In the meantime, we have boys toys to talk about... a topic near and dear to my heart, as I have three.
Let me preface this by saying, the list below of Claudia's Top Kid Picks assumes the boys in your life already have (1) a flashlight, (2) walkie talkies, and (3) binoculars. These are all items that Richard - my husband - insists are a must. Once Maslow's Hierarchy of Boys Toys is taken care of, consider my list.
Also, let us know what you've picked out this season for the boys in you life. Don't have any toy ideas to share? How about answering this question from the, now-sold-out, Limited Edition Deck of Highlowaha Conversation Cards. What is one Christmas present from your childhood you wish you still had? Something immediately came to mind as my answer. I'll post it in the comment section.
How about getting this for your favorite boy's bike. When he pulls back on the grip, it sounds like the engine of his bicycle is revving. An inexpensive, but fun treat to surprise a neighbor, nephew, or to put in a holiday grab bag.
Matthew first spotted this toy when some neighborhood boys were playing with it on our block. He's wanted one ever since. Simply attach the foam rocket to the launch tower and then jump on the launch pad. The rockets shoots up to 100 feet in the air. They make another one for older kids that goes up to 200 feet (kids have to be a little heavier to jump hard enough).

It seems to me having a place to hide your top secret loot (marbles, coins, a whistle, pocket knife, and other boy gadgets) would be a fun gift for a favorite boy on your list.
This is another Melissa and Doug product (love them!). I love this item, because it strikes me as fun, but practical. Perfect for the car. Perfect for a restaurant. Perfect for an airplane or a doctor's office. The pieces are attached to the board, so no worrying about lost pieces. They also make a similarly designed Tic Tac Toe board.
Santa brought one of these to Matthew last year. It is called a Fortamajig. It's genius, really. I wish I would have thought of it. Imagine parachute material with velcro tabs sewn all over it. The randomly placed velcro tabs allow your favorite little boy (or girl) to build a fort anywhere any time. The only supplies necessary are trees branches or furniture to which the velcro loops can be attached... and a healthy dose of imagination.
A simple, relatively inexpensive item. A set of these card holders with a deck of either Old Maid or Go Fish cards makes a perfect gift for someone on your list. I've seen other brands, but this brand works the best.
Schylling Grip-n-Growl

Stomp Rocket
$15.99 ($12.99 at Owl's Nest)


My sister gave this bicycle to Matthew last year. It might very well be the best present he will ever receive. Matthew was three last Christmas and the timing for this Skuut was PERFECT! It works just like a bicycle, only no pedals. Matthew uses his feet to push off and glide himself from place to place. The beauty of this is that, by virtue of "skuuting" for a year, Matthew now knows how to balance himself and learning to ride a bicycle will be made much easier. This item is pricey, but it is worth every penny!
Frontier Safe

Flip To Win Hangman

Fortamajig, Single Layer

Original Little Hands Card Holder

That's it for today's items. Hopefully you found something in my Top Picks that might work for one of the guys in your life. Don't forget to answer today's question.
Signing off until tomorrow...
wow - I totally agree with Claudia - especially since I own many of the items on her list.
This year we're big on cars, robots, trains, etc. I vetoed the Nerf gun - not a good idea.
I have so many things that I wish that I still had from my childhood. But probably the best kid toy for me was Barbie's Dream house - the giant one with the holes in the roof on either side. It had everything. I heard the stories later in life how difficult it was for my dad to put it together. I wondering what present will give me the same test in the future.
PS - the Stomp rocket is also good for men in your life. Matt & a neighbor launched ours as high as our house.
The rocket launcher looks like a TON of FUN! Jennifer will surely have one of those when she gets a bit older.
I've got to think about a Christmas gift from the past that I'd still like to have. . .be back later.
What about nerf toys??
So maybe nerf toys are not a god idea. . .how about leaving them at grandma and grandpa's house??
Hello Everybody - wow, lots of cool gifts out there for the little people. One thing my DH and I discovered about 3 years ago, is we stopped going into Toys R Us.... it had been our main staple store for almost 12 years... my teenagers have moved beyond that and like their gifts from AT & T and Best Buy.
If you all can remember favorite gifts, how great to have that type of memory. Before kids, and any time in my youth... I can only remember the feelings I get, when I see old pictures of me during those times.
The 'neat' thing about being older, is what's old is what's new... so, I have a Furby, I have original Cabbage Patch Dolls, Rubics cube, slinky, hand held football electronic games, Ouji Board, (my ice skates, which now are decoration on a sled) And as an adult... I love Toy Story... so about 10 years ago, I got every little toy associated with the movie... the 'stuff' just gives me comfort to look at!!!
Maybe it could be worth something? mmmmm, hee hee!!
WOW! All I need is a "Purchase Here" button and I would get the safe, Flip to win Hangman, Fortamajig, and the Card holders! I'm sold!
I wish I had had the Skuut for my boys when they were younger.
The boys are asking for DS's. And JB wants the dancing robot from the movie Robots that he didn't get last year... Hmm... I want to get them bunk beds and that Fortamajig will be a perfect addition. Not sure if that will happen or not.
My boys will actually be in Park City, Utah with their dad and grandparents over the holidays so I'm pretty sure I'll be doing all my shopping post-Christmas. :)
You know, I can't think of one thing that I wish I still had... but I have a HORRIBLE memory.
Fun posts so far today. The one Christmas gift I got that I wish I still had was a silver ID braclet.
I must have been about 12 years old when everyone in my class was getting ID bracelets. Only, the bracelets they were getting were big and chunky with the huge links. My mother didn't get me one of those, but she bought me a beautiful sterling silver bracelet and had my name engraved in it. This was an especially big deal for me, since it is hard to find items with the name "Claudia," printed them.
Years later I realized her wisdom in not getting me the big bulky one, as the bracelet she picked out was beautiful and would still have been worth wearing.
I have no idea where the bracelet went and where along the line I lost it. I wish I still had it, mostly for the sentimental value.
The card holder is amazing. I've been playing cards since I was very young and remember putting all of the cards in a puzzle box that was upside down. Where was that toy when I was little?
I don't know if there is a toy I wish I still had. I guess my Barbie's and Cabbage Patch dolls because I'm sure they are worth something now. I do still have my original Weeble's got them somewhere at her house!
My morning was spent out running errands (including finding a special ornament...cuz I don't wait until the last minute or anything) when I came across my low for the day: I watched a mother with her small baby, two other adults, and one other child get into their SUV. The mother handed her crying baby to the adult riding in the front passanger seat, and proceed to drive away. I was so taken back by this moment of glorious stupidity I did not know what to do! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE buckle up your kids!!!
My high is yet to come when we decorate the tree tonight. . .complete with a family pizza party and all!! Can't wait!!
OH! I had a Donny and Marie lunch box and thermos and the Donny and Marie dolls.
She was a little bit country and he was a little bit rock and roll! HA! The dolls were dressed in purple outfits. My mom actually may still have them.
STICKY HANDS from the quarter machines...
Does anyone else know what I am talking about?! I loved those things! haha
PS I just recieved the mail today...FINALLY got some cards for Santa Claus, IN!
Dr. B and Katie K- I recieved your cards today! CONGRATS, you win! lol I don't have anything to give you though; except bragging rights that your cards are my firsts! :-D
Here is my idea for a fabulous gift for any age/sex, but I'll tailor it more towards little boys here...there are a plethora of companies that now offer photo books for REALLY cheap - both hard cover or soft are available. I have ordered from Blurb and MyPublisher and had great results from both. The way you could use this for a little boy would be to make a Johnny's Kindergarten Year book - complete with photos of Johnny and his teacher(s), classmates, school events like a Christmas program or art show or something, pix of some of his artwork or projects, plus pages of text listing his favorite subject, favorite thing about school, what he wants to be when he grows up, etc. Or you could make an All About Tommy book with school stuff, plus family, friends from around the neighborhood, favorite toy or game, favorite restaurant and food, etc. The possibilities are endless! I love it because it's personal and professional-looking, plus it's something they will keep forever! You can also use it as an educational tool by turning it into an actual story book (with your child as the main character!) or as an ABC book, using pictures of things they know for each letter (Mama for M, Fido the dog for F, etc.) For adults, you can create cookbooks with pictures of your dishes, memory books for your parents/grandparents with photos of their wedding up through adult years, along with children and grandchildren...speaking of that, what about a whole brag book of baby pictures for the proud grandparents? So many possibilities!!!
My favorite gift as a kid would probably be the Big Wheels my brother and I got one year, or the group gift for all of us kids of a big dry-erase board that went up in the basement, and we doodled and drew all over it for years! I love Christmastime because I love finding the perfect gift for everyone on my list - happy holidays all!
MT-Kelly checking back in again- got lost for about a week or so.
First- thank you Claudia for the prizes in the mail today- the great Texas ornament and the shirt.
Second- my favorite christmas gift was probably the full stereo with turn table and 8-track player, speakers, everything. Unfortunately do not have it anymore but got it at 12 years of age and had it through college. Played a good deal of Olivia Newton John those days!
I'm learning what to get my 17 month old for her christmas this year-yikes!
MIA for a bit ... I had a bit of trouble last night and had to seek some medical help. No worries - I'm ok now. I was bitten (bit?) by a dog while out running last night. Kristen did threaten to post on here that I was in the hospital with no one to visit me, and no flights out from Erie until the next day ... BUT ... I quickly told her that she better not - AZLORI just may have called CKB, to call Tera, to call her to figure out where I was ... and I didn't think that was such a good idea!
Anyhow, I have to agree with Kristen. Jake was by far the best Christmas present I have ever received!!
I think any toy that encourages kids of any age to be ACTIVE is a perfect gift. My parents live in a suburban neighborhood, and we often joke that its the picture perfect "America" street. Any day of the week in the summer, or any weekend during the school year (weather permitting) there are children of all ages PLAYING OUTSIDE!! I love it!
Mt. Kelly!!! Did you see my comment from ealier this week?
Montana vs. JMU tomorrow night? Are you up for a competition between Montana and Virginia?
Go Dukes!!
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