I got a lot of great input yesterday about all the things for which you would like closure (16 things to be exact). I've tried dividing them into "buckets," so each day this week we could address a different theme. Here's how I'm thinking it will shake out. Tuesday, people; Wednesday, service initiatives; Thursday, programs; Friday, miscellaneous and a free for all of questions for one another; Saturday, post your recipes and find out more about the Highlowaha cookbook; and Sunday - yes, Sunday - we will post a few slide shows of pictures from the Olympics and Pen Pal Weekend.
Maria Shriver: Bust. Maria never took me up on my offer to eat lunch together... even though my letter arrived in a bright blue tube with metallic shred, stickers, and ribbon. I'm guessing there is no chance it will happen now - what with all California's furloughed employees and all. I'm guessing she's heavy in the middle of talking Arnold off the ledge. How about you? Did you ever make good on your goal to arrange a lunch with: (1) someone you know, (2) someone you would like to know, and (3) an aspiration person (which is what Maria was for me)?
Frito Lay: Bust. I posted the invitation to Frito Lay on my January 12, 2009 blog. I wrote the post because I was under the distinct impression they had software that searched the internet for any instance when their company name was mentioned. There's a technical term for what this software does, but right now it escapes me. At any rate, either they don't own the software that I thought they did or they are a combination of risk averse and conventional thinkers. National Potato Chip Day is March 14, so maybe we'll use it as an opportunity to approach Proctor and Gamble about giving Pringles the main stage. Frito-Lay, if you're out there, we wish you'd take us up on our January 12 offer (http://www.highlowaha.com/2009/01/frito-lay-chip-in.html).
Babies-R-Us: Pseudo Bust. A representative from Babies-R-Us actually called me after reading my account of the debacle-of-an-experience I had in a New York store on November 9, 2008. We played two full rounds of phone tag and, in the end, never spoke in person. I don't know that the effort was quite enough to get me back in one of their stores anytime soon, but it has made me less compelled to share my scissor saga.
Shannon and 100 day t-shirt: Success. On January 24 a new reader, Shannon, asked our group for input as to what she might use to make her son's 100 Days of School t-shirt. In true form our readers generated a long and healthy list of everything from fish, to buttons, to safety pins, life savers, and so much more. Shannon was nice enough to send me a photo of her final product. Take a look. Congratulations Peggy for offering up the winning idea!

- Your age when you got your driver's license
- Number of siblings you have
- The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks
- Your area code
- Length of time you've lived at your current residence
- Your favorite grade of school
- Number of times you check the blog on an average day
- Number of tickets you've received in the past year
- Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting
- Number of planes you've been on in the past year.
Unless you have a question about people, on which you would like to follow up with another reader, we're done for today. Tomorrow we will tackle Service Projects.
Signing off until then...
Im not sure if we are supposed to answer just one or all of the questions posed, so I will answer them all because theyre fun. Dr. B, you can just take the one you need. Which I would guess is the first anyways because it looks I will be the first poster of the day! Who cares.
Your age when you got your driver's license- 16
Number of siblings you have-4
The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks- ughhhh 1/29 (The price is right)
Your area code- 47172
Length of time you've lived at your current residence- 7 years
Your favorite grade of school- 12
Number of times you check the blog on an average day- 3
Number of tickets you've received in the past year- 0
Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting- 2
Number of planes you've been on in the past year- 14!
I agree Cassie...it is fun to answer all the questions even if knowing only one matters so here goes...
I'm #2 Siblings = 6 (I'm one of 7)
But here are my responses to all the questions
Age of driver's license-19
Favorite post-2/6
Area code-76051
Time at current address-8 months
favorite grade in school-11
Number of times I check blog-HAHAHA-I plead the 5th
Number of tickets in the past year-I've gotten 1 and Bal's gotten 1
Number of Oreo cookies-1...I'm not a big fan
Number of planes you've been on in the past year-12 I think....but I'm sure there were a few connecting flights in there...
Your age when you got your driver's license...16
Number of siblings you have...2
The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks...2/2
Your area code...480
Length of time you've lived at your current residence...16 yrs
Your favorite grade of school...12
Number of times you check the blog on an average day...3
Number of tickets you've received in the past year...0
Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting...3
Number of planes you've been on in the past year...0
Have a great day HLA!
I'm #4, so here you go- Area code =540
All of my responses:
Age of driver's license- 16
Siblings- 2
Favorite post- 2/4
Area code- 540
Time at current address- 6 months
favorite grade in school- 5
Number of times I check blog- on a good day= too many!
Number of tickets in the past year- none (knock on wood!)
Number of Oreo cookies- 3
Number of planes you've been on in the past year- 9 (also some connecting flights in there), but I've been on 3 trips which required air travel in the last year
Good Morning HLA!
Length of time you've lived at your current residence? 8.5 years
I will come back later and answer all the questions. Off to take kiddos to school....
Wow! I loved all the answers to the questions, thanks Claudia!!
I started about the time of "inviting someone to lunch"... I never made an official connection, but I made the effort a few times.
16 when I got my license
1 sibling
2/6 (just a guess)
815 area code
3 years in current home
6th favorite grade (although I'm a dork, I loved school ~ not the peer pressure, but going to school and learning)
13 -2 times 4 ( the number of times I pop in to see your creative ideas)
0 tickets
2 oreos
2 planes (Myrtle Beach)
This is fun! I am going to answer all the questions also. The answer to #6 is 5. All of my responses:
Age of driver's license- 18
Siblings- 3
Favorite post- 6/30
Area code- 870
Time at current address- 2 years
favorite grade in school- 5
Number of times I check blog- 2
Number of tickets in the past year- 0
Number of Oreo cookies- 4
Number of planes you've been on in the past year- 0 :-(
I love that tshirt, Shannon. it turned out so adorable!
Your age when you got your driver's license - I don't have it!
Number of siblings you have - 2
The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks - 1/31/09
Your area code - 856
Length of time you've lived at your current residence - 5 months
Your favorite grade of school - 5
Number of times you check the blog on an average day - 2
Number of tickets you've received in the past year - 0
Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting - 5
Number of planes you've been on in the past year. - 0
I think I'm question #9.
1Your age when you got your driver's license - 16
2Number of siblings you have- 2.5
3The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks- 2/5
4Your area code- 817
5Length of time you've lived at your current residence- 1.5
6Your favorite grade of school- 11
7Number of times you check the blog on an average day- 5
8Number of tickets you've received in the past year- 0
9Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting- 3
10Number of planes you've been on in the past year- 2
Crap. I forgot my subscribe to comment button. Don't mind me. Next.
I'm 10...here we go:
Number of planes you've been on in the past year...3
Your age when you got your driver's license...16
Number of siblings you have...0
The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks...2/9
Your area code...814
Length of time you've lived at your current residence...6 months
Your favorite grade of school...10
Number of times you check the blog on an average day...5
Number of tickets you've received in the past year...0
Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting...6 or 9
that didn't take us long!
Now I'll jump in with a lunch report.
I met with my people I already know (my friends in Louisville before I left town, and my aspiration person (Don Gehring)but amazingly my person I didn't already know was Cheryl and while we have had many lunches/dinners together and now know one another well we haven't ever had THE lunch.
What about others?
Let's Do Lunch Report.
I completed the People I Know Lunch with a girl from work that I wanted to get to know better and we are fast friends now.
People I want to Know
See Heather's note. I think we should just check this done as we have been together many times.
Aspiring Contacts
I couldn't decide who my aspiring contact would be and threw out Kellie Rasberry from KKIM Show. I never wrote to her. Slacker!
Cassie and Heather...Where do you live that your area code sounds like a zip code?
Kristen...In my own world.
My area code is 817.
Thanks guys for the ideas. Dalton loved his Monster with 100 eyes! My favorite shirt I saw at school that day was on one of my friend's triplets - 100 rays of sunshine. She did a half sun in gold glitter on each side and then did 50 squiggly lines of different colors for the "rays." Her other two daughters had 100 felt flowers and 100 ribbons tied around the arms, hem line and neck line.
Anonymous... if you are out there. 6 or 9 Oreos? My equation doesn't allow to ride the fence. In the event we don't hear from Anonymous today, what's consensus on what we ought to do? Pick either 6 or 9?, Take the average, use someone else's number. The fate of Ray's birthday hangs in the balance.
Yikes, sorry about all the typos! It's been a "full" day.
Use 69.
I agree with Cheryl.
well considering it was so early in the morning, i must have been half asleep still. DUH my AREA CODE is 502...im a dummy (and that makes you one too, heather!) ;-)
Your age when you got your driver's license: 19
Number of siblings you have: 3
The date of your favorite post in the past two weeks: 2-4
Your area code: 15601
Length of time you've lived at your current residence: 2.5 years
Your favorite grade of school: 11
Number of times you check the blog on an average day 2
Number of tickets you've received in the past year? 0
Number of Oreo cookies you typically eat in one sitting? 4
Number of planes you've been on in the past year. 0
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