Bunny, bunny.
Today's post is compliments of Struble Suds. Cristine sent me these fun trivia questions to answer while watching the Super Bowl. For those of you who are like I am - into the Super Bowl for the festivity of it, not so much the game itself - it will make the evening that much more pleasurable.
- How many beers will Matt drink?
- Who will the Super Bowl MVP thank first? God, teammates, family, coach, no one?
- How long will it take Jennifer Hudson to sing the national anthem?
- What commercial will be the highest rated on the USA Today Annual Super Bowl Ad meter? - Budweiser, GoDaddy.com, Pepsi, Coke, McDonalds, Doritos?
- Will Obama call the winning team before the Super Bowl broadcast goes off the air?
- What song will Bruce Springstein play to begin the half time show? Born in the USA, Glory Days, The Rising, The Wrestler, Radio Nowhere, I'm on Fire?
- How many time will NBC show AZ quarterback Kurt Warner's wife Brenda be shown on TV during the game?
- Which NBC program will get the most promos during the game? The Office, 30 Rock, Chuck, Friday Night Lights, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, or Conan O'Brien?
- What color liquid will be dumped on the winning coach? clear, red, yellow, blue, green, orange, lime green?
- How many food items will John Madden mention during the game?
Find out tomorrow morning!
No one else is posting. How fun! I'm just in it for the commercials and blooper stuff.... could careless!! But today's post has so many questions for my brain to think about.
I'm still looking for my pebble... glad I found my pet rocks though...man, I've discovered I really have to purge some stuff(junk/crap). It's one of my many Fishing Goals. That and putting 'like' things together in one place.
I did get all my HLA patches ironed on today! Yay me!!
Happy Superbowl Sunday!!!
My trip to Gettysburg was amazing yesterday! If you are my facebook friend, I put up some fun pictures. However, pictures could not really do justice to what I experience yesterday. Growing up in school, I never liked or understood history, but I think seeing it in real life and picturing the scene as I stand where they stood, makes it seem so real....and awe inspiring!
As for the superbowl, we're hosting a party in our TV Lounge here in our building and then for the second half I'll be off to a friend's house to watch it! I just need the Steelers to lose! Go Cardinals!
Peggy, I too, plan on ironing on all my patches today!
I'm glad there's a lot of patchi-ironing-on going on. Anyone who has earned at least one Highlowaha patch should be assuring they are securely attached to some coveted piece of denim ASAP!
Alright, alright, I will take this as my shout- CASSIE, IRON ON YOUR NEW PATCH TO SOMETHING!!! lol
i love watching NFL, go COLTS! But my second team is the steelers, so GO STEELERS today!
I am just hanging out with my family for superbowl today, which is what I usually do. But I worked out after church today so I could eat all the foods my mom is making- meatballs, cheese&salami&crackers, spinach dip, cake. OH and dont forget the beer!
Liquid dump will be orange and the numbers of beers for Matt will be "plenty" as he got a new keg of St. Pauli Girl just for the occasion. Warner's wife will be seen 7 times and god will be thanked first.
My Trivia Answers:
~ 5
~ God
~ 2:46
~ Budweiser or E-Trade Babies
~ No
~ Born in the USA
~ 3
~ Conan
~ Orange
~ 27
How many beers will Matt drink? 37
Who will the Super Bowl MVP thank first? God, teammates, family, coach, no one? Teammates
How long will it take Jennifer Hudson to sing the national anthem?
2 minutes 59 seconds
What commercial will be the highest rated on the USA Today Annual Super Bowl Ad meter? - Budweiser, GoDaddy.com, Pepsi, Coke, McDonalds, Doritos? Budweiser
Will Obama call the winning team before the Super Bowl broadcast goes off the air? no
What song will Bruce Springstein play to begin the half time show? Born in the USA, Glory Days, The Rising, The Wrestler, Radio Nowhere, I'm on Fire? Born in the USA
How many times will NBC show AZ quarterback Kurt Warner's wife Brenda be shown on TV during the game? 9
Which NBC program will get the most promos during the game? The Office, 30 Rock, Chuck, Friday Night Lights, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, or Conan O'Brien?
Jay Leno
What color liquid will be dumped on the winning coach? clear, red, yellow, blue, green, orange, lime green? Orange
How many food items will John Madden mention during the game? 18
OK, my lil fish patch is ironed onto my patchwork denim jeans!!!
PS go Maureen and her onion dip!
is somebody really keeping teack of all the answers to those questions? it's int the 4th quarter now, so i won't comment . . .but. . .
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