Congratulations AZLori
Winner of the First Annual Super Bowl
Snack Throw Down 2009
After a hard fought battle, Lori's salsa reigned supreme over the east coast's onion dip. Maybe it counters the fact that the East Coast beat the west coast in the actual Super Bowl. One win for each coast. I like it. Also, a big thanks to Maureen too for being such a formidable competitor. Nice job, women!
Announcements at the end...
This is going to be a fun week. We are dedicating the next six days to all things RED, in honor of Valentines Day (February 14) and Highlowaha People's Choice Award (February 18 at 8:00 p.m.). So each day we will address two things: ideas for making your valentine(s) feel special and ideas for celebrating our one-year anniversary in style.
For those relatively new to the highlowaha game... a little bit of background about the People's Choice Awards (Valentine's Day, I assume, you already get). The People's Choice Awards is an award show to be viewed on our blog site on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. The show will commemorate one year of blog fun, as well as recognize many of the people responsible for making this special community what it is. Readers nominated one another in the following nine award categories: Sliced Bread Award, Raising the Bar Award, Good Neighbor Award, Energizer Bunny Award, Spirit of #218 Award, Homerun Award, Newbie Award, Veteran Award, and the Oz Award. For detailed descriptions of each, check out announcements from the post labeled, 1/24.
Virtually Groundbreaking Countdown:
We've already established, in previous posts, that we hope you will dress up for February 18th's affair. Dust off your fanciest dress, most glitzy jewelry, and most impratical pumps (you will be in the comfort of your own home, after all). Men, make sure your tux still fits. Sure, we could do this Virtually Groundbreaking event in sweatshirts and jeans, but it wouldn't be as fun, nor would the casual dress be in keeping with the kind of formal recognition we hope to deliver that evening. So, as silly as it seems, allow yourself to live the Spirit of 218 and join us, decked out for an evening of fun.
Invitations. That's today's topic. One thing is for sure. You will feel far less silly dressed up in your fanciest duds, if you are actually hosting an event. Consider a pre-party party. For instance, I am fully intending to make fancy invitations, inviting my husband and each of my sons to join me for a night of celebration. But, in addition to family why not invite some friends and neighbors? They might not care much about the 8:00 People's Choice Award, but certainly we can come up with something worth celebrating (stay tuned). Invitations can be as informal as an e-vite or as formal as a scroll of parchment paper tied with a red ribbon.
Valentine's Idea:
In keeping with the invitations outlined in today's Virtually Groundbreaking Countdown, I thought today we would talk about Valentine's Mail Bags (no surprise when you know how much I love mail!). Thanks to the thoughtful and organized reader, Maureen, my family and I received our first Valentine's of the season on Saturday. A few years ago I purchased three

Don't have one? Maybe you can make one out of felt, red yarn, and a big needle? Sewing not your thing? How about using red or white poster board and red yarn or ribbon?
- Speaking of Invitations: Highlowaha is seeking the names and addresses of 50 people to receive a personal invitation to join the Highlowha community, beginning Thursday, February 19, 2009. These are people in your neighborhood, your work place, or your children's school or play group. It might even be the friend of a friend of a friend who you think might particularly enjoy our community. Please tell us their name and contact information, so printed invitations can be mailed soon.
- Winner of Belly Cast: Fellow reader, Stacie, donated a Belly Cast during last week's Virtual Baby Shower. Four people took guesses at Stacie's son's name (beginning with "L" and ending in "N." We had a Landon, a Larson, and a few people who admitted an unfair advantage, because they know Stacie and therefore know her son's name. Since my original plan failed, I did a drawing using the names of all the pregnant woman who posted that day. They were: Kelly, Erica, Michelle, and Melanie. And the winner is... Michelle! Michelle, I will pass your name and address along to Stacie who will send you the Belly Cast. What a fun way to remember your pregnancy with twins.
- Winner of Photo Shoot: Much of Louisville was without power last week (and in some cases is still out of power). Consequently, I decided to do a drawing of all the readers I know we have in the Louisville area to see who would win the photo shoot (Stacie, Melanie, Jess, Robin, Nicole) are some of the ones I know about) with photographer and fellow reader, Laura Kline. Robin, you are the lucky winner! Congratulations. I will communicate with you via email to assure you and Laura get connected.
- Host the Next Virtual Party: Thanks again to Kristen for hosting last week's baby shower. I had fun and hope everybody got (or gave) at least one new idea. We are looking for the next social butterfly to gather 5 or 6 of his/her friends and to decide the topic you would most like covered. This party will happen in April, as February and March are booked solid with all sorts of fun.
Thanks Cheryl
for hand painting the
HLA Super Bowl!
Signing off until tomorrow...
Congrats AZLori...sounds like you know how to make salsa out there in AZ, just haven't quite yet figured out how to beat the STEELERS in the superbowl!!! was a pretty darn good game!
What was the snack score???
I don't think there was actually a score taken in the snack throw down...if I'm correct.
Congrats to all you Steelers fans and "We'll get em' next time for all those Cards fans...or those like me who were just rooting against the Steelers!"
Congrats to Robin and MIchelle for winning some prizes...Robin I'm jealous of your photo shoot...Laura is fantastic and should give you some excellent shots of your beautiful family.
As far as Valentine's go...we don't have any mail bag traditions but I know that if I'm going to start one I have no more than a year left of Lily not really remembering so I can't miss the boat.
Have a good day to get ready for work.
Wow! That bowl is GREAT!!! Congrats to AZLori and also to Maureen for her weeks of dedication to sending in entries!
Happy Groundhog's Day, HLA!!!
Congrats AZlori!! I am so happy for you and GOD knows I am happy I have no more entries to worry about. Last night was an awesome game. Of course all of the "sore" losers are gonna find fault in everything. If it were the other way around we would be complaining also.
So officially the West can make great Super Bowl Snacks and the East can play better football..... LOL
Actually I really thought the Steelers were going to lose it for a minute. Then my son made me remember..... that should never have crossed my mind!
As for Valentines Day cards. I mailed mine out and they should have reached everyone by now. I am not really big on Valentines Day. My son and my husband do something for me and the girls and we get them something in return. We just like to keep the tradition.
I hope the Groundhog tells us the spring is on its way. If he doesn't I may have to shoot him!
Have a great day HLA!!!
Good Battle Maureen! Too bad we couldn't have enjoyed all the entries! They have all sounded quite tasty! The HLA win takes a little sting out of the Cardinals was a great game though and the half time show rocked! Have a great day HLA! And careful PETA doesn't see your comment on killing the groundhog!
Good Morning HLA :)
Congrats to AZLori on winning! I was fortunate enough to be in AZLori's company during the game last night! And if all of her other food was any indication of how her salsa was, its no wonder she won! Everything was DELICIOUS!!
Michelle - if you didn't see my post (last one on Friday) look at it, and get your mailing info to me :)
Happy Ground Hog Day! A special holiday for a Pennsylvania native!!
Congrats Lori!
Kristen- thank you for giving your $20 Chinese New Year money back to HLA. I then won the Starbucks gift card. I went to Claudia's Starbucks this morning and the drive through patrons were treated on you. :) I hope I created a ripple.
Every 3 - 5 years when Christmas gets too hectic and I don't get our Christmas cards out, I take a deep breath in the new year, regroup and mail out Valentine cards instead. This is not one of those years.
What a beautiful day... the sun is shinning, birds are feeding and my thermometer reads 34 degrees!!
Congrats AZLori... it was a great game. Maureen congratulations to you too! for mailing through thick and thin!!
If anyone is interested... when my kids were in grade school, we made Valentine books.... took all their cute Valentine's they received in class and created our own little flip book, using scrap paper. I will go into more detail for those interested.
I hope today is a great day for everyone!!!
that is an awesome super bowl! i colored my hair yesterday, and now it is bright red. i didn't realize it at the time, but it is festive for this celebration! i am excited for some valentine ideas, i love giving valentines to my friends. most of us are single, so instead of being mopey on valentines day i try to get everyone to celebrate friendship instead of the typical mushy-gushy romantic stuff, haha.
AZLori I said shoot not shoot to kill! Just wound the little sucker! LOL.....
I like the idea of getting my friends together for Valentine's Day since most of us are still single. Something like facials or pedicures and a movie would be fun!
Congrats to AzLori and Michelle! I am also so excited to have won the photo shoot! I don't have a pic of all my kids together yet and that makes me incredibly sad... :-(
So this will be awesome!
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