Now, today's creative thought...

I've tried. I've put this topic off for weeks thinking, wracking my brain, working 'til wee hours of the morning, trying desperately to think of how I could embellish my idea. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are dedicated to the topic and the truth is... I don't know how I'll even fill a paragraph. The process is so simple, it can't be made complicated... no matter how I try.
My son is fifteen years old and like most of us has accumulated LOTS of keepsakes over the years... art; photos; love notes from girls in school; old papers he's written; fun facts about his first steps, getting braces, losing teeth, making the Varsity swim team; old letters to Santa, ribbons and medals won from cross country meets and sleep away camp; old stitches from an accident during gym class; and countless other irreplaceable keepsakes from his life. Yes, preserving our family's keepsakes is important. It is the only way that Ricky, in this case, can look back on his childhood and, in turn, share it with his future family. Without it he... we... lose appreciation for the context and interconnectedness responsible for so much of who we are.
For the first part of the week, we'll take a look at my un-scrapbooking, no fuss-no muss, four-piece approach to preserving memories. There are a few of you out there who know my system (and maybe even use it - or use a part of it). You know who you are and you know that I am trying to start a "movement." Help me. Chime in, but don't reference one of the four components before I formally introduce it on the assigned day. There's method to my madness (...or so I think).
We will begin with the end in mind. How do we keep keepsakes without allowing them to overrun our house or our countertops? Here it is... Fifteen years of keepsakes tucked neatly away in the box pictured below. Find out who, what, where, when, why, and most importantly, HOW as the week progresses.
Ricky's "treasure" box, holding one folder for each year of his life
- Richard, Ricky, Ray, Random (acts of kindness), Rocky Road.... yes, I love the letter "R." Kat, you are the lucky winner of a set of two luggage tags from Nan. OR... cash in your luggage tags for what's behind Door #2. The choice is yours.
- To whomever "Anonymous" is responsible for starting the string of items that Cheryl and I could bring back from our trip...if I could, I would hire you on the spot. Thanks for sharing not only your creativity, but also your initiative.
- There's a saying... "Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better." Living proof...
Signing off until tomorrow...
I love this scrapbooking approach.
So simple and complete. Much easier than traditional scrapbooks and no guilt.
I think that's all I'm allowed to say at this moment?
Let's get this movement started
I also have a box containing my son's 17 years of his life, and I have the same box for my 15 year old. I also have pictures galore which also happen to be in a rubbermaid box with labels that say what they are from ex: 1st birhdays for both boys, and every birthday after that. Labels also say 1st halloween, first day of school (i even have those pics hanging on my fridge), I am just saying that everything that have has a similar system to yours Claudia, and i think it works. I had just received my oolder son's graduation proofs in the mail so that will be more added to that box (I was also able to keep the proofs and just send back the ones that i wanted). That will be more added to my picture box with a label "David's grad pics from HS" now that is scary.
I have always put each thing they wanted to save in a file in my file cabinet and at the end of each year I clean it out and see if its still something they feel the need to save or throw away. I have a large plastic tote with each one of their names on it and I put each year into it. I doubt its color coordinated or organized like yours. My only other problem was the girls have "STUFF" that isnt paper and is bulkier than Michaels so they of course needed a bigger tote. Who would expect less from a girl? My totes serve two purposes however, they store all of their sentimental things but I love to just look in them to remember little things I may have forgotten.... I even saved the outfits they came home from the hospital in.... I am probably a little overboard but it makes me happy. Does any one else save their birthday candles? My kids laugh at me and ask if I saved their first diapers.
As for the table, I can only imagine what you have planned. The picture of the actual demolition should be labeled "No animals or children were injured during this demolition"....... Way to go a man who wears safety goggles during construction. My husband takes down buildings and says "Oh yeah a forgot to put them on"! My son of course knows mom will kick his butt if he loses an eye. Good job Richard. The things a wife will get you into!
I love your system, but you already know that!
As for that table- what happened?! That makes me want to cry.
I wish my parents would have had a system for prserving my memories, but, unfortunately, they did not. Therefore, there aren't many left (except for what's up in my own brain).
I bet there are some pretty nifty ways to put these memories on the wall... I'm thinking of collages or photo frames, or showcase boxes... something.
Part of the reason for saving things like those are so you can showcase them, show them off, and see them with your own eyes at least somewhat regularly. So, I'd hate to have so much of my memories tucked away in a box.
say, I am looking forward to the 4 prong approach idea... my ONLY child is 21, and I still have all 4 HS years from football in a clear box (under bed size) waiting on me to "do" it.. sigh... hoping I will get it done in time for (college) graduation gift. I like Brian's idea of Shadow boxing mementos bc I have lots.. the carnations from Mom's night (opening game each season) and stuff like that...
Trip in PA. Sorry I did not get to post before today. When you are in PA you have to go to Amish county. It is something that everyone who goes to visit PA should see. I was born in PA so even though I now live in KY PA is the place I would like to visit as well. In fact we are leaving on a trip tomorrow taking grad student to Virgina and then on to PA to visit my parents who still live there. Claudia loved your cookies. Will send postcard out today.
Without giving anything away, today is my first day to try out this system of Claudia's. I'm starting it with an open mind and I'm committed to try it for one year.
Claudia introduced it to me a couple of weeks ago. I found the necessary items and waited to start. Then, like it was fated, my boys and I were talking about how long they were at birth. Being the good mom that I am, I had to pull out the Baby Books to see. As I pulled the 6 and 7 year old books that are not completed out, JB (the youngest) promptly noticed that there were NO photo's posted in his and began to cry! It broke my heart. I am a lousy mom! I showed him the new program, promised to do better and went through boxes of photos to pull out those of his first year.
As for my own memories, I used to keep everything! Every letter. Every ribbon. Every card. I packed it around with me for a couple of years. Then I started moving. Apartment to apartment. And, in one frustrated move... a kitchen garbage bag FULL of memorabilia went to the Austin landfill. And that was that. When I was at my childhood home a couple of weeks ago, my mom and I went through a few boxes labeled with my name. It was all crap! I couldn't believe the junk that I had put in these boxes. I brought one tub of stuff to my own house but all the other stuff... it went to the Refugio landfill. :)
Hooray! I am so excited to win! I am not a risk taker though, so I will have to stick with the luggage tags and door #2 will have to remain a mystery. I am looking forward to seeing what your system is. I am not an organized person by nature, so hopefully I can use it.
I know this has nothing to do with Claudia's system (although I am one of her oldest friends and she DIDN"T share her system with me). As a girl scout leader and mom of 2 scouts I found a cool way to save my girls vests and all their awards and badges. Just take a short sleeved tee-shirt and sew closed each cuff and the bottom of the shirt. Stuff it with pillow stuffing then sew closed the neck of the tee-shirt. Put the vest or sash on it and tack in place. Then it can be used as a throw pillow on their beds. It gets noticed more than when they wore the vests. In time they can be packed away into what I call my GS archives..... I may be the only person in this community with a girl scout but it works with the boy scout shirts too!
OK REALLY?! what happened to the altoid table? was lookin soooo good!
I will try to read this with an open mind and not feel too guilty! I was terrible at "preserving memories" for my kids. Maybe I will come up with a system for people like me who feel like it is too late!
Guilty smilty... that's the beauty of documenting life. Tomorrow you wake up and there's a whole new day. Forget yesterday.
You have grand kids, Sara, and I bet as they get older they would love to know what you remembered about them.
Kat, I'll send you an email with some information Nan will want.
I just got my package!
WOW, I love it!
Thank you for being my Shell!
Today's calendar quote says:
Friendship is like a checking account and only works if you continue to make deposits.
I thought that fit nicely in our community here.
By the way, Heather, I gave your winning Starbucks card to the lady behind me on Saturday. I thought I was going to have to wrestle her to the floor and make her take it. :) She was so cute about it.
Not sure if I'm the peanut or shell, but I got something in the mail today...very interesting!
Maureen...THE WINE ARRIVED!!! safely and soundly delivered to the office at our apt. where I bestowed a bottle upon the lovely woman who works there.
She was thrilled!
Thank you!
Peanut... this is your lucky shell speaking. THANK YOU for my generous Starbuck's card. I will buy myself a coffee tomorrow... guilt free. Signed, a happy Texan.
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