...all Maintenance Mondays! That's what today is. Actually, that's what this whole week is.
If you are new to Highlowaha, don't go anywhere! We are on the eve of something big and you won't want to miss out. But all good things take time and our blog community is no exception. Next week... Wednesday to be exact... we are celebrating our one-year anniversary. The day will culminate with the Highlowaha People's Choice Award Show, at 8:00 p.m. (CST), right here on our blog. Then, bright and early Thursday morning, Highlowaha followers (AND NEW COMMUNITY MEMBERS) are in for a treat. There will be a big announcement, followed by... well... I can't tell you. It would ruin the surprise.
Before we can get to any of the excitement I just described, we have some work to do. This is our new year and, if it's ok with you, I'd like to get the new year underway by borrowing from the Chinese. You might remember, a few weeks ago, my sharing that the Chinese welcome in the new year by cleaning their entire home, squaring away all debts, and resolving differences with family, friends, and business associates. Hopefully there aren't too many differences to resolve, because I have plenty of "cleaning-up" to do and plenty of debts on which to make good before next Wednesday.
I'll need your help.
Many of you have been with me for 356 days - or 331 posts to be exact. I don't take a single day of your participation lightly and I am grateful every day that you return for more. Part of this community - our relationship - is believing that our time together will amount to something. If I say I am going to do something, you want to know I did it. If you make a suggestion in the comment section you want to know it didn't get ignored and that your ideas were at least taken into consideration. If I successfully get you excited about an idea, and am lucky enough to harness your energy - then in all fairness you want to know the end result.
Here's the hard part.
I suck.
I wake up early, but then I waste time reading or watching CNN. I make lists, ticking off the things I like doing , but pushing the less fun ones to tomorrow. I think big about a new idea, but get lost in small details. I over estimate how much I can fit into a day and then underestimate how long something will take. Go on, I could. You get the picture. I, like everyone else, am flawed.
The good news is there should be no shortage of Maintenance Monday topics. Today all of you (veterans, newbies, and lurkers alike) will help me generate a Mother list of Unfinished Highlowaha Business for which you would like closure, before this year ends next Wednesday. Maybe you want to know the final outcome of our Helping Hands Christmas project, what Shannon ended up doing for Dalton's 100th day of school shirt, or the fate of the ever elusive Altoids Table. You name it. Together we will try to answer as many questions as possible and to make good on as many of our joint ventures as possible.
It'll feel good.. later.
Right now, I am scared out of my mind. This week I'm vulnerable. You get to call me on the carpet for every big and small thing I've ever mentioned and to hold me accountable for doing what I said I was going to do. That's the price I pay. You show up faithfully every day, reading whatever idea I put out there, telling your friends about our community, and supporting whatever the project is we are working on. If it means I get to keep your company, I will willingly move through this week dotting "i"s and crossing "t"s.
Let me help tear off the band aid. I have a short list to help get us going...
- Reading Raynbow
- My plea for a lunch date with Maria Shriver
- Finality on Ray Wattson's Birthday,
- Un-awarded Patchwork Patches
- and a few outstanding prizes that never made it in the mail (Brian and Lori).
Signing off until next Wednesday... just kidding. I'll be back tomorrow...
I'm back in Dallas and glad to be back on highlowaha...though I'll be honest and say I wish I was back on in about an hour vs.. at 5:42am. Lily is still on eastern time after a fun trip to Clearwater.
As far as maintenance items we already talked about one last week, recipes, recipes and more recipes.
My inquiring mind wants to know what ever happened to the family we helped for Christmas???? I dont think I missed something did I? It would be nice to get some follow-up. If I did miss it OOPS!!!
Have a great day HLA!
Kristen... didnt mean to leave you in limbo last night I got called away by my kids and facebook logged off!!!!
Peggy..... please tell me my check made it there today!!! I am losing faith in the USPS! (not like I had much to begin with)
Good morning, HLA!
I woke up this morning with what I think is pink eye...off to the doctor for me today!
As far as maintenance items, what about pictures from Pen Pal weekend?
I definitely would like to know what happened with the altoid table, because that thing was so cool!
I would still like to finish our sewing goal! I admit, I totally dropped the ball when my first (and second) idea didn't work out. But I have a new goal now, and am beginning to form a plan on how I am actually going to accomplish it.
Maureen~ I don't work 'til three, so I will let you know if I got the check in the mail.
I was wondering about Helping Hand too and the coke rewards, how long is that going on, and what does she get for all the rewards collected?
Claudia, did you finish your craft closet?
Aside from what you mentioned, the Altoid Table and HH family in particular, what will Julie be doing while living in Surprise, AZ?
oooohh Surprise, AZ is a good one!
So far we have:
Reading Raynbow
Helping Hand
Altoid's Tables
Ray's Birthday
Maria Shriver and Let's Do Lunch... Did anyone complete their list?
What did Shannon do for 100 day?
Unawarded Prizes
Recipes... from the Olympics and Snack Throwdown
Pen Pal Weekend Photos
Kat's Sewing Goal... I need a refresher as to what that actually was.
Coke Rewards
Claudia's Craft Closet
Julie in Surpise, AZ
I'd like to see the items from the Olympics including the Feng Shui Toilet Paper Holder decoration and the cards made for National Cream Filled Donut Day.
That's quite a list!
What ever happened to Stanley?
Where is Sugar Ray?
What did the Struble's name Matt's 40th birthday party?
Cheryl... thanks for the Record keeping. My mind is a swirl of activity right now. Any chance I can get you to send me your growing and comprehensive list at the end of the day?
I'm wondering when and where the next Taste of USA trip will be held. I'm ready to start plannning now!
Also, too, an answer can be...(and not an excuse for laziness or busy- ness) nothing happened, or it didn't go anywhere, still working on it... it bombed! That's okay.... sort of, at least it would be an answer!
YAY Amy! "Wanna dance Mr. Chicken?"
Where will Taste of USA go next year? Not so much an update of unfinished business and more of something really fun to look forward to.
Peggy, you make me laugh because I'm sure all of those answers will be used. :)
And yes Claudia. I will email you a list tonight.
Coke Rewards update by region
I wanted to hear about the family at Christmas and that has been mentioned.
Well Julie....you almost got away with not having to surprise Surprise!
Not a chance, Lori. In fact I was thinking she would solicit your help for one of our stunts!
Oh joy.....remember with today's economy I need my job...as I imagine Julie does...you know..her jeep payment and all! Keep the stunts within reason!
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