Today is the 18th of December.
For newcomers to our community, let me explain. Each month on the 18th, no matter how busy or how wrapped up we may be in the week's creative ideas, we stop what we are doing and reflect on our month's high (best thing that happened), low (worst thing that happened), and aha (something your learned). We engage in the simplicity of this activity because it is, in fact, the origin of this blog's name (see post titled, "Ding, Ding, Ding, I Interrupt This Programming" from 4/29 for more details).
We do it on the 18th because, in this community, the number 18 carries special significance. The seed for HLA's first blog entry was planted on the 18th of February (2/18/08); the birthdays of both my parent's (of whom I am a reflection) falls on July and August 18th, respectively; and HLA's reminder to make time for life's little pleasures is summarized in our challenge to "Live the Spirit of 218."
Today, I hope you will join me, and the rest of our community, in finding a moment of solitude amidst all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, to reflect on your highs, lows, and ahas of last month. Lurkers and newcomers, jumping in and sharing on this day of this month would feel a little like getting a box with a big red bow on top - the ultimate gift. Consider it, would you? For added incentive, remember... we do a drawing of everyone who posts his/her HLA and send one lucky winner a Highlowaha t-shirt.
Now let me try to set the mood and then I'll go first.

- High: I want to say the excitement of the holidays, the outcome of our Helping Hands project, or receiving greeting cards from friends I only hear from a couple of times a year. BUT, if I'm being disciplined and only picking one... it was a 30-minute, spontaneous coffee date with an acquaintance last week. I see this woman only on occasion at the preschool my boys attend. She saw me sitting in Starbucks one morning and asked if she could join me. Naturally I said yes and we spent the next 30 minutes engrossed in great conversation. She ended the conversation by giving me a very thoughtful compliment. She shared with me, that a couple of weeks ago, on her day off, she changed all her plans so she could hand deliver an unexpected treat to a friend who was leaving on a trip. She said, watching me inspired her to want to do it! (I could go a very long time on that high).
- Low: My car is a pain. My "Do" list is long. And, I spent 3-4 days this month feeling under the weather. My real low this month, however, has been the constant, low-grade worry I am feeling. People in my sphere of friends and family have lost jobs, the cost of oil to heat homes is prohibitive for many (including people I know), and the ripple effect of a bad economy is putting strain on lots of the people we have daily interactions with. I don't want to sound completely selfless or like the consummate humanitarian. I'm not (but aspire to be). I am, however, a worrier and it is hard to dismiss the hardships many are feeling.
- Aha: Hanging around with all of you fills my months with more ahas than I might have had otherwise. This month I learned a little about dueling in Paraguay, Mozart's childhood, the beauty of Zulu bead work, and the lasting impact of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address... among other things. However, I measure this month's biggest "aha" as the thing I will carry with me the longest. That being said, the single biggest "aha" I've had this month is the clarity with which we can see our worst shortcomings, simply by watching the imperfect behavior of our children. I listen to my children get impatient with one another and, sadly, I recognize the tones in their voices all too well (I choose to believe this also applies to our best qualities)!
Signing off until tomorrow...
Wow...been so busy today this is the first chance I got to check out the blog....tomorrows post is already up! So killing two birds with one stone!
Car problems...feel your woes! Just picked up my van from mechanic today...expensive but still cheaper than a new car!
Happy Day HLA! I'm going to bed now....cookies are baked, house smells good...Good night!
High: Watching Lily learn new things and showing her who "Ho, Ho, Ho" is.
Low: It's been a tough month in many respects.
Aha: I leave on "vacation" in two days and it couldn't come at a better time.
High: lots of highs, but the best is the gift of giving, when a patient at the doctors office I work at, donated a check for $500 to help other who might be having difficulty paying their medical bill.
Low: The sadness I feel with all the sensationalized stories of movie stars, the tot mom in Florida... how pathetic their lives are, and thhow the media needs to replay over and over again, their stupidity, misery or heartache
aha: I may have said this before, but I'm amazed how I still learn new things every day, bits of tolerance, new words and how to use them correctly, ways to be frugal, a new tip or technique for cardmaking, creating a new gourmet(word used loosly)meal my family enjoys! And happy days here at HLA!
HIGH: I'm going to be on the ground in PA in less than 60 hours and I couldn't be happier!
LOW: see my blog ( and my entry from 12/13 titled Full Moon Friday.
AHA: Spending 3 weeks 2000+ miles away from anyone you know is harder than I first thought ... but more importantly, on the AHA note, it is do-able.
High.....I am not stressed over the holidays, for the first time in years everyone in my family is on speaking terms.
Low..... I second guess myself a lot lately as a parent of teens. For the first time in my life I am in uncharted water.....
Aha..... No matter how wonderful you feel a person is they will never know how they have impacted your life!!!
Where is Brian??????
High- Finishing my first semester of graduate school successfully. I learned a lot, I grew a lot, and I met a lot of amazing people who have their daily impact on me.
Low- This economy. Living in fear of the "big 3" going under, and the impact it will have on the jobs of some family members. Knowing I need a new car, but no one in their right mind is going to give me a loan right now, so instead I keep pumping money into a car I don't want and isn't worth the money.
Aha- I realized this month how important it is to continue giving back to the community even when it seems I don't have another minute in my day to be giving away.
Question... Our HLA's go from the 19th of the previous month to the 18th of this month?
High- much to choose from. We had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I travelled with my aunt to a baby shower for my cousin and that was fun. I got to go to the last football game for my high school team and got to see a classmate of mine. I was able to catch up via email with an lost friend of mine from 20 years ago. So many good things. :)
Low- JB got strep throat just after Thanksgiving. I hate when my kids are sick. I feel helpless.
Aha- Even though others choose to dwell on the negative, I am still able to choose to be positive because I have much to be thankful. :)
High-Being focused on only buying the necessary Christmas gifts and knocking about 90% of it out in one night of shopping!
Low-wishing I could buy for everyone on my list!
Aha-being able to still help someone a little less fortunate in the community by donating some items that I do not need- feels good to give to someone else.
Here I am, Maureen!!! I know, I've been slacking lately; but nevertheless, I've been peeking in each day.
Anyhow, my:
HIGH: One of my residents came up to me a few weeks ago and said, "You're a great RD, Brian." It was one of those heartwarming experiences... especially because I met with this young man a few weeks earlier because he violated our alcohol policy.
LOW: Finding out that my boss isn't letting me take Monday or Tuesday of next week off of work, even though I have 8 vacation days saved up.
AHA: I played a new favorite game... called "Last Word".... I love it!
Brian... so glad you checked in! I intended to send you an email today, letting you know some of us are missing you. You beat me to it.
I am a big fan of games. I'll have to check out "Last Word." My husband might say it was right up my alley.
Brian glad to see you are out there. Its been crazy here too! Well I am going to sit and relax (usually I just fall asleep). Have a great nigh HLA. Sweet Dreams!!!
I've been pondering the HLA thing all's pretty hard to come up with just one for's my best shot:
High: As some of you out there knowmy husband and I are big into anything outdoors, in particular, hunting and fishing. This past rifle sewason I harvested a deer...but it wasn't just any deer...that was the first deer I ever got while hunting with him...maybe you have to be a hunter to appreciate how truly special that is.
Low: Julie running away to AZ, but I do get to pick her up from the airport Sat. night!
Aha: I never, EVER thought I would be a mother/housewife, but here I am filling that role on a daily basis. It is a job unlike any I have had in the past, and I learn something (about my husband, child rearing, or myself) everyday.
Sorry, it has been so long.
High: My son, Cole, spontaneously ran over and gave me a big hug. He asks for his daddy a lot these days. That feels good.
Low: Having to change a student's grade and apologize because of a mistake that I made.
Aha: Recently realizing that my family is unbelievably ego-centric.
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