Friendship Party II
Katie K and the Crew
Ho! Ho! Ho!, Low on Dough

Welcome Emily, Lindsay, Sarah, Cassie, Michelle, Brittany, Nicole, and of course...Katie.
I'll leave the formal introductions of who each of these fun women is to Katie, who like Heather, will hopefully find time today to post a short note about each. I do, however, know a a few of our party guests well enough to know we are going to have a fun filled week. And, Lindsay, who I do not yet know, visited our site last night - before the party even started. That certainly earns her a gold star and lets me know she's going to fit in perfectly.
While I am sure this gathering of women has many things in common, this week they are bound together by their status as "poor student" (or recent grad?), looking for ways to do the holidays on a shoe string. But, let's face it... whether you are newly graduated or trying to squeeze into a dress for your 20th reunion (like me), we can all benefit from creative, but inexpensive gift ideas.
That will be the focus of this week - Holiday gift ideas when you are low on dough. A quick overview of the week, so you know what to expect. Each day this week I will share a gift idea or pose a gift "category" around which we will all brainstorm. Each gift idea will have a different price point, beginning today with the most expensive ($20.00) and ending on Saturday with a price point of $5.00. As always, this impressive gathering of highlowaha readers will build on the idea suggested in my morning post by adding your two cents in the comment section. If all goes well, we will have six days worth of blogging that CHOCK FULL of creative and inexpensive gift ideas.
Newcomers... you will soon find out that this community is about so much more than just a creative idea a day. Hopefully by week's end you will see we are a thriving community providing countless ways for you to join in and get connected. Almost daily we have announcements at the end. Stick around for the announcements, as it is a great way to discover the other fun things going on here at highlowaha. Have a question about an announcement? Don't be shy. We love questions. Surely some old-timer will jump in and post an answer ASAP.
Having said that... let's get this party started.
Who Says Dough Doesn't Grow on Trees?
This photograph isn't great... actually, it isn't even good. Trust me when I tell you that, in person, it looks terrific. I purchased a small Christmas tree at Michael's (with a 50% off coupon $3.59). Then, I took a roll of wired garland ($1.00 at Dollar Tree) and twist tied 40 cookie cutters ($40% off at Joann Fabrics, $9.39) to the tree, making them look like ornaments. Naturally I attached the star cookie cutter to the top. For added fun, I bought a handful of cookie decorating tips (5 x .99 = $5.35) and put them on the tips of various tree branches. This would make a fun gift for a a friend who liked to bake or someone setting up their own apartments/kitchen for the first time. Grand total $19.33.
This idea is an adaptation of a tree I made many years ago for Ricky's third grade teacher. She loved it and told me his gift was the hit of the teacher's lounge. Instead of baking supplies, I covered the tree in school supplies. We strung bright colored paper clips together to be garland; neon covered erasers served as Christmas lights; and pens, pencils, and sticky notes were wired to the branches as ornaments. Instead of a star, the tree was topped off with a gift card to a local teacher supply store.
So it begs the question... What other adaptations are out there? Let's spend some time brainstorming additional ideas today. How about for music lovers, cat lovers, book lovers, coffee lovers, chocolate lovers, golfers, or fishermen? Who do you know? What is he/she a fan of and how can you adapt this idea to fit his/her interests. Have a little girl? What about hair accessories? Older teenager... what about nail polish, clippers, and makeup? If I was making one for Ricky today (at 15), I might wire it with a series of $5.00 gift cards (of course, it would probably surpass today's $20.00 limit). O.k. maybe instead I could wire it with Butterfingers, Reeses Pieces and Snickers. Even a combo of gift cards and candy is fun.
Before you get brainstorming, let me lay out all the things to which you will respond today. There are three.
- First. Yes, use your creativity (we all have some) and share your ideas about how the Christmas tree idea can be adapted to suit the personality of one of your family members or friends.
- Second. I neglected to have people vote on Friday for this week's secret ingredient. It is essential we do it today, as entries must be mailed by mid-week arrive in Illinois on time. Newcomers... We are in the middle of a Snack Throw Down. Readers are going head to head, creating winning recipes, using a secret ingredient decided upon by us. Entries are judged by bar flies at Struble Suds, in Naperville, Illinois. We are choosing between
Cayenne Pepper or Mustard
- Third. Tell me. What does each of you (newcomers and returners) hope to get out of this week. The week is still young, so I have time to try and satisfy as many interests as possible.
Football Snack Throw Down: Congratulations to Susan who won yesterday's Snack Throw Down. As it turns out, Heather's entry didn't arrive, making Susan the automatic winner. I've been lucky enough to taste plenty of Susan's cooking, so I know competing entry or not, she is a first rate competitor! Next up is Cheryl vs. Lori.
Paint The Town Red: A small snafu and therefore announcement. Make sure the 16 oz. Cokes you buy, if starting a Coke Kindness Chain, have red caps. I made the mistake of buying a six pack and they had white caps. I didn't realize that meant there would be no code beneath the lid. Remember to keep submitting your codes to your "Regional Director" or to Heather.
Owl's Nest: If you read Friday's Black Friday post, you will see our Texas readers are going to embark on a shopping trip on your behalf. Read the post and find out how you can win a free Christmas present for a child in your life. We already have a handful of takers. Don't miss out.
Festival of Lights: Sunday, December 14, Highlowaha will embark on our next Virtual Party. To participate all you have to do is submit three photographs to Katie before Friday, December 12. They are: (1) a picture of your Christmas tree or other holiday decoration, (2) a picture of an ornament, and (3) a picture of the same ornament wrapped. We will have a fun ornament exchange while viewing one another's holiday decorations.
Signing off until tomorrow...
I am SO bummed that my pecan maple syrup truffles didn't arrive on time! I spent WAY too much money sending them overnight mail for them to have not made it.
Well, rest assured that when they arrive (and it better be today or my beef with USPS will grow even larger) they taste yummy. They are dipped in white chocolate with green and yellow chocolate dribbled on top to add that Packer spirit.
On another note is the Owl's Nest shopping on Saturday the 6th or Sunday the 7th?
Finally welcome to all you newcomers...I know many of you too and wish this party were in person instead of over the internet.
Good morning!
Let me introduce our party:
Brittany- (first photo in the middle) We went to college together at Bellarmine University. We were both on the Family Weekend committee together.
Cassie- (first photo on the right) We also went to Bellarmine together, and were on the Family Weekend committee together. She was also in the class I co-taught with Claudia.
Emily- (second photo on the left) We went to Bellarmine together and are both from the same hometown. We actually met each other in high school through a mutual friend, but became good friends during college. She was a work study student in Claudia's office our freshman year and a friendship grew from seeing each other so often in the office.
Michelle- (second photo on the right) Michelle and I lived in the same building together our freshman year of college at Bellarmine. We had a mutual friend from home who encouraged us to meet one another. We are also from the same hometown.
Sarah (in the black shirt with flowers)- Sarah was also a work study student in Claudia and Heather's office our freshman year at Bellarmine so I originally met her there. Our sophomore year, she was a Peer Mentor in the same building in which I was a Resident Advisor.
Nicole (in the tie dye sweatshirt)- AKA Funsies as some of you know her! Nicole and I met here at James Madison. She is in the Education grad program to become a high school history teacher. We are also both Hall Directors in the residence halls here at JMU.
Lindsay (black and white photo)- Lindsay is my cousin! As she said in her comment Sunday night, she is from a small town in New Jersey. She is currently a senior at Seton Hall University. What might be fun for Claudia and others to know, is that Lindsay and I were pen pals during our middle school years.
Do you still have the receipt? You should return to the post office and get reimbursed for postage.
Thanks for the introductions, Katie. We're off and running.
Excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon? Mustard....does it matter dry or not?
The Christmas tree idea is wonderful! On my part, it's going to be hard to 'top' anything that Claudia suggested. Clever, clever girl!! I hate to say it, but there is no one in my circle of friends deserving of such a thoughtful and fun gift! They just wouldn't get it!
If you had a special furry friend, you could attach dog bones, little squeaky toys and use a tug o war rope as the garland. The base of the tree could sit in a new dog dish!
Welcome Katie's Krew.... whatcha got for us??
OMG - all my life I've thought I was so creative. As it turns out...I am no where close to you ladies!!! I am in awe and plan to use your ideas and expand when I can.
I really appreciate this week's theme. On my side of the family, we do a gift exchange with a $50 limit per person. This has worked out well to keep the gifts "good" and the cost down. We had to start doing this once all of us kids started getting married. However, this does not cover the other side of the family. So I will be very attentive this week for ideas for my hub's family, teachers, neighbors, other friends, etc.
As for the tree i was thinking that it would be really easy to make a scrapbooking themed tree for relatively cheap. Stickers and embellishments as ornaments, ribbon as garland, decorative paper clips, etc would make for a mightly cute tree. If you were looking for a little more umph, you could wrap up some punches like little gift boxes for under the tree. Hmmm....who can I use that for....hmmm. :)
I vote for mustard.
I do still have the receipt...will they reimburse? I never even thought of that.
Any creative spins on the tree idea for a daycare teacher? They aren't quite at the pencils and paperclips stage and past the pacifiers and bottle stage...
I haven't read the whole post yet. I scrolled through to see what the flavors are... EW!!!!! I don't like either one of those.
Okay. I'll go brush my teeth and get over it and then come back and read. :)
I really like the Christmas tree idea. . .I have a sister in law who will be getting married next year and moving to. . .you guessed it, Texas! Maybe a Texas themed tree would be appropriate for them. . .the problem is, this Pennsylvania girl needs ideas on what such things should be put on a "Texas tree" I may haev to top it off with a lone star on the top, and maybe an engagement pic in the middle. . .any ideas you can throw out ther would be awesome!
oh yeah. . .cayenne pepper, please
housekeeping first...then post topic!
1. mustard
2. im still thinkin on the owl store thing
3. the HLA virtual party- our xmas tree still is not up yet. but i am in on it of course!
4. dr. b- what you and i talked about last week. I think I can do the 15th of dec. that gives us two weeks from today! will that work?!
OK...so I am super excited to be part of Katie's Krew this week! Its fun being a constant reader/commentor, but being on the party guest list!!
I am especially grateful for this topic, as with xmas season, there are lots of little parties with gift exchanges going on. Gifts must be under a certain amount (most often $10), and that can be hard sometimes. I cannot wait to get some good ideas for those gift exchanges I have to attend. One is this weekend and another next week... this is perfect!!
OK...so the tree? Let me think a minute. I have a really good friend with an almost one year old. But she lives across the country. I think it might be hard to send one of those little trees to her! How about my mom. She is one of those coffee lovers...stick the tree in a mug, starbucks gift card, and chocolate covered coffee beans. Not so cute attached to the tree though. And you cant put the coffee beans all over it and still eat them. How bout something not edible? OK, lets think college students, since thats what Katie's Krew is made of...post-its, highlighters, notecards, white-out, staples, paperclip garland (thanks dr. b!), and money for books?! LOL
thats all I have been able to come with this morning. I am sleepy this morning! I will think of it more, and be back later!
OOOH! just thought of another one... scrapbooking supplies!!!
Okay. I'm going to see if I can catch up a little. SO MUCH going on.
I'm wavering on my vote for the snackdown... must find time to search internet for recipes.
Owl's Nest. I will try to make it but I will be traveling back home and don't know if I will be able to make it there by 5pm on Sunday the 7th.
I'm definetly in for the Virtual Christmas party.
This week will be great!!! I love today's idea because you can keep the cost low or go all out and really do it up. Scrapbooking supplies have been mentioned. Coffee treats. Doggy trees. Wow. All great ideas. I need to think more. What about really nice golf balls for the golfer with tees and I don't know what else... Or wine charms. Hmm... I'll keep thinking.
I vote mustard. :)
First off, I vote cayenne pepper for the secret ingredient!
As for the Christmas tree idea, my mom and grandma are avid cross-stitchers, so an idea for either of them would be a tree with cross-stitching supplies. I can see it with thread and little scissors and needles (in the package... this tree could get dangerous if not), and maybe I could even attempt to cross-stitch a star for the top. (I have never cross-stitched before... a star couldn't be too hard, right?)
My stepdad ties flies, so I could do a similar tree for him, with feathers and chenille and all the other little doodads that he uses. Some of the supplies are actually very sparkly and pretty, they'd make good ornaments!
I vote for pepper. As for HEather, I wish your truffles would have made it on time too. They sound tasty.
My husband fly fishes and, Lindsay, you're right. Fly fishing items would make for a truly decorative tree.
Heather posed the question about how the tree might be adapted for a preschool class. What about crayons, glue stick, and toddler paint brushes. I know we have some preschool employees out there. What do you think?
Hello to all the new people! Welcome to HLA! As for the veterans (readers) out there hi to all of you also.
I vote for Cayenne!
I once made a tree and decorated it with things for a baby (booties, pacifiers, mittens, socks, teething rings etc) it was for a baby shower that was right before Christmas. Then I trimmed the tree in pink and blue ribbons and bows. I must admit it did get costly. It was really an original gift so it was worth the cost.
Im off to decorate my house for Christmas. I will check on everyone later:)
Katie's Krew...where are you?!? Maybe you've been procrastinating on assignments like me and are furiously rushing to get them done. If so, we're in the same club.
Anyway, my 2 cents for the day. As a former preschool teacher here are some thing I would have liked to have seen on my tree: gift card to the teacher supply store. Often times preschool teachers hang decorations in their room and do projects that they pay for out of their own pocket. Glue, Glue, Glue...you can never have enough glue in a preschool. Pictures of my kids or maybe a gift card to walgreens which is where I often got pictures printed of my class. And maybe something nice for them to relax with at the end of the day...the only things I can think of would be too heavy for the tree, but maybe a book, lotion, etc. From previous experience, it can be a hard day's work in a preschool!
Quick pop in. Gotta get to Sam's to find an elusive Swiss Gear computer backpack for my nephew.
Glad to hear they liked the Green Bay Granola. But, I am sad that Heather's truffles didn't make it. That sounds soooo yummy! Hmmm, wonder if the mail-people ate them....hehehe.
I'm voting mustard for this week.
Gotta run. Susan
p.s. Claudia - Got the mail you sent. Will get right on that? Hugs!!
I just checked back in, I felt like I'd forgotten something and I had! In response to what I'd like to get out of the week... I want to get some sort of small gift for my friends here at school. It's our senior year so I want some sort of memento or symbol of our friendship over our years here. I have a few ideas but I'm hoping to get some more. =)
Katie I'm here!
Its great to be a part of Katie's Krew. I love all the creative idea flying around.
I think the Christmas tree idea is great. I am a poor college grad who has already told my family they weren't getting Christmas presents this year, but I like giving too much to actually go through with it. So inexpensive gifts are right what I am looking for. You could make a movie night themed Christmas tree. Popcorn, candy, and maybe a gift card to the movies or even blockbuster. I think it costs a little over $5.00 to rent a movie these days. That's about all I have for now but I will keep thinking.
Heather, as a former preschool teacher I can't really come up with much. Things for the classroom were always a nice treat. But if you are looking for something just for them, food was always a big hit.
I love Mustard! I vote Mustard!
Hey to Katie's Krew...have fun this week!
Julie - as SOON as I read the post about picture a childhood place, I went right to the picnic table outside of cabin 1 where we had our "fight" over Popsicle...stupid boys ;) I miss camp like CRAZY and would LOVE To be able to buy the property some day and re-open it.
I love the tree idea. It seems like an inexpensive way to give someone a little bit of everything! You can do SO much with the "decorations".
I'll get in on being an out-of-stater for the Owl's nest, but I don't know any kids other than "my niece" (Julie's niece & Kristen's daugher). "Uncle" Tera's gotta get the baby a good gift!
I vote for mustard...only because I don't like mustard and don't want to have to cook with it myself.
I vote Mustard
I vote Cayenne Pepper as it will create more of a challenge in a recipe.
For Christmas tree ideas- my thoughts went to my Mom who is a teacher to fill it with teacher things, but also my step-mom is from Maine and all her family is back there so maybe could do something to give her a taste of home at the holidays.
And Claudia- not sure if you checked but the Montana Grizzlies beat up on the Texas State Bobcats, so...now we get to play Weber State from Utah- anyone from Weber or Utah wanting to bet Christmas tree ornaments from your state if you lose? I see Katie is at James Madison, who if Montana wins this game and James Madison wins, we could meet in two weeks-
btw, katie- Brittany is still in florida from thanksgiving break. her mom is in the hospital... thought it was her appendix, but that is not it. she is doing fine though, but keep them in your thoughts and prayers. hopefully brittany will be able to join us for the party tomorrow.
I went to Butler, so I am out until March Madness... :)
OH...i forgot the real reason I came back to post...for you college aged girls...
Maybe a "mani/pedi" tree? You could get those 88 cent nail polish minis from Walmart, some travel nail files, etc. OR, if you wanted to go a little more $$, you could buy everyone the same color of polish in a big bottle and use ribbon to make them into ornaments to hang on a big tree. You could also get inexpensive frames and decorate them to be meaningful and include a picture of all of you together. Those could hang on the tree as well. BTW, OPI has some killer fancy colors going on in the designer series right now. They run about $12 per bottle. They are pretty "pimp."
Happy gifting!
Oooohhh... Kelly. Touche', you got me! We tried to find the game on t.v., but couldn't. One Texas ornament coming right up.
I'm not sure, but I think we had a resident of Utah make a post earlier today. Cheryl used to live in Utah. Maybe she still has enough Utah-pride that she would take you on.
I'm off to look for the biggest, tackiest Texas ornament I can find!
I love the idea of a mani/pedi tree! I'm not in college and I would still love it. Add "pimpin'" colored nail polish and nothing could be better. (Anybody who knows me is laughing at me trying to be cool right now.)
Amber, we need you to stick around. You add the "cool factor" to this fun and creative, but nerdy, blog.
Well, yes. I did live in Utah for 9 years but I'm a Texas girl through and through. No Utah pride here. :)
I vote for mustard.
I am, as ktk alluded to, furiously completing assignments in the library right now, buuuuut there's always time for a cheap creative tree gift idea!
Hmmmm...ok maybe this is a stretch, and you could do it for a lot less than 20$, but what about a CD tree. You could use the music that is in your library to create mixes for different moods. You could have a "pump you up," "relaaaax," "high school throw back"... anything really. It would only take a little time, and you could make some really funny and personalized CDs.
Ok... back to work!
just got off work - busy day! I'm loving this place already, virtual or not!
i love this christmas tree idea!! I lvoe all the idea's that have been put out there - my variation on it would be a Navy Pride (or Military Pride) tree because my husband is in the Navy. We always try to do something Navy related for the family so they can show off their pride. You can get stickers, and other miltary doodads to stick on there.
Also - if you know someone who is having a baby (close to xmas or not) you could still do this as a gift, only fill it with baby related items - rattle, bibs, ect.
Tera - I miss you! For everyone - that "fight" that Tera mentioned has been our ONLY fight in our 12 plus years of friendship!
Kristen - your little girl is one lucky baby! You, Tera, and I have all volunteered someone in Texas to shop for her!
Lori - check your email ... I'm in AZ ... just had a little hiccup along the way.
I vote for pepper.
I love the tree ideas! ALL OF THEM!
Welcome Katie's Krew! I met Katie this past summer at Tera and Treye's wedding ... she's a wonderful person!
To Tera, CKB, and Katie - when I finally get to my place in Surprise ... I'll get you my mailing address.
Heather - have you gotten anything in the mail recently?
I vote for the mustard! DeDe Reese, Victoria Texas
Ah ha ha! I very much fit into the nerd category...just ask Jes. :)
First off, my vote goes to Cayenne pepper.
The staff association I'm involved with does Lottery ticket trees quite often as fundraisers. You could probably do a decent lottery ticket tree for under $20. (Yeah, it's not that creative, but I've always liked the idea.)
Sorry it took me until just now to reply!!! My computer was not letting me post, it would freeze up!!
I could only think of two things that I would personally use one the christmas tree... and one of them is only college student friendly.
Because these might be heavy they might be better suited for the wreath instead of the tree though.
The first would be putting different types of common spices on the wreathe. They sell for anywhere between 2 and 4 dollars a piece, depending on what brand you buy.
The second idea, (which is college student friendly) would but to put the little bottles of alcohol on it. I have a few friends who I know would love it! (Only 21 and over of course!) These also sell for around 2 to 4 dollars a piece depending on what kind you buy.
I really like putting different 5 dollar gift cards on there though! It would probably go over the 20 dollar limit but its a good way to give someone something when you have no idea what to give them!
I wish I knew someone who liked to bake cookies! haha!
Also, I would have voted for the cayenne pepper :)
I hope my idea doesnt offend anyone!!! It wasn't meant to do that!! :)
Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all folks
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