In the event you are a newcomer dropping in for the first time today... welcome. Our blog community is in the process of ending a successful year of idea sharing and community building. We have committed this week to closing out Unfinished Business, so that come February 18 we can celebrate with a clear conscience. The celebration, by the way, is a Red Carpet affair beginning right here on Wednesday, February 18 at 8:00 p.m. CST. Membership not required to attend. The only thing we ask... dress in your nicest, glitziest duds.
I purchased a 11x17 hook rug in 2000, because I thought it would make nice holiday gift for a friend who collects them. I counted the total number of rows, divided them by the total number of days between when it was purchased and Christmas day and determined I needed to do 10 rows a night in order to get the hook rug done on time. It's the same approach I used to assure completion of the needle point replica of, the then, .32 cent heart stamp. I imagined the finished needlepoint project - turned pillow - as a thoughtful birthday present for my friend Dawn. She was 32 the year I had the idea. She's 45 now and I still have the project tucked away somewhere. I liked the idea of "hooking" the rug in the same way I liked the idea of needle pointing a pillow for my friend. Truth is, I am no more a hook-er (or hook rugger?) than I am a needle-pointer.
Today's unfinished business is, for some reason, harder to swallow, than the hook rug and needlepoint projects of 10 or 15 years ago. Maybe it's because, today's failures aren't just personal. They impact large numbers of people and basically represent my inability to responsibly capture the energy of all of you. No, today's report isn't pretty, but it's real and, on some level, represents the inevitable disappointments of working with someone whose eyes are way bigger than her stomach.
Reading Raynbow: Success turned flop. Julie and Melanie did a masterful job of coordinating our blog's first ever Book Club. They developed a logo, selected a book, and facilitated thoughtful discussion about Gary Paush's book, The Last Lecture. Along the way I made mental notes of suggestions I wanted to pass along to Julie and Melanie about how we might maintain, and even grow, the small following they so successfully created. Some were my suggestions and some were on behalf of Book Club participants. One day turned into two, two days turned into three, and three days turned into four. Then days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and my feedback never made it to the our dynamic duo. Somewhere in all of that, the Highlowaha Book Club died a long and slow death. Is that the last word on this venture? That, I don't know. But I do know it is where this chapter of Reading Raynbow ends for now.
Altoid Table: Bust, butt.... This one is perhaps the most painful, so I will be brief and hope I can make the recant of this as quick and painless (for me) as possible. We whack Altoid Containers on a typical Whack on the Side of the Head Wednesday. Lots of great ideas are offered up. Artnme shares great idea and then Tera turns it into something award winning. The idea for an Altoid Trinket Table is born. Readers are excited and start sending me in droves of small items to fit in each of "Altoid treasure boxes." I secure two end tables to which the Altoid Treasure Boxes will be affixed. Tables get painted, Boxes filled with quotes and attached to the tables. Process doesn't work. Tins have to be chipped off the table and we start from scratch. Enthusiasm and patience is wearing thin. Gather 38 new tins and re-secure them to tables. Hopeful the new adhesive worked... until Jack "jacks" with the table and the tins pop right back off. Disgusted. Tables still sit in garage 90% done. Claudia in need of a serious kick in the... butt.
Julie in Surprise: Bust or Brilliant? Again, Claudia puts an idea out there and loyal readers respond. The idea... spread the spirit of #218 by surprising Surprise Arizona (Julie's residence until May) with some home grown Highlowaha "stunts." Sparks of energy and enthusiasm for the idea fly. Readers make suggestions about tying balloons to light posts, using side walk chalk to send fun messages, and sundry other ideas for providing the element of surprise. Make mental note to call Julie and make sure she's up for the idea. After two weeks realize mental notes don't work. Write it on a my to-do list, because in the interim I had an idea of a stunt our community could do for Valentine's day. Finally I make it enough of a priority to email...just as Julie is leaving town for the full week leading up to Valentine's Day. I snoozed. I "losed." February is gone. That leaves March, April, and May. So will this idea be a bust or will it be brilliant? Let's bring closure right now. If "bust," Julie's off the hook. If "brilliant," who, what, where, when, and how? You decide.
I could continue. Sewing with Kat, Shop HLA.... But, why? Maybe the whole "three strikes and your out" thing is actually an effort to keep people from humiliating themselves. Three strikes. I'm out...
P.S. Join me in the hot seat tomorrow when we, in true Free For All fashion, pose (and respond to) questions about other unfinished business ...
Sorry everyone. I hit send this morning and just realized I had tomorrow's date typed in. Today's post has been sitting in my draft box all morning. Is that strike four?
Sometimes in life...we don't get things done...and that is OK! I believe at some point you claimed to not be Martha Stewart...and lets be real MS has a fleat of helpers and assistants to assure it all gets done.
Dr. B...You make it happen and what is the best part is that you are human and get the ideas rolling...sometimes getting the ball rolling is just as successful as completing a project!
So Life happens.....you never know until you try...major companies have major flops....but they still go on because they have far more success than they have detours! So now that you have counted your non-successes, count your many successes! To get people of varying ages and from different places geographically as well as on life's road to become a group of "friends" is a very cool thing. That's not counting things like Helping Hand etc...I also think you have to consider the fact that you are probably responsible for keeping the USPS from going broke! So reflect on the things that didn't or haven't gone the way you wanted but don't dwell on them! Have a great day HLA!
Eh, I don't think that a few unfinished projects are that big of a deal. Highlowaha has done so many fun and successful projects, that a few are bound to flop. Let's just look forward to the next fun event!
I agree with what everyone else has said...oh and two of those are not at all busted just still "in progress". I have faith that our community can rally around the Altoid tables and Julie's project and they can both be successes for our 2nd year of HLA.
Oh and didn't you give us amnesty this week for all our HLA ventures gone wrong...I think this means you get amnesty as well!!!!
I have not given up on the Altoid's Tables or Julie surprising Surprise, AZ. They are only projects in progress. We have so much going on here at HLA that some things just take longer to be completed. We all have busy lives and though I don't consider these projects failures you do have to fail to succeed. :)
Kudos Claudia!
So what's a little unfinished business?
Failure, a strong word, is relative! Any two people can view the exact same situation, completely different. What's important to one, may NOT be important to other.
Success, however, is defined as a favorable outcome! Could you really succeed without ever TRYING?
Enthusiasm, is a strong excited feeling.
Community, together a group interacts for the common intent, belief, resources, needs and risks.
In the community of HLA, where there is great enthusiasm, we share in the failures and success, of all things, together!
In my job we plan projects or programs but don't always get the off the ground or get the crowd we desired by planning the program- I chalk it up to you won't know till you try and then you try something else- so this week is clearing the thoughts out and deciding what is still worthy of trying and what needs to be scrapped and try something new.
Katie- don't worry about finding an ornament, maybe a JMU sticket to hang in my office -- let me know and I can send you my address.
Claudia- don't you feel better knowing you are getting closure with some of these projects, even if they were not as successful as first thought??? Hope you feel refresehed after this week and ready to start new with the new HLA year.
Bingo, Kelly! Yes. It feels great to cleanse myself even of the lingering expectation and pressure (self-imposed) of these projects.
Onward and upward!
A HUGE congratulations to Robin for having ANOTHER book published.
Aren't we lucky to have a HLA'er who is so esteemed!
Robin you are my idol!
Oh, CKB!!! Don't think I'm letting you "give up" on that Altoid table! Given today's news...add it to the list of things that WILL be happening this summer. I'm not leaving until it's complete!
Yeah, Katie... one of my most conscientious friends for helping assure those darn Altoid tables see the light of da.
Now, what do you mean, "Congratulations, Robin for publishing another book?" Robin... what is the meaning of this? Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know! You've officially just become my idol to, as this is one of many things on my bucket list.
Anxiously awaiting word from Robin!
Thanks guys, not sure who spilled the beans. ;-) I just had a pregnancy book published. I'm really excited about it!
Wow, Robin. Congratulations! That is impressive. Hmmmm... I'm thinking we could have used you as a real resource during the Virtual Baby Shower we had a few weeks ago.
A resident expert right here on our blog. I love it.
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