While it's true, I covered myself from head to toe in 100 scarves and neckerchiefs (6/13), what I really collect is Christmas ornaments. My collection of Christmas ornaments rivals Aunt Annie's Accessory collection (3/31)... hands down.
My ideal Christmas tree is... real, 10-12 ft. tall, covered from top to bottom, and all the way around with three or four ornaments per branch. Add the 11-13 strands of lights and it's true... what I do to a Christmas tree could be considered abuse. But I love it and I can't stop. I grew up in a house where every year, the day after Christmas, my mother and her best friend would get up early and hit the department stores in search of the best sale ornaments. Without fail my mother would return home with at least a few new ornaments... in sets of three. I have two sisters, so whatever the ornaments of choice, they were purchased with the intent of someday being divided up... even steven.
I am sure there's a whole segment of my readership shuddering at the very thought that I hang mismatched ornaments with no theme - either color or design - in every nook and cranny of my tree... giving no serious thought to placement. Do you think it could be true that the Christmas-celebrating-population is cleanly divided into two segments... those who coordinate color and ornament theme and those who do not? If it's true, I sit on the far end of chaos's continuum.
So, yes... today's topic is ornaments. I could go in a million directions with this... glass ornaments; my love of Chirstopher Ratko's; handmade; over-sized ornaments, like my huge snowflake or over sized glass Oreo; the pocket watch Santa accidentally dropped at our house one year, that's now Ricky's favorite ornament and will one day travel with him to his family's house; tacky ornaments like the music-playing Statue of Liberty or the Rockettes souvenir ornament we paid way too much money for on Ricky's first trip to New York; my annual trip to a Christmas store in Tallulah Falls (on the way from picking Ricky up from camp), so I can buy three new ornaments - knowing one day they'll be divided up... even steven.
Much as I'd love to cover all this ground, we don't have from now until Christmas to talk ornaments. So, instead I'll focus on one. The Green Pickle Ornament. The Green Pickle is an old German tradition. The idea is, when decorating the Christmas tree to hide the pickle somewhere in the branches. The first child on Christmas Day to find the Christmas pickle receives a special blessing for the year and an extra gift! This little tradition has proven a lot of fun for me and my family. In fact, not only do we do it with the kids, but whenever we have a
dinner party or students over for a holiday celebration, we always hide the pickle and let our guests search. Of course, in true form, we reward the winners with a holiday treat. You might imagine that finding the Green Pickle in my inferno-lit, two-ton tree is a little like finding a needle in a haystack or... for me... finding a grocery item in the supermarket!
Such fun is this family tradition, that I thought I would share it with you. So today we are going to search old highlowaha posts for this Green Pickle Ornament.

The first person to find it will receive a Christmas present (in July) from me. A note... if you're thinking I hid it in an obvious place like the week we celebrated all things green or on the 25th of a month, then think again. The date was determined by Matthew picking a number from 2-7 and Richard picking a number from 1 -31. The combination of the two is where you will find the green pickle.
On your mark, get set go.
It took us 77 days to acquire our first 5,000 views of highlowaha (the point at which I could finally reveal the origin of our blog's name). Many thanks to all those who participated in the Reaching for 5,000 Campaign. The next day, one of our readers noted, he hoped we hit the second 5,000 in fewer than 77 days. Yesterday at midnight marked the end of the second 77 days. So, the question... have we had 5,000 hits since May 1, 2008? Yes, in fact... we've had 6,765 views in the past 77 days. That is a surplus of 1,765 views! A 35.3% increase over our last term. Way to go, team! If we were a corporation we would all be getting a big, juicy dividend check. But, we're not. We're whatever is lower than a non-profit. So, while I can't monetarily pay you for your great work, I can pay you (at least one of you) in a far more fun currency... chips... no, not poker... CHOCOLATE chips. Yep. A batch of cookies containing EXACTLY 1,765 chips will be headed someone's way before the week is over. Here's how to win....
I have a number between 1 and 77 in my head. Be the lucky person whose post lands on THAT number and you win! If not for me... or for you... take a chance and go for it for office mates or neighborhood kids. They'll love you for it.
Signing off until tomorrow...
more on christmas ornaments later ... my guess is 54.
Thursday May 29th.
While searching I can across your lunch letter.
Did you ever hear anything?
So I got in trouble this weekend for popping in to read (and play catch-up) on the 2-3 days a week that I have internet access..but never posting! My guess is 61.
Claudia- I'm sure you already heard, but...there should be some more visitors! Maybe from Canada, maybe...we could only hope! Ashley
Oh yeah- Dr. B, my family does the same thing regarding lots of lights and ornaments. None of them match: some are kid-crafted, others are gifts, and some are bought. My godmother and aunt both give me a new ornament every year- one creates, one buys. It is a great tradition and something I truly treasure and appreciate. Keep the tradition alive- it's not crazy!
I'm right there with you with the mismatched tree and I love it, although I do think themed trees are beautiful, too.
My husband and I haved a tradition to buy each other an ornament each year that represents something that went on that year. It's fun to pull them out each year and remember the meaning behind them.
May 29, 2008
Wow! Cassie. 7:26 this morning and the pickle has already been found. I might need to hide one more to keep the day interesting.
Alright, done. Cassie... whatever your trick... don't tell if you find it.
Also... guess away on what number you think is in my head, but the only real thing that matters is WHO the lucky person is whose post today corresponds to that number. Guessing won't do you an ounce of good... only being the lucky person who posted at exactly the right time.
I LOVE your Christmas tree and the energy it brings to the holiday season, so I don't think you're crazy at all!
Our Christmas tree is not nearly as filled out as yours, but there is certainly not any theme to it and things do not match one another. Theme trees are nice, but just not my cup of tea.
As for ornaments, I too, have a nice collection building. Every year, my grandmother gives all 6 of her grandchildren an ornament for Christmas. In addition to that, my aunt always has her sister-in-law make an ornament for me. Many years, these ornaments have been of significance. For instance, one of the years I took dance, she had her make pink ballerina slippers.
My guess is 13!
I think Christmas trees, espcially one in a home with kids should be full of color with no real theme. You have to be able to place their ornaments that they make on your tree!
We have a neighbor who makes an ornament every year to pass out to the neighborhood and friends. She is quite crafty with wood working and painting so she cuts the pattern out and paints them..on year the family went to Disneyland so the ornament was Mickey ears, her boys works as life guards so one year the ornament was Santa dressed as a life guard. I look forward to receiving her ornament every year!
Lori R.
April 22, 2008 for pickle! We do this every year also thanks to you for sending us one years ago!
I have to say I am guilty of playing catch up with reading the blog every other day! I feel like I miss out that way. Leaves room for improvement! I love the Christmas in July theme (Christmas is by far my favorite holiday)!
Thank you for my Starbucks gift card... it came from PA... so does Claudia have elves in different places???
I love an eclectic tree! I have our first ornament together, to first baby ornaments, to snowmen that were just too gosh darn cute!
My method of madness was/is when the kids move out and get their first tree, they get all of their ornaments that I've picked specifically for them each year and written their name and year on. Bubba will have tons of hockey ornaments and sissy will have a ton of diva ornaments!
Happy Day
I was very confused but I get it now! Our post has to be on the number you are thinking. Darn... I'm going to have to make a lot of post to get to 59- my favorite number! So more posts equal more chances...hmm.
When I started out on my own, I was all about the themed tree. One of the first years I was married, I took a lot of my old photos and cut them out in ornament shapes, glued them to green paper, created a gold edge around them and attached a gold ribbon. It did make a beautiful tree and there was everyone I loved and cared for with me at Christmas. I was living in Utah away from most of my family and friends so it was my way of having them with me. I wanted my tree to be organized and pretty. But now, having kids and having received ornaments as gifts, I really enjoy all the different ornaments. The variety is much more interesting.
My mom has tons of ornaments. One year the tree fell over because she put so many on it!
I think maybe I was in possession of the pickle ornament but it was one that I lost in the divorce. If I had of known of this great idea, I would have kept it. :) Maybe it was a jalapeno.
ha. ha. Which numbers do I have now? 14-17?
Holy cow!! I can't BELIEVE I forgot to mention for the peanut/shell game that I collect Christmas ornaments! This is a serious collection... while I have a lot of books, I don't buy them to add to a collection, I'm just addicted to them. But I do collect ornaments, and they definitely do not match. When we go on vacation, I always look for ornaments that will remind me of the place--even if it's not something that's really an ornament, but is simply suitable for hanging. For example, I have several ornaments from Australia that were actually keychains originally. (Note to self: I need to look for something ornament-esque next time we're in Baltimore with Lucian.) I especially love ornaments that reflect some favorite things; for example, I have a couple of super cute Halloween ornaments (my favorite holiday), and I don't hesitate to put them on my Christmas tree. My someday-fantasy is to start a tradition of keeping at least a small tree in the house at all times and to decorate it for different holidays throughout the year. And for Christmas time, I want to grow my collection to the point of having a tree in every room of my house, each chock full of ornaments!
Claudia....did you by chance try calling Christine? I found a Tabatha Swiger who is an assistant principal in CA. She was teaching last I heard from her...think it could be? I sent an email...I'll let you know what I find out!
Also...I'm looking for ideas for a back to school letter/postcard for Kindergarten students with autism. Just a "hi, can't wait to meet you" type things...Any ideas out there?
Lori R.
So many posts and still so early. It means you've gotten the gist of today's contest. Your post must correspond to the number in my head. So, for instance... if the number in my head was "2," Cassie would win because she made the second post of the day. Rest assured, I am far too ambitious to go with any number in the single digits.
I love, love, love reading about your family traditions with regard to ornaments. Keep 'em coming. Jayme.. I especially like your idea of swapping ornaments with your husband to commemorate something special that occurred in the past year.
Peggy... yes. Just like Christmas, the spirit of highlowaha is EVERYWHERE!
I'm so sad I missed PA's day on Taste of USA. If I remember correctly, there's a make up day for all states, yes?
One year on my Christmas ornament exchange with my husband, he gave me a Grinch ornament. Since we try to do things that represent the years events, I tried hard not to be mad at him once when I opened it. Did he think I was a Grinch all year or what? The look on my face must have given it away and he quickly reminded me that it was my favorite movie earlier in the year and watched at least a million times, long after Christmas was over. That gives us a good laugh every year when we pull it out of the tote.
I need for ya'll to comment 38 more times so I can comment on 59!
As a kid, one of my favorite things on my moms tree was the bubble lights. The ones that have a little bit of color liquid in them, shaped kind of like a candle I guess. And, when the light got hot enough the liquid bubbles.
We had a friend in Tennessee that had a monthly holiday themed tree. It was either the most perfect branch they could find (painted white) or they bought a branch!
It was potted in a nice planter (pot? container) and there was moss in the base. It had white twinkle lights entagled through the brances.
I think we saw the Valentine, birthday and 4th of July trees. So cute, you can put anything on the tree. They said they found a lot of ornaments at Crackle Barrel.
(bracelets, cookie cutters, earrings, clips, clamps, key chains, flags)
In the pot were themed stuffed animals or presents wrapped in theme paper.
It was quite the conversation starter and looked adorable on the front mantel!! What a cool piece, you could have friends collect items for you from everywhere! And then, be organized having them in bins with labels, to switch them out each theme... it's a good thing!!
I've seen no mention of the perfect finish to all Christmas trees.....tinsel.
Claudia, it's time to get with Beeny tradition and add some tinsel!
Just like the Easter bunny is not allowed to use that messy fake grass in our baskets, tinsel is not allowed on our tree.
That stuff can ruin the strongest of vacuums!
Peggy, I'm trying to visualize this branch. It was a tree that was just branches or one single branch?
OK...just got back from Starbucks....enjoying my iced carmel macchiatto with soy, mixed and my 16 year old is enjoying a carmel frappuccino and we hope the lady behind us in line is enjoying her beverage of choice compliments of PPDC/Highlowaha. She was pleasantly shocked and the lady behind the counter thought it was cool! I enjoyed it and think it was great for my 16 year old to see it....may not make him a random act of kindness person over night but at least the seed was planted!
No grass, no tinsel, no pets what is going on?????
Bah! Humbug! Just call me Scrooge or Grinch. You pick. That stuff is awful!:)
As for no pets... Drew's allergic to cats. Hamsters are just like rats as far as I'm concerned. Fish poop where they swim- gross! I don't have room for a horse or pony. Birds are well, honestly, disgusting. They poop everywhere and the molt or whatever that's called where their feathers shed. And lastly, the dog. Do you really think it would be fair for man's best friend to stay locked up 11 hours a day M-F all by himself? Because he would have to stay in a kennel all day otherwise my house would be destroyed! And no matter what pet you have, they're expensive! Not in my budget of living the life of luxury with the lawn care, pool boy and the hopes of one day being able to afford a maid. So, no pets.
TMI? :)
This is 28
I thought you were a beach girl. You don't get in the water or are you willing to swim where the fish poop?
Love the beach. Don't mind swimming there.
I don't have to clean the ocean. It works itself out. I can't see the poop. All of that salt and current movement must do something.
But, yeah, I spend more time on the sand building drizzle castles.
as for the christmas ornaments when we had purchased our home 9 1/2 yrs ago i had the boys start making their special ornament for the tree. they each have their own and evey year they go on the tree. they are 17 and 15 years old and they love to see how each ornament differs from year to year. they still havre fun making them. my tree has 6 sets of lights (3 colored and 3 white sets). I also have from babys 1st christmas to
1st new home and so on. it is a
6 1/2 ft tree and it is just so pretty to look at I also have 2 1/2 ft tree that goes in the dining room and that is decorated with burgundy bows all around and it is also fiber optic.
As for the number my guess is 42.
The tree branch 'tree'... was perfect... probably a 1-1/2" diameter 'trunk' with lots of perfect 'limbs' coming out... does that help? (So it looked like a mini bare tree)
I think I can visualize but I think we should get a picture!
my guess is 26...my mom will be happy to hear of your ornaments. last year we counted and she has close to 1,000. they are all miss matched, but it looks fabulous! good thing we have a 7 foot tall tree every year to fill up!
WOW! We have covered A LOT of ground! dogs, pooping fish, July 4th decorative trees, Random Acts of Kindness... the gambit.
If my post represents number 36, that leaves 41 more posts to go. This is not a task too big for us, is it? Anybody else have an ornament story.
Cassie... I would get into the whole tinsel thing, but I thought I would wait until closer to December. I think it warrants its own special day.
I was gonna guess 11... that's my lucky number. But, I'm far too late to be number 11.
Claudia, you have such creative games for your kids! I would have loved to be your son... Haha.
The most creative my mom got with us as kids was hiding our easter basket. Don't get me wrong, though, my mom is SUPER creative. She can crochet practically anything!
Okay, here is my dilemma- the queen of wanting everyone to be happy- I have two boys a year apart in age. Am I going to open a can of worms for someone feeling left out? I know in a lot of ways I'm an overprotective mom. What are your thoughts on this?
okay, i did a google search on ornament trees, and found this
a theme decorated tree looks so much better.... but there are trees out there other than Christmas trees for ornaments!
So, now everybody knows that I don't function well early in the morning before I have my coffee ... since I didn't quite get the gist of today's guessing game this morning. Imagine my confusion when I read Cheryl's 9:07 post.
Christmas ornament thoughts ... my first 12 years of life, my aunt bought me one of the "12 days of Christmas" ornaments. Those are now on my own tree. I also love my hand made ones from when I was in elementary school. Each year I smile at my fabulous creations.
While I do have some German in me, I've never heard of the pickle tradition. My dad does collect little Santa figurine ornaments. His favorite is an old glass one that his dad had as a child.
Don't worry Julie. I was totally confused when I read Claudia's post. I had to go back and read it.
Okay, I'm working towards 59. So, y'all keep posting.
And no one post on 59!:)
how about 3-20
I didnt know you collected ornaments so do I!!!! I have been going out the day after Christmas since I was 18 and buying one really expensive ornament in Fortunoffs. I have a tree that is 8 ft tall and has 20 sets of lights they used to all be colored but last year I decided to change to white. My friends admire my tree each year because there isnt a branch without a ton of ornaments. I also buy one from wherever I stay on vacation. I have been purchasing personalized ornaments for my 3 kids with the year on them for when they move out one day. My house looks like a winter wonderland every year. My friends call it the "Macys House." I love Christmas. I too have a pickle ornament by Radko. The same one... I have to get you one from Hershey!!! The package is on its way and should arrive tomorrow. I am also waiting for a mailer for the wine from my sister-in-law. I should have it soon.
Cassie, happy to see you back. I missed you!!!
I teach in a Catholic school and we do a special tradition in our classroom during Advent. In place of an Advent calendar, I wrap tiny ornaments up and number them. Each day we open a new ornament, discuss its importance and then place it on the tree. Each of the ornaments we open tell a piece of the Christmas story when Jesus was born.
The kids love to predict what it might be and the anticipation on their tiny faces is priceless.
I just thought I would try so mom didnt have to keep coming on (ha ha)
I dont know what number is in your head but I dont think that matters so heres my post too!!
In my state your cookies are a "legend"
I really wish it were Christmas! I want the t.v. that I asked for. I would appreciate it if you could talk to mommy and tell her that buying it now would be a great idea! Shoot me for trying;)
Krysten Peres
I think you have all of the Peres family now!
Every one of my kids have their own tree in their room. Michael loves white lights with all silver and gold glass ornaments and his collectable trains going around. Melissa has all purple lights and all different colored ornaments. Krysten has all pink lights and all different glass ornaments. My kids have followed in my footsteps with collecting ornaments.
Cassie.... You would be proud of me I use "tinsel" and I use TONS of it. It makes everything so glittery!!
So I am leaving lurker status to comment on Christmas ornaments. I love mismatched trees. My family's tree never matches but it is always beautiful. My mother's grandmother started the tradition of giving each grandchild an ornament for Thanksgiving to place on the upcoming Christmas tree. My mother and her brothers and sisters have eight "grandma ornaments" that they receive before she died. Since thhen my grandmother has continued this tradition with her 18 grandchildren. At this point in time I have 22 "grandma ornaments" that I will take to my family. Of course over the years some have broken but each one has my name and the year on it so I can remember when i got it. My mother has also continued this tradition with my two nephews. With all these ornaments being passed around there is no way we would have a matching tree.
Dr. B, My grandmother also hides a pickle in her tree. The first of the grandchildren to find the pickle gets to open presents first. It’s a lot of fun trying to find a green pickle in a green tree.
i have to leave #53 ... i hated buying all new ornaments for my own tree last year
Oh- y'all were posting at the same time and you became 54!
cheryl ... we're so close to 59 ... i want you to get it ... i got my #54!
#57... I have to leave in 9 minutes!
So, I'll just go ahead and push it! #58
Whew! #59! Happy Christmas in July Everyone!
things i love about this blog
#1. cheryl got her #59
#2. i got my #54
#3. there have been people from all over the country sitting on the edge of our seats all day as we wait for the postings to get close enough to our hopeful number that we can post!
#4. the list just goes on and on :)
OOPS! that last post was me not Chris!
how about 61
Im gonna go to 66 and thats my final
its worth the shot but sooo "out there"
you must be getting sick of counting but I just thought it may be your birthyear
i also tried to think of the number on your jersey from JHS 67 volleyball thinking maybe it was a favorite @
a favorite # is what I meant to post!!! Well I am out of things to write for now and I am sure you are ALL sick of me HA HA I think I won too much already!
I would like to guess the number 10...it is always my guess when it comes to number guesses.
I would have loved to post earlier in the day but couldn't because of work commitments but I want my guess to be 77 anyways..so I'm going to aim to hit that in the next few minutes.
Thanks to CKB for the great treats for my desk courtesy of Christmas in July...I've already had some takers!
As far as Christmas ornaments I got an amazing TEXAS ornament from Cheryl in my great Texas welcome basket!
Thanks Cheryl!!!!!
I would love to see some pictures or hear more about Tera and Treye's wedding form those who attended
The day Claudia puts tinsel on her tree I might keel over from shock!
An update on my lunch dates...I've had all but the person I didn't know who was Cheryl!
Hopefully Cheryl and I can arrange lunch soon.
In the interim I'm having a fun time meeting new people at UTA and being a maven by handing out highlowaha cards...
Speaking of Highlowaha cards...Robert Thomas if you are out there welcome!
Lily is waiting in her high chair so I better run but I have to get the last two just for good measure!
An here it is the 77th comment to commemorate the 77 short days it took us to over double our hits!
Way to go gang!!!!
suffice it to say that before i go to bed tonight, i'll have emailed highlowaha (probably as i eat some ice cream) with a narrative and pics from tera and treye's wedding. i'm hoping she can post a pic or more sometime this week.
A really cool Christmas ornament craft for those of you teaching kids in any capacity...
Make miniature wreaths out of puzzle pieces that are spray painted green. Create circular backs and past three rows (on top of each other) on the circular back to give it a 3-D link. Then, you can have your kids put a photo behind the wreath.
Does that make any sense at all? )The wreath serves almost as a picture frame.)
If not, google's got my back:
My grandmother always used to get us grandkids a new ornament each year from a local woodcrafter. The ornaments each have our names and the year. I think I've gotten about 15 of them. (She no longer does this tradition.)
what the heck, one more comment... my final one for the day.
what's the most posts we've had on one given day?
let's go with the #65
thought i would try again
or maybe even the #12
the last post wuth the #12 is from Layne C
Whew, what a day! I was watching the number going higher and higher, counting carefully. It was getting closer and closer to 5:30 and I was starting to freak out! "Can't talk! I'm watching my blog!" And now, my comment will be #86! This was fun.
:) Now, I'm going to go write about New Hampshire.
Thanks for having my back on the tinsel. I'm thinking if Claudia did use tinsel it would be one box. Hell I use one box per branch.
Oh and Maureen buy that baby a t.v.
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