Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy January 18 Eve!

Good Saturday morning.  As you can tell by my late post, "Sleep in Saturday" worked today!  That's good news for me and bad news for any of you early risers.

Today is Saturday, January 17 - the eve of the much anticipated 18th, when Highlowaha engages in its monthly ritual of sharing "highs," "lows," and "ahas" for the past month.  We won't be together tomorrow and since the very notion of a ritual requires recurrence, we will use today to celebrate.

Also, it seems last month we forgot to draw the name of a lucky winner to receive a highlowaha t-shirt.  This month we'll draw two, in order to make good on our agreement.

If you're new to the scene, the rules of play are simple.  Take a few minutes to reflect on your past month.  Do this in spite of  your long list of things to do.  In fact, do it because of your long list of things to do.  Reclaiming control over your life to engage in life's simple pleasures is what we, at, affectionately refer to as "Living the spirit of #218."

Join us as we kick of 2009.  And while I'm at it... Did anyone else notice the coincidence... 2 x 0 x 0 x 9 = 18?  That means this is going to be a good year!

High: "Cut it out," Julie!  This orange pair of scissors, that I received in the mail from Julie yesterday, is my high for the month!  It is my "high," not only because it is thoughtful, (other have also sent me thoughtful treats), but because it clearly illustrates that every once in a while, people actually learn from this blog site.  Julie painted the over-sized scissors (I collect over-sized things) orange and wrote on them, "Remember to disorganize to create growth."  This is a direct reference to a Colin Powell quote I shared a couple weeks back.  It thrills me that any of your found it worth remembering.  This blog site is a tribute to both creativity and community, but I am an educator at heart, so knowing that learning is also occurring makes me happy beyond measure! 

Low:  My car dying and not seeing my family for the holidays.

Aha:  Let's see... Mind Mapping, the words to Auld Lang Syne, the difference between stress and eustress, or maybe - like Julie - the power of being "Chief Disorganizer?"  Hmmmm.... I would I've had a few "ahas" this month.  I learned I am persnickety and all too willing to prejudge my UTPA Leadershape experience on something as superficial as room conditions.  I learned that when given one-on-one attention and uninterrupted time to think, most college students are capable of imagining meaningful change for our country.  And, most importantly, by virtue of teaching concepts of leadership for a week straight, I learned the enormity and commitment required to lead. 

Your turn.

Oh, and since we are almost exactly one month away from Highlowahas One Year Anniversary, let me leave you with this...
Virtually Groundbreaking
Wednesday, February 18
8:00 p.m.

Signing off until Monday, when the real countdown to February 18 begins!


Anonymous said...

this is julie here. im not feeling particularly well today, so i'll save my HLA for monday or tues when i'm feeling better.

CKB, i'm so glad you like your scissors!

Anonymous said...

Julie...FEEL BETTER!!!!!

Here goes my HLA

High: Selling our house!!!!! (now we just have to get through closing and we are good to go

Low: Realizing that it will take us some time before we can buy a house down here thanks to having to carry our old house too long, financially.

AHA: The right daycare makes all the difference in the world...Lily has learned so much in the last two weeks

Katie said...

Feel better, Julie!

High- Ringing in a new year with great friends; getting to visit Louisville for a week; spending lots of quality time at home; coming back to JMU to friends and my staff who are excited to be back!

Low- Having to leave Louisville early because of the stomach flu; not knowing when I'll be back to KY again to visit; how absolutely COLD it is outside!

Aha- Over the past month, through feedback from residents in my building, professors, and some staff members, I have realized that I am beginning to make an impact in this world. Most days, I feel like I go about my ways and a lot of times run into roadblocks, but it turns out, just going about 'my way' is making a difference.

Cheryl Houston said...

High- It was so fun to see my boys when they got back from their Christmas vacation with their dad. They were excited to see me and what Santa had brought to mom's house. Mrs. Claus' Cookies were a hit. It was nice to have so much time off over the holidays to just relax.

Low- My garage door opener broke on Christmas day.

Aha- The time off is nice but being in a routine is definetly a good thing.

Meeshie said...

High: Finding out that the twins are 100% okay as far as genetic defects go, and that they are both BOYS!

Low: My husband being "deployed" for an undisclosed amount of time

Aha: a good support system does wonders for the soul.

Kat said...

High- Seeing my brother get married and gaining a new sister-in-law!

Low- Yucky, cold weather.

Aha- I am a much happier person when I get enough sleep!

lindsaymarie said...

high: spending four days, including new years eve, with two of my best friends and doing nothing much besides talking and relaxing and enjoying each others' company.

low: seeing some family members struggling and having a generally rough time.

aha: having an actual post-graduation plan has done wonders for motivation.

Peggy said...

High: I've been asked to continue my temporary job for at least 4-6 more months. Waking every day and knowing that I learned something new the day before, having time to reflect on new growth.

Low: Learning to deal with disappointment ... and helping my children now, learn to understand disappointment ... that I can't make everything better. And the icky cold and cold and cold weather!!

Aha: learning (slowly) to not take things personally, but also realizing how many people are SOOOOOO busy out there... wow, do they ever have time to smell the roses and enjoy life? I'm just so happy about having that part of my life at ease!

maureen said...

High.... dad is out of surgery and is doing well

Low.... Having to catch up on paperwork i need to do

aha.... Dad isnt "Superman" (which also can be a low)

Brian K. Root said...

Claudia -

I hate to burst bubbles, but 2 x 0 x 0 x 9 actually equals 0. You knwo that rule... anything times 0 equals 0....

Ok, sorry, but I couldn't let that one slide.


HIGH: Going to a Pitt basketball game with my brother, and then tonight, I won a pretty awesome gift basket at a fundraiser dinner on campus.

LOW: I haven't had an opportunity to go home and visit my family lately.

AHA: I learned that I actually do like fish as pets...

Anonymous said...

HAHA bkroot- that was my FIRST thought when i HAVE to tell dr. b that 2X0X0X9=0!!! sorry dr. b!

high: coming back home and gettin back to school after spending my entire break at my dads. also the fact that this is my last undergrad semester!

low: this is my last undergrad semester! im gonna miss being in school (tho i hate to admit it) and miss all my friends in nursing. we have spent the past 3-4 years together...

aha: this is my last undergrad semester! im gonna have to be an adult soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy 18th everyone!

Anonymous said...

Happy Jan. 18. I can't believe that Jan. is almost over already...oh how time flies.

High - Getting to spend time with my family and friends (esp. Julie) over the holidays; my gramma is getting healthier every day;

Low - My gramma having a stroke about a week and a half ago; STILL not having a "real" job and getting less than 10 hour/week at the part time job I'm working; one of my friends telling me she's moving to Michigan

Aha - Patience runs out eventually; family is SO important to me

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

oooohhhhhhh.... Brian, well done! Funny. Originally I had 2 x 9, but then added the zeros because it looked incomplete.

If there was ever a question as to how important each of you is to this blog, let it be no longer! We are a village - mathematicians, mathematically challenged, artists, bargain hunters, idea generators, connectors, mavens, salesmen, and more.

We need you! I need you.

Anonymous said...

There are ways to get around everything, if you just look:
