Sunday, June 15, 2008

Build a Poem

As promised, below is the poem we composed last Thursday.  Frost we are not, but not too bad for a first attempt...

If I Had One Hundred

If I had one hundred wishes,
I would still only wish for good health.
If I had one hundred bottles of beer on the wall, 
I would take one down and pass it around.
If I had one hundred hours in the day,
I would get all my work done and spend time with family.
If I had one hundred more days until my wedding, 
I would then have enough time to get everything done.
If I had one hundred hours in a day,
I would still look for more.
If I had one hundred margaritas,
I would have a party.
If I had one hundred jellybeans,
I would eat them all.
If I had one hundred bottle caps,
I would be able to make something cool.
If I had one hundred flowers,
I would have a beautiful wonderland.
If I had one hundred comments in a single week,
I would be



maureen said...

Claudia I like the poem.... Its so "highlowaha". Anyway I hope you are enjoying your day...

Anonymous said...

hehe i like our poem...happy father's day to all the dads out there!