Friday, June 27, 2008

Free For All Friday: "I" Can Hear You!

A sneak peek at Altoid table progress!

In the spirit of community... WELCOME Chaotic and thank you for coming forward.  We are thrilled to have you as a new contributing member.  I will wait - literally with baited breath- to see what promotional idea you're working on this Saturday.  Also, thanks again to Sara who gave up her "lurker" status to become an active participant.  The community will be richer because of our new additions.  Now a clue about today's word.

What do m&m's, American Idol, Starbucks, and November 4, 2008 have in common?  Answer... they are all excellent examples of people having opportunity to influence their communities.  Remember when m&m's polled the country for what color candy shell should replace the light brown shell being retired?  I'm no expert on m&ms (I'm allergic), but I think it was blue that won. 
What about American Idol... an entire t.v. show built around the audience influencing who ultimately wins?  This year the battle was between the David's (Cook and Archuletta).

Starbucks also got smart and created their own way for community members to have influence. is a promotional gimmick inviting customers to share their best ideas for Starbucks innovations.  Log into the site and leave your idea so that fellow Starbuck loyalists can give it a rating.   A team of Starbucks staff members read the public responses to suggested ideas, stealing the good and providing a polite thank- you for the rest.  My idea... a Starbucks "coffee book," showcasing all the fun Starbuck's communities and friendships that have popped around the country.  It hasn't gained traction to date, but I'm holding out hope. 

November 4, 2008 is the day American citizens get to influence our ultimate community by voting for our next President of the United States.  A small public service announcement... "Please Vote."  If you aren't registered yet, the deadline in most states is a minimum of thirty days prior.  Each state has different deadlines and rules, so if you are unsure visit

You guessed it.  The fifth characteristic present in most thriving communities is the opportunity to have some kind of influence over the group's goings-on.  This can come in the form of a neighborhood association, elections for class president, open forums, phone surveys or even an evaluation.  Without opportunity to influence, the temptation to be a passive participant is far too great.

Again, let's take a quick look at  What kinds of things have you had the chance to influence over the past four months?  The first thing that comes to mind are the quotes and items included in the Altoid boxes.  But... what else?  The winning state for Taste of USA is completely and totally influenced by you the readers.  The criteria for distribution of P.P.D.C's fifteen Starbucks cards (while still in negotiations) was also completely influenced by you the readers. 
The idea here is that the more influence we give members of a community over the happenings of the group, the more invested they become in the outcome AND,  in fact, the more interaction and involvement among members there is likely to be. 

You might have guessed the reason I saved "influence" for Friday is because Free for All Friday's were designed with the sole purpose of giving you, the readers, influence.  So, in keeping with Free For All Friday... post something for which you would like the group's collective creativity OR respond to my prompt.

My prompt...  Based on what we've learned about one another this week (large number of book lovers, people wanting to publish, good number of moms, etc...), what new features (i.e. book club) or topics would you like covered?  Or, what other great brainstorms might you have about how to capitalize on all we now know about our readers?

A teaser for tomorrow...  Hmmmm.... what might these have to do with building community? Tune in and find out.
Signing off until tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

As VP of equipment for Colleyville Soccer (register now) I order all the stuff for the kids and coaches.
This year with the new addition of a coach’s jersey (Wht with two color logo) I would like to package their welcome and welcome back packages fun and did I mention cheap. There will be 100 packages each with jersey, Game ball, cones and scrimmage vest. The coaches’ meeting is Aug 24th.
Any Ideas???

Anonymous said...

You create so many great crafts for your family that I would like to see at least one a week featured. Let's start with those fun place mats you and Matthew make. Their are fun, easy, useful and for great dinnertime conversation.

maureen said...

Cassie, my daughters soccer team gives them each a water bottle imprinted with the logo from our town and the kids love it. The coaches have a coffee mug with the logo. I dont know if this helps but I thought I would let you know. You can get this from Oriental Trading.

Anonymous said...

ok, so those look like lightbulb cookies, but what for? not sure... i would really enjoy reading a book and doing a "book club" sort of thing with all you highlowaha'ers.

and i also need some help in the creativity department. my family and i used to have neighbors across the street that we really liked. they have 1 boy (the oldest, whom i graduated high school with) and 3 younger girls. which is the exact opposite of our house (i am the oldest with 3 younger brothers!)...anywho- they lived across the street from us for a few years, then moved away. since then, the house has been vacant- it never sold. NOW they are moving back!!! we are all excited, and they should be back next week sometime. now comes my dilemma. i would like to do something for them to give them when they move back in. maybe cookies, since that seems to be the highlowaha way, hehe. maybe something different. i was thinking about a creative phrase that could be added, but i cannot come up with anything except "welcome back to the neighborhood" but thats just not fun enough for me... HELP!

Anonymous said...

Cassie P -

I'm not sure how many "old" people are still in the neighborhood, but maybe you could talk to all of the people returning to the neighborhood and ask them why they are excited to have them move back and compile that list and present it to them in a creative way. Make them remember why they are returning.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Cassie P.
Red shoe cookies with the phrase "there's no place like home".

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Cassie P. I love Cassie's idea of red shoe cookies. The first thing that came to mind was that they are doing a complete 360. Returning to a place they once lived. I'll have to think about it a little more, but maybe the cookies could be packaged in a round box with a fun quote on top. I'll think more about it.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! I was on vacation this week and missed so much!! I have to get in on this...

Name: Shari Williamson

State: PA

Birthday: 9-7-78

Work in home/Work out of home: Both - Residence Life

Married, divorced, or never married: Married

Kids or no kids (if so, ages and sex): 2 boys: Hayden 3 years, Brogan 15 months

Your Age (range if you're too incriminating): 29

A skill you're proud of: Ability to not take things too seriously

Life goal: Find a great place to call home and create fun memories for our family

Something you want to learn/do: photography

Something you collect: dust

Favorite past time(s): watching movies, finding cool things to do in the city with the boys, I love scrapbooking, but have no time

I'd like to make connections with Katie, Beekayroot, and Claudia about Res Life (and you too Tera, but that's a given). Also, any of the moms of boys. My email is

Cassie P: Do you have any old photos of when the neighbors used to live across the street? Maybe you could make some kind of collage or frame with old memories...maybe still use the "no place like home" theme. There are a ton of things you can do with photos these days. I use a lot.

Anonymous said...

Cassie P...maybe you can throw in some gift certificates to the local favorite pizza place or any other local favs...a poster on the door saying "Welcome Back" or "Welcome Home"....

Cheryl Houston said...

Love the red shoe theme for! Maybe you can put a scarescrow in their yard with a sign or you and your brothers can dress up like the Wizard of Oz characters... you of course are Dorothy and your brothers are the scarecrow, lion and tin man and deliver them their goodies. you don't happen to own a yorkie? Too corny?

Claudia- I see our Gorilla Glue bubbled but I don't think it's going to be a problem when you complete the next stage. I love the way it's coming out.

Kat said...

I have been thinking about how cool it would be to have a highlowaha message board for us to post ideas, ask questions, make connections, etc. I have no idea what it would take to make something like that happen, but if there is any interest, I can look into it.
Cassie p- I really like the red shoe idea, too. What if you and your family did a random act of kindness and mowed their yard (or something like that)before they move in?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Cassie, you got some GREAT ideas! I think you should do a combination of all. Love the scarecrow in the front yard holding some kind of welcome sign. Delivering the red slipper cookies dressed like characters from Wizard of Oz is also genius. And, mowing the lawn as a random act of kindness. These are all great ideas!

Report back what you end up doing.

Anonymous said...

Cassie, another idea is to give them a "Feels Like Home" package. This would include all things home, such as...candles, welcome mat for the front door, cookies, etc.