Thursday, July 24, 2008

Get Ready to Rumble!

Weirdest thing.  I went to log onto my computer this morning and it was already on.  Maybe Mac knows I mean business today.  Sorry I'm running late.  Didn't sleep well.  Lots of rustling and moving around in my house last night....  If I didn't know better, I'd think someone else was posting blogs on highlowaha.  Hmmmmmmm....  I couldn't find anything.  Maybe you'll have more luck.

This is it.  Today is the EVE of the Taste of USA Finale.

Let's review what this means because, I get the distinct impression that many of you don't know.  It CAN'T be that you don't care, so it must be that you don't fully know!

For those of you who have been in a deep slumber or who have just joined our fun community, Taste of USA is a 10-week contest that has been going on since May 18.  The contest is designed to get you, the readers, to tell us what is great about the state or the town in which you live.

This isn't just about state pride.  Oh, no.  This is about winning a fun-filled afternoon with me, Cheryl, and other fun highlowaha readers.  Regardless of who wins... Cheryl (positive visualization at work here) and I are committed to flying to your state.  Together we will create the future of highlowaha, as well as award prizes, laugh, share fun food, and brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. Fashioned after the Antique Road Show, maybe we'll even host a segment where you bring your creativity dilemma and together the group helps solve it.  The possibilities are endless.

But first we need a winner.  Truth be known... it's anyone's game right now.  Yes, we have a leader (Pennsylvania), but only by two votes and believe me when I tell you, voter turn out up to this point has been abysmal.

Consider this warm up to November's election.  I'm going to review the directions for Friday one more time and then I'm signing off for the day, so you have ample time to muster up all the family and friends you can find to... GET OUT AND VOTE!  This is it.  Tomorrow is the one and only day to cast a vote for your state! 

How do you vote?  
  • Click on the "Taste of USA" icon at the top right corner of the blog.  It will take you to a welcome from Cruise Director, Cheryl and Bean Counter, Katie.  
  • Move to the bottom of the page where it says "comments' in blue and click (just like you would on the main page). 
  • Make a post revealing something (a restaurant, store, sight, person) you love about your state.
  • Sit back and wait until Saturday morning when we officially announce the winner.
That's it.  Go caucus and we'll see you in the voting booth tomorrow...


maureen said...

Claudia why aren't you on There are a lot of people we know and they are listed. Maybe this is a way you could reach out to people. There is a message board that you can let people know what you are up to. Im sure you have heard of it.

Kat said...

It will be so fun to see where you end up going!

Anonymous said...

Claudia! YUM on the cookies! Too bad the husband and kids weren't home to experience my 'wins'. So, I shared them with my neighbors and brought some in to the office today. I expect all 2008 chips to be gone before lunch time!

Thank you!!!!

~ Jenny D....the 2008th comment leaver!

awiniowa said...

Claudia...I got to thinking about yesterday's post. As I said I was 16 ten years ago awaiting my drivers license so I got to thinking what an important event that is to any person at that age. And for any parent of that young driver! I googled history of the drivers license and found that in 1900 the first DL was given to a man named Harold J. Birnie in NY City. This was also when the first steering wheel was put on a car. Within 5 short years the first car had been reported stolen. By 1908 the first Model T Ford had hit the streets and by 1957 we obtained a little luxury called cruise control (how did we last 57 years without cruise control). 1964 the first Ford Mustang was up for purchase (that must have been a huge event). So I will stop babbling but it got me to thinking that great ideas start small and build up. And they obviously have a lot of people involved. So you already have a great idea with Ray, who I am sure with this blog will be at cruise control in a lot less than 57 years! So my idea sparked with letting others add a little to Ray pertaining to whatever is going on! You could add or delete whatever ideas you feel work or don't work but then everyone has a little special part in his upcoming! Just an idea! I must say it is amazing what you can find and learn by addressing something in your past. I don't think I would have ever found out when the first DL was obtained on any other normal day!

Cheryl Houston said...

Taste of USA has been such and educational experience for me. There is so much I had either a)never learned or b) forgotten. One thing that I discovered is that every state is unique and at the same time very much the same. Each state has it's beautiful parks and places to do things outdoors. Every state has it's hometown or big city festivals. And each state has wonderful historical stories to be passed on to future generations.

Nicole- I googled Lynn's Paradise Cafe and it looks like a hoot! But... to be sure we follow the rules, come back to Taste of USA this Friday, July 25 and post it on Friday's comments!!!

One more thing, if anyone would like to share a photo to go along with your vote, email it to and I will post it on Friday. It can be a photo of you or you at your favorite place or anything about your state. Maybe it's a photo of you when you were a kid. Maybe it's a photo you run out today and take! Get creative and have fun!

I know wherever we wind up going it will be tons of fun!

Anonymous said...

Do we have a flight for Cheryl yet!?

Cheryl Houston said...

Tera, We don't have the airfare squared away yet but I have no doubt that something brilliant will happen and it will work out.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to work some magic with a pilot friend of mine! Which airport will you be flying out of?...I know you'll be flying in to Erie :) (that's my wishful thinking)

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

It seems by this point in the day, we usually have a few more posts than this. You all aren't having a party somewhere else and not telling me about it are you?

Nicole, I've picked up on the idea you are looking for activities to play in the car with your children on a long car ride. A couple of things...

Right now. Right this VERY second... Target has on sale magnetic games. They have a hang man; tic, tac, toe; and a car scavenger hunt game. Also, many years ago one of my good friends (who is now a blog contributor azlori) shared a great idea with me. It was her suggestion for a three hour plane ride to find three small treats. Wrap each treat as though it was a present. Then each hour allow the kids to open something new. The anticipation keeps them excited and the treat keeps them entertained.

Cheryl Houston said...

Should we tell her?

Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge said...

My cookies just arrived and let me just say, they do not disappoint! My kids are sitting on the floor right now, huddled around the bag. I was so hoping they wouldn't notice me eating them and I could keep them all for me, but no such luck! THANK YOU CLAUDIA!!! My kids thank you too!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Tell me what? No secrets. We're too close a community for silly little games, aren't we?

Nicole... glad the cookies arrived. Don't tell me if they arrived in pieces. In my head, they are perfectly in tact.

Cheryl Houston said...


Ray has come to life and is planning his escape from you. He's clever and sneaky and knows how to type!

And he's pretty cute.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

While I'm at it, let me say...awiniowa... I LOVE a few things. I love that 10 years ago you were just getting your driver's license. Though... those who know me already know this little known fact. I didn't get my license until I went to graduate school! It's true. I blame it on the fact that I grew up in New York, but I have a feeling Maureen isn't going to let me get away with that.

Awiniowa... I also LOVE that yesterday's post motivated you to look up the history of the Driver's License. That will be my "high" for today. It's one small example of all that it is right and good about using the world around us to stretch our creativity.

maureen said...

Claudia, I didnt get my license until I was 22. You can easily live in Queens and never drive. On Long Island however I cant even walk to the store. Besides no matter where you live you definitely need a license when you have kids.....

maureen said...

I just received a note from my "peanut" I got a scratch off card and didn't win but just having been thought about was "priceless" THANKS PEANUT!!!

Peggy said...

I got my peanut/shell surprise of the week! Thank you for the memo pad and gel pens... now how can I alter them creatively??? Thanks!!

Brian K. Root said...

Also, thanks to my peanut for the pens! You're helping fulfill my fetish with pens... I just can't have enough...

...or maybe it's just because I lose them all the time.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Since everyone is chiming in about treats received from Peanuts, let me tell you what happened to ME! Yesterday I received a treat from someone who is NOT even my Peanut! Can you believe it? ... just a very thoughtful person kind enough to send me a beautifully hand made beaded bracelet. Now Heidi, I have no idea whether you are behind the package or not, but if not there is another very talented bead artist.

Thanks again to whoever is responsible for my treat. I love it (and blue and green are two colors that are supposed to look good on me).

Anonymous said...

Darn Maureen! I was hoping you would win the millions!