Yes, you got it... this whole week we will be beating the heat by celebrating Christmas in July (which is not unimportant, since yesterday the thermostat hit 104 degrees in Dallas).
If you don't normally celebrate Christmas, but instead observe Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, some other holiday... or simply abstain all together from the fuss and muss, then either use this week to give Christmas a trial run.... OR... jump in and share some of your holiday traditions! It's sure to make the week even more lively.
Quick interruption... Announcements at the end, including Peanut and Shell information, and Taste of USA states. Also, new readers... Welcome to our fun, fun community. We're glad you're joining us. We are somewhat like your favorite soap opera - minus the drama. Similar, in the sense you have to follow us for a week or two before fully feeling like you know what's going on. We hope you're up for it and that you won't want to miss the excitement coming our way in August.
Back to Christmas in July. So here is, in part, what I am visualizing for the week. Treat me like your dress rehearsal. You know, your test run. Don't jump in implementing Christmas in July in your house this week. It's too soon. You need more planning time. Heck, the idea popped in my head late last week (as I was sweating to death) and I all I can think about is how much fun this could really be with the right amount of time and preparation (I know, I know... who has that?!).
So, this week... sit back and experience festivities on the blog. Win prizes and see the possibilities. Soak in all the brilliant ideas, certain to be shared by our readership and then... bada bing, bada boom... next week... or the week after... do it up. Break the monotony of your summer, either at work, at home, in your play group, or on your block. Do some of what I share this week or none of it. The point is, go for it and do something... even if your Christmas in July lasts just one day. At the very least, you'll spread some good cheer and... if you're really compelling... you might convince the temperature to drop a few degrees.
So how did I start out my week? Why... by decking the halls, of course! Yesterday I dug through Christmas decorations for simple items I could pull out to make our home feel
Christmas-sy, but without wreaking total havoc on my otherwise organized chaos. Stockings are hung by the chimney with care; a small tree is in the boys play room; lights line the upstairs; a Christmas decoration hangs on the door; and an advent calendar is in the kitchen, helping count down the days until Saturday, July 19... why, Christmas day - of course!
As for the picture... my neighbor stopped us on the way in from having it taken and asked if we were taking our Christmas Family photo. "No," I promptly replied. "In July?" (as if it was an absurd suggestion). Then I began thinking about all the fun Christmas family photos I've received over the years... beaches, hiking in mountains, kayaking, the Grand Canyon, Blue Ridge mountains in the fall, on a roller coaster. So, I started thinking... maybe a summer photo for a winter Christmas card is no more absurd then celebrating a winter holiday in the dead of summer.
How about you? What's the best family Christmas card you've ever taken or received? Share now, while there's still plenty of time to plan.
- Peanut and the Shell: If you signed up to play, the game is up and running. You should receive a name in the mail later this week. We will play until Saturday, August 16, when we reveal ourselves to our Peanut. Matthew and Richard did all the pairing, so I have NO idea who has who. Don't lose your information!
- P.P.D.C.: I received communication last week from our mystery reader that all 15 Starbucks cards are en route to their respective recipients. If you are receiving one, so you can in turn conduct an act of kindness, then how about checking in and letting us know how it goes? Inquiring minds want to know.
- Taste of USA: This week's states are... Florida, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. On deck... Georgia, Maryland, and New Jersey. That's it!
- The Isle of Target: Yes, while I would love to visit the "isle" of Target, what I actually meant to type last week is the "aisle" of Target. Thanks to my thoughtful and diligent friend and editor. Yet another thing I love about this readership. We're creative and heady. No lying down on the job on this blog. We'll leave that for other... less serious bloggers.
- Below is Matthew with his "posed" smile and paper bag kite! We had fun making it.
I am quite partial to the friends that send me christmas cards with their pets posed in christmas attire. It usually provides a good laugh and makes me smile. I had a friend last year that included a picture of her too dogs smiling at the camera surrounded by strands of christmas lights. It was quite creative.
Interestingly...I bet a christmas in July neighborhood gathering would be fun. Especially if you served typical winter or christmas type items with a twist. I would envision hot chocolate, iced instead. Send out mock christmas cards as invitations. Do a white elephant gift swap, serve those gross "snowball" things that have coconut and marshmallow on them.
While I am sure the neighbors would think it a bit odd and crazy...it would definitely be funny!
See, artnme1556... now you're in the spirit! You've already quadrupled anything I had in mind for the week.
I think the best Christmas cards that I have ever received were the ones my kids made or my niece made for me. I get and send the usually family photo cards and love them but not nearly as much as a hand made card from a child.
Update: I went into a Starbuck's to give some "unsuspecting" person a gift card. It was empty and I decided to order a frappaccino for myself. In came a girl letting everyone know she was a new kid in town who will be attending a nearby college. She used to work in a Starbucks in her state and was looking for a job. The Starbucks girl said they werent hiring. The girl told everyone she had to work at Starbucks because she is an "addict" and needed to get her "fix" each day. I decided to give her the card and welcomed her to the state. She was so excited. She now knows that New Yorkers are friendly and I told her that HLA is a really cool place to visit so she may be out there lurking.......
We received a cute card from our neighbor last year they use www.shutterfly.com
to create their final idea. Three family members, plus Charley the dog... 6 pictures on the front, in each pose, someone else was wearing the full gear of a Santa suit, beard, hat, boots!!! It was hilarious.. especially when Charley the dog had it on!!
Sometimes I make my holiday card, but I know that not everyone is a card person... so why waste my time for those who barely look at a card... they get the one's from the $1 store... I wonder if they wonder... why didn't Peggy make us a card???
Is that Claudia? In a bathing suit? On her blog? LOL! Very cute photo!!!
I love getting photo Christmas cards of family and friends but here's my complaint... though I love seeing the children of my friends and family, I want to see the parents, too. I want to see a picture of my friend or my cousin that I grew up with. Not just the kids.
Sometimes, time slips away from me or money is too tight at Christmas so I wait and send out a Valentine card instead. It also seems more PC for my Jewish friends. All 3 of them. :)
Here here, Cheryl. I agree. I love getting pictures of my kids friends, but I am always interested in seeing mom and dad. Mom, after all, is probably my old childhood or college friend - my very connection to the beautiful children. My friend Dawn is the best about this. She has barely missed a year of sending out photos. Years ago it was her as a single person. Then she and her husband. Now... she her husband and two kids.
my fave was a picture of a dear friend, her son & ALL their DOGS done as a 'glamour shots' deal...even the dogs were dressed & posed... patient pets!!
We celebrate Yule (Winter Solstice) rather than Christmas... and I refuse to buy retail cards.. so I make mine every year... this year's idea has been baking for sometime as it will be time consuming... this idea will help me start them NOW rather that when I usually do (Autumn Equinox)... we do reptile rescue so I want to do a Brady Bunch take on this years card.
I am guilty of sending only the kids in pics...but the way I look at it is 1) They are the best part of us so actually we are just showing our best side! 2) I hate having my picture taken and 3)It is a miracle that I get a decent picture of the three of my kids with out blood shed...I don't want to push it! After all the holiday season should be a happy one!
Fun ideas! I have been working on making Christmas gifts for a few weeks now, so it would maybe be fun to wrap them with Christmas carols playing. I have never done Christmas cards before, but we always do them for my in-laws. This year we need to do our own and start a new family tradition. Maybe Christmas in July can kick off that new tradition!
Making Christmas presents in July, KAt?! Wow! To say I am impressed... and jealous... is an understatement! What are you making? Do tell, as maybe you will inspire another reader or two.
One of my favorite mottos... Imitation is the greatest form of flattery!
Hmmm... Sorry I can't tell everything I am making, but here are a few things. A fabric covered bulletin board with custom thumbtacks, coasters, a stenciled T-shirt, and jewelry made of melted CDs. It is all pretty cool stuff, and not as corny as it sounds. I may delete this comment tomorrow or the next day since some of the recipients are potential readers!
Update on my Starbucks card...I am about to go drop it off inside a RAK book at the local Starbucks. Lucky for me, the Starbucks is right by Hobby Lobby, a frequent stop for me, so I'll be able to check in on it's progress throughout the next few days!
Off on assignment...
I think Tuesday Morning (the store) caught on to you, CKB! Mom just sent me this link in an email! They are having a Christmas in July sale this week on cards, gift bags, etc. Check out the link below if you have a Tuesday Morning near you!
Since I no longer send Christmas cards I truly appreciate and value the cards that are still sent to me every holiday season. I am partial to the cards featuring family photos as I enjoy watching the kids change and grow over the years, parents too!
Some of the holiday traditions I grew up with are using an advent calendar, setting up the nativity creche, opening 1 gift on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas morn.
In our later years, my parents still gave us stockings and my father would give each of us our age in $2 dollar bills. In other words the year I was 40 I got 40 two dollar bills. Just one of my father's quirky yet endearing traditions he started.
Thank you PPDC whoever you are! I received my Starbucks card today and I am thrilled! Can't wait to get my Grande Mocha Frappucino Lite, triple blended! I have no idea what all this is about as this is my first time to this site, but I am intrigued and totally excited. Thank you for making my day!!!
As for the Christmas cards, the best card I ever got was from a former doula client who had a picture taken with her husband and 2 year old son. They all appeared to be naked with pixelated dots over their goodies. The message had something to do with unwrapping your package. It was quite funny.
my favorite christmas cards are always from maureen. I love them because they show how her kids have grown from year to year. Its amazing....
Layne C
claudia, i just think that it is quite funny when i call a southern state and our accents are kind of clashing so to speak. I just don'tknow if they know what i am talkng about or i just don't understand them. i think it just too funny...
Welcome, Nicole! We are thrilled you joined our community. Yours is not to ask, "why," but just to relish in the Random Act of Kindness - knowing someone is thinking about you.
I love that you jumped right in and made a post.
The first thing I noticed was Claudia in a swimsuit as well. Although we must admit she has done a good job at shielding herself from being seen by holding Matthew strategically between her and the camera.
As far as Christmas in July?
Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to get on the good side of Lily's new daycare teachers by taking them each a little Christmas in July treat.
Unlike Layne I can't even begin to think about what my actual Christmas gifts will be until much closer to the actual holiday (think December 20th).
One of my favorite christmas cards was from a couple who had been married over twenty years, and they used their wedding photo as their christmas card (20 + years later!).
Another was my friends who have a motorcycle, and on their card they had their dog dressed in motorcycle gear, then had the dog "thinking" of them (using creative graphics from walgreens) on a motorcycle. So creative! I never think of things like that!
heather, i also can not think about what i will be getting my boys or my husband or anyone for that fact at least until after thanksgiving i also have to buy hanukkah gifts for my nephew and that way far from my mind now. i need to get through the summer and the first few weeks of school.
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