Friday, June 13, 2008

It's A Wrap!

I read somewhere about a teacher, who in order to celebrate 100 days of school, wore 100 pins attached to her sweat shirt.  She also told of a colleague who wore 100 pieces of jewelry.  I don't have 100 pins or 100 pieces of jewelry, buy scarves... now that's something of which I own 100 (or more).

So here I am in all of my glory... with a little help from Richard and Matthew, sporting exactly 100 scarves and neckerchiefs! 

T.G.I.F and thanks for making the week such fun! Heather, I appreciated yesterday's challenge and feel certain we can reach the goal of 100 posts by end of day today!

In the spirit of Free For All Friday... I will pose my question for the day and then get out of the way so you can either answer what I've asked or pose your own question.  In theory, when I string all the responses to my question together, we should have a created a fun poem.  Find out on SUNDAY when I post the summation of our work.

Fill in the blanks...
If I had 100 _______
I would __________

Signing off until tomorrow...


Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

If I had 100 wishes
I would still only wish for good health.

Anonymous said...

If I had 100 bottles of beer on a wall
I would take one down and pass it around.

I swear I'm not a 21 year old alcoholic....I figured as the 21 year old, it was my job to make a comment such as this.

Anonymous said...

PS- The picture today can be clicked don't want to miss this! Make sure to check out Claudia in all her wrapped glory!

Anonymous said...

That picture is quite humorous!!!
I always knew you had a ton of scarves but I've never been able to envision just how I know.

Here goes my addition to the poem:
If I had 100 hours in the day
I would then be able to get all my work done and spend enough time with my family.

Now a free for all friday creativity question for all you loyal readers:
Since we are preparing for our big move I'd like to do a moving sale to get rid of all our extra "junk" hoping that CKB's "trash to treasure" week holds true we'll be able to do a clean sweep. Here's the challenge. What creative twist can I give to our yard sale to get customers to turn out?

Looking forward to seeing your ideas and answer your free for all friday creative dilemmas.

Also don't forget to post today as we still have the 100 post challenge on the table.

Brian K. Root said...

heather, try doing "personal invites" that you and/or friends make and then delivering them to everyone on your street or block. Then, at least you know that all your neighbors will be dropping by.

And maybe you offer something to everyone who turns out to your sale - such as a glass of lemonade or a popsicle.

Kat said...

If I had 100 jellybeans
I would eat them all

Anonymous said...

Any Friday the 13th plans?

Anonymous said...

if i had 100 bottle caps
i would be able to make something cool

that picture reminds me of homecoming this year where we had a contest to see who has the most bellarmine tshirts. the girls who participated had to wear all their shirts and then we counted as they took them off. the winner had, i believe, 89 bellarmine tshirts!! and she looked hilarious wearing all of them in much the same way as dr. b and her scarves!

speaking of collections of things over 100, since im not quite there on my bottle caps, i should mention that since i was about 11 years old i would say, i have collected key chains. everywhere i go, i buy a key chain from that place. i know i have over 100 of them. i should take a picture wearing them and send it to you dr. b!!! hehe

Anonymous said...

friday the 13th!!! OMG i just realized that. the only thing i have on my mind is the jack johnson concert that i am going to with my mom tonight up in northern IN!!! I AM SOOO EXCITED!

Anonymous said...

Dr. have mail :)

That picture of you cracks me up. I wear 100 things to school on my shirt on the 100th day and ask my kids to do the same. I think you're the best collection I've seen since I started doing that. Although a little girl I had this year made a shield out of 100 pencils this year and at the end of the day handed all her pencils to her classmates...they loved it.

If I had 100 days of vacation
I'd be one relaxed woman.

As for the cleen sweep yard sale...could you ask other neighbors to have one on the same day to you. In my area, everyone does block sales or community sales. If they're well advertised, it draws a lot of people. If you do that, buy cold drinks and maybe sell hot dogs too to draw everyone to your property.

Anonymous said...

If I had 100 more days until my wedding...
I would then have enough time to get everything done...

Instead I have 29 or something like that so I've GOT to get moving!

Cheryl Houston said...

I'm still thinking on my 100 portion...

Heather... what are you selling? What do you have a lot of? Do you ever watch Clean House? They set up a theme with whatever they're selling. So if it's a lot of baby stuff then you would use pink and blue balloons, and stuff geared towards that.

You also need to talk to people and encourage them to buy. Ask them what they will pay for items.

It's a lot of hard work. I hope it's a success for you. Then, be ready to bag or box up what's left and take it to Goodwill or your favorite local charity.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it will be the epitome of a rummage sale. We have a little bit of everything from basically every area of our house. Mainly it is just stuff we don't want to have to pack up and take with us to Texas.
We'll also be selling a lot of clothes that we have either gotten too old for or too big for.

maureen said...

If I had 100 hours in a day
I would still be looking for more

Anonymous said...

Dr. B - that picture is something else!

Cheryl Houston said...

Heather, check out the site above. Lots of great tips.

Cheryl Houston said...

Oh brother! Blogger is not cooperating. I had to insert a return so the whole link would post. So copying and pasting may not work...

Anonymous said...

Oooh...thanks Cheryl for that great website.
P.S. I think we'll be band geek friends together too (I played the french horn in middle school but then I joined the colorguard).

Cheryl Houston said...

Heather! You played the french horn? OMG! Do you ever have dreams that you're back in school but you don't know the music or the drills? You'll have to define Colorguard for me... is that the Flag Corp?

Cheryl Houston said...

If I had a 100 margaritas.
I would have a party.

Anonymous said...

If I had 100 comments in a single week
I would be


Cheryl--yes it is the flags.

Anonymous said...

YAY for 100 comments! we are so awesome!!! ;-D

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Congratulations! Yes, I agree. We are cool! It's been a long day, so I'm signing off for the night.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peggy said...

If I had 100 flowers,
I would have a beautiful wonderland.