It started out as a lark. A simple idea, mostly designed to keep me sane while waiting for Jack to start preschool and for me to find the right job opportunity at the right time. While living in Louisville, reader Jess, introduced me to the world of blogging. She shared her fun family blog with me and even told of the pocket money one could earn by subscribing to Adsense and then hoping people clicked on your ads. Technology is not my thing, but I could relate to the idea of journaling and, of course, effortlessly earning pocket money was a no-brainer.
CSPgrad met me at Starbucks on one fateful Sunday to set up my blog and try to walk me through the basics. Heather, whose house I stayed at that weekend, helped me chose my blog template and "temporarily" dropped in a picture - you know, just long enough to return to Dallas where I could replace it with a more current picture of the whole family. I pause to mention this factoid, because 364 days later, you are still greeted with the same old picture of me and Matthew (yes, Matthew - not Jack).
I decided on a creative-idea-a-day, because frankly, I'm not qualified to write about much else. People have frequently commented on my creativity and when Stephanie, my friend and former intern, read my palm years ago, she said two things: One, "You're very creative" and two, "You'll work hard your whole life." I'm not sure how I feel about number two, but I knew I could have fun with number one.
To be honest, I never thought a second about who I would be writing to or for how long my blogging adventure would last. I had no idea whether, when push came to shove, I could come up with an idea-a-day, but it was of no concern. Looking back, I don't know why it was of no concern. A creative idea-a-day, for an undesignated period of time and regardless of where I was or what I was doing, should at least have warranted a second thought.
But it didn't and that's what I want the focus of today's post to be. What happens when we jump into something without over analyzing it, without too much planning or consternation and we simply trust. We trust that, by putting one foot in front of another, day in an day out, our efforts will amount to something. If I would have given this venture too much thought, the inconvenience of making posts while working 16 hour days at Leadershape would have overwhelmed me. The practical realities of sick kids, conflicting schedules, technical difficulties, and sheer mental fatigue would have discouraged me from committing.
I 've learned some things this year. The first thing is that I have the discipline to commit to something and then, regardless of circumstances, to make it happen. I, like you, might have hoped this was true, but now I have 338 posts to prove it is so. And, guess what. All of you readers who have been with me from the beginning and who have continued checking in daily... you get to say the same thing. It feels good and I can't help but wonder what else I... we... are capable of if when we apply this same level of discipline to other areas of our life.
Here's the second thing I've learned and I love it, because Matthew has heard me say it enough times in the past couple of days, that now he is repeating it. I've learned that, "If we do a little bit every day, we can do anything." Last night Matthew was playing in our study. When I pointed out that it was late and that he should start putting Lincoln Logs away, he was quick to tell me why he intended to leave them exactly where they were... "No mommy, if I build a little bit every day, I can make a house."
What have we built by simply giving HLA a little bit of our attention every day? I might be biased, but I think we've built a pretty remarkable community. I say remarkable, because in one short year many of us have gone from (literally) virtual strangers to friends with whom we exchange Snail Mail, compete for prizes, and patches, share holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and National Tug of War Day. We completed four service projects and raised over $1,000. Heck, we've even been to the Olympics together. This Highlowaha experience has underscored my core belief that with a little bit of action every day, we can accomplish anything - even building pyramids that stand 5,200 years later.
So, let's review and then I have a question for each of you.
Spending this year with you has taught me two things. I hope you find them as empowering as I do.
First, no matter how many new year's resolutions we've broken, how many times we've started and restarted a diet, or how many times we've promised ourselves we'd break an old habit, all humans are capable of sustained effort when the outcome is something that genuinely matters to us.
Second, a little bit of effort each day goes a long way.
Think about it. If I promised to write a page a day, I could have the rough draft of a 365-page book by next February 17. If I vowed to jog one mile, I would have run the equivalent of 14 marathons. If I paid just one just compliment each day, I would be responsible for 365 smiles. Learning one new Italian word each day means I could order dinner next time Richard and I are in Rome. Saving one dollar a day could result in enough airfare to visit a friend. One visit to Highlowaha nourishes my soul and gives me access to an international gathering of creative minds. You see what I mean. One gesture, of even the smallest kind, will amount to something of substance, provided you sustain the effort over time.
So in celebration of our one year anniversary, let's answer this question...
If every day for the next year I..., then I....
Signing off until tomorrow's BIG DAY...
If I blow my nose every day for the next year, it will ammount to the number of times I've done so in the past two days!
I'm soooo sick right now and can't think straight. I've been up since 2:30 AM. Treye will be home in about 2 hours to take me to the doctor. Yuck.
Happy Tuesday, HLA. If I come back to my senses later, I'll share something insightful.
TERA! I hope you feel better quick!
I sit here having been surrounded by sick people the past week; and am sniffling! UGH! I think they got me.
I will have to think on this question and what I could do everyday for a year! I will be back with it later today
If every day for the next year I introduced myself to one new person, then I would have met 365 new people on this campus.
If every day for the next year I give my friend a hug, then I will have reminded them 365 times that they mean the world to me.
If every day for the next year I write down 1 thing I am thankful for, then I will have a list of 365 things I appreciate about my life!
Tera, I hope you feel better, friend! I didn't call you back this past weekend, b/c I didn't know if you were up to talking and/or even awake!
If every day for the next year I do 10 sit ups and 10 push ups, then I will have a stronger core with little effort in 365 days.
If every day for the next year I spend 5 minutes on one of my many started craft projects, then I should have them all completed and then some in 365 days.
If every day for the next year I send one text message to a family member or friend to tell them how much they mean to me,then I would have inspired 365 smiles!
So far so good. Keep them coming.
Feel better, Tera.
Claudia - I love the way you write!! Each post seems to be thoughtfully written out, complete and easy to understand. I appreciate that so much... in a life coach!!
If every day for the next year, I create a fun greeting card, then I have 365 cards that I can send out, give away, or sell. That, will in turn create a smile or a good feeling for another person.
If you haven't guessed... for me... my creativity is so important to me on a daily basis.
It could be a metaphore for something else in my life, I haven't figured it out yet.
Creating cards is like a little personal goal I reach for every day, and by completing creativity... I reach my goals, and for that, I feel it helps me be the best I can be in all aspects of life.
If every day this year I take a moment to myself then by the end of the year maybe I'll have my sanity (haha).
Seriously though, if every day this year I make a healthy dinner then I will have saved hundreds of dollars on take out and hopefully Bal and I will have lost an untold amount of weight.
What does it say about me that I saw give a friend a hug every day and it made me cringe? I'm definitely not a hugger.
Only one more day until the People's Choice Awards...what is everyone wearing? eating? drinking?
I'll be wearing a black strappy dress with black strappy sandals (after I paint my toe nails).
I don't yet know what I'll be eating but I've been thinking about pulling together the supples for my sherbert punch! (Yummo!)
Heather, it says that you're not a hugger, but this is something I already knew, so it's okay!
I will be wearing a black halter top dress with black sling back shoes that have a small heel on them...that is unless I find some time today to get out and get some different shoes to wear!
If every day for the next year I drew 3 lip fish, then I would have over 1,000 lip kisses for my art project.
I worked on my goal fishing project this weekend and I do not like the technique I was going to use. I have 5 fish drawn... hope to update project blog this week.
If everyday for the next year I wrote one poem, then I would have 365 poems for a book.
If everyday for the next year I worked out 60 minutes a day, I would be bikini worthy. I'm ready for summer but my muffin top is not. Ayh! I don't have a 365 days for this one... try 90!
Virtual Awards Party- All I know is I am wearing my strapless black and white dress that I've only worn once. Eating and Drinking? Don't know yet. Can't wait!
Katie- you'll be in Texas tomorrow! Yay!
I every day I did my laundry I could always see my couch! :-)
If every day I did a "60 second kiss" I'd have a very strong marriage.
If every day I put lotion on my hands they wouldn't be rough.
If every day I blogged, I'd be a NaBlPoMo winner.
Tera feel better.
Julie - go for the core!
I love punch I hadn't considered it. I just might do it!
Cheryl- Yay!!! This time tomorrow I will be in the midst of traveling! Now I just have to get all these things on my to-do list finished between now and then. Including finishing a paper that's due at 3 pm today.
If I pull my bow back five times a day for the next year, then I will be able to increase my poundage significantly
If I learn (actually commit to memory) something new each day, then I will be a much smarter person 365 days from now
If I drink a six pack a day, then I will be well on my way to a grand beer belly in under a year...ok, so i'm really not aspiring to do that, but I bet it made you smile when you read it!
Happy Tuesday HLA!! Big day tomorrow. YEA!
Love what Matthew said...:)
If I took a picture of my girls everyday for a year, I would truly see how much they change in a year.
If I read a page a day in one of the many books I want to read, I could finish them in a year.
If I wrote down a sweet thought or memory about my mother everyday for a year, I would have a special Christmas gift to give her. (I have wanted to do this for many years and I just haven't committed myself to doing it...no better time than the present!!)
Have a wonderful day and for those of you who are under the weather..Get Well Soon!
OK, so its the only thing I can think of right now...
If I wear this new retainer for the next 365, then I will have straighter teeth!
HAHA, so I am 21 and got a retainer at the dentist today because my teeth are becoming crooked on the top/front. WOOO, gotta love it.
AND tomorrow night, I babysit until 8:30p here, which means I wont have much time to get all dressed up. But maybe I will wear a black dress like everyone else. And maybe I will break out my silver heels that I never get to wear. I will eat whatever I can find really quick before I go babysit, and then grab a snack of some sort when I come home. but I will DEFINITELY have a glass of wine for the grand event!! I CANT WAIT!!!
If I read a chapter in a book each day next year, then I will have read more books than I have in recent years.
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