Today we will talk about fostering the inner chef of the children we know. We will do this early in the week also as a way of honoring and recognizing the "can-do" attitude that King Arthur's Flour exhibited this summer. While the Container Store was busy telling me why they couldn't sponsor a Highlowaha activity - thereby giving them great, POSITIVE exposure to all of you- King Arthur's Flour contacted me asking if we would like to try one of their new products for kids. (For the full story, see post from 10/4 titled, "Just Say Yes)."
Hard to talk about fostering the creativity in our children without talking about engaging them in the kitchen. One night of watching the Food Network is all you need to be convinced that cooking and baking are great ways of expressing creativity. Seems like a perfect match to me and so here we are.
If you haven't finished shopping for the children in your life, consider giving them the gift of time in the kitchen (with you or another adult, like grandma). King Arthur's makes six kids mixes, ranging from "ABC Twists" to "Rainbow Snack Cakes," to "Chocolate Chipper" muffin mix, "Cowboy Oatmeal" muffin mix, "Snickerdoodle" cookie mix, and "Pizza Crust." The mixes are only $5.95 per mix. Packaged with a rolling pin ($1.00 bin at Target), a chef's hat, or an apron, and you have a great gift idea - still for under $20.00.
Last week we mentioned the value in treating a special someone in your life to an ongoing gift. The idea being that what we don't spend in money, we make up for in sentimentality. Cookie cutters seem like a great example of this to me. I can't help but think what fun it would be to present a special child with a new cookie cutter each year - the idea being that we "break it in" together. Start when the child is young and by the time they are 18, he or she has a nice little collection (not to mention a slew of memories and a well developed skill of cookie decorating). King Arthur has a nice selection of seasonal cookie cutters. I'm especially fond of the snowflake (packaged beautifully with the book, Snowflake Bentley).
Today I want to give away the four baking mixes, generously donated to me by King Arthur's flour. The question is, how?
- Do I pull from my RAK box?
- Have you tell who you will share the treats with, so I know they will go to good use?
- Swap it for a fun Christmas cookie recipe that you post in the comment section?
- Solicit your funniest holiday kitchen story?
- Or, maybe I should try to repay King Arthur's Flour in some way. I could send you to their on-line catalog and have your enter the drawing for kids mixes by reading your review of the item of your choice.
Don't like #1. Too easy. Number 2 puts me in the roll of judging one story over another. I don't like that. Numbers 3 and 4 are ok and could make for interesting and entertaining reading. Suggestion #5 feels right too. Good karma, you know? Do something nice for our blog community and we will go out of our way to help you. Yeah, I like #5.

Look the on-line catalog and stop at the first thing that catches your eye. Tell us what it is, why you like it, how much it costs, and anything else about item that you find interesting. I'll separate the four boxes into two bundles. I don't want to judge, so I think I'll contact Allison Furbish at King Arthur and see if she will help. Don't fail me now readers. Show Allison and King Arthur's what a fun, engaged, and appreciative group we are. Reviews, reviews, reviews. We want lots of reviews.
- Cassie Goes to Santa Claus: Let's not send her empty handed. Today or tomorrow are the last two safe days to send Cassie a card that she can bring for an authentic Santa Claus postmark. All you have to do is fill out your card, address it to the whichever child you've picked to be the recipient. and put a stamp on it. Then, stick it in an envelope and send it to Cassie Patterson at: 103 Meadow Drive, Sellersburg, IN, 47172. She'll deliver cards from anyone - frequent commenters and lurkers alike!!!! First time readers or veteran readers. Just make sure it gets to her by Saturday.
- Commit: Festival of Lights and our Ornament Exchange are this Sunday, December 14 at 8:00. I'd love to get an idea of who is participating. Don't be scared to commit. Participating is easy. Just submit a picture of you in front of holiday lights (tree, menorah, your house, etc...). Submit it to Katie by Friday (12/12) at 9:00 at kkolkmeier@gmail.com. To participate in the ornament exchange just submit a wrapped and unwrapped picture of your ornament to Katie by the same day and time. We are a community. This is a fun way to celebrate the holidays together! Remember, this is a patch yielding event!!!! Mary Beth, Susan, Kristen, and all you others who have recently received patchwork denim, this is the perfect chance to increase your collection of coveted patches.
Signing off until tomorrow...
With this being a blog of creative ideas, what better product to review on www.kingarthurflour.com then their Cookie Painting Kit. For just $15.95 and (a lot of) your time, you can have personalized, themed, colorful cookies for any occasion. The kit contains 5 decorative colors. . .use your basic color skills to create more. Brush and real painters palette also included! A great gift for under $20.00. . .or. . .imagine the fun you could have on April Fools Day!!
We're putting up the tree on Thursdasy. . .count me in on the party!!
Another baking idea which also happens to be a funny moment in the kitchen: How many of you guys bake cookies where the dough gets to be too tough for the mixer? I have one particular recipie, a molasses cookie recipie, that fits that bill to a "t." A few years ago I went to out the garage, cleaned up dad's drill, and put one of the mixers in as a drill bit. . .you might think I'm a bit crazy. . .but give it a try. Talk about a mixer on steroids!
OMG! Great website....they even have a blog! I do not have the time right now to settle on one item to comment on...but just the quick look I took had me mark the website as a favorite! We ahve what we call "fat Friday" at work where certain groups provide breakfast for the rest of the staff. I can't wait to look through their breakfast recipes and come up with something fun and yummy to bring! I will be hitting that website and trying a few things over Christmas break!
Ok I took all my pics to send to Katie and then realized my memory card wasnt in the camera UUGH!!!! I am re taking the pics this morning and sending them.
Claudia knowing my kids you will know why I have to bow out of the inexpensive gift ideas.... Ha Ha. But I will send you pics of the beautiful cookies the girls and I make this weekend. We just got a bunch of new cookie cutters, and some are 3D. So much for Weight Watchers HA HA
Kristen... great minds think alike. I saw the Cookie Painting Kit and thought it was great. Imagine the decorative Christmas cookies you could make with that kit.
Maureen... what about a neighbor, friend, child in your girl scout troop. Surely there is someone who could benefit from these treats!
King Arthur has a great site. I too was initially drawn to the Cookie Painting Set but decided to check out the gifts under $20. Everyone is trying to be more economical these days. Two things caught my eye.
The first was The Baking Sheet Newsletter 1 year subscription for $19.95. I recieved a cooking magazine as a gift a couple of years ago and loved it. The great thing about a baking newsletter is the focus on something sweet. You could even send it to a few friends around the country and make a bimonthly commitment for everyone to try to bake at least one thing from each newsletter to send to one another. It would be great for book club members or another small group you might belong to. Plus, it is a gift that keeps on giving all year long. For those who are watching what they eat, each recipe contains nutritional information and it ships for free. I love it.
The other gift that caught my eye was for the pet lover out there...the Pamper Your Pup Gift Set. I will leave that one up for grabs to another HLA reader.
Well, I must say, the best free advertising a company can have is by word of mouth. And, if the company has an easy website to manuver through, and its got great looking pictures, and the descriptions are very clear, King Arthur flour has my vote of a company I'd like to do business with!!
What caught my eye from this website were the gift baskets. There is something about a basket and putting lots of fun stuff in it, that appeals to my senses. (Just a side note, I have taken at least 20 basket weaving classes, so fun and relaxing). My pick, the 'Pamper your Pup Gift Set'... currently on back order, it has a 5 star rating and at $14.95 I think a great gift for anyone young or old that treats their furry friend as one of the family. They'll not even bill you for this item until it ships, and wont charge you extra for shipping it separate.
If you keep the gift for yourself, and make the cute little doggie bones, don't foget to wrap them in a cellophane bag, curly ribbon, and a cute tag with a bone on it... and give treats to all the neighborhood 4 legged friends.
Well I cannot get anywhere on the King Arthur website; I keep gettin errors. Maybe I will try again later.
I am in for the festival of lights/ornament exchange. I will get pics to Katie Thursday when my last final is over!
SEND ME LETTERS to take to "Santa Claus"!!!
thank you Claudia again for your good wishes. Also, thank you to Cheryl for your get well wishes. Again, I will try and keep up with HLA as much as i can.
If you don't already know, I'm big in to cake decorating. I picked it up 2 or 3 years ago when I was down in Louisville. I love to decorate fun cakes for family and friends!
I'm also a big chocolate lover so the thing that caught my eye was the Lava Cake Set. Just look at the picuture...YUM! It includes 6 pans and mix and is only $24.95.
I'm in for the Ornament Exchange. I'm going out shopping today!
The American Red Cross is sponsoring a national "Holiday Mail for Heroes" campaign to receive and distribute holiday cards to servicemembers and veterans both in the United States and abroad.
Holiday Mail for Heroes is a follow-up to the 2007 effort that resulted in the collection and distribution of more than 600,000 cards to hospitalized servicemembers. This year's program will expand its reach to not only wounded servicemembers but also veterans and their families. The goal is to collect and distribute 1 million pieces of holiday mail.
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD. 20791-5456
So, would you believe that the postcard you sent me several weeks ago just arrived YESTERDAY?! I am sorely disappointed in the USPS! In fact, my lovely treat of sticker postcards beat the original here by about a week (I would have thanked you sooner, but I was down and out with something nasty all last week - ugh!) Anyway, many thanks to Claudia for thinking of me!
As for today's topic, I am addicted to Christmas baking, and I don't normally like cookies much at all (other sweets...now that's another story!) Every year, we make buckeyes, press cookies, rice crispies treats, gooey bars, and many more! In fact, we have had to cut back some by limiting everyone to one cookie-of-choice, and no more! Gooey bars are my all time favorite to eat, but I have always LOVED making press cookies - it brings out the inner child like no other! Plus, I like to eat the dough of those - and decorating with powder sugar icing and sprinkles is too much fun, too! Okay, I'm all geared up now...on to my review! I really like the gingerbread train set - only $16.95, and VERY kid-friendly, I would imagine! I don't have kids, but my husband is like a big kid, so I got him a gingerbread house last year and he had way too much fun putting it all together...I think he would faint from the excitement of this! Very magical, has everything included, and looks easy enough to put together - perfect!
I have been asked to give a little shout out letting people know that I am alive. I'm alive and well...just trying to get myself and 200+ 18 year olds through finals week! More from me next week, I promise.
For that matter, Katie... what about our friends Heather and Cheryl? Montana Kelly? Lindsay? Amber? Come out, come out wherever you are!
I'm so late! Late, late, late.
I tried to get on the the King Arthur site but everyone must have been on there because I too kept getting an error.
I did see lots of good things but I couldn't get the details. I love the cooking treats idea though.
Hope everyone had a good day!
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