Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lay, Lie, Lain... Oh, What A Pain!

Meet my dad.

You want to talk creative?  You only think we've been creative up to this point.  Real creativity is me trying to avoid using the word "lay" or "lie" - or any derivative thereof - when around my father who is the consummate English professor.  You think I'm kidding?  I'm not.  Richard and I joke all the time about the creative ways we skirt use of word, for fear of the big red pen.  
  • I "laid" or "lied" the pencil on the desk?  Who knows.  What about...
  • I put the pencil on the desk.
  • I'm tired, I think I'll "lay" or "lie" down?  Who knows.  What about...
  • I'm tired I need a rest.
  • Heck, even "I'm tired, I think I'll get horizontal," is safer than committing to either "lay" or "lie."  
And "lain?" Forget about it.  On this, we completely throw up our hands, knowing even if we get it right, that the rest of the world will consider us crazy.

That is... of course... unless we the readers of highlowaha decide right here and now... the eighth day of the seventh month of the year two thousand eight, to start a grammar revolution.  O.k., o.k. maybe not a whole revolution, but how about a small commitment to, once and for all, firmly embed in our minds the differences between lay, lie, laid, and lain?  We could do it.  And then, leading by example... one memo, one conversation, one text at a time... watch the incredible ripple effect. 

After yet another tutorial from my father, via phone... I proudly, but nervously, present the following...  

You lie down when you are by yourself and nothing else is involved.  In my dad's words... when it is intransitive and an action is not being carried over to anybody or anything else.
Bottom line...
  • I'm so tired I need to lie down.
  • If Richard calls me from the kitchen and I am in bed, I am lying down.
  • If you want to know what I did Sunday afternoon (past tense)... I lay on the couch and watched Wimbledon.
  • Now the tough one...  If I reflect on an action/incident that happened in the past  (past perfect)... If I had not lain there all afternoon watching Wimbeldon, I would not have a mountain of laundry facing me today.
Now onto items.  Things that we place somewhere.
  • I will lay Jack in his crib when he finishes his Sunday sundae.
  • Past tense... After rinsing the ice cream stained table cloth, I laid it in the sun to dry out.  P.S. There is no such thing as layed.  That is why spell check will underline it every time.  Don't ignore it.   
That's it.  All that hype and really there's not that much to remember.  So how about printing off today's post and reviewing it a few more times before day's end?  Be a nerd and bring it to lunch with friends or colleagues; glance over it while sitting at a red light; share it with your family tonight at dinner; and then, one more glance before you lie down and go to sleep for the night!  

You'll feel smarter and my 82 year old father will rest easier tonight knowing his good word is being spread.  Do you have your own grammatical pet peeve?  Make my dad's day and jump on the bandwagon.  Make a post telling us what it is and teaching us something. 
As for me... all the exertion of mental energy has worn me out.  It's back to bed where I can lie down for fifteen more minutes, recharge, and get ready to lay out today's clothes for Matthew and Jack.

Signing off until tomorrow...


Julie said...

Ok, so it's an incorrect word usage, but I wouldn't classify it as a "grammatical error" ... but when prompted with my pet peeve, I had to share this.

retard - it is a VERB - meaning to slow down

mentally retarded - it is a DIAGNOSIS - that (affects / effects - I think affects) individuals with a disability

My soap box and pet peeve is when someone incorrectly uses this word in any derivative to describe someone or some action.

My prompt response when I hear someone using that word or phrase is .... "poor word choice."

That's it.

Brian K. Root said...

Not too many pet peeves of mine, but it bothers me when people misuse they're, there, and their.

And the residence life professional in me hates the word "dorm."

Anonymous said...

Wow..it's been about 19 years since I was involved in residence life but I still have a hard time with "dorm".
I always find myself correcting my boys when they are telling a story involving their friends...."Me and Cody went to QT." I will always say "Cody and I". It drives them crazy! Another one is "He/she goes" instead of he/she says....I know my grammar is far from perfect so when something stands out to me it must be really bad!

Kat said...

Recently I have seen several people misuse "passed" and "past. I think the difference is pretty obvious, but maybe it isn't. Affect vs. effect is also a big one. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.

Cheryl Houston said...

AYH!! Claudia! I meant what I told Matthew on Saturday... I didn't like studying books in college so I took a lot of ART classes.

The error I notice is Your and You're Welcome. I know people know the differnce but we're just in such a hurry it gets overlooked.

I never know where to put commas. I hate Who & Whom. Well and Good. Why can't I be "good"? How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm well. Ayh! I talk funny. No, I speak funny.

Are you kidding me? Lay, lie, and lain!!! No way! I will not lie and tell you I know the difference!

Peggy said...

Oh, I have a lot of pet peeves, some that relate to the English language and many more that don't (but I wont get into those now... that would take hours... i.e. turn signals)

One I recently heard was... fustrated... I said "Excuse me, don't you me FRustrated?" "That's what I said, fUstrated."

A fun word that we had in 7th grade LA this year... defenestrate... to throw something from a window... those insurance commercials where the woman is tossing her boyfriend's stuff out the window onto the car in the street below!

Anonymous said...

Hi all - I'm back from being in wedding world this weekend. Treye and I have been busy beyond belief!!!

I agree with anonymous...Me and Treye went shopping...should be Treye and I. DRIVES ME NUTS! I often correct people with this one.

Dr. B - I'm in for the peanut/shell game, but if you could email me the name, that would be much appreciated since I'll be in California next week.

maureen said...

Claudia, growing up with you and the "word of the day calendar" and the no watching t.v. because it is time you could be spending reading a novel will remain with me forever.......... You always had such an extensive vocabulary!

I hate when people mispronounce words..... I have a friend Debbie that uses an "f" instead of a "th" sound. One day she said it was Keith's tenth birthday and I thought I was gonna loose it she actually said "its Keifs tenf birfday"
( WHY)!!!!

My mom never says dentists' she says dentistis!!!
It makes me cringe....

I never correct her of course "thats what God gave me children for" they have had some awesome english teachers and they wont think twice about correcting you.... Imagine how my husband Chris feels.

You are the only person I know that you cant tell by your pronunciation of words where you come from. I think you were too afraid to come home with a "southern draw" with dad around.....

OH yeah and as a New Yorker I hate how people pronounce water "wadder" or dog "dawg" and is the word "Y'ALL" in the dictionary yet????

I had to throw that in!!!!!!!

Cheryl Houston said...


Y'all is in the dictionary. Online anyway. :)

What about How come for Why? "How come he gets to eat ice cream?"

My accent makes the way I pronounce "idea" sound like "ideal". I know the difference.

Anonymous said...

My pet peeves: You're and Your
Their, There and They're

My biggest pronunciation pet peeve of all.... wash pronounced as "warsh". My family is guilty of this, which makes my ears cringe each time I hear it. I guess I'm just a Kentucky girl who doesn't want to be country...haha.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Ok. I just got back from a morning of kids birthday parties and I can't believe what I've been missing. Today is by far one of the funniest days to date. I am cracking up!

Thanks for sharing, everyone.

Maureen... there is no way you are going to convince me the picture attached to your post is you. Who is that?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

UPDATE ON P.P.D.C. Gift Cards: I am in the process of compiling a list to forward on to P.P.D.C. We have everything we need, except five names for the easiest category!

We are still seeking the names of 5 people (friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors) you believe could be potential highlowaha readers. ...People you somehow know and who you believe might enjoy the community as much as we do. We should be able to do this lickety split... definitely before day's end.

As for Peanut and the Shell... So far 14 takers. We will recruit fun and adventurous people through Friday. This gives you late adopters time to warm up to the idea.

Anonymous said...

I have a quick question? The question may be quick but will it require a lengthy answer?

I could care less. Shouldn't it be I couldn't care less because if you could, you would:)

Chaotic Kristi said...

it bothers me (small things, I know) when the churches in the area cannot spell... The local churchsign posted that "coming here will altar you".
D'oh! Altar is a NOUN, not a VERB. They meant altEr, not altAr.

I am Wiccan... we do a lot of spiritual work around altars in an effort to alter our perception. Maybe I am offended because I perceived as less than" in the Christian community...even tho I am apparently MORE intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Someone I know that could use a perk is my brother's fiance Becky. Plus, with her upcoming wedding, I think this site would be PERFECT for her!

Anonymous said...

My work schedule has changed a bit, so I can actually check HLA at a reasonable hour.

One of my pet peeves in when people write in slang. Ex. I was playin wit my cousin last nite.

Sadly I encounter this a ton in the afterschool/summer program where I work. I try to correct the kids, and they look at me like I'm an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It drives me crazy when people say "alls" instead of all. I had a professor at Bellarmine that would do it frequently and it made me want to claw my eyes out! I don't know why that would even make sense to someone!!
I really dislike it when people use slang as well. Improper spellings like "wut" or "wit" or "cuz"

Cheryl Houston said...

Don't even get me started with todays texting slang!! cuz, u're, ur, wuts, dayz/wayz... ayh! I guess they're trying to help out the letter Z. I hate it! I can understand when you're limited on a text but if you're just sending a short text... come on. It only takes 1 extra second to spell out "you're". And, why does it have to flow into emails and websites? It's a whole new language!

Anonymous said...

In law school, some students would misuse statute & statue - one is a law and the other is an object. It was lots of fun grading briefs. Also, I hate when people make up words that don't exist. Irresponsive - not a word. Legalese kills me.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Katie... can you send Becky's mailing address?

maureen said...

First off Claudia it is me, unfortunately I probably gained weight since you last saw me (UUGH)

Also, I wanted to see if anyone from Tennessee was out there in cyber land so I could find out what

HAVE AT IT.... means and is it possible to have at anything....... (Ha Ha)

Cheryl Houston said...

"Have at it" reminds me of "I'm fixing to..." I say it all the time!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oy. I could go on for days and days because I'm such a big geek. I am a grammar police officer myself, having been an English teacher in a previous life, but I'll try to hold back, since I often let a lot of things go when I'm communicating informally-- chatting among friends, emailing, posting blog comments, etc.

Here are a few big no-nos that bother me in the world of grammar and mechanics: ending sentences with prepositions (when writing formally, anyway); misspelling the word collectibles, or pretty much any kind of misspelling on professional signage; using an apostrophe where it doesn't belong (it should be the 70s and 80s, not 70's and 80's; its (the possessive), not it's (meaning it is); the Smiths, not the Smith's or Smiths'... unless it's actually used as a possessive, of course); and blatantly misusing to, too, and two.

And I hate, hate, HATE when people use they instead of he or she. As in, "If a person goes to the beach on vacation, they should always remember to wear sunscreen." Pronouns should match their antecedents in gender and number. Argh!

A fun tidbit I learned from a friend: snuck, until somewhat recently, was considered non-standard English. If you stealthily left your house late at night, you actually sneaked, if you're using formal English. And forte, when used in a sentence like, "Drawing is not my forte," should be pronounced FORT, not FOR-TAY, though both are widely accepted now. The two-syllable word is a musical term.

I'm such a word nerd. I love this kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I DID go on for days and days. Sorry, everyone!

Julie said...

So, I just got home from a busy day ... and remembered this email that my Mom sent me 4 years ago, as I was taking an advanced comp class in undergrad. I printed it out and put it in the front of my binder for that class. I'm a pack rat, and still have the binder on my book shelf.

Also, as I am typing this, I'm indulging in a delicious bowl of ice cream to honor this fabulous month of ice cream!!!


Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rarely ever wrong

Eye have run this poem threw it
Eye am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect in it's weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

~ Sauce unknown

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Julie... PERFECT end to a great day of blogging. Thanks for all the great participation. Today I laughed a lot.