Good morning, everyone. This is the last weekend before Christmas, so for many of us it will be filled with last minute shopping (as shocking as that might seem to many of you), baking, and wrapping.

Free time is a hot commodity, so I'll be brief.
Today we're talking thank-you notes. If you have kids, this is the perfect kind of project to do this weekend. Set your kids at a table with paper, glitter, glue, and scissors and let them design their own thank you cards while you are in the kitchen baking.
Nan Anderson, an occasional visitor and "visiting craftswoman" on our blog, is the inspiration behind today's idea. Nan also has three kids. She is VERY creative and, on top of it all, she is an impressive photographer. Which is to say... Nan aptly photographs many of her children's creations. Earlier this season, she showed me how she uses her children's artwork to create fun stationary.
As if on cue, Matthew showed up at home today with an envelope of Christmas projects he made in school. To be honest, none of them are so great (or truly original works of art) that I feel compelled to keep them. Normally I would use them to decorate his bedroom door for the holidays and then get rid of them (yes, toss them in the garbage) at season's end. Last night I did hang them on his door. And, yes... I will thro
w them away at season's end.
BUT... this year I also photographed the projects. This year - in honor of Nan's suggestion - I will also use Matthew's Christmas decorations to create personalized thank-you cards. Here they are before and sometime this weekend I will post the after (I learned my lesson about promptness last weekend).
Enough about thank you's. Now let's talk invitations and then I'll be off for the day.
I love this. I am so excited about this, I have to share it with someone. If you love it too, feel free to steal it.
Yesterday - out of nowhere - Matthew said he was going to invite Santa Claus to his birthday party (in April)! Did you hear me? Matthew wants Santa Claus at his birthday party! Then it hit me. We can do that! Last year the beach.. this year the North Pole! That's it! This year, the theme for Matthew's birthday party will be a winter wonderland. We will visit the North Pole. Hot cocoa, snowman sundaes, scarves, Christmas invitations, holiday party plates, cups, decorations, a decorated Christmas tree, holiday games and a craft, and yes... Santa Claus will show up! Surely I can hire a Santa Claus
in April (what else are they doing?).
I love this idea and Matthew will think it is magical. I'd love to sit and chat, but I have to go. There are sales going on right now and I have to stock up for a birthday party in April!
Signing off until Monday... or actually until now, Sunday night at 9:23, when I return to post a picture of some of our homemade thank you notes. They're kind of fun in person. Don't get me wrong, we won't be putting Peggy out of business anytime soon, but Matthew loved seeing his "art" turned into real life cards. We could have had a field day with lots more colored paper, glitter, and stickers. Maybe next year.
Overall, I am a believer in the idea of transforming all kinds of my kid's artwork into thank you notes.
Now I'm signing off until Monday... for real.
Was it Nan? or someone, somewhere else else...
I may have commented before that I read that with all of your kids cute artwork, instead of feeling guilty tossing it (those darn art teachers don't know enough that our scrap books can really only fit stuff smaller than 8-1/2" x 11")... TAKE PICTURES of the stuff hanging on the fridge, and then scrap(book) the pics (toss the rest) preferrable in the outdoor garbage can underneath cut up vegetables (dd found her stuff one year and was crushed that I tossed her master pieces).
And then, as I think Claudia stated, or something to the effect.... you can use the pics {if you make duplicates} and send them to grandma with a little note.... share the artwork... you could probably make them into those Postcards that Claudia was talking about last month.
"Think after Christmas sales" for picking up goodie bag(stockings?) items for Matthews Christmas themed birthday party. Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, Rudolphs red nose any kids party game can be adapted with the Christmas theme, find all your goodies half price on Dec. 26.
(if you need more game ideas, just ask, I love kid games... with a twist)
Stay safe everybody!!!
I'm posting this morning from the Phoenix International Airport!
I had a wonderful breakfast with azlori and her sister before coming here ... my final destination today is Pittsburgh, with a stop off at the Dallas-Fort-Worth airport.
I love the idea of thank you cards - anytime - especially when they are inspired by children's artwork.
I'm off for now. Have fun and stay sane this weekend!
Throw them away?
Throw them away?
And that's why I have boxes of childrens artwork and craft projects. I loved the way the boys put their past Christmas projects on the tree or around the house and their reaction to see their stuff again. They love it.
But, I have the photo idea tucked away for when I HAVE to throw it away. :) Until then, I'm pack-ratting it. And, AND- Proud of it. :) HA!
you go, Cheryl! My parents kept quite a bit of our Christmas stuff ... and actually quite a bit of all of our stuff as we were growing up. I remember spending a few days going through all of it when I got to be a little older, laughing at some of my "masterpieces" and then, inevitably, throwing them out myself!
Cheryl you can share my tissues. I am a sucker. I probably have my kids first lollipop wrapper (just kidding). I save everything! Thank God for the loft in my garage. If they dont move out by 25 I will need a terminal for each of them. Im sure they will toss everything out as soon as I give it to them.
Claudia, a couple of years ago I was invited to a last minute Halloween party. I didnt have time to find a costume so I borrowed a Santa suit from a friend. Believe it or not it went over really well. I also had no competition from other Santa's.
Have a great day HLA!!!
Yeah! I finally got to meet Julie! She is awesome...she just might not get her Jeep back though...shhh! Don't tell her! Have a great weekend HLA!
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