Announcements at the end.
Don't get me wrong, my boys are allowed to play with dolls if they want and one of Matthew's favorite colors is pink. When I say that today we will look at items of that might be of interest to girls, it does not mean, "No Boys Allowed." It just means the Owl's Nest had the items located in a predominantly pink section of the store.
The price range of the items featured (and photographed by Heather) are of varying prices . One thing they have in common... all, in some way, foster creativity. I'll leave gadgets and battery operated toys to someone more qualified.
Already done with you shopping? Let us know what you've purchased this season for the young girls in your life. Some of us haven't even started yet (yikes, it's true!) Also, we'll top each of the next three days of with a question from the inaugural deck of Highlowaha's Conversation Cards (SOLD OUT!). Today's question... What is the most memorable holiday gift you remember receiving as a child?
Fingermax Finger Brushes

Finger painting with a twist... or should I say brush?
Kids Paint Brushes

I bought these paint brushes for Matthew a few years back and he still uses them at least a few times a month. You can also purchase paint containers with covers in corresponding colors. It not only reinforces differentiation of colors, but it also helps keep the red paint red and the blue paint blue.
Jewelry Box Sticky Mosaic Kit

Heather spotted this item and I agreed that making your own jewelry box, sounded like something many young girls would think was fun. I also love the fact that it gives her something to do over the holiday break... other than watch t.v.
Alex Link 'n Loop Scarf
We thought of Stacie when we saw this and thought, with a little help from her, this could be a fun gift for the nine year old girl for whom we were browsing.
Fashion Design Studio by Creativity for Kids
Fashion industry, watch out! This kit provides all the essentials necessary for a young person to design her own clothing. You could be inspiring the next great clothing designer!!!

Why do I love this so much? As a kid, I spent hours doing Finger Fortunes with friends. It's relatively inexpensive, but seems to me that it would countless hours of fun.
Melissa & Doug's
Architectural Standard Unit Blocks

My mother bought these architectural blocks for my niece years ago. She's eleven and still loves playing with them. Incidentally, on our last trip to N.Y., my boys spent many an hour playing with them too.
Oriental Trading Company
Jingle Bell Rings

This might not exactly foster creativity, but I think it makes for a great tie-on to the bow of just about any package! I bought one mine for $2.99 (it is multi-colored), but Oriental Trading has a full dozen for only $4.99.
- Festival of Lights: Cassie, Maureen, Kristen, and I were the first to commit to Sunday night's fun... The Festival of Lights will begin at 8:00 and probably only go until 8:40 or so. Surely we'll have some more takers by Friday night at 9:00 when pictures are due to Katie. Just email her ( a picture of you (and your family) in front of your Christmas tree, menorah, or any other meaningful holiday item.
- Ornament Exchange: This will also take place on Sunday night, beginning immediately after the Festival of Lights. To participate... simply purchase an ornament. Take a picture of it unwrapped, then take a picture of it wrapped. Email both to Katie at
- Yesterday's winners: I'm not sure why my original post of winners did not post. Here's the shortened version. Thanks to those of you who wrote a review. Allison did not get my email in enough time to judge, so I deferred to my favorite elf. Richard picked two numbers between 1-6 (to correspond with the six of you who participated). Kristen and Tera were the lucky winners!
- Cassie Goes to Santa Claus: It's not too late! Grab a card on the way to work. Take some time over your lunch hour. Zip by the post office on your way home. In the Spirit of #218, don't miss this chance to send a child you know a Christmas card from Santa Claus, Indiana. Cassie is road tripping to Santa Claus for us on Monday (12/15). We want to send her with a full Santa sack. Her address: Cassie Patterson, 103 Meadow Drive, Sellersburg, IN, 47172
Signing off until tomorrow...
Sorry I've been's been one of those weeks. Bal was out of town until late last night and work has been CRAZY! (48 cases to clear up this week along with 4 formal hearings YIKES!!!)
My typical posting time is before things get rolling in the morning but having Lily solo meant I was on Mommy duty without a chance to post as I had to use my posting time to shower (gee where are my priorities?)
I'll go back:
Monday: I love the books and have to put the plug in for Polar Express...there are so many ways you can bring that magical book to life for the young kids in your life. I can't wait until Lily is old enough to truly understand the stories I read her...she loves books but would prefer to flip through randomly and at her own pace.
Tuesday: I, alas, am NOT much of a baker and my Mom did a great job of incorporating us into the holiday baking that took place each year...maybe we could each post our favorite holiday recipe to share with the group? I'll have to call my Mom to ask for her recipe for Pudding Balls...those things are YUMMO!!!
Wednesday: TODAY!!!
Little girl items that inspire creativity?
I don't know that a doll fits the bill but I LOVE that Lily was able to get a 25th anniversary Cabbage Patch doll this year as I got one the first year they were out. She totes that doll all over the house, giving it a bottle, hugging it and then throwing it on the floor and stepping on it's head (gotta love toddlers!)
I love the link n' loop knitting kit as knitting seems to be really "in" right now and this is a gift that keeps on giving as the girl in your life makes scarf after scarf and learns a real art.
Of course there are always those keychain making kits out there, and Michael's always has some neat craft kits for young crafters.
Otherwise I think it is just important that whatever you get the young girls (and boys) in your life you let them use their imagination as they play.
Everyone have a good day today!!!
I am not sure if its just my computer, or if there really is a problem for everyone, but I could not see my address in today's post:
103 Meadow Drive
Sellersburg, IN
I would definitely have to say some of my favorite gifts when I was a kid were the ones that were "kits" and I got to make something. I remember getting the sand art kit. I loved that one. I did get a keychain making kit once, heather! lol ummm my grandma got me cross-stitch kits. Those were fun to learn to do...I guess I have always been a little bit creative and loved those sorts of gifts. I forgot about them...
My favorite gift as a child was the first diary I received from my parents. I think it was pink and had a cat on it. Santa brought it to me when I was eight. Since then, I have written in a journal every year. Hopefully one day my daughter will enjoy doing the same thing.
Claudia- I am in for the Virtual Holiday Party on Sunday.
I love all these ideas and would have loved to have received them as a kid.
The favorite gift that I can remember... there are two and I don't know if it was my favorite or if there's a picture of it so that reminds me. One year a got a Little People boat. It was cool. Another year I received a new bike. It was red with a glitter banana seat.
I've GOT to get my cards in the mail today to Cassie!!! That is my lunch time goal!!
Busy, Busy here so I have to run.
I'm not sure if it was my favorite, but the gift I remember the most was my Barbie Dream House. I got it on Christmas morning but we had to leave to go out of town to visit my grandparents. I wouldn't get in the car until the Dream House was sitting right next to me. As soon as we got to my grandparents, my dad had to put this 3 story thing together...just to take it down the next morning to go back home!
I'm in for the Virtual Party on Sunday. I posted yesterday, but you must have missed it. are on their way to you today.
Yeah, Tera! Tera plus Cheryl makes for seven takers, so far, for Sunday night. Great news.
Old timers and new comers, I'd love to see a few more of you give jump in on the fun. Won't have your tree up by Sunday? No worries. Just take your pic in front of a favorite tree in the town where you live. The most important thing is that we are together, sharing in the holiday festivities.
My favorite Christmas toy...twin Cabbage Patch Dolls! My daughter got one last year that shared her name and I cried! :-) Boy Heather, you can tell we're from the same generation.
I've passed on my Coke Rewards but noticed that my Fresca pack also includes Coke rewards. Can I keep posting rewards after I've passed it on? Just in case, here it is...
I will also be submitting a photo of my (campus') Christmas tree, but I will be celebrating the Festival of Lights with you all in spirit on Sunday! During that time, I will be on a plane on the way home to Kentucky for winter break!
As for my most memorable Christmas gift...I would have to say my kitchen sets. I think back to all the hours I spent making "dinner" for my brothers, or having tea with my dad. I think about how I would organize my dishes and then re-organize them. I'm not sure where that talent for the culinary arts went to, but I'd like to find it again!
Katie... welcome to our community. I am not sure if you've been formally welcomed into this fun group of readers. YES! You can continue posting your Coke Reward numbers. The more the better!
From which state do you hail?
Cassie P~ I have 3 Santa letters headed your way. I crack myself up so I have to share. One, of course, is to my boys. The second one is to my old office telling them that they're all on the naughty list but since the price of coal is so high, Santa was going to go ahead and give them their gifts. The third is to a current co-worker of mine telling her she should have taken Cheryl to a fancy Christmas party she's going to and now she's on the Naughty list, too.
Probably not what Claudia had in mind but isn't that fun? HA!
Darn... I wish I would have thought of it!!!!!
It is too late for me to get another card in the mail, as I JUST came back from the post office. But, for anyone who hasn't mailed theirs out yet...
Cheryl is on to something!!!! Fun, fun, fun!
I can't wait for the girl in my office to get hers! :) hee hee!
CKB...I think Katie is Katie O. our good friend from Iowa.
HAHA cheryl, good ones! that makes me smile!
Cassie P, I mailed out some letters to you on Monday- you should be getting them soon! Yay!
Katie O from Iowa... why, of course! Thanks for joining the fun, Katie. For those of you still reading today... you know Katie. She is the one who gave us GREAT fashion advice last March when we were celebrating the color green.
I would love to hire Katie on to be Highlowaha's personal fashion consultant. She always looks impeccably dressed... and with two young kids... this is especially impressive.
Not to be confused with our other Katie - who, though always looking very put together - is more of our tech expert! She, I should remind you, is how Highlowaha "technically" came to be.
TERA: Yay, we won!
Fav Christmas gift ever was when I was in 2nd grade and Julie and I got a puppy, Jake!! No other Christmas gift can touch that one.
I was at the in-laws yesterday through this evening and completely dropped the ball on the Santa cards. . .sorry :(
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