There is a lot of collective knowledge and wisdom frequenting our blog site each day, so before the holidays pass and we - all to quickly - move on to New Years, Valentine's Day, and St. Patrick's Day, let's take a moment to answer this question...
If I know then what I know now, I will...
Based on your experience with Christmas 2008, is there an idea you saw or heard that you want to remember for next year? A recipe you want to try, but that just ain't gonna happen in '08? An outing or event you want to be sure to catch, but time just ran out? A store you want to visit? A gift idea you want to try? A holiday decoration you want to make? A wrapping tip or some insider information you want to be sure to remember?
Today's the day.
Brain dump all your "couldas," "wouldas," and "shouldas," right here at Idea Central and I will make sure they come right back atcha on Friday, November 27, 2009 - with plenty of time to make them happen next year.
Increase the value of this resource exponentially by getting as many people as you can to post their contribution. The more people (newcomers, lurkers, and faithful veterans) who post today, the more helpful the information will be next year.
I'll start. Last Friday, Matthew received a small treat from one of his classmates. The festive cellophane party bag came half filled with oats, sprinkles, and sparkles. Attached was this poem:
Magic Reindeer Dust
Come December 24, as Santa flies here from the North,
Here's what you do, it isn't hard.
Just sprinkle this stuff in your yard...
The sprinkles and sparkles draw old Santa near
and oats attract his 8 reindeer...
Then just you wait - they're on their way
P.S. Happy Holiday
There is no way I will keep track of this poem for the next 364 days, but I love the idea and want to be sure to use it next year (of course, adapted and with my own little twist). The idea is great for a few reasons... (1) it's inexpensive, so it's doable for a class of 20 (or neighborhood kids, etc...), (2) it isn't junk food, (3) kids can help make and package the gift, and (4) it is practical. We know exactly what to do with it and once we spread the dust tomorrow night, there will be no chatcka left behind.
As far as I am concerned, Magic Reindeer Dust is an idea worth keeping. Now it's safely deposited in Highlowahas Brain Bank, ready to be withdrawn next Thanksgiving.
Also, kudos to Mrs. Sampract who, if she didn't come up with the idea, kept track of it for a year until she could use it!
Now it's your turn. Fill us up with countless comments about all the things you want to be sure and remember for the holidays in 2009!
Signing off until tomorrow...
P.S. And since we seem to be on a movie kick... here are popcorn containers I found in the dollar bin at Target - packaged up and ready to go. Each one only cost $2.20 to make (minus the $15.00 gift card attached to the four containers for Matthew and Jack's teachers).
Points to remember from this holiday season? I can't wait to see what we come up with today!
First off, though - my "paint the town red" coke reward showed up as the last post from yesterday!
*I love sending out Christmas cards, but I hate addressing the envelopes. I took one night and watched my favorite TV programs while JUST addressing envelopes. It made the task less mundane.
* Perhaps I will try the picture placed on a postcard idea that we talked about awhile ago and use them as Christmas cards (http://www.the2buds.com/suph2pc.htm)
* This is the first year that I've had to fly home for the holidays. Because of that, I had to plan ahead with shopping - either shopping early (Thanksgiving time for me), shop online (mail to my parents house), or draft someone at home into shopping for me. ... All in an attempt to not wake up at home on Dec 22 with the daunting task of doing all of my Christmas shopping in 2 days.
I'm going to take .... someone's advice from last week ... and do all of my wrapping of presents this morning ... with some fun Christmas show on TV. It'll be my own little Santa's workshop!!
*** Tera - I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ***
*** I beat Kristen in posting today ... but either I was dreaming last night, or her little girl was up 2 times in the middle of the night ... ***
Spreading Cheer
Also ... I just finished up an assignment in a nursing home on Friday. ... But on Friday I wore a Santa hat to work ... and made many many (residents and co-workers alike) smile :)
No Julie, you were NOT dreaming...Jennifer was up for a very long time last night. If she does that again (and hopefully she won't, because she usually doesn't, I'll be sure to get you!)
I saw the cutest Christmas picture card idea the other day. Someone with two kids simply had Ho! Ho! Ho! written on an angle on the card. Each kid had an individual pic in one of the O's, while the middle O had a pic of the two of them together.
I'll be back with more ideas later...creative juices are flowing like molasses in January right now.
Cheryl: Got your mail yesterday...your boys are adorable...thanks so much!
If anyone has time to surf the web, you can find a ton of ideas, if you know where to look... I did the magic reindeer food about 10 years ago here's one site:
(when my youngest was three)...
There are poems and recipes
for snowman poop (and soup) Marshmellows and hot chocolate with a candy cane... in the card making world there are little themes for each holiday, and cardmakers out-do themselves when creating the packaging, I could go on all day... but lucky you, I won't.
As for me.... better organization for all my holiday decorating tubs... I need better labels, I need to put like things together ... for the life of me, I couldn't find the hundreds of little ornament hangers, (so I bought hundreds more)or the extra light fuses... so I think on the
26th I will make a point to put extras in piles and group and label... to ease the finding next year!
Ornament hangers! Good point! They must go in a box with a big label on it saying, "Ornament hangers."
Well, I want to finish our countdown calendar and be ready to use it next year with fun little activities and small gifts for the boys to open.
I want to get my Christmas shopping done in July. HA! That's a lofty goal.
I want to host an Open House party. Maybe.
I want to get all my decorations and wrapping paper organized and ready for next year.
Next year I want to remember to make "reindeer food" for the students I supervise/advise and my fellow HDs. I've always known it as puppy chow, but this year I received it as reindeer food.
Another point, based on something Cheryl said. I do the 12 Days of Christmas Countdown with my boys ( you saw the tree in last Saturday's post, I think). Anyway...
I was thinking that next year, rather have each day represent a different activity (or even treat), each day would be a different Christmas joke! There are tons of them on line.
That's quick and easy and little boys will love it. If I was doing a more adult version, I might use Christmas trivia.
Also... don't throw away cute wrapping paper with fun and good-sized shapes on them such as snowmen, ornaments, or Christmas trees,
You can cut them out of the paper this year, mount them on card stock and use them as cool gift tags next year.
For gift tags: Old Christmas card fronts, cut with funky scrapbooking scissors, write (or stamp) the To: and From: and put them with your wrapping paper... Recycle!! (most people just sent the picture holiday card this year, so my used cards are dwindling)
Peggy, or anonymous at work
Here is what I think is the icing recipe in case you never got it.
2/3 cup water
4 tablespoons of the Meringue powder
3 lb of confectioner's sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon butter flavoring
3/4 teaspoon no-color almond extract
Next year I want to do photo Christmas cards! I was planning on doing it this year, but our camera wasn't working until just a few days ago.
My other desire for next year is to do a cookie exchange with my friends.
I love the reindeer food idea! I have seen something like that called "snowman soup". It is hot chocolate mix, a few chocolate chips and marshmallows, complete with a candy cane for stirring! I don't remember the poem that goes with it, but I thought it would be a fun thing to make up for the neighbors.
checkin in after a couple days...its weird not being in on the "action" every day. in case I don't make it back, Merry Christmas everyone!
Snowman soup:
1 package hot chocolate mix
3 Hershey Kisses
10 mini-marshmallows
1 candy cane
Place in a small ziplock bag or in a new mug.
Attach this poem:
"Was told you've been real good this year
Always glad to hear it
With freezing weather drawing near
You'll need to warm the spirit
So here's a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick
Just add hot water, sip it slow
It's sure to do the trick!"
More Snowman Soup Poems
Cocoa Poem
A little cup of cocoa,
I'm sending your way,
For you to sip and enjoy,
On some cold lonely day.
As you sip this cocoa,
It's warmth will warm your heart.
Just like our friendship warmed mine,
Right from the very start.
When it's so cold that
you holler and whoop,
It's time to bring out
the Snowman Soup!
Pour the packet in a mug.
Add marshmallows too.
And throw in these kisses
that are special just for you.
Now add some hot water
and use the cane to stir it.
Sip slowly and soon you'll
feel the warm winter spirit!
When the weather outside is frightful,
Snowman Soup can be delightful.
May it warm your spirit and your soul.
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
When you feel a chill or 'burrrrrr',
Use the peppermint stick to stir.
Add hot water and sip it slow.
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
Peggy or anonymous at work
next year i want to make sure that we get a holiday picture taken with the new babies...so that we can put the picture in our holiday greetings before we go to hawaii.
i also want to figure out how to "record" memories of the babies first christmas, seeing that they'll only be 5 months old.
Peggy.. you single handedly are going to make today's posts worth gold! Keep 'em coming.
Kat... I couldn't agree more. I am finally convinced photo Christmas cards are the way to go. It's nice for the recipients, but it is also a great way to "archive" your how your family changes over the years.
I've received so many great Christmas cards this year, I decided next year I want to have a Christmas card contest. It will be an informal, internal thing. I'll wait until they've all come rolling in and then I'll send a special note to the person whose card I think is most notable.
Also... if you haven't heard me and my little rant, let me repeat it. I LOVE when people send Christmas cards picturing the entire family - not just your kids (or pets). Though we are all proud of our kids, I want to see everyone!
O.k. that's it. Back to wrapping.
Oooohhhh... recording kids memories seems like something right up our alley, Michelle. Surely we can help in this arena.
Anyone, anyone?
By the way... for Kat, me, and anyone else committed to hosting a cookie exchange next year...
Let's commit to buying tins next week, on sale. Then we can send our guests home with pretty tins full of cookies and we're just a bit more "invested" in making sure our exchange happens.
Shutterfly and Kodak, plus many more card/picture companies all have those specials to turn any picture into any type and quantity card you want.... online. (google search holiday picture cards)
Because of places like HLA and others, throughout the years I take heed.... I send a family picture (so everybody can see me in my glory!!) we all look forward to taking the pictures...and I type out a cute newsy letter, and yes!! I boast all about my kids accomplishments and where we went for vacation....
I can tell you, I'd rather get all kinds of fun stuff in the mail... rather than nothing... or just a picture card with no signature or note, nothing!!... what effort in sending a holiday card is that? And excuse me if any of you do that... because you are so busy ... it's just one of those things {pet peeves of mine}... for friends in different parts of the country who I do not keep in touch with, the traditional Christmas card is what I've done... but I'm getting tired of having such high expectations from people from my past... and think I will slowly start cutting my list way down. I'm feeling out of site, out of mind.
Peggy or anonymous at work
My mother-in-law does a picture of everyone that they spent Christmas with and then sends it out as a New Years card. It is just a simple Walmart photo card, but it is really neat to look back and see who was there what year and see how much all the little cousins and grand kids have grown.
I like the idea of getting my Christmas tins in a few days to save for next year! Even if I buy more then I need, it's not like they are going to go to waste! I'll bet I can find fun sprinkles and cookie cutters on sale too.
Peggy or Anonymous at Work~
I went and had the picture made, hand addressed the card, put a sticker on it and went and stood in the long line at the post office to buy the cute holiday stamps~ that's not effort?
I'm sorry I didn't sign mine. :(
I'll try to do better next year. ;)
Ah Cheryl... I know, yes it is an effort to stamp, seal, address, and wait in line... but if I haven't heard from you in a year, personally... I would like to know what you and the kids have been up to...what's been making you tick, what are your hopes and dreams for 2009!! I like to take time out of my busy (or I guess, not so busy life) and see how y'all are doing.
I know Christmas/Holiday cards can be a heavy subject... to write? type? to send a picture? just the kids pic? signatures? funny boasting note? picture of the goldfish?... everyone has a personal take!!
Peggy or anonymous at work
will it ever stop snowing??
Hmm... let me think about this....
Work, kids, sleep, eat, work, kids, sleep, eat. Yep, my life is way too boring to put in a full-fledge Christmas newsletter. :)
I get it though. You're interested in your friends lives and that's a good thing. I can tell you right now- you know everything about me from HLA- you will not be receiving a newsletter. :)
SNOW! Stop snowing where Peggy is. She's had enough for now!
I forgot to put clean and tutor in there! Now, that's interesting stuff.
Must I eat crow?
Thank you Cheryl for the cute & lovely Christmas picture card, from Texas!
I appreciate your thought!
It's 7:00 central time and the night is young. Fill me up with some more thoughtful tips we can use to get a jump on next year's holidays.
The more tips we have, the more valuable today's post becomes.
Okay it is 8:12 eastern time and both Lily and Bal are sound asleep. It has been a long few days of travel from Texas and a few rough days of keeping Lily entertained without our usual comforts of home.
As far as tips go here are mine.
-If travelling, convince family that they should wrap a picture of Lily's present and have the actual gift sent post holiday to our Texas location (the in laws just asked Bal if we rented a large SUV because we'd need it to tote all of Lily's new things home)
-Pick up kid's Christmas clothes (I'm a huge fan of getting new PJs for Christmas eve) after the season ends. Seems like you can get some great deals. Last year I bought Lily a hunter green dress post season and it fits like a charm this year!
-Go see Santa early (especially Michelle and others with little ones too young to know the difference)! Last year we went on the Friday after Thanksgiving and walked right up. This year we waited in line for a LONG time meaning by the time we got up to the line we had a VERY cranky baby. And it turns out she would have NOTHING to do with Santa so all that time was wasted and we didn't even end up with a picture (not even a screaming shot as she couldn't be pried from my shoulders).
-Take the time to stage some of the cute Christmas pictures with the kids. I've seen some great ones of kids with pjs on and cookies and some others with Christmas trees. Unfortunately I let the stress of the holidays get to me and didn't get any such photos taken.
That's all I've got. I'm tired and I need to get our room packed up to head up north tomorrow.
Good Night HLA and I'll write again when I have internet access.
In case I don't get back before MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!!
No Crow for you Peggy. :) How about some snowman poop? Ha!
uh... what else for next year? Countdown Calendar, Gifts, Cards, Decorations, Food, Christmas music, mistletoe! Next year I have to have Mistletoe to chase Drew and JB around with. Outdoor Decorations... I'd like to have outdoor decorations next year.
Final note: I made an EncourageMints jar for my husband's 100 year old great grandmother...she gets it tomorrow...anyway...I think it would have looked even better had I frosted the glass first...also, frosted candle holders with tree or snowflake designs on it would be cool.
Julie will be going on a type of a scavenger hunt Christmas morning for her gift...she already knows this...with some luck she just may have her gift by Christmas evening!
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