More announcements at the end.
Today is dedicated to the creative ways in which ice cream and cake intersect. Bottom line... this topic is really inspired by a cake pan I saw and fell in love with. The pan is actually a heavy cast iron mold, made by Nordicware. It makes six ice cream cone shaped cupcakes, each to be topped with a scoop of ice cream and some sprinkles. If you're beginning to know me at all, you know this is where I would typically insert a photo of me having made the ice cream cone cupcakes so you could enjoy the creative moment along with me.
Oh, but not today. I can't. I can't bake the cupcakes because, even though the mold is in my possession, it is not mine! It belongs to one of you! Yup, that's right. I wrote away to the company, sharing my vision for this important week of ice cream blogging, and they agreed that the celebration of ice cream is no small matter. So they sent me a free mold to be given away to one of our lucky readers.
To check out the mold up close and personnel, visit noridicware.com and look for the item labeled Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Pan. It will also serve as a nice way to thank Nordicware for supporting the activities of our fun community.
So how can you win the mold? We'll get to that in a minute.
In the meantime, giving away an ice cream mold does not a blog entry make. So I wanted something else. I was sitting in the doctor's office last week with Jack (who was having trouble breathing) and I picked up this month's copy of Real Simple to read while waiting for our appointment. Page 186 featured an easy ice cream cake recipe. I committed to getting the magazine (my conscience would not let me rip it out) and making the cake for my family.
Here's why I liked the recipe and thought it worth sharing. It's EASY and fast. You know it's easy when the only ingredients are: 1 cup heavy cream, 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar, 6 ice cream sandwiches (3.5 each) and 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. This was all stuff I had in my house already. It literally took me longer to whip the cream than it did to do anything else.
The recipe:
- Line an 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 inch loaf pan with a piece of wax paper or parchment, allowing the paper to hang over both long sides.
- In a large bowl, beat the cream and sugar until stiff peaks form.
- In the bottom of the pan, arrange 3 of the sandwiches in a single layer, cutting them to fit as necessary. Spread with half the whipped cream. Repeat with the remaining sandwiches and whipped cream.
- Sprinkle the top of the cake with the chopped candy bar. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm, at least 1 hour and up to 1 week.
- Holding both sides of the paper overhang, lift the cake out of the pan and transfer to a platter. Discard the paper, slice the cake, and serve.
One small caveat for any other Type A people out there. The only ice cream sandwiches I could find were 3.25 ounces each. They did not COMPLETELY cover the pan. I actually used a fourth sandwich on bottom and on top to assure it was completely covered and that the sandwiches were nice and snug. In retrospect, I probably wouldn't do it again... and, in fact, didn't...
The cake was so easy to make, I decided right then and there to make two more I could give away as acts of kindness. One went to the thoughtful neighbor who judged yesterday's whacks and the other went to Cheryl who came over last night so we continue work on the Altoid Table. I tell you this hoping you might consider making one and delivering it to someone with a note saying, "Happy National Ice Cream Month."
Back to the Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Pan. How can you win it? I've always wanted to cut a pint of Ben & Jerry's down the middle to see how many pieces of "stuff" were inside. This seemed like the perfect week. So... for the winning cake pan... How many Fudge Fish were embedded in half a pint (cut vertically) of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food? If you've never tried this flavor, it's a must. Chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow, caramel swirls, and fudge fish. Yum, Yum. The person who comes closest wins.
Here's the final word on how we'll distribute the Starbuck's gift cards offered to us by the anonymous P.P.D.C. We took into account each of your suggestions.
- 1 for a blog reader whose gone above and beyond.
- 1 to someone from my lucky Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) box of postcards.
- 2 tucked inside a Random Acts of Kindness book left at a Starbucks.
- 3 to someone whose down and out and could use a random "Perk me up."
- 3 to someone willing to start a Kindness Chain, by purchasing a coffee for someone behind him/her in line.
- 5 to a completely random person we think has potential to be a new highlowaha reader.
We are looking for:
- 2 volunteers to distribute the gift cards inside an-already-read-and-passed-along- RAK book
- 3 volunteers willing to start a kindness chain by buying someone a cup of coffee at their local Starbucks.
- A minimum of 8 names of people to receive a "perk me up" or potential new readers to whom we can send a card.
- Post to let me know if you are interested in either distributing via RAK book or starting a kindness chain. Email with an address me if you want to "nominate" someone for the "perk me up" or potential new reader.
As for the other 2 cards...
If I may, I will be bold and award the one card allocated to a reader who has gone above and beyond. Peggy this one's for you. Not only did Peggy (and Julie) submit ideas for the Tear Away Flyer, but she also promptly sent me items for the Altoid box AND another fun treat I'm hanging onto until the right moment. Not to mention your daily posts are always fun to read.
And the lucky winner from the lucky RAK box is... Debbie from Massachusetts. Debbie is loyal reader, but has yet to post. Maybe this will graduate her from "lurker-status" to "poster-status."
Now a couple of follow-up pics from readers who solicited our ideas and then used them...
Cassie P's house warming present for neighbors returning to a home in which they once lived
Carnival-themed birthday party for Andrea's son.
She used some of our ideas. Looks GREAT!
Enough announcements for today. Check back tomorrow for more.
Signing off until tomorrow...
I will guess there were 20 Fish in the Ice Cream.
YAY! thanks for posting my pics on today's entry! and thanks to everyone for your great ideas! it was fun to make some cookies in highlowaha fashion!!!
i will guess 11 fish!
and who did win yesterday's contest?
I will guess 23 fish!
Also, CKB, I'm sitting at Prospect Preschool right now in the office (I got bored at home and they offered me some hours) counting the number of families in the files so I can get to work on those cookies! Get excited!
Yay! Me!
I'll guess lucky 13, since today is my baby's 13th birthday! She made her own birthday cake... how funny, ICE CREAM SANDWICH cake. It's easy peasy... Two boxes of ice cream sandwiches, fudge topping, cool whip, chopped nuts if you like them.
Layer bottom of a 9x13 pan with one box of sandwiches.(unwrapped)
Top with thin layer of fudge(may have to heat it up a bit)
Dolup cool whip on fudge (make a nice smooth layer)
Then do the layering again...
Cool Whip
Nuts if you like
Freeze until serving time
Almost instant easy ice cream cake!
Side note: I was in Starbucks yesterday get above mentioned 13 yo a gift card... two people in front of me... the lady did a RAK, she bought the guy behind her his beverage... he was shocked and couldn't believe it. I did a little happy snicker (knowing about RAK)... but was then on my way with Sissy's gift card. It works here in Illinois too!!
my guess is 21 pieces. As for the cake pan I just saw one in a magazine last night and thought of you how weird!
The ice cream cake is YUMMY!
How's the table this morning, Claudia?
My guess 59 fish in the ice cream.
16 fish?
My brother-in-law is making that very same ice cream sandwich cake for our annual 4th of July party tomorrow! He calls it "Idiot Cake" because it is so easy to make.
I'm gonna guess 11 fish, 'cuz it's my lucky number!
19 fish... and I am going to use Peggy's recipe (for the ice cream cake) at tomorrow's 4th of July BBQ @ my house!! Will mail flier to you (to see what you think) on Monday July 7th... going offline for a few days. Safe 4th!!
Keep the guesses coming. I will announce the winner tomorrow morning. Speaking of winners... thank you Cassie P for reminding me I didn't post winners from yesterday (so much winning going on, it's hard to keep track).
So... The Winning Whack goes to KAT! Congratulations, KAT. I will mail your two bags before day's end. I'm sure you creative and inspiring is chomping at the bit to get hold his winnings.
And the winner from the RAK box is...Cassie P.! Interesting that Cassie was the one who reminded me I didn't post the winners. Maybe she could feel the winning vibe. Cassie, look for it in the mail.
All you others who don't yet have a card in my box. It's not too late. Just mail your postcard to...
Claudia Beeny
4012 Harvestwood Court
Grapevine, Texas 76051
There's at least one drawing already scheduled for next week.
Also, don't forget to volunteer or nominate someone for P.P.D.C's Starbuck's Cards.
Brian stole my number! I guess that means my guess is 12. If Brian wins, he's gotta share that cake pan with me ;) Oh how I love to decorate cakes!!!
Have any of you made ice cream cupcakes? You bake actualy cupcake batter in ice cream cones according to package baking instructions then frost them. They are delicious and a huge hit with kids!
Kat... Is it possible? Such a loyal reader and major contributor to our community and STILL I have no RAK card with your address?
I thought I would zip your package off in the mail, so I went to my trusty little box of addresses and lo and behold... no postcard from you!
How can you make it up? Send yours and recruit your mom (another fellow reader) to send hers.
In the meantime... email me your address, so I can send you your winning bags.
Hooray! I am so excited to win! I will mail you a postcard ASAP. (but email my address to you in the mean time.)
To start off my participation in this group I will guess 26 in honor of my genius daughter who was smart enough to marry a man who will make her an ice cream sundae!
I am so excited to start celebrating National Ice cream month. We will start off tomorrow by making homemade vanilla with homemade chocolate sauce. Toward the end of the month my son is coming home so we will make an ice cream cake to celebrate. He and I did this years ago and it is as easy as layering two flavors of ice cream with whatever toppings you love in a spring form pan. I recommend coffee/hot fudge/nuts/ vanilla.
Yum, Sara, you're going to fit RIGHT in! Coffee ice cream with hot fudge... and more! I can tell I like you already. I also wouldn't mind being around your house tomorrow for homemade vanilla and homemade hot fudge.
So you saw Kat won the bags. Maybe you can wrestle the second one away from her loving husband.
P.S. Get your daughter in good graces with me and send a RAK postcard with your mailing address. My address is:
Claudia Beeny
4012 Harvestwood Court
Grapevine, TX 76051
Thanks for posting!
Just wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July! I will be busy getting ready for my guests that are coming on Saturday. I will try and check in (Lord knows I am an addict)
YAY! thanks, im so excited i win something! :-D and it is weird that i would remind you...
PS! BRIAN, i already guessed 11 fish earlier in the day so you might want to guess another number! and tera, sorry, but i stole 11 first. if i win the pan, i guess ill have to fend off you AND brian from the cake pan huh?!
My guess is 18....here is an article in the paper today...fits in nicely with RAK's.
Breeder gives teen horse to 'pay it forward'
by Jennifer D'Ottavio - Jul. 3, 2008 01:41 PM
The Arizona Republic
A Chandler teen won an Arabian horse from a Mesa horse-breeding couple when they decided to "pay forward" their good fortune after receiving a new car.
Duane and Hertha Chellevold, who have been breeding Arabians for 30 years, decided to sponsor a contest for young people after a relative gave them a new Chrysler minivan. The windfall made them decide to pass the good deed along.
Lexie Micio, 13, won the 7-month-old purebred Arabian chestnut colt named Boot in early June.
Lexie has been riding for seven years and intends to ride and show Boot in English dressage. Lexie said she inherited her love of Arabians from her mom, who grew up in Saudi Arabia.
"I can't believe we won, he is a gorgeous animal." said Marisa Micio, Lexie's mother. "I was in tears the whole day. This is something my daughter and I can do together."
Lexie entered the contest after she saw it advertised in The Arizona Republic classifieds. In order to enter, applicants had to submit a paragraph explaining why they wanted an Arabian and how they would care for it.
Hertha Chellevold said they were inundated with entries. "Everyone deserved a horse."
There were so many excellent entries the Chellevolds decided to give two runners-up an Arabian as well.
Hertha said Lexie was chosen for a combination of reasons. She said it was obvious Lexie should win because she and her mom visited Boot twice and she could tell they were really attached to him. One thing that impressed the couple was when Marisa told her that if Lexie won her family would also "pay it forward" with a good deed of their own. The Micio family is still deciding the best way to fulfill that commitment.
Duane and Hertha said they will consider offering the contest again next year if they have a suitable foal.
"It was marvelously heartening to do this," she said.
Nice story I thought! Hope everyone else enjoys it too!
Wow, great story L.R. Thanks for sharing. What a amazing gesture of generosity.
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