Thursday, June 12, 2008

2109... Crystal Clear

Today we'll consult our crystal balls.

First a note about yesterday...  THANK YOU for turning out in such great numbers... especially you lurkers who were generous enough to do something out of your norm.  Cands, Jenny, Peggy, Lindsay, Kat, Close2it, ppdc, and Wendy... it was great having you around for the day.  If you decide to fade back into the wood work, it's a.o.k with me, but I have no question we could benefit from what you might share.

What I learned...
  • Money is a motivator.  Thirty-one posts yesterday, versus the standard 8-12.
  • Morning is when we have our heaviest traffic, though most readers check back a few times a day.
  • It is not uncommon for HLA readers to pour over the daily post with a cup (or bowl) of their favorite vice.
  • Most vices come in the form of a beverage... Green Tea, Coke Zero, home-brewed coffee, the ever indulgent Starbucks coffee, or a class of wine.
  • Summer seems to shake up the "usual" routine.
Now I get to mill over how I might use your information.  Got ideas of your own about how I might use what was shared?  Do tell.  I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Onto today's topic - the future.  In keeping with our theme for the week, we'll focus on 100 years from now.  The other day I read a short article in the Dallas Morning News titled, You Are Not So Formally Invited. The article told of a new trend among engaged couples.  They are said to be skipping the formality of printed wedding invitations, mailed via the United States Post Office, and replacing it with the more informal, cost effective and efficient option of sending electronic invitations.  Naturally pros and cons of each option were shared (ie. eco-consciousness vs. preserving a sense of etiquette).  

The topic was only mildly interesting to me, as I am happily married and at least ten to fifteen years from my oldest son getting married (or better be).  Nonetheless, I found myself curious about how the world, in all of its current practices, protocols, norms, and yes... even rituals will inevitably change over time.  For arguments sake...  over the next 100 years.

So I pose this question to you....  Look inside your crystal ball and, based on your interests, area(s) of expertise, and observations, what aspect(s)s of society are bound to change over the next hundred years?  Today we experiment with being futurists.  Have at it.  Make your predictions.

Oh, and the moment you've all been waiting for... The winner of the $74.00 is...

Close2it.  Congratulations!  Think of all the Coke Zeros you can purchase, if you so choose.  So, tell us... what do you think you'll do with your small windfall?

Signing off until tomorrow...


Brian K. Root said...

I expect newspapers to change a bit, as they have already begun to. I believe many readers will shift to online viewing. However, I do not see the printed newspaper going by the wayside anytime over the next 30-40 years. Maybe in 100 years it'll be significantly different. Who knows.

Cars will definitely change. They will run and look so much different. Just give it 5-10 years (let alone 100 years).

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that in 100 years we won't be using the electoral college system of voting in our country.

Anonymous said...

My look, I know it may not sit well with this group, is.

I have seen many more moms leave the working world and stay home with their children. I feel that this will continue to be the trend. With parts of the world speeding up it nice for children to have a quitter, slower, loving and spiritual place. If we fill our children with love and religion than there is not much room for hate.
I think that this trend will help to decrease violent crimes over the next 100 years. Maybe we will even be a little more connected to our communities and not our Blue tooth. Maybe in the next 100 years when someone offers us a used book we will not be looking for the catch.

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting concept and makes me think of a long standing ride at Disney World. The Carousel of Progress. It was created for the World Fair by Walt himself. Interestingly it tours you through the various "progress" we have made in the last 80 years or so.
Today when you ride it you get an understanding of how the future was seen.
It also made me think of the Jetsons. We are far away from that future. It seems they imagined in the year 2000 we would be utilizing flying cars, and robots as efficient as Rosie.
I think in my heart of hearts I hope that in the future we will reverse the fast pace lifestyle that has developed. In so many ways it seems it is time to get back to a pace that is focused on living life without always having convenience. I am not sure we are going to have much choice otherwise with the way the environment is shaping up. Not that I am complaining as technology makes life easier and more convenient, but somewhere within all of that we seem to be losing site of connections and community.

Anonymous said...

I'd agree that it does seem to be moving towards mothers staying home (if only that were an option for all of us).

My hope is that we all take the time to slow down, appreciate life, smell the roses, and experience the wonder of the world around us.
I don't know how long it will take to happen but I do have faith it will.

Anonymous said...

CHALLENGE TO THE READERS OF HIGHLOWAHA.COM...Lurkers and frequent responders alike.

As a tribute and congratulations to a week of celebrating 100 and all that brings our lives I think we should make a pact to hit 100 comments by Friday at midnight!

This post marks comment #60 of the week so we only have forty more to go which should be nothing since we had 33 comments yesterday.

Who's up for the challenge?

Anonymous said...

I will take your challenge but I don't think Kevin will be back for awhile. Oh and Heather thanks for getting me in trouble. When Kevin read your comment he said "how does she know about the cookies? Did you tell everyone on thee blog?" Oops! :)

Anonymous said...

hahah...all he had to do was read up a few posts.

Woops!! Sorry I got you in trouble.

Peggy said...

Being a card maker... I would totally be out of business if everything went electronic. I too sadly know the effort I make for a single card will either go into a stuffed shoebox as a memory or the circular file as a past reminder.

Although I dream, of health and happiness for my family and friends... for me to predict the future is a waste of my time, I live for today and what tomorrow may bring. I create the paths my future may lead, but with so many outside influences, my brain can not fully even imagine what the possibilities are!

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted in a while, as my work schedule has changed dramatically. And though I wasn't able to post yesterday I wanted to add my 2 cents.

In the past I read HLA first thing when I got to work, and then checked back multiple times a day. Now I'm only able to visit the site once or twice a day at most, and its not done on any type of schedule.

As for the future, I think people will live longer and enjoy improved health. That, in turn, will result in people continuing to be active as they get older.

Also, I think the "green" movement - being Earth friendly - will be the lifestyle a majority of Americans will adopt.

Cheryl Houston said...

My crystal ball is broken but here’s what I think anyway…I think the next 100 years will be much like the last 100 years. Rituals and routines will always be in a process of change. Prices always go up. Technology will always grow. With the growth of technology, how can our rituals, routines and view of etiquette not change? What’s the next big invention? Well, if I knew that I wouldn’t be sitting at this desk. It’s only been in the last 20 years with the invention of the Internet that has changed the way we gather information, communicate with others, shop and the way we do our jobs. The telephone has grown to be one in the hallway, to one in every room, to one in every hand. It’s only been in the last 30 years that the cell phone was invented and grown to what it is today.

There will always be bad people and there will always be good people who will try to help. Bad things will happen- conflict, terrorism, weather, illnesses. And good people will always step up- fighting for freedom and against terrorism, helping victims of hurricanes, tornados and more, and there will always be those who are researching for the next cure.

Change… it’s sure to come for better or worse but for today, I’m just going to stick to my rituals and routine.

Anonymous said...

So I was walking through the library with some students today, and as I walked down the aisles, I wondered how long it had been since most of the books had been checked out. Most students today do all of their research online and have no need to go to the library. So, in 100 years, I think libraries on college campuses will be very different. Not many books, but a lot of technology. I'm not sure we'll have use for paper in 100 years.

Also, yesterday, a student showed me her new laptop that allowed you to write on the screen and would translate that into a Word document. I thought that was a good idea because students rarely have to write anymore with computers and texts. This would remind students how to write with a pen! But, maybe pens won't exist in 100 years either.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Heather, these posts are for you! Nice challenge!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Heather... thanks for the challenge and raising the bar on our celebration!

I am having a ton of fun reading the predictions and will post some of my own before day's end.

Anonymous said...

I would be VERY sad if we lost the art of pen and paper...There is nothing in the world that is better than a great ink pen that lays the ink so smoothly on a piece of paper. Add to it a great card (perhaps one made by Peggy) and you can't get anything sweeter.
As long as I'm alive (and if I have any say as long as my children are around) we won't totally lose the are of pen and paper.

Anonymous said...

first of all, i do not like the idea of electronic wedding invites! ill stick with the traditional snail mail ones when i get married some day. and maybe ill enlist the help of you, peggy!

i am also in the same boat as not wanting to predict the future. im a live in the moment kind of girl...though looking to the future is important in life choices, of course. a certain someone ;-) gave me a journal once, and on the cover is pretty much my favorite quote of all time; it says:
live with intention
walk to the edge
listen hard
practice wellness
play with abandon
choose with no regret
continue to learn
appreciate your friends
do what you love
live as if this is all there is

THAT is what i predict for the next 100 years! :-D

Anonymous said...

P.S. i didnt get a chance to post yesterday, and in helping with heather's challenge...

i almost always get up and check before i leave my house for the day. of course, it was different during the semester while i was in school, so i just checked when i got the chance. i usually dont post the first time i read the day's blog entry; but come back a couple more times during the day, and then finally make a post if i feel the need!

Anonymous said...

For challange sake another post.

The cookies are to Jenny D.
I did make sure there were extras for Kevin this time.

This is the first time I've shipped cookies so althought they are already on there way does anyone have any great ideas on shipping cookies via USPS

close2it said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so totally excited...I never win anything! In honor of your spirit of random acts of kindness, I think I'll put part of it towards a gift card to a grocery store for one of my co-workers who has been struggling financially. Then, I'll put the rest in my savings jar for our trip to Jamaica this Jan...every little bit helps. I may just have to treat myself to a nice big coke zero, too :)

As for the future...I definately see a world oompletely filled with technology and solar powered everything. We have had this conversation about our world become completely paperless during our grad. classes and can see it heading in that direction, as sad as it is. It sure will be interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you will do a random act with your winnings.
You must be one special woman!

I'm also jealous you are going to Jamaica; how fun!

Keep the comments coming we are up to 73 by my calculations.

Cheryl Houston said...

I just remembered another part of my routine... About every two days or so after reading all my favorite blogs, and after I have put thought into my comments, I go back through the sites to see what is being advertised on the Google Ads. I got a FREE Caulk Singles off of another blog.

Great comments today.

I don't know why this one thing has stuck with me but Treye commented that we're going to live longer and I just read this article yesterday... It's about finding love in retirement homes (and being sexually active). It broke my heart broke for Dorothy.

I've already promised JB I would live to be 102.

Cheryl Houston said...

(oops... hit publish instead of edit)

And, I hope some other kids family doesn't take my geriatric boyfriend away from me or my boys take me away from my bf. You know how there are Cougars. I'm going to be Saber Tooth Tiger. HA HA!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

I unfortunately predict that in 100 years we will still not have elected our first woman president. Assuming each elected president, between now and 2109 held two terms (which you have to assume is possible if George W can pull it off), then we will have elected twelve more presidents.

Normally I don't love being wrong, but here's an instance where I would gladly eat my words.

Anonymous said...

Maybe good ol' Hillary can pull it off in 2016...she's still got a few good years.

See you all tomorrow with 22 comments needed to hit 100!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Close2it... Hurry and send your mailing address, so I can send you your stash. P.S. If you would have sent a Random Act of Kindness postcard, I would already have it!!! Couldn't resist.

My email address is