Saturday, January 3, 2009

Resolutions Part II

Announcements at the end...

Let me first set the scene. I am sitting tucked away in an office on the campus of University of Texas Pan American, typing on the computer of a generous staff person. I can't get Internet access on my computer (yet), so I am improvising until Monday. I am way too close to going the whole year without missing a post to let anything get in my way!!!!!

Yesterday resolutions. Today, as promised, Part II. I think it was Cassie P. who yesterday mentioned that one of the reasons she doesn't like to set resolutions is because six or seven weeks into the year, the resolutions are forgotten and it's business as usual. There's truth to that. Old habits die hard and when life gets busy it is easy to revert to that which is comfortable.

Solution... Goal Fishing!

Grab your tackle box and rod, because on Thursday, January 15 readers of highlowaha will go Goal Fishing. Here's how it will work. Sometime in the next twelve days, all adventurous highlowaha community members will submit to me one resolution/goal they would like to pursue in 2009. It can be as big as lose weight, as daunting as learn a new language, or as simple as sprucing up my home or reading a book a month. You decide.

Once all goals are submitted, I will assign a number to each. Then on Thursday, January 15 everyone who submitted a goal will have the chance to Goal Fish. You will draw the name of someone else and for the next year serve as that person's cheer leader (and maybe even gentle thorn in their side). You can send an encouraging note snail mail, make a post in the comment section, send a relevant article or tip sheet to help your HLA friend, or even send a package or make a phone call. This is where you and your creativity come into play.

To play along, send an email to including the following information. Please title the email Goal Fishing in the subject line:

Resolution/goal/item on bucket list
Mailing address
Email address

If you participated in Peanut and the Shell (and 18 of you did!), this will be a little like that. Spontaneous notes and treats coming your way from someone who is thinking about you. If you didn't participate in Peanut and the Shell then jump right in and Goal Fish with us. It will be fun and maybe, just maybe, it will help you meet a resolution, reach a goal, or knock something off your bucket list.

Ray is taking things into his own hands. He is going up against Lori in the Snack Throw Down. Here's the breakdown. Lori and Ray are battling Honey. Melanie and Susan are battling Quaker Oats. To be safe, try to have entries in the mail by Wednesday morning! Good luck. May the best snacks win!

Signing off until Monday...


Brian K. Root said...

Goal Fishing sounds like so much fun! I'm in!

Brian K. Root said...

P.S. Any update on how our Helping Hand family's holidays went?

Julie said...


I have a little catching up to do:

2008 H-L-A's:
H: getting a brother-in-law, the birth of my niece, tera and treye's wedding, spending some amazing times with some amazing friends n a variety of fun places, graduating with my doctorate, passing my license exam, starting real work, the consistency, creativity, and community of HLA :)

L: family health problems, realizing what homesick really feels like, experiencing several emotional lows throughout the year, friends going through some tough times

A: what I'm really made of ... and other than that, I'd be writing a novel if I didn't end there.


9 things to look forward to:
1. Visiting the Grand Canyon
2. Friends' wedding on the Pacific Coast
3. Spending a long weekend in Mexico
4. Jennifer's 1st birthday
5. Another HLA "get-together"?!?!
6. Meeting new people
7. The unknown
8. Paying off more of my car
9. Developing more as an individual


New Year's Resolutions:
~ Lose 25 pounds - by establishing a regular work-out plan and/or regularly taking advantage of the beautiful AZ outdoors
~ Buy a bicycle and a camelbak - by ... buying them :)
~ Reconnect with some old friends - by using my phone, email, blog, and facebook


My Myers Briggs: ES/NFJ
... I am split between the S and N every time I take it!


I will GOAL FISH :)

Cheryl Houston said...

I'm in for goal fishing.

I can't believe it's 84 degrees today here in Texas... but something in the air is surely bothering my allergies! I have never sneezed so many times in one day in my life.

Peggy said...

Lucky Texans! It's about 32 here in Illinois.

I'll goal fish... anybody want to help me find a goal? I'm not into that 'loosing weight' thing... I'm actually looking on line to find somebody elses goals, so I can CASE it (Copy And Steal {Share} Everything) a term for scrapbooking and cardmaking.

Maybe my goal would be to find goals and dreams that don't cost anything to do!

Katie said...

First things first...I'M BACK! Albeit sooner than I had hoped, thanks to a stomach flu that brought me home early, it feels good to be back on HLA.

I feel as though there were a lot of fun things shared this week and I certainly don't want to miss here we go:

H, L, and A's for 2008
Highs- Graduating from Bellarmine, starting grad school, Obama winning the election, traveling to Texas twice, making new friends in Virginia, and keeping up with 'true' friends from KY

Lows- Missing friends from home sometimes, the economy and it's effects on loved ones, my car, and losing some people in my life

Ahas- Pen Pal weekend taught me that I need a tubal ligation (only slightly kidding), realizing that I am on the right path toward my personal legend, learning what it takes to keep up a friendship that really matters to me

My New Year's Eve was spent around Louisville with my friend Lorie, trying on shoes at all different stores, throwing a football around Meijer, singing and dancing down the aisles, and acting like complete fools. Yes, I know...not necessarily what you might expect from a '22 year old', but it was fun for me nevertheless!

9 things I'm looking forward to:
1. My brother's wedding
2. A trip to Gettysburg with grad school friends
3. Continuing to work with and learn from college students
4. Delving deeper into my internship experience
5. Obama's inauguration
6. Getting back to the physical condition I was in 2 years ago
7. Doing a better job of keeping in touch with a few friends
8. Paying off some credit card debt with a nice tax return...FINGER CROSSED!
9. More HLA in my life!

Since we are sharing Myer's Briggs...I will too. I'm an INFJ.

I'm not big on new year's resolutions either, but I think this year my major goal for myself is to set some goals and stick to them for once. Some of these goals include weight loss, budgeting my money better, doing a better job at staying in touch with some friends, etc.

With all of that being said- I'm in for goal fishing!

Anonymous said...

im back in good ole INDIANA! YAY!

Dr. B, I recieved the "boot" tonight when I opened all my other Christmas presents. THANKS! cant wait to use it next year.

ANNNNND goal fishing...its going to be a busy year...but if i can think of a good goal, im in!

Kristen Giger said...

First off, kudos to you, CKB for your efforts in getting today's post up...

Goal fishing, huh? If you don't already know that I LOVE to fish, you havent' been reading my posts at all...I'm game...I've got some pretty lofty goals this year, so I guess I'd better break out the big graphite rods...ultra lights aren't gonna do it!

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Fun. I have a second and am checking in while I have a chance. I am glad so many of you are up for Goal Fishing and I suspect we'll pull in a few more before January 15.

Maybe I'll have a new recruit or two before I leave Leadershape.