Announcements at the end.
When I was working as Director of New Student Programs at Southern Methodist University, I remember hiring a woman to do a training session for my orientation directors. The woman was an event planner for Frito Lay and I wanted her to talk to my staff about lessons she had learned along the way.
My staff, after all, were also planning events (orientation for over a thousand people) and ours needed to go every bit as smoothly as what she was planning for her Frito Lay executives.
She said two things I will always remember. The first is more of a visual. She gave each of my students a rubber duck and told them that, often times being an event planner is like being a duck. Ducks, after all, can be furiously paddling their feet under water while looking calm and perfectly still on top of the water. I like the whole visual of that and I often times remind myself of her observation when I am feeling frenzied. "Be the duck." You know.
The other thing she said is that to be an effective event planner, one must practice the art of movie making. Begin at Act One, Take One and work your way - detail by detail - through the entire movie until the last letter of the last credit has rolled. Of course you do this with a pad of paper in hand, jotting down notes of even the the tiniest missing details.
Today I am a movie director. Maybe you will be too. We'll title this movie, "Christmas 2008." Act one. Christmas morning. Wake up to excited kids jumping on our bed, in Christmas pajamas, begging to go see what Santa brought. Christmas pajamas in hand? Check. Have Richard make us coffee while kids are opening presents. Coffee in stock? Check. Mosey into the kitchen, still watching them "oooh" and "ahhh" over their presents, while getting breakfast going.
Breakfast. With all the shopping, wrapping, planning, and hosting, I haven't given a single thought to what our family will eat in just four short days. Some kind of breakfast casserole? Pancakes? French Toast? Omelets? Homemade coffee cake?
Yikes. Help! What creative or yummy dishes will you be featuring on Christmas morning? Share your award winning recipes.
- Sugar Ray: Texas, Ohio, New York... next stop... Pennsylvania. Kristen has generously offered to host Baking Ray next. She will bake a batch of Ray cookies, share them (and HLA) with cookie-loving friends in her hometown, and then ship Ray off to his next destination. Maureen, I will forward Kristen's address to you.
- First Annual Holiday "Give 'em the Boot Award": Last Friday the suggestion was made that Highlowaha readers share their best holiday saga with the rest of us, in hopes of winning temporary ownership of the coveted HLA ornament. The winner will hang the purple cowboy boot on his/her tree next year and then pass it along to the next unlucky winner for Christmas 2010. Stories will be shared on Friday, December 26. Get ready.
- Still in Search of Pregnant Woman Wanting to Party: Kristen has volunteered to host a Baby Shower for Michelle (where are you?) and six other pregnant woman, planning to deliver this spring. Please forward us the names of anyone you might know, so we may extend fun and formal invitation to our next virtual party.
- Live in Texas?: We are still looking for the names of anyone who lives in the North Texas area, who might be willing to help welcome one of our reader's sister in law to Texas. She is putting together a Texas themed tree and would like to share contact information for anyone willing. Post your interest in the comment section and Kristen will follow up with you to get the information she needs.
- Drink Coke: Tis the season for hosting friends and family. If you purchase cases of any Coke product, please be sure to pass along the Reward Number to Heather at hsnow@gmail.com. Remember, we are trying to collect as many Reward numbers as we can between now and February 14, in order to help a terminally sick friend of our loyal reader, Heather.
I desperately need to report to "make-up," so signing off until tomorrow...
So I am sitting here next to Julie trying to get my post up before her...
We usually do Pillsbury cinnamon and/or orange rolls...they're quick and easy.
Sometimes we might make pancakes topped off with real maple syrup, but it depends on how much time we have before rushing off to see family.
I made it home, safe and sound!
I'm sitting next to my sister who is feverishly typing away, sharing, no doubt, our Christmas Breakfast ritual!
With that being said, I would just like to comment that of the 5 announcements today, 4 of them feature Kristen!!
Have a great day!
also ... azlori ... you can't keep my jeep! others have threatened that same thing, and have not been successful! LOL
I love that reference to the duck and have been lucky enough to be described as such duck by a real estate motivational speaker, Dave Beason. It reminds me of successful retreats that were held at my old company. :)
hmm...Christmas morning- Act one: Sleep in. Whenever I wake up, throw on pink fuzzy robe with matching slippers, fix coffee and throw some eggs and toast on. Maybe turn on some Christmas music and stretch out like a lazy cat.
I think with all the extra food around, the cookies and the sweets and the special meals.... breakfast Christmas morning has taken on a new tradition of something light and simple. We too, just heat up the oven and pop in Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. They make the house smell deliciouly wonderful and are easy to clean up!!
Please check out my blog to see our Christmas stockings, go down a post or two...(relates to last weeks HLA topic of Christmas stockings http://prdesigns.blogspot.com)
And more about Kristen... I popped your ornament from the exchange, in today's mail. Enjoy!
Very cute, Peggy!
Kristen, I forgot to send you my info. Will do right now.
So...your a tough talker huh Julie? Must I remind you there are a couple thousand miles between you and your jeep...or maybe I should say MY jeep...possesion is 9/10th of the law right?
Just kidding! She is safe and sound in the drive way! I am updating her on the snow levels in other areas while she is basking here in the sun! Have a good day!
Christmas morning in our house usually consists of scrambled eggs, bacon, and goetta. Since my older brother (who usually cooks) will be off with his fiance's family on Christmas morning, I think the cooking is up to me now! We shall see how this goes.
Breakfast at my parents house has changed quite a bit over the past 5 or 6 years since Treye and I have been together. We do Christmas Eve at my parents house and then leave early Christmas morning to go to Cleveland. We usually grab sweet bread or left over cookies and hit the road.
Julie...I get to see you tomorrow! you should bring Kristen along for a day of pampering with us!
Happy holidays to you all!
Katie K...Maureen...Cheryl...anyone...
Do you have CKB's sugar cookie ICING recipe? If so, please post!
Peggy: Gotcha...looking forward to getting that ornament!
Cheryl: got your email...thanks!
Tera~ Your ornament from the ornament exchange party is sitting shamelessly on my kitchen counter. I had planned on taking it to the post office today... :(
Will try again tomorrow. Hope you and Julie have a great day of pampering! :)
Cheryl...no worries. The ones Treye and I are sending are still sitting here, too. Sorry Peggy & Maureen :(
I just received a letter from a fellow HLA member with a FUN Santa Claus, IN postage stamp on it!!! Thanks! You know who you are... :)
Katie~ did it say you were on the naughty list?
Cheryl- no it did not. Though that would have been hilarious! It said they missed me and they hoped I had a great 2009!
You know you're not on the naughty list!
I'm here...been a lot of things going on, but I'm totally game for a virtual baby shower! as a matter of fact...we just got back from our first ultrasound and got news of TWINS. Yes, thats right. Two babies. YIKES.
for christmas morning, we do eggs, cinnamon rolls and bacon/sausage. with my dad's special seasoning. yummy.
I literally just cruised in after an entire day of running errands. All I want to do is put my feet up and relax for the rest of the evening. Not going to happen.
Tera... hopefully you got your recipe by now. Sorry.
Schnepp Sisters.. the two of crack me up. You could take your Schenpp Schtick on the road!
Michelle... so glad you checked in today. TWINS! That is crazy fun. There is another reader who just found out last week she is also having twins in July! Erica, if you're out there say, "hey."
Our baby shower is shaping up to be "double the fun."
Hey everyone! I haven't been around for a few months, but I am hoping that I get back into my HLA routine! I have been thinking a lot about what Christmas morning will look like at our house because it is the first Christmas that just the three of us will be home to start our own traditions. I think Christmas breakfast will be out of my hands. My husband is an amazing cook and will probably either make pancakes and eggs, or omelets.
no, no icing recipe yet...can anyone help!?
KAT IS BACK! That is the ULTIMATE Christmas present! We've missed you, Kat.
Here's looking forward to future visits from you.
Tera, sorry, I can't help. Mine is back in VA in my recipe box. The only reason I could get the cookie recipe to you the other day was because I knew it was posted in the comment section of a post back in March.
Sorry I can't help you out!!!
OMG! I'm working 8-1/2 hours today... I'm going crazy (remember I'm a receptionist at an Eye Dr.s office).... so I keep checking in to all the comments.
Claudia, do you go back update your posts???... I didn't know I should go back and check from the day before.... Matthew's cards are adorable!!!! Put me out of business... everybody truly can make a card.... those are sooooo darn cute!!!!!
Peggy or anonymous at work
Peggy- thank you for pointing that out! OMG Matthew's cards are so cute!!
I'm not sure if I'm doing this the right way, but here is the code from my cherry coke...passed on by Julie.
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