Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No Whacking, Just Winning ($100.00)!

Ok.  Not exactly $100.00, but $74.00 isn't too shabby!

Let me explain, but first an aside...  My goal today is to bring at least 1, ideally MANY, "lurkers" (readers who frequent the site, but are not interested in making comments) out of hiding... if only for a day.  If you go back to being "lurkers" again tomorrow, it's ok.  I'm shooting for a one-time showing.  Read on and you'll know why.

Today, in celebration of 100 posts, we are going to be talking about rituals.  Anybody who knows me well, knows that I love the idea of rituals.  My family has fallen victim to many such as Sweet Cereal Day, Fun in a Box Friday, Great Day Green Plate, Shamrock Shakes, Birthday Dinners, Ice Cream Sundae, and the list goes on.  Rituals, not only create a sense of occasion, but they also help mark time in the otherwise busy and over-scheduled life of our families.  They are the things we and our kids know, that regardless of what else is happening, time will slow down long enough to do.  That's what makes them comforting.  They are rituals, because they can be counted on.

What had NOT occurred to me is what I could learn from rituals.  Today's excerpt does not come from von Oech (he deserves a day off after being such a loyal participant in our Wednesday ritual).  Instead, today's post draws on the work of Sam Harrison, author of Ideaspotting: How to Find Your Next Great Idea. 

Harrison talks about the important role of listening when trying to spot new ideas.  And while I might not be searching for new ideas, I am always in search of how to improve the current idea on which I am working.  In this case  He tells a story of marketers exploring for a new Sprite campaign.  "Ogilvy's Brand Integration Group listened to one young consumer say Sprite felt 'like a chill explosion of lemon-lime icicles going down my throat.'  Ogilvy's team spotted an idea.  The comment inspired visually exploding designs that morph from cans to basketball goals to giant murals."

What does this have to do with us and, even more importantly, what does it have to do with rituals?  I want to hear about your highlowaha rituals, so that maybe, just maybe, I can use what I learn to enhance some aspect of what I deliver.  So, here's the million dollar (actually $74.00) question...

When it comes to, what is your daily, weekly, monthly ritual?  Help me understand things such as when you check the site, how often you typically visit; how long do you spend looking, per visit; do you share highlowaha with your morning cup of Joe (mug or cup and saucer), your evening dessert, or after the kids are asleep; do you read comments posted; where do you normally read it... home (which room), work, commuting; if you only visit periodically, are there particular days.  If so, why?  Basically, I want to know anything and everything you can think to tell me about your experience with highlowaha!  The more specific the better!  If today starts the BEGINNING of your highlowaha ritual, then more power to you.  Tell us what you expect your ritual to be and we'll celebrate that too.  Anything goes.

Now, where does the dollar figure $74.00 come into play?  Here's my highlowaha ritual.  Each morning the alarm goes off at 4:55 a.m..  I drag myself out of bed, put on sweats and a t-shirt, lightly (and I do mean, lightly) brush my hair, and head out the door.  I head true North to "my" Starbucks where I promptly order my drink and begin crafting my post for the day.  Done by 6:15 and home no later than 6:45, when the rest of house has begun stirring.

My drink of choice is a Grande Cinnamon Dolce, non-fat, no whip, heated to 180 degrees.  The drink total is $4.26 (staggering, I know) and gets paid for with a five dollar bill (specifically so I can sit here on this day and type the following...), leaving me $.74 cents change.  Multiply the $.74 cents change by the 100 days we've been in business and you get... $74.00!

So, that is what I have to offer one lucky reader.  Submit your highlowaha ritual and be entered in tonight's drawing for $74 smackaroos!

This, I'm excited to read!  Lurkers, don't fail me now.

Signing off until tomorrow...

P.S.  And the winner of yesterday's Scavenger Hunt is... Stacie Walker... (and the crowd goes wild).  Not only did Stacie's guess of 47 scissors come closest to my collection of 49, but she also included a number of impressive details in her responses (Middle initial "A," for Julie A. Cole; the ill-fated beer mugs; and Sundae with an "ae," instead of "ay").  Not to mention... I never knew about Cheryl's March 10 post until you sent me back to the archives.  Nice going, Stacie.  I know your love for books, so I am pleased to be sending you (and Lucian) one of my childhood favorites.


Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Tera... check out Beekayroot's response to your invitation for lunch. It is posted in the comments from Monday.

Looks like a connection could be made. Ok, now back to rituals...

Anonymous said...

I've subscribed to your blog through google reader and I read all my google reader blog posts once in the morning when I first get to work, and then once at night after my daughters go to bed.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Thanks, Cands. It seems my first "lurker" has made an appearance. Thanks for starting morning off on the right foot.

Anonymous said...

I come to work, open my work email, then my yahoo email, and then read Usually this is around 9am so I'll read the comments that are postd at that point. When I have time I check back for new comments throughout the day, but that's not always possible. I began reading back around the time when you were trying to reach 5,000 (thanks to Treye), caught up on all the posts to that point, and now I'm a faithful daily reader (I was surprised to find an additional Sunday post this week!! Love the letter!).

Anonymous said...

My highlowaha ritual has gotten off kilter lately with so much on my plate but my preferred ritual is:

-Check my email and highlowaha in the morning around 6am (5 central) for any posts made after my bedtime since today's post isn't yet posted at that ungodly hour.
-Arrive at work by 8:30 and settle into the office where I check email and highlowaha for the actual post of the day (I LOVE having the opportunity to be the first post of the morning though sometimes Maureen beats me to the punch.
-Check again around lunch for any other early posters and then I'm typically out of pocket until after Lily is in bed when I check my email, Momscorner and Highlowaha one last time before bed.

As you can tell, today is atypical as I have Lily at home with me thanks to a fever and we are on our way to the pediatrician.

Thanks for sharing your rituals and helping to create a ritual for each of us.

Anonymous said...

My ritual is much like Shari's. I come to work, check my work email, start opening my work applications and while waiting for them to load, I read highlowaha, read the comments, then check back later for other comments! I typically read only Mon-Fri, but if I happen to be on the computer during the weekend sometimes I'll check in.

My wonderful, terrific, God sent friend Cassie Y hooked me on the blog.

While I regularly read, I don't usually post...although I did to get my 'color'.

And with a 10 year old son and a 6 year old daughter at times the dinner table can come near to a war zone. So, to calm things down, we go through the HIGH, the LOW, and the AHA moments of the day giving them each their own time to share. It has gotten rather interesting now that they are on summer break, watch Disney Channel, and swim all day in finding something 'AHA'. Thanks for this peaceful idea for the dinner table.

Jenny D

Anonymous said...

I get the kids a cup of milk, make my coffee then check the blog. Sometimes in fact many days the blog is not up yet. If that is the case then I drink a cup of coffee, feed the kids, bleach the toliet get the kids dresses, start the washer, do some on-line banking then check back. I will at this time confess that sometimes it's too much reading and I'll jump to the end knowing I'll check back later to read in full.
Depending on what we have going on I'll check again at naptime or just before dinner.
In the beginning I would go to Highlowaha in support of my sister-in-law and friend but now it's fun to read what highlowaha has turned into and to meet new people.
I will also take this opportunity to say that I worry sometimes that Claudia gives to much of herself to her reader.

Anonymous said...

I get up and come downstairs, start my coffee, check my email and then on to the blog. By the time I read it my coffee is ready! I then go to work (except now since it is summer) and when I get home check email and the blog again. I will typically check it one more time before I go to bed. Sometimes I post but not always. It is fun having Claudia in my daily life again even if it is just online!
Lori R.

Cheryl Houston said...

I am in no way a lurker. I was excited when Claudia invited me to read her blog.

First... good lord you people get up early!

My ritual: I get everything powered up at work at 8:30. Get everything situated around my desk and open Sometimes I'm inspired to post a comment right after reading it. Most times, I read it, go brush my teeth and ponder on the idea. I might read some of my other favorite blogs. I read any other comments. And then I usually post my comments.

I try to always remember to preview my post first so I can click the box that says "Email follow up comments to" and then when someone else posts a comment I get an email in my inbox. As comments come in, I might think of something else to add or just want to comment on their comment.

I love when Claudia inspires everyone else to participate. It fills my day up with interesting conversations and ideas.

Claudia has inspired me to re-open the creative side of my brain and I enjoy seeing what she's going to come up with next.

Peggy said...

Ritual, routine, monotonous performance... all syn. for a habit... right now I don't have one. Out for the summer... I check emails and cool blog spots whenever the mood befits me, if I'm passing the computer or if I feel like seeing if anyone in the outside world has left a note or a few words of insight and energy. I'm proud to be a lurker, but I'm also really, really new!

Anonymous said...

Jenny D,
Are you still out there?
I worked on a Father's day package for your husband this weekend. I just went to put the package together to mail and much to my surprise 1/2 of the product is missing(thanks to Kevin). Can you tell that I'm POed? Anyway...I will start over and hope that they make it in time. Claudia can you witness for me that I did really work on them this passed weekend?

Anonymous said...

I am definitely a lurker but my routine is different for the summer. Normally I read it when I get home from work but now that school is out I wake up around 8, pour my Pomegranate Green Tea and then check email. I save the blog for last because it's always a surprise about what I'm going to find. Thanks for the great ideas and the fun community you've created!


Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Jenny, yes... Cassie baked a ton of beautifully decorated cookies.... and yummy, I might add. I was one of the chosen few who actually got to see and TASTE them.

Sorry about the little cookie monster "snaffoo, " but whenever the replacement cookies arrive, they will be well worth the wait.

Kat said...

I had been reading highlowaha from the very first post ever, and then my computer crashed and the link was lost for a month or two. Only yesterday did I even think to just google you and see what came up, and here I am once again! Now I have you on my reader so I can't lose you again. After waking up and getting breakfast for myself and my son, I go back to our home office hop online to get my blog fix. I love reading yourc ideas everyday and can't wait until my 16 month old is old enough to appreciate more of them. I have to admit that I don't always read all of the comments due to limited time, but I read as many as I can.

Anonymous said...

Dr. B - thanks for letting me know about Beekayroot's reply. I somehow missed that one :)

Beekayroot - I'd LOVE to do lunch when you're up this way. Email me sometime and let me know when and where you'd like to meet

All - When I get to work in the morning (that time varies) I open up my outlook then explorer. After my work email is checked I check another email account in one browser tab and HLA in another. I read the posts from the night before and then read the blog of the day. I proceed to the comments and post mine if the mood strikes. I check several times throughout the day for more posts. It's this blog that gets me going in the morning...thanks!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Kat... it seems your rejoining our community was fated... and maybe the winning of the $$$. Uncanny that you should tune back in only yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm time to post - I'm mostly a lurker with an occasional comment. Well, luckily today the boys are still eating their lunch, so they're not trying to type with me. Yes, they did comment that they wanted to say something about the Struble Suds logo last week - they call it Daddy's beer, but I didn't too many other people would find that funny.
Usually I check your blog around lunchtime. It's the few moments where the boys are quietly munching the chosen item of the day (today is applesauce and crackers) and hopefully not dumping it on their heads, throwing it across the table or something else that they've discovered. Our computer is in the office (aka home clutter central). These few moments are so nice to use my brain to function on non-kid verbalization (ie. stop throwing cars, don't hit your brother, stop jumping on the sofa.) This little diversion and my time at the gym are the few moments of peace that can make the rest of the day go more smoothly.
Claudia, I'm so jealous that you spend every morning at Starbucks. Maybe in the fall when both boys are in preschool at the same time, I'll find some extra me time.
Oh now - I heard the crashing of bowls - not a good sign.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!! I can't believe I won! Thanks, Claudia!

OK, my routine: there's not one. I wake up with Lucian, change the diaper, and usually try to get to the computer first thing before he gets super antsy and while he's still content to just sit on my lap. Sometimes I can only read before he gets bored and needs more entertainment, and sometimes he lets me post a comment. Regardless, I always come back to your blog to check out additional comments at various points throughout the day--usually during his little cat naps or after my hub gets home from work and I have a break. Yesterday was an especially good morning for him, so I was able to find my answers and post a comment pretty early, though I must admit he was getting fussy while I found the last couple of answers. Today... I couldn't even get to the blog until this afternoon, so there's no predicting what will happen from one day to the next. So glad yesterday was my lucky day!!

Anonymous said...

1554.90 For a year of coffee
270.10 Change to give to Highlowaha
1825.00 Grand total for the year.
Can I just have your coffee money.
I'll trade you for a coffee maker.

Anonymous said...

34.08 for a gal. of coffee.
Gas is only $4.00

Anonymous said...

We all have our vices...I think yours might be cookies.

Cheryl Houston said...

That's too funny Kevin! After adding up my own Starbucks addiction, I broke the coffee pot back out... the coffee is okay, but it's no Starbucks Carmel Machiatto that I still have to have on occassion. Okay- most weekends. And sometimes at Target. And sometimes at Tom Thumb.

Anonymous said...

Cands....Is this the Cands with the two beautiful twin daughters from momscorner?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, we answered that are the Cands from Momscorner!
I love it!

close2it said...

Even though I've posted a few times, I'd still consider myself a lurker. So here it goes--My typical routine didn't begin until I got home from work and whatever night activities I had for the day. I'd let my dog outside and feed her and then promptly plop myself down on the couch with a coke zero (my drink of choice). I always check my e-mail first and then head to my list of blogs stored on my favorites. Out of the 10 or so that I like to pop in on everyday, yours is on the top of my list. I sit and read through the entire new post and all it's comments, sometimes check back on the comments from the previous day to see if I missed anything, and then check in on the Taste of America blog. I've mainly remained a lurker b/c by the time I read anything that I have to say has usually already been said or it's too late for anyone to see but try to chime in when I can.

Anonymous said...

I consider myself an avid reader and fan of highlowaha although I’ve never actually posted. I enjoy reading your responses and sharing in the creativity that floods this network of amazingly talented people. I, like Claudia, embrace rituals and so once highlowaha was formed I had to immediately create my own ritual around the blog.

My day begins at the office at approximately 8 a.m. I instantly turn on my computer and check highlowaha even before reading my email. I quickly glance at the topic in order to wet my appetite for the later in the day. Often, I will think about the topic throughout the morning and try to imagine all the ideas that Claudia and the readers will share. At lunchtime, if I do not have a meeting, I will close my office door, sit at my desk with my lunch, and read every morsel of the day’s blog. People are typically banging on my door, the phone is usually ringing, but I take those few minutes to savor every ounce of creativity that the blog offers. This is my fix for the day. Some people, like Claudia, have Starbucks, some have their Friday night reading of People magazine, and I have highlowaha.

Kat said...

Oh, I would feel sort of bad if I won the $$! While I used to be a loyal lurker, I haven't been so loyal recently. Hmmm... we will see what fate has in store.

maureen said...

Claudia, as you know I am not a lurker. I will however tell you my routine.

I wake at 6 am
I immediately do a load of wash (I did not know that this was a routine but my kids say I have been doing it since they can remember)
I wake the kids up by crawling into bed with them one at a time (even the 18 yr old)
I hug and kiss them and remind them that one day they will wish they were still in school!
I iron all of their uniforms ( winter especially)
I make lunches
I do hair, check teeth and give Melissa her inhaler
I walk Melissa to the bus
I sing a chorus of "ALLELUIA" (thanking God that the girls arent driving me crazy until 3pm)
I make a cup of coffee and check out highlowaha

I would check you out sooner but I learned that the time difference makes it that you havent posted before I get all of the above done

I wont tell you the rest of my day because it would waste too much time (time I dont have)

Nevertheless you are WORTH every cent of coffee!!!!

As for comparing it to the price of gas, I believe you get more joy out of the cup of coffee than you do out of driving around in traffic on a hot day!!!


Anonymous said...

ppdc- Imagine me running at you from across the way smiling and saying hi just as Claudia would want.

Glad you came out of hiding if just for one post.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...


Cup of Coffee... $4.26. Gas to drive there and back...$1.50. Starting my day peacefully and with highlowaha... PRICELESS!

Try it!

Wendy said...

Sorry Claudia, I'm not an everyday ritual person on highlowaha. But, I do get on here close to every other day. Usually it's in the morning. I drag out of bed between 7 and 8 now, since it's summer. I start a pot of coffee, go out to the driveway and grab my paper, throw it to the front door and water my flower bed then yard. I then get the paper, go back inside, make Dillon's breakfast and pour me a cup of joe. I sit at the table and read through the highlights that catch my eye. After skimming through the paper I start a load of laundry and head to the office to check my email. If I haven't been yelled at by then, I'll check highlowaha. If I get side tracked and am not able to check it in the morning, I'll get on in the evening after Dillon has gone to bed. I like to read the posts over a glass of wine. Especially if I've missed a few days. That's it. There's my ritual.

Anonymous said...

My daily highlowaha ritual goes a little like this:

- Wake up around 8 or 9 (this is of course, now that school is out for the summer and I have no more 8 am classes), grab my bowl of cheerios and hit the computer desk. I wish I could say I was a coffee person, but for me, many mornings consist of a red bull if I need that quick jump start.
- Upon making my way to the computer, I immediately check my email to read my daily horoscope and then I make my way over to highlowaha. I find that this is an inspirational start to my day.
- I also find myself checking back multiple times a day. I guess you could say I get curious. I know what ideas spur in my mind once reading the post every day, but the curious mind always wants to know what the rest of the community has to say! After all, how else would ideas such as an altoid table develop?
- Ultimately, I feel as though this blog is my daily jolt to remind me about the possibilities of getting creative.... one fabulous sheet of paper at a time.

Brian K. Root said...

As today is a perfect example, my "ritual" - if you'd like to call it that - is that I tend to be the last person on the block to comment on your blog. Haha. Typically, I check in the evenings after work and dinner, and as of recently, I've been forgetting to check every once in awhile.

Today, as you can see, though, I'm switching it up by checking while I'm here at work. (In fact, I was the first comment in tomorrow's blog! WOO HOO!)

Really, I have one ritual - and that involves rolling out of bed and getting straight into the shower. Oh, and watching Food Network. Either that's a ritual or just an obsession.