For all you newcomers, highlowaha is less than one week away from celebrating our One Year Anniversary. It's going to be a week of excitement, reflection, celebration, and even a few surprises. The festivities peak on Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. when we host highlowaha's first ever People's Choice Award Show. It's a red carpet event, so dust off your cumber buns and boas and get ready for a night of recognition. If you're a veteran, it will be a nice way to recap our year. If your new to our site, it will be a great way to find out what you've been missing and to jump right in to the fun.
Tuesday, people. Wednesday, service initiatives. Yesterday, programs. Today a few miscellaneous items and then space for you to Free For All. It is a chance for you to go directly to the source and get answers to whatever question marks you have about projects undertaken or ideas shared over the course of this year. Hopefully all the usual suspects will tune in today, so the maximum number of questions can be answered.
I have quite a few items to cover, so I'll keep my updates honest, but brief.
Flat Stanley: Flat Stanley, an initiative started early on in Highlowaha's history, made it from Texas to Canada. He got lost in the mail, so a clone was hatched and resent from Texas to Pennsylvania (by way of CSPgrad in Kentucky). He got to Pennsylvania just in time for Tera and Treye's wedding. That's the last Stanley was heard of. Truth is, once Ray hit the scene we became way more enamored with him and I was a.o.k if his competition went MIA.
Sugar Ray: Soon after Ray hit the scene, he became restless and decided he couldn't be content living a life in the boring Beeny house. He wanted to spread his wings and travel the globe spreading our good word (in the form of light bulb cookies to be shared with people in our communities). He did a stint at the Yochum house in Euless, Texas where he got the chance to talk about Highlowaha with women at Lifetime Fitness. From there Sugar Ray went to Ohio where the Johnsons hosted him for a period of time and introduced him to Treye's co-workers. From Ohio he went East, ending up at Maureen's Peres's house, where I think he was scheduled to meet up with a troop of Girl Scouts and their mothers. In fact, I think that is still where Sugar Ray is hanging out. I'm guessing he doesn't want to miss Krysten's Sweet 16 bash, coming up next Thursday night. Can you blame him? From there Sugar Ray is supposed to board a plane and head straight for Erie, Pennsylvania where he will be the house guest of loyal reader, Kristen.
Craft Closet: Inquiry was made about my craft closet. The funny thing is, I don't ever remember talking about my craft space - though I'll take any excuse to do so. Instead, I think it was my friend Nicole who, was in the process of redoing a craft closet in her house, and who wanted to pick our brain for favorite nooks and crannies. I emailed Nicole in an attempt to get an update, but she is weeks away from delivering her second child, so I suspect she is otherwise occupied. Nicole... if for some reason you are out there, we love to hear what - if anything - you've done.
In the meantime, I don't mind sharing a picture of my craft space. I like to call it, "My corner of the World." It is literally a corner. On the wall opposite these cabinets are the washer and dryer. Walk through one door and you're in the kitchen area. Walk through the other door and you're in the garage. It's small. It's not glamorous, but it's mine and I love it. Incidentally, the space wasn't there when we moved in. My wonderful husband had it built for me as an anniversary present! One more thing. Because it is my "corner of the world." I am seeking an artist willing to come in and paint it (walls and cabinets) to look like a globe. If you're out there and you're willing, you can stay with me free for however long it takes!
Enough from me, at least for now.
How about I get us going with a question posed on Monday and then a few of my own. Here we go...
Cristine Struble. Monday a reader posed a question inquiring about what you ended up naming Matt's 40th birthday party.
Heather. What did you pack as a gift for your mother, when you met up with her in Florida last week?
Lindsay Marie. What, if anything, did you end up doing for your homesick friend who is studying abroad?
Cassie P. What did you end up doing for your mother's 40th birthday?
Your turn. What question marks do you have about unfinished highlowaha business?
Signing off until tomorrow...
OOOH YAY I get to talk about something...
My mom's birthday is not until April 18th, but I have started planning now that the holidays are over!
It is going to be 80's themed; because that's when she mostly remembers growing up, graduated high school, and I was born! So DUH! haha, also when I was little, she loved madonna, so we have got to be able to play her music.
Currently I am compiling addresses with the help of one of my mom's friends, and my stepdad, so I can send out save-the-date's to everyone because there are a lot of out-of-towners. I plan to send real invites out next month. My stepdad and I also need to find a place to have this big party...and thats where we are right now.
I am sure I will solicit everyones help soon as I get into the real craziness! And thats where its at...
Wow, Cassie! We are going to have a great time helping you brainstorm ideas for an 80's theme! You're talking my generation!!!!! Fun, fun, fun.
Thanks for showing your crafting nook. I just love it!!! I'll paint it, a globe? Like a snow globe? Or the world??? How far away is the airport from your house?? I need a vacation!!!
My bad... November 7 post, with the craft closet... I thought it was yours!
Cassie, how many invites??? You can copy one of Madonna's 80s album covers, burn a CD mix of her music, then on the inside cover, where they write the lyrics etc... you can have the invitation. Then send the actual CD as the invite!!
Since I'm probably as old as your mom... I lived it too, I got ideas if you want them!
I don't have any unfinished business, but I do have to say Happy Friday the 13th!! CKB- I hope this one turns out better for you!
Peggy, I love the CD invite idea...Cassie, I've done something similar to that before, so if you need some pointers...let me know!
Peggy, are you serious?!?! I'm thinking world globe, as opposed to snow globe.
I'm super close to the airport. Think of all the fun you could have paling around with me, Heather, Cheryl, and some of the other Dallas readers!
What did I do for my Mom?
Can I say BUST? With the stress of going out of town to a conference coupled with the stress of travelling with a toddler I just couldn't pull anything grandiose together.
Instead I ended up placing an order for room service breakfast to greet us at 7am...we ate on the balcony of our hotel where I attempted to get Lily to say Happy Birthday...it sounded a little like "Hay bird" but Grandma sure liked it. That evening we went to dinner together at my Mom's choice of restaurant right on the Gulf...it was a nice end to the day. I think the whole trip served as a nice birthday gift...
Matt's birthday party was called - Matt Struble is 40. Very original. The logo was a picture of a man drinking a beer and the words Matt Struble is 40 on it. We had cups, golf towels and golf bags made. You can see some of the pictures at http://www.strublesuds.com/bday2008.html.
Also, if you would like a "Matt" mug - it's white, holds about 22oz of liquid, and has a handle - I'll be happy to send you one. We have a few extras.
Thanks for the interest. We're thinking of another Struble party on May 24 for William - he's turning 2. Any suggestions let us know - maybe the whole Beeny family can make a visit up north.
Cheryl, can you call me? I have a question for you 469.844.3701
Since it's Free for All Friday, let me pose a question that I'm certain you all can help me with.
In 2 weeks, our Residence Life department is celebrating "RA APPRECIATION WEEK" for all our staff members. What sorts of things do you think our RAs would appreciate the most?
Bear in mind, that our supervisor has given us a rather tight budget.
Brian... You are right. This is precisely the kind of thing our readers can help with - regardless of whether or not you work in Student Affairs. We all know what it feels like to be appreciated, so we can just dig into our imaginations for the kinds of things we might like to have.
Some Student Affairs-like ideas are:
Grab bag of coupons to choose from: Night off of duty, one free bulletin board, double your budget for an upcoming program, run a staff meeting, etc....
I remember one year I kidnapped my staff (blind folds and all) and took them to Swensen's for ice cream.
How about involving RHA and getting them to make banners, order a cake to a weekly staff meeting.
Do the residents know? Maybe you could send fliers to residents encouraging them to write a note, stop by and say hello, or organize their own celebration.
Baked goods are always a hit.
Paper Plate Award ceremony.
Maybe a nice card noting the RAs biggest accomplishment of the year to date.
Staff photograph.
A letter home to parents telling of their student's accomplishments. Parents love it and it makes the student feel good too.
One year I woke up early and made my staff breakfast (pancakes, bacon, etc...). I made fancy menus and had representatives from RHA serve as waiters. The fire alarm in the 1000 person building went audible, but that's a story for another day.
There are a few ideas. Now we'll sit back and see what other fun ideas we can come up with.
And, what... no other questions??????
Keep it interesting. Let's pose more questions.
Here are some more ideas:
Night off...I know my RAs are always wanting an extra night off. I'm not sure if that is something you can make happen, but I'm sure they'd love it.
Along the same lines as what Claudia said, I'm planning to have each floor make their RA a "scrap book page" for their RA. I'm planning to give one to each set of roommates, but on such short notice, maybe the floor could make it together for their RA. They can include notes to their RA, pictures from the year, fun inside jokes among their floor, etc.
I had a paper plate award ceremony this past weekend at our staff retreat. At the retreat, I gave some awards out, but they also gave them to each other...those were the funniest ones!! So, I suggest letting them do that too.
Could you do something as simple as decorating all of their doors overnight before the week begins- streamers through the door way, balloons on the door, and a sign noting that it's RA Appreciation Week! That way they would wake up to it on Monday morning.
Make them a meal. Sure, the students love getting off campus to eat, but they absolutely love a home cooked meal! Make something as simple as spaghetti, but they'll know it's from the heart!
T-shirts...have t-shirts made for them or even make them yourself in the office- staff/hall shirts just for them! What college student doesn't love another shirt!
Display board about them....on a bulletin board in your lobby or if you have windows in your lobby, you could post a photo and short bio about each staff member for the whole building to see- a Kudos board to them for the week!
Hi from cold, snowy Cleveland! We had BEAUTIFUL weather the past few days but it's winter...again :(
Wednesday night Treye, me and two of our friends went to Columbus, OH for the USA v. Mexico soccer game. It was AMAZING! If you've never been to a pro soccer game, I totally recommend it!
Stanley has been given to Julie. He's been to NY, PA and AZ with her I think. She's in Vegas now, so I'm not sure when she'll post.
FFAF - What are we doing with the cookbook?
One more thing:
Vote for Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force...they are in the first group of things to vote for in the top right!
My friend (Katie) has been doing much better! I encouraged her to share one positive experience with me whenever she writes, and we've been sending facebook messages back and forth pretty frequently. She's also met some people from her program who she really gets along with, and judging from her pictures she's visited some amazing places. When she was at school here in the US, we kept in touch with snail-mail letters, so I've been writing her letters and I'm going to send them all together once I get a couple more, to save on postage.
CKB - are you serious?
Hey Cheryl,
I'm dropping my SWAK in the mail today. For FFAF I want to know how many SWAKs you've collected so far.
OOOH I love the cd idea! We are inviting quite a few people, though, so I dont know about cost. And YES, katie, I would love some pointers.
Well, since it is FFAF, and Peggy has already offered a great suggestion, I will just ask now. What are some other fun 80's invitation ideas?!
BKROOT...i think you should definitely decorate their doors. That is too fun. And my other idea is to get plastic cups (with something fun on them like smiley faces or whatever) and fill it with candy/chocolate.
Whoa! I read this morning but didn't get to comment. Melanie, I have upwards to 45 lip prints. I have purchased the need items to get the 1st piece started but have not actually started. You can track my progress at www.giveme1000kisses.blogspot.com.
It's fun seeing everyones outcomes.
Peggy! Come to Texas! I'll help you paint.
If you have a print program on your computer, find a picture of your mom (goofy or serious) and print that on your card stock... or those post cards Claudia mentioned around Christmas time,(postcards cost less for postage) then print on the other side with the important invite info.
Or as mentioned, scan a picture with Madonna on it... It could say
" Nancy... Madonna called and she wants her (tweezers back, or lace gloves, ankle boots, pointy bra)"
Do a google search for 80s themed parties.... here's one
Maybe get everyone's email address, and E- invite them.
Put TV characters from the 80s on your invites... ya know, the Smurfs, Saved by the Ball characters, etc. etc.
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