them Christmas, birthday, graduation - if they come with a personalized note. I've said before and I'll say again, I love giving and getting cards!
My guess is Maine. How do I find out more information about buying her tags? This sounds like a great Christmas gift.
Michigan to escape the TX heat.
My guess is Maine.
I never know what to do with my Christmas cards... I often think about saving the ones I really like to use as decorations the following year, but I've never done that.
Snanta Claus would go on vacation to Disney. It would be a special treat for her elves.
I like the idea of the Christmas cards. I, too, always struggle with a use for them.
Any pictures of the tags? I agree, they would make great gifts.
The first idea that popped in my head was Bangor Maine...(saw it highlighted on Crime Investigation TV) but since Maine was 'stolen' twice already... Lets try the cool woods of 'up nort'... Wisconsin!
I keep all the newsy letters and pictures that come in my holiday cards... maybe some day to put in a scrapbook to look at when I'm old and grey!
I take all the cards, especially those with a quickly signed signature (which seems to me so impersonal now a days) and I cut the card fronts up to use them for gift tags for next year's presents. I use my funky sissors and cut out the Snanta image... or the star, or the beautiful saying on the front.... recycle & reuse!
I think she would visit Arizona!! I only say this because That is where I am originally from and I just got back from there. After spending all that time in the North Pole I would definately want to go some place warm!!
claudia i am changing my vacation destination i had posted that at very early this morning and i guess i just didnt read it correctly.
my vacation for Snanta Claus would be Myrtle Beach and/or Florida (Disneyworld).
Claudia, this last post is from Layne C.
Another vacation for Snanta Claus would Las Vegas.
Kudos to all of you who recognize a great gift idea when you see one. You won't be disappointed. You can contact Nan by email at nananderson@mac.com.
Later today Nan agreed to send me a picture of the tags, so you can see exactly how cute they are. Check back and hopefully it'll be up before day's end. If not, I'll post tomorrow.
Funny how many people thought Maine!
I am going to go with Southern California. She could hit the beach with her elves as well as Sea World or Disney.
I am similiar to Peggy when it comes to the Christmas cards. I keep all the letters and pictures and the rest either go away or they go to school for art activities for the next year.
Lori R
Yay for Nan! I have been the lucky recepient of one of her luggage tags and they are GREAT!!!
I also love the idea of keeping the cards in a basket by the table...I'll have to keep that in mind.
WOW~ 8:42 and so many posts already!
My guess is NYC.
I used to keep cards forever! One year I took the stack of cards (birthday, Christmas, whatever) and I made small jewelry size boxes out of them. I was going to get some cute ribbon to tie around each box and use them as ornaments on my tree. But, you know me... I never finished them. :)
I think I still have some of them... somewhere.
oohhhh how about niagara falls, canada!?
San Diego is my guess. And yes, please DO post a photo of the luggage tags. Love that as a gift idea! You should sell them on Etsy, Nan. You'd make a killing.
My guess ...... napa valley CA
O.k., it's the middle of the day and so far no winner for Nan's luggage tags. Should I leave it at that, or should I give another clue? The continental U.S., after all, is quite expansive
If I told you who was hot and who was cold, would that be fair? Or maybe it's the cold who are hot and hot who are cold. And if wet was hot and dry was cold, it might be the wet who now were in most need of being cold.
Second guess is Colorado....
Lori R
I just received an order in the mail that I placed with Peggy for three ice cream cards. They are BEAUTIFUL. True works of art. The cards, combined with her TASTEFUL packaging makes them TRULY gift worthy. For $6.00, plus shipping... UNDER $10.00, I got three great cards. I was going to use them, but now I think I have to make someone else's day by sending them on as a gift.
I don't know what her lead time is like, but place your order for Christmas soon. I'm thinking some fun coffee related cards, maybe something fun with hearts, a cowboy boot... who knows. I love them.
Give a clue, give a clue!
huh? cold and hot and wet and dry...
My second guess is Utah.
My third guess is Seattle.
FL, the sunshine state!
here's my thought process on your "riddle" as i'm guessing it is:
the guesses that are near someplace cold are the "hot" guesses
so does "wet was hot" coinside with a real "hot" or the cold "hot" that i'm thinking now ...
... so someplace wet and cold?
And if that's the case - then I guess Alaska :)
Julie and others... while I cannot tell you whether your guesses are correct or incorrect, I can say that Julie is beginning to get inside my head enough (scary as it might be) to know, that yes.. the clue has been posted.
Amy B. if you are out there your shell wants you to know that you are wished a great day! Something is on it's way to you! Happy Day!
virginia, pennsylvania, georgia, vermont, maryland(ocean city) these would be my other guesses.
new jersey(jersey shore), Montauk,
Niagara Falls, NY? Salt Lake City?
I suck at riddles.
Stacie... refrain from making judgement about your riddle capabilities, until you see how I did on my end. The problem could very conceivably be mine!
Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii.
Although I don't think that they qualify as continental US.
how about Michigan! It has a lot of water there
Layne I think you covered the map.... I am out of ideas! I just know that where ever it is I would love to be right now. Vacationing isn't on my list right now! Im going to Hershey in August. Its the sweetest place in the continental US.....
My next question as I still ponder this ... are we guessing a state ... a city/town/village ... a famous "spot" ... can the potential "wet cold" clue have another qualifier?
Cold makes me think of Chicago (windy city) and perhaps wet because it is right on Lake Michigan?
Minnesota is known as the state with 10.000 lakes, and it is in the northern park of our country ... another possible wet cold place!
two of the wettest places on the continental US are Louisiana and New Hampshire. New Hampsire is the cooler of the two. Both places are fun so Im done with my investigating for the day. I hope everyone has a great night!!!!!
when I say wettest I mean average rainfall not places to swim!!
Claudia, did you receive my package yet? I sent it 2 day mail and it should be there by today. I hope you get it before Christmas in July is over :(
I'm going to guess Seattle as it is cool and rainy there.
but since everyone else got a second guess while I was busy working I'm also going to guess Mackinac Island in Michigan, also a very cool, wet place.
darn Seattle was already guessed so I'm too late with that one.
niagara falls, ny
heather, i miss you! DARN i thought niagara falls was a great guess. and its definitely
"wet" if you ride the maid of the mist (i would know, i did it this past weekend!)...and sorry stacie, your second (or third) was guessed by me earlier in the day. so its NOT niagara falls! :-(
cold and wet, dry and hot; OR maybe cold and dry, or wet and hot.
how bout palm springs, california?!
haha, and layne too, its not niagara falls!
Here's the clue again:
If I told you who was hot and who was cold, would that be fair? (You poor thing having to keep track of all of our guesses!)
Or maybe it's the cold who are hot and hot who are cold. (this all makes us think it's a cold place)
And if wet was hot and dry was cold, (this makes us think its a wet place)
it might be the wet who now were in most need of being cold. (this is the part that confuses me. could it be that when the person is wet it's from his sweat and they need to cool off? why would you want to be cold if you were wet?)
I haven't a clue!
omg! That last comment of mine was riddled with grammar mistakes! I am now officially paranoid of typing comments from our lie/lay day!
Welcome to my world, Cheryl. Try living with an English professor.
Oy vey! The pressure!
My apologies to your dad for butchering the English language for the past 38 years.
What about this vacation of SNanta's? Do we get to find out tomorrow if anyone won?
I dont think anyone out there mentioned Rhode Island so I will throw it in.... Im busy dropping a line to my"peanut pal". Be back in the AM. Nighty night from NY:)
Hello from our honeymoon...we're in LA right now! We're having the time of our life...and so is Flat Stanley :)
Our guess is Martha's Vineyard!
Hello from our honeymoon...we're in LA right now! We're having the time of our life...and so is Flat Stanley :)
Our guess is Martha's Vineyard!
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