Just when you might be feeling the disappointment of Christmas ending, comes this incredible proclamation of hope! Arguably, a miracle as worthy of celebration as the birth of Christ and unbelievably... the holidays are scheduled within three calendar days!?!?!? Come to think of it... maybe there's a connection???? That's a question too philosophical for me - especially at the hour this is being posted.
But there is no question that chocolate should be celebrated. Of that, I am certain! Today we will have a little chocolate fun. Interestingly enough, to do this we are going to feature a form of chocolate I cannot eat... M&Ms. I can't eat them because I am allergic to nuts and beans (all legumes) and yes, to set the record straight... plain m&ms have peanut traces in them, so they too are off limits.
A completely inconsequential side bar to all of this is that I LOVE the idea of M&Ms. This is going to sound weird, but I like to watch people eat them. You might not know this, but when you bite into an M&M (or, even better, a handful of M&Ms) the sound is cool. The hard outter shell, combined with chocolate on the inside makes it the perfect sounding candy! It's true. I get serious candy envy when watching someone eat a bag of m&ms. The closest I get are the Robin Eggs that Cadbury makes at Easter. Richard loads me up with them, because to me they are the closest thing to getting to eat an M&M. But, I digress.
To those aware of my other life, this will be of no surprise. Today we will use M&Ms to do some HLA team building. Whether you are a first time visitor, a lurker, or a regular, jump right in. Below is your virtual handful of M&Ms. Each color has been assigned a topic. For each M&M of the corresponding color, you will share a fun fact related to the topic. I'll go first so you can get the hang.

Green: Favorite chocolate vice
Red: Suggested name for new candy bar
Yellow: Things you like to dip in chocolate fondue
Brown: Idea for celebrating National Chocolate Day
Blue: Your guess of the number of blue M&M's in my regular sized bag of M&Ms
(a chocolate surprise to the person who comes the closest).
Orange: "Orange" you glad this one's a wild card?
For each orange m&m, tell us something you want us to know.
Here's mine...
Green: White chocolate mochas, hot fudge, brownies,
chocolate chip cookies, frozen chocolate custard
Red: Avalanche
Yellow: strawberries, graham crackers
Brown: Watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,
bake a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting
Blue: Place your number here (I won't... unfair advantage).
Orange: Today we are taking Matthew and a friend to see the musical, Annie. I am excited;
I have a lot of HLA packages to mail out; I'm on the hunt for a GREAT looking Christmas cookie jar; and I have literally hit crisis proportions with my laundry situation.
Your turn...
- Give 'Em The Boot Award Winner: And the first person to get the HLA boot in the Annual "Give 'Em the Boot Award" is Cassie P's dad. Mr. P receives this year's award for his "in-line, out-of-line" indecisiveness (see yesterdays comment section). Receiving the award for this year's winner is our very own Traveling Debacle Survivor... Cassie P. Cassie will receive the coveted purple boot ornament to display proudly until December 26, 2009, when she must present it to our next most unfortunate winner.
- Super Bowl Throw Down: Richard, whoever that shady character is, forfeits from this week's Super Bowl Throw Down, due to poor planning on his part. Or, as could very well be the case, fear of going up against Tera. Either way... Tera you reign supreme. Congratulations!
- Next Secret Ingredient: We were supposed to vote yesterday for the next secret ingredient. So tell us... what should Nicole and Maureen battle over?
Paremesean Cheese or Onion
Signing off until tomorrow...
1. Congrats, Cassie P :) I was literally laughing, out loud, as I read your story, and then had to share it with my Mom. We both hope your return trip goes smoother!
2. My vote is for Parmesan Cheese (although many dishes can be made with BOTH)
3. Congrats Tera :)
Green: I'm assuming that "chocolate" can't count as a vice ... chocolate chip cookies (or dough); brownie, caramel bars; twix bars; mom's eggless chocolate cake (dad's allergic to eggs), hot chocolate
Red: Scrump-didile-umptios
Yellow: pretzels, strawberries
Brown: surprise someone you know who loves chocolate with their vice
Blue: is a normal bag of M&M's the 12 oz size? 23
Orange: "Orange" you glad to know I'm driving across the country again next week ... posts to be coming from the southern states!
Parmesan cheese
Green: Dove chocolates, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, Hershey’s cookies and cream bars, ice cream
Red: Marvel
Yellow: Pretzels and Pineapple
Brown:Eating chocolate at every meal (kind of like national ice cream day, CKB) and making cookies for the neighbors
Blue: 17
Orange: I’m going to Louisville, Ky for a week starting today; Myself and my future sister-in-law put together a treadmill last night even when my dad and brother said we couldn’t; I love flip flops; I am going on a trip to Gettysburg with some fellow Hall Directors when I get back to JMU in January
I will see you all next week! Since I'm off to Louisville for the week, I'm not sure how much I'll be on HLA- but I'll check in when I can!!! Have a GREAT new years!!!
Congrats Cassie on getting the boot!
My vote, parmesan!
Green: My treat is any that has rich creamy milk chocolate on the outside with gooey caramel on the inside.
Red: Rapture
Yellow: strawberries and Pepperidge Farm pound cake
Brown: Break a huge Hershey bar amongst friends and with each bite, toast the new year with doable resolutions.
Blue: 8
Orange: This is so sad :( I have nothing to report, there currently is no drama, or excitement or events... just living in my quaint little house in the middle of my street, in the mid west! Aha, but that's a good thing!
Yay for the boot award...in line, out of line...in line, out of line...kind of reminded me of a kid at an ice cream counter...vanilla, no chocolate, no vanilla!
If this vote is for a football party, ya gotta go ONION!
GREEN: Reese's
RED: Kraver Killer
YELLOW: marshmallows
BROWN: See who can bank the most calories of chocolate in one day...ok, so that's very unhealthy...how about drinking chocolate milk at every meal?
BLUE: Really you should only have the red, dark green, and green ones this time of year, so the correct answer should be 0...but since that's probably NOT what you are looking for, I'll go with 9
ORANGE: (4 orange M&M's in the pic, so 4 fun facts to read)
1) I'm doing Christmas with the in-laws Mon-Tuesday
2) My favorite color(s) is/are camo
3) It is 60 degrees outside right now...a record high for here...it is supposed to be the middle of winter...which leads me to...
4) My husband and I both LOVE to go ice fishing (this weather does not lend itself to that particular activity right now). He found an ice shanty on ebay that he decided we HAVE to have...so we should take a road trip to go get it, since the thing weighs 140 pounds (ie:shipping is not an option) however, this shanty is in Wisconsin...did you hear me...Wisconsin...which is 14 hours away from where we are...did I mention we also have a 9 month old girl? I gently reminded him that a 14 hour spontaneous road trip to spend our Christmas money would probably not be such a hot idea...besides, we can't even use the darn thing right now anyway!
YAY! Thanks for voting me the winner of the purple boot! I am super excited because by next Christmas I hope to be moved out of my parent's house and on my own! BUT that means, I will need my own Christmas tree, which will have very little ornaments. The thought of having at least one (and a purple boot at that) makes me smile! Thanks HLA!!!
I vote parmesan cheese (bc I LOVE cheese!) hehe.
Green: peppermint mocha frappaccinos from starbucks, PEANUT M&M's, reese's PB cups, french silk ice cream, my mom's norwiegan cookies (I love chocolate, it was very hard to narrow that down to only 5 things!)
Red: Masterpiece
Yellow: strawberries, pretzel sticks
Brown: Eat a whole bag of peanut M&M's (the big bag), visit hershey PA
Blue: Is it a big bag or a small bag?! That makes a huge difference...CRAP. Ill just go with 11.
1. (the other story I almost told for yesterday's contest) My cousin from LA spent Christmas with us (me, my dad, stepmom, and stepbrother). Her mom had sent her Christmas presents to her in the mail. Since she was spending Christmas with us, she brought her gifts with her to open. The first she opened was a...
BOX OF TAMPONS! You never know with my aunt sometimes.
2. Today me and my family are having a "quiet day"- staying at home in our PJs for a while, eating pancakes, and just hanging out; instead of going, going, going and fighting crowds of people like we have been the past week.
3. I dont get to see Katie K while she is in Louisville the next week because I will still be in cali for the next week :-(
4. I love to go to the gym and work out. And I miss it so much right now.
Green: Am I wierd that I'm not a chocolate-gotta-haver? I like it but I never crave it. I like milk duds in my popcorn and I like white chocolate, too.
Red: Gigglebar
Yellow: strawberries
Brown: Visit Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in South Lake or Park City, Utah.
Blue: 21
Orange: I would love if you would all participate in an art project that I have in mind for 2009.
Secret Ingredient: Parm Cheese.
Cheryl, please elaborate on your Art Project for 2009!
Green: Rasinets, truffles, milk duds, twix or Heath Bars
Red: Divine Delight
Yellow: Cheesecake and bananas
Brown: Chocolate themed party... watching movies about chocolate...like Willy Wonka and the movie Chocolate.
Blue: 12
1. I baked close to 20 dozen cookies this holiday season.
2. My son read his first whole book by himself last week.
3.Chocolate actually gives me a headache, but I eat it anyway. Totally worth it.
4. I have another whole week off from work and I am LOVING it!
Parmesan Cheese...yum-o!
Green-turtles (pecans, chocolate and caramel0, chocolate chip cookiesw/pecans,chocolate cherry kisses, german chocolate cake
Red-10 (in hopes that the more of them you eat the more you become the perfect 10!)
Yellow-strawberries and bananas
Brown-hand out m&m bags with a Happy National Chocolate Day on them.
Orange-Sat out at baseball games all day today, will go back tomorrow, going to visit my dad the 1st and 2nd, want to go out shopping but just haven't wanted to deal with the crowds....
Secret ingredient-onion
Julie~ Sorry to make you wait. Just checking in before I go to bed. I'm going to make you wait a little bit longer though because I need to think it through completely.
Cassie, so sorry we are going to miss each other! I don't have any plans for a visit to Kentucky in the near future, but you should come visit me for a weekend! Sounds like fun to me! Plus, its your last semester of college- live it up!
Katie K
Parmesan cheese is my vote. Congrats, Cassie P!
green: currently, chocolate chip bread, but I really love a simple bar of Hershey's dark chocolate
red: Brainfreeze (meant to be eaten frozen, of course)
yellow: pound cake, brownies, Rice Krispy treats
brown: eat something from my red answer, of course
blue: 27
orange: my BFF from high school is coming to visit us tomorrow, and we're going to spend the next couple of days KNITTING and putting together jigsaw puzzles... I'm ridiculously thrilled by this idea
These have been fun to read. I think on Monday I will do a recap of all the fun candy bar names we've come up with. They've been fun to read.
Katie K...I will totally have to think about it! And see if there is a weekend that I can make the trip this semester- as it is my LAST! AHHHH!!! LOL miss you!
Green: black and white hot choc from starbucks, special dark chocolate pieces, chocolate milk, skor bars, magic bars
Red: so you had a bad day...
Yellow: pretzels and strawberries
Brown: give the kids a black and white hot choc (I did this), make dreidels with kisses (did this too)
Blue: 38
Orange: I'm new here, I found you from Stacie W., I have 8 kids, I work from home
I'd like to vote for Parmesan cheese.
Cheryl, I'll wait :)
I'm going to add to my "Orange" ... my Dad and I have built a toy chest for my niece over the past two days. More work to come tomorrow!
Wow... it's been a few days, so I feel out of the loop. Anyhow, I'm back at it.
My vote - Parmesan cheese
Green: Snickers, and chocolate covered pretzels!
Red: Time Out (has a "Payday" like ring to it...)
Yellow: Bananas and pretzels
Brown: For the HLA community, I think it would be cool to exchange favorite candy bars with one another.
Blue: 6
Orange: 1. I got a new set of pots/pans for Christmas, as well as a new set of kitchen knives.
2. In the spirit of chocolatey celebration, I must say one of my fave chocolate indulgences are chocolate covered oreos.
3. As a kid, I enjoyed white chocolate so much more than regular. That's not the case any more.
4. I'm in the mood for a board game.
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