Friday, June 6, 2008

Free For All Friday: Staying Sane When School is Out


And the winner of the fun note cards thanks to Matthew, my-pick-a-name-out-of-a-hat-assistant, is... cspgradstudent.  If it's o.k., I'll present them to you, in person, on Wednesday! Otherwise you'll cross in the mail.

First an amendment to Free for All Friday, compliments of my smart and intuitive friend, Heather.  Heather assures me, if I didn't assign a Free for All Friday topic, that our readers would have plenty of last minute topics around which brainstorming could occur.  So, my I-S-T-J self (Myer's Brigg Personality Type, for anyone who doesn't know) is willing to relax and be more willy nilly about the whole thing.  From here on out, I might present a topic, but I might not. Regardless, you should feel free to chime in on any given Friday with something you would like discussed or brainstormed.  No limit to the number of topics being tossed about.

A topic I bring to the table today is... strategies for staying sane now that school is out and kids are hanging around the house.  I met a woman in line the other day who explained this was the first year her ten and twelve year old would be staying home instead of going to daycare.  She was a nervous about how she would balance their being home with her working out of the house.  Another friend of mine typically plays host to all the neighborhood kids who love playing in her pool, drinking refreshments out of her refrigerator and eating her out of house and home.  So you see, with school just out and eighty-one more days until Ricky starts back, it has the potential to be a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggg summer!

What ideas or strategies have you employed, heard about, read about, or dreamt about to keep yourself and your kids sane?

Here are a couple of my own thoughts...

As you might remember me sharing during Random Acts of Kindness Week, I had a little sister through United Way while living in Ohio.  Her mother didn't have the means to send her to summer camp, so summers for Amanda were long and uneventful.  I worked as well, which is to say I was no great help in entertaining her either.  That is, with the exception of one activity we would do each summer.  Here it is...

At the start of the summer I would present Amanda with ten large manila envelopes.  Inside each was a weekly challenge.  Completing each challenge earned her Funny Money, which at the end of the summer could be cashed in for something(s) of her choice.  I don't remember all the challenges, but some of the activities were things such as:
  • Create and advertise a lemonade stand, raising money for a local group.
  • Memorize where each state in the union is and then successfully complete a playground-sized map of the USA, drawn with side walk chalk.
  • Start a club on your block.  Develop a purpose, rules, membership.
  • Seal a time capsule.
  • Produce a show to be performed for me, her mother, and anyone else she wanted to invite.
  • Create an invention using random items supplied by me.
You get the gist.

Here's another thought... Co-op Camp.  Picture this....  Five friends or mothers get together. Each takes one day of the week (if you couldn't negotiate one day off from work each week in the summer then each mother would take one week off work and host for a full week at a time). Here's an example...
  • Mondays with Claudia for art camp
  • Tuesday with Cassie for cooking camp
  • Wednesdays with Cheryl for drama camp
  • Thursdays with Wendy for sports camp
  • Fridays with Erica for spy/detective camp.
Yes, you must create one day's worth of activity a week, but then you get the gift of having your kids engaged for the other four days... FREE!

Now your turn... what other ideas do we have for surviving summer?  P.S.  You don't have to have kids to have good ideas surrounding this topic.

  • Today is Taste of USA-What's-Your-State-Made-of-Voting-Day.  So, if you live in Illinois, South Dakota, Minnesota, North Carolina, or Arizona... TODAY is your day.  Post the largest number of notable things about your state and be in the running to win the fun-filled day of brainstorming with Claudia and Cheryl... who will visit you in your state!  You won't want to miss it.
  • Up next week...Utah, Indiana, Mississippi, North Dakota (come on Julie Cole), and Arkansas.
  • Bigger or Better: We're still looking for someone to offer up a trade for Maureen's generous offer of a case of Sauvignon Blanc wine, delivered to your door step.  Come on. Our goal is to trade up for a plane ticket by the first week of August.


Anonymous said...

Cheryl - if you're lunching Kelly Rasberry, I'm coming to Texas! FFAF - obviously, I don't have the kids at home problem, but as a former summertime babysitter, I lived for StoryTime at the public library. The kids would listen to a few stories and do a related craft project while I found a good book to get lost in. We'd extend the trip by spending an hour picking out books to read for the next week.

Katie said...

Wednesday, in person sounds like a great time to get the cards!

As for fun summer things:
- I don't know if they still do this or not, but when I was little (because I loved to read) my mom always signed me up for this book worm competition at the local library. The child who read the most books by the end of the summer won a prize. If they don't do this at the local library, what about starting a competition among the neighborhood kids? I realize not every kid will get into this, but for those who enjoy reading, they might get a kick out of it.
- Bike parade for the 4th of July. Let them decorate their bikes and then have a parade throughout the neighborhood to show off the bikes. At the end could be the neighborhood bbq to celebrate community.
- Imaginative play was always our favorite growing up. There is a creek that run right behind the houses across the street from us. So, we'd always pretend we were these great animal hunters and go look for frogs, salamanders, etc. I'm sure my mom loved us coming home with our finds of the day!

Anonymous said...

Not much help here. I love to have my kids home and I prefer that to the rush and hurry of school morning. I hate the fact that while in school I'm missing much of their day and not getting to see their face as they learn something new. I want to see it first hand and not share.
Yesterday we had a summer splash party at our house. 17 kids, 8 moms and 1 dad. The kids were so happy. Yesterday was one of those days you know they will remember as adults and as an adult I am trying to burn the smiles I saw into my memory forever. Anthony even said that was the most fun he ever had!

Life is so short. In the blink of an eye our children are grown and out of our house (right Maureen). I don't want to miss a minute of there childhood because I know soon they will be out in the world.
So in short keep your kids home in your yard, have their friends over and take tons of pics!
Enjoy the ride!

Anonymous said...

We enjoy the free or $1 movies that the theaters offer for summer. Splash parks, play houses and jump centers.
Inflatable pools, City pools with their fun sprinklers, regular swimming pools, Otter Pops, Homemade ice cream, tie dye July party and snow cones. Just a few summer activities for free or close to free!
The cities offer lots of classes and camps too.

Cheryl Houston said...

I don't get to stay at home with my boys during the summer and I kind of dread the day that they are too old for daycare. But on to entertaining...

I love art so getting the butcher paper out and spreading it out so we can all work on the same project is always fun. My boys love to swim and I've been blessed with the opportunity to afford a pool. JB came home with a daily activity sheet from his teacher with little things like: Count the number of houses on your street. Count by 2's, 5's & 10's to 100. Write the days of the week, go to the library, etc.

Children's museums are always fun. I typed in Kids summer activities oline and came up with : and it looks like it has lots of ideas.

JB loves to paint rocks. I had to pack 10 of them when we moved from UT to TX.

If your kids are old enough why not feature learning about each US State. I've already got you started with Taste of USA. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. Give points for finding sports teams and museums and other state facts. Make a journal of everything you've learned about each state that includes the state flag, dates they joined the union, important people from the state and so on. Why stay with just the US... discover the world! Take me to Greece!

You could focus on what your kid likes. If they like music, art, science, sports. Research people that are important in those fields, how things got started, what are jobs that they could grow up to be that are around those subjects. So, I like art... discover Van Gogh and Picasso and the list is endless. So, you like sports... research who has won the most NFL, NBA and so on titles. Who were the best players? Where did they grow up?

And don't forget to just have old fashion fun with Monopoly on rainy days, lots of popsicles, ice cream and snow cones on sunny days, sidewalk chalk, bike rides, parks and movies with popcorn.

Aw! I want to stay home for the summer!

maureen said...

This summer I am lying low.... I will be floating in my pool with my girls. I set up several days where my girls each have a girl scout friend come over and they work on badges (they learn while having fun), we will be going to water parks, amusement parks, the beach, a play on Broadway (maybe Legally Blonde), the tanger outlets and we finish it all off with a 5 day trip to Lancaster and Hershey (PA). Just the girls... (no men, no mess, no complaints) complete bliss .. I really enjoy the time I spend with my girls... They are my best friends in the world we have so much fun together...

Claudia, I was thinking of you because I am taking them to do ceramics this summer. They have never been to a studio. Krysten has created stuff with pottery clay and she loved it.... Wasn't ceramics a lot of fun?

Cassie, I have a recipe for homemade ice cream in a can (girl scouts of course) its so much fun for the kids... let me know if you want it...

Cheryl Houston said...


will you adopt me?

maureen said...

absolutely, you have no idea how lucky you would be, I make my kids beds each day, put their laundry away (still), drive them everywhere, buy them everything they need and most of what they want (Jonas Bros. tix are out)! I cook each night (faithfully) oh and I also pay car insurance ! Hey I want to adopt myself. I give myself NOTHING.

Actually I think I am just trying to do everything for them that i never got to do. I just hope I dont ruin them its really not my intention. Everyone tells me I am gonna be sorry! I just know that if today was my last day on earth I'd have NO REGRETS!

Still want to come.... I have issues LOL!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly. We all have baggage we carry but to look back and think I wish I would have or boy did I miss out that's more than I can deal with. So....if the kids crawl into bed or want to be held till they fall asleep than that's what they get. Soon they will be to busy and too grown to even think about such things. I know that my kids will never wonder did I love them and/or would I do for them! My motto "more love than dirt".

Anonymous said...

In a can?? I would love to try it.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

For the record, Maureen is one of the most impressive women I know!

maureen said...

Cassie, If I had a dollar for every time I heard my mom say (stop letting Melissa sleep with you its not good) I would be Oprah's competition. Now that shes slmost 11 she can't stand sharing her space. If I had one wish it would be that my 3 kids could all be infants so I could hold them real close and just play with them. I miss the smell of babies LOL.

The recipe is printing now. what is your address. I will mail it to you. It is my troops greatest camping memory.

Claudia, one of the things I have liked about you since we met in 7th grade was how you always made me feel important. You had the greatest pep talks. Thanks for that!!!!

Anonymous said...

We love the zoo - there's always so much stuff to do. This year we can touch the stingrays and sharks. It's always a big hit and with a zoo membership it's free (except the cost of gas to get there). We also have the arboretum which has a kids section, all hands on stuff. Otherwise, we have the pool, summer camp (which is for my one preschooler), and of course the gym. For me, my kids love going just about anywhere. Today it was picking out flowers for some buckets. It's amazing how their little minds work.
Everyone have a great summer!

maureen said...

Cassie, forget the address I emailed it to Claudia. Its really gonna be a hit. We also did it by rolling it back and fourth in a circle of girls doing multiplication tables, addition facts. or in the highlowaha way (state names) Have fun. I wish I could do it. It tastes sooo good.

Cheryl Houston said...

Can I borrow a kid? My boys have gone on vacation with their grandparents and won't be back until next week!

Where were you people when I had babies? I needed these love talks!

My youngest won't kiss me anymore! It's so sad. He's 6!

Maureen, I'm going home and packing my bags! You can spoil me anytime! Hell, I'll even pitch in.

Okay- Here's another free for all topic for everyone. My boys want celebrate their birthday's early and have a Shark Pool Party. I have lots of ideas already like I'm saving every cardboard box in sight to cut out sharks and ocean scenery, I have a shark invitation started, I want to put a shark at our back gate where they will enter through, I was thinking of making an open shark mouth where you take their picture inside the sharks mouth but would love to hear everyone elses ideas about what YOU would do. Feel free to think about it. It can be next weeks feature if Claudia wants or just go for it today. :)

Claudia- thanks for writing everyday and sharing your friends with me.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Cheryl, a couple of shark thoughts...

Maybe you could make fun gift bags either out of material or paper, that resembled the mouth of a shark. That way, whatever you place inside (Swedish fish, and other small trinkets) will look like they were swallowed by the shark.

Also, the shark cupcakes from the book I showed you are a MUST!!! You may borrow.

I am sure, we the readers, can come up with some fun pool games that are shark related... (ie. Diving and searching for lost boy parts, etc...). Yikes, I know. They're boys and will thing diving for lost limbs is cool.

It might be fun to serve fish and chips for lunch (if you think they'll go for it).

I'm excited to know you'll be around this weekend. Any chance we could get together for a few hours either Saturday or Sunday?

Cheryl Houston said...

OMG! I love the gift bag idea! I can totally make those! I think. They're boys, they don't have to be perfect. And the diving for limbs is a great idea!!!

One thing on the cupcakes... Drew doesn't eat cake and I am required to make a cookie cake every year but it's negotiable which leads me to my next problem.

Another thing I can't decide for the party is whether to have it together or one for each. JB has a list of about 12 friends while Drew can only think of 2. I'm torn. On one hand having two parties would be great to make each boy feel like the center of attention. On the other hand, it's a lot of work.

Claudia, yes I'm around. I have a couple of things penciled in but would love to get together.

Anonymous said...

beekayroot - are you still in PA? where at? I work in housing in Erie.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Nice, Tera... I love that maybe there is a lunch connection being made right here on this very blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm BACK!!!

You know you missed me.

First and foremost...Cheryl, I'd be honored to be your lunch with someone you don't know. That made my day!!!!

Second, Here's my FFAF recommendation. I think that each Friday each of us should ask raise type of creative challenge and then free for all our way to responses.'s mine: Since I will be leaving Kentucky and Louisville in a matter of weeks I'll also be leaving behind some really important and special people. I'm looking for great little gifts to let them know that I've loved the role they've played in my life and for many of them "this isn't the end". Any ideas out there?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Heather, I will think on this a bit, but my initial reaction is... why not leave them a piece of yourself? Maybe there are small items in your office that have meaning to some of the people you are referencing. Passing along those items with a nice note could mean the world to them.

I'll keep thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.